He supposedly got 81 million votes.

Maybe it was just a coincidence that counting was halted when Trump to their surprise was winning key swing districts and the election, then at 3am shit tons of Biden votes appeared out of thin air.

Laughing.....yeah, you might want to check again on who called for all vote counting to stop. It wasn't Biden.

Trump calls for vote counting to stop as path to victory narrows, Biden urges all to 'stay calm'​

Mac, I hate to stick a pin in your bubble, but the Democrat Deep state has embedded people to continue their high-and-mighty Alinsky list following to get totalitarian power over the land of the free and the brave whose heroes and American ancestors they are trying to erase. They want the kind of total power that attracts subjugation and slavery of the masses, with special attention to dooming their adversaries to a lifetime of paying such high taxes they won't be able to put food on the table much less afford a hundred thousand dollars for cars that are inconveniently plugged into very expensive receptacles that take hours to get them to start again to their destination, and several such layovers if they are driving cross country. Pretty soon they are going to cancel cash, so nobody has a chance of surviving their crooked plans to steal money from people based on their opponents' political views to live and spend conservatively. The great minds online are telling everyone to invest in gold, when many have emptied their nest egg to get by on for the past two years and counting price raises that are twice the original cost at best. Last time I was at the grocery store, the hamburger I used to get for $5 for meatloaf is now $19.00. I almost fainted, and got myself out of Walmart fast when I saw that price tag. Just yesterday, Joe Biden, who opened up the border was driveling on about how the border he opened was all Donald Trump's fault. I had a hard time believiing my ears. Trump hasn't been in the White House for almost two and a half years, and the smarter people in the Democrat Party are not cheering his lies on with enthusiasm any more. I think Biden is very dangerous to the future of unity in the United States. I mean you no ill will because of your party, and because Democrat voters felt compelled to vote for a sick old man whose conscience is on a steep ride downhill on a one-way frozen trail. :(

Inflation is bipartisan, and you know it. Biden has many accomplishments, you fears are unfounded.
Laughing.....yeah, you might want to check again on who called for all vote counting to stop. It wasn't Biden.

Trump calls for vote counting to stop as path to victory narrows, Biden urges all to 'stay calm'​

I have no use for Dem cheater fake news posts.
What is your evidence?

don't say it's already been posted, I looked, it isn't there

There are elaborate *promises* of *future* evidence. But if you ask to see the evidence of Biden's criminality.......

......you get equally elaborate excuses for why they don't have any.

Compare that with over 30 felony indictments, multiple grand jury investigations, Trump business criminal fraud convictions, and Trump sexual abuse civil findings.

No wonder they are making excuses.
I'm going to ignore your fake news posts, tissue?

More accurately, you're going to ignore Trump calling for an end to vote counting.

Your concession is accepted with all the grace and patience it deserves.
And first piece of 'evidence', first link....

View attachment 783887

Shocker. Once again, you never bothered to check your sources.
You do not think things like that are being purged from the internet. Think again. Anything that shows the people investigating were fucked over is going to be gone. They are very serious about the coverup.
You do not think things like that are being purged from the internet. Think again. Anything that shows the people investigating were fucked over is going to be gone. They are very serious about the coverup.

So you're offering me links as 'evidence'.....that you either knew were dead, or never bothered to check.

Neither scenario bodes well for your credibility.
So you're offering me links as 'evidence'.....that you either knew were dead, or never bothered to check.

Neither scenario bodes well for your credibility.
Some are dead, some are not. I explained why. Not good enough for you? Too bad.
Anyone that thinks this nation is better under Biden after Trump is a partisan asshole
A couple of weeks back, between school and mall shootings, I saw a reporter asking simple questions of people on the street and discovered a lit of people don't know who represents their area in the senate, Congress, name of their own State Governor. It's no wonder it's so easy for they believe the only person they heard about coincided with the MSM's viewpount since they may not know if the voice they hear is lying or telling the truth. Spending less because of high prices results
Inflation is bipartisan, and you know it. Biden has many accomplishments, you fears are unfounded.
Apparently, Sir Rumpole, you have no link to public television in the United States. Quite frankly, President Biden is toast for extorting money from Foreign Aid countries on a serial basis. There's not much the leftist communism-promoting, creepy lying MSM press can do now. The trial of the century is imminent. The hard evidence is in, and President Biden and his pathetic son are soon to get measured for orange prison jump suits. The number 51 CIA agents who signed a letter Biden smeared President Trump in the public debate in 2020. Biden kicked the Constitution of the United States in the ass. For that, there is either going to be justice or a civil war to protect President Trump from the damn assholes who signed those lies to be truth that were made known by the Hunter Biden computer information the CIA that I think likely made the 51 signers quite wealthy, although not one of them will ever work for the United States government while they serve out whatever Federal Prison sentences they will be serving. Biden actively and maliciously went after breaking American banks, kickng FDIC guarantees into oblivion. It's frightening. Biden has thrown all taxpayers under the bus except for those who broadcast the DNC lies all over the world wide web. Without the 51 CIA signers of the lies against President Trump, we'd have 100,000 dead from Mexican and Central American Drug murderers poisoning the fentanyl to kill a lot of Americans who are young, some as young as 5 years old whose parents thought they were giving him a good night's sleep. Problem is, the children taking fentanyl for relaxing at night may simply never wake up. Biden has pissed on the Constitution for possibly the last time. I hope he is placed under arrest tomorrow morning if not this evening.

Migrants need to turn back, because the act of illegally mugging their way into this country is going bye-bye.
Some are dead, some are not. I explained why. Not good enough for you? Too bad.

Laughing.....you've never followed them. You have no idea what is at the end of the links. You're in the 'spamming' phase of your conspiracy. WHere you can't logically support your claims. So you just start spamming dead links and random accusations.

If your claims had merit, you wouldn't have to run.

Prove the existence of 10s of millions of 'fake ballots'. Your entire conspiracy is predicated on something you have zero evidence for.

That's how much we (including those of us who would not have normally voted for Biden or any other Democrat) wanted the orange buffoon out of office.

We had to vote for a guy who was/is clearly too old and not all that exciting. We had to lower our standards, hold our nose, ignore our distaste for the Democratic Party, and vote for him. That's what we thought and think of the profoundly damaged child who was running against him.

I know Trumpsters just can't believe that the whole country doesn't adore their earthly deity like they do, but it's true.
Sounds like you voted with your emotions. Yikes

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