He wasn't kidding: Federal agents conduct immigration enforcement raids in at least six states

He's not waiting for anything. He's doing that right now.

I'm really disappointed. All he's been doing is picking up one here and there. Why not raid factories or markets?

He can't move too fast. The snowflakes would be marching in the street and setting cars on fire. You know how violent liberals are.

Nah....... Obama administration did these many many times........ but no snowflakes in the street. Hmmmmm wondering why is that?

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’

Illegal Workers Swept From Jobs in ‘Silent Raids’

Guest workers, like those above, have replaced more than 500 undocumented workers fired in December from Gebbers Farms in Brewster, Wash.
JULY 9, 2010
BREWSTER, Wash. — The Obama administration has replaced immigration raids at factories and farms with a quieter enforcement strategy: sending federal agents to scour companies’ records for illegal immigrant workers.

While the sweeps of the past commonly led to the deportation of such workers, the “silent raids,” as employers call the audits, usually result in the workers being fired, but in many cases they are not deported.

Over the past year, Immigration and Customs Enforcement has conducted audits of employee files at more than 2,900 companies. The agency has levied a record $3 million in civil fines so far this year on businesses that hired unauthorized immigrants, according to official figures. Thousands of those workers have been fired, immigrant groups estimate.

He's not waiting for anything. He's doing that right now.

I'm really disappointed. All he's been doing is picking up one here and there. Why not raid factories or markets?
Because there are no mass deportations. These are people who already have a deportation order.

That mean he lied to you and the rest of his followers. Sad isn't it.
Nah....... Obama administration did these many many times........ but no snowflakes in the street. Hmmmmm wondering why is that?

Probably because the snowflake machine (MSM) didn't bother reporting it. It's only an issue now that we have a Republican President, hence, the OP of this thread.
Obama hid information and didn't tell us how many illegals are in prison...

illegals are more likely to commit a crime than legals. FACT.
Nah....... Obama administration did these many many times........ but no snowflakes in the street. Hmmmmm wondering why is that?

Probably because the snowflake machine (MSM) didn't bother reporting it. It's only an issue now that we have a Republican President, hence, the OP of this thread.

Nah......... why would snowflakes like Breitbart or Faux News failed to report that?
It's an issue now because he made big promises to his followers that he need to keep. So far ................pure disappointment............ every time he picked up one lousy illegal........ well published ............. then some are released. Crap.

DREAMer Daniela Vargas freed, immigration group says
Nah....... Obama administration did these many many times........ but no snowflakes in the street. Hmmmmm wondering why is that?

Probably because the snowflake machine (MSM) didn't bother reporting it. It's only an issue now that we have a Republican President, hence, the OP of this thread.

Nah......... why would snowflakes like Breitbart or Faux News failed to report that?
It's an issue now because he made big promises to his followers that he need to keep. So far ................pure disappointment............ every time he picked up one lousy illegal........ well published ............. then some are released. Crap.

DREAMer Daniela Vargas freed, immigration group says

Because Breibart is not really MSM, and Fox can barely be considered MSM. The big three however hit a lot more people so it then becomes an issue. Sometimes all three do it at once.
the left repeats that 'we are a nation of immigrants' without citing the other half of that fact...'who assimilate into America'.
from the NYT...

"It was a moment of great joy, and then fear. Ammi Arevalo found out she was pregnant in early February, not long after President Donald Trump signed two executive orders ramping up enforcement of immigration law and deportations. Her first reaction was happiness, mixed with some low-level financial anxiety, but almost immediately a dark foreboding took over her thoughts. As an undocumented immigrant, Arevalo already dreads an early morning knock on her door from immigration agents. That’s why she’s now researching midwives and plans to give birth in her apartment, just like a friend who recently had her baby boy at home for the same reason. “I’m just trying to hide from ICE, because the moment I go to the hospital they are going to ask for my name,” Arevalo says, crying softly into her green tea on the patio of a Starbucks in West Houston. “With the new laws that Trump signed, I’m afraid I’m going to get arrested.”"

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