He will die in jail

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They are mentally ill, Leftism is a mental illness, most of them are already ready for the rubber room, most of them already probably have the special underwear on to stop them crapping on the floor.

Here's the obvious question. Why is an alleged Austrian poster pushing Russian propaganda to Americans?

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say

Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery — including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human “trolls,” and networks of websites and social-media accounts — echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers. The effort also sought to heighten the appearance of international tensions and promote fear of looming hostilities with nuclear-armed Russia.

It's a legit question. Your posts ALWAYS mirror the Russian positions on issues. ALWAYS. You describe Putin in glowing terms.

This is the only explanation that makes sense.

Here's the question you are NOT in the FZ now.

Go away, I attempted to have a cordial discussion with you last night, now you are back to your usual shit, take your shit where it belongs back downstairs.

If you want to be upstairs you do not bring shit from downstairs upstairs.

I will not be responding to you anymore, it's impossible to have a normal discussion with you, any response you post to me no matter what it is will be deliberatey ignored by me, I don't waste my time on Flame Trolls.

I will respond to sensible, normal and relatively civil posters, you are none of those things.

Now fuck off.
Here's the obvious question. Why is an alleged Austrian poster pushing Russian propaganda to Americans?.
WHY has the left gone THIS bat-shit-crazy over 1 political election loss, to the point where they are frothing at the mouth while calling for military coups and assassination of the newly elected President?

I mean after losing over 1,000 political elections over the last 8 years under Obama and KNOWING they were running the worst Presidential Candidate in US history, you would think they would have gotten used to election losses AND would have expected Hillary to lose!

You are psychotic again today huh? Up your meds, the one's you were on last night when you were relatively normal and not frothing at the mouth.

Putin doesn't pay me to post you nut.

It's interesting how your positions mirror his, exactly.

You aren't worried about Russia tampering in US or European elections
You're anti gay.
You're anti-jew.
You're pro U.S./Russia alliance.
You're anti-muslim.
You focus your fears on the NK and Iran, who are poor, impoverished nations that don't pose a real threat to the U.S., but are geographically close enough to pose a problem for Russia.

I think it's clear that you're a Russian propagandist.

Go away you psychotic nut, why anyone should even discuss anything with someone as mentally unstable as you I don't know, you will be responded to like all the mentally unstable lunatics are responded to.

You illustrate how ignorant and basically stupid you are, you did this with your pathetic responses last night about Iran and North Korea.

YOU are anti-Jew you freak, I posted an article from The Jerusalem Post that you ignored, here it is again, you obviously want Iran to military attack Israel. Now fuck off and go and masturbate to your Hitler porn you sad fat psychotic nut.

Here, copy and paste of part of my post from last night, you uneducated Kool-Aid drinking lunatic and Jew hater:

Iran, you need to pay attention to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he's the one who has the actual power in Iran and not President Hassan Rouhani.

This is the most very recent article from The Jerusalem Post.

Iran continues to call for Israel’s destruction despite nuclear deal

You sound angry. I guess it sucks to be exposed.

Here's some more information on Russian propagandists and how they work in the west.

Leading American Neo-Fascist Is Married To A Pro-Putin Propagandist | The Intellectualist

Richard Spencer, who has emerged as the face of the latest attempt to “intellectualize” white supremacy, is married to a Russian scholar who publishes pro-Kremlin propaganda.

Nina Kouprianova, who also writes under the name Nina Byzantina, publishes articles lionizing Vladimir Putin, criticizing western media and appears on the Kremlin-funded RT network to promote anti-Ukraine talking points.

Spencer, the head of the innocuously named National Policy Institute, has also appeared on anti-American segments broadcast by RT, although the English-language network does not highlight his relationship to Kouprianova.

However, a profile posted on the Neo-Nazi Wermod & Wermod Publishing Group’s website shows the couple dining together with British psychology professor Richard Lynn, whose writings attempt to link ethnicity and race to intelligence.

The couple, who have a young daughter together, are currently separated, according to a recent Washington Post profile, which identifies Byzantina by her married name and does not detail her work.

“What I’m doing is hard,” he told the newspaper. “It can have a toll on a relationship.”

Kouprianova has also translated the work of Russian political scientist Aleksandr Dugin, who has been linked to nationalist and fascist groups in his home country, although she attacks Ukraine’s leadership as fascist in her writings and television appearance.

It's not an accident that you're a white nationalist and pro-Putin.
Here's the obvious question. Why is an alleged Austrian poster pushing Russian propaganda to Americans?.
WHY has the left gone THIS bat-shit-crazy over 1 political election loss, to the point where they are frothing at the mouth while calling for military coups and assassination of the newly elected President?

I mean after losing over 1,000 political elections over the last 8 years under Obama and KNOWING they were running the worst Presidential Candidate in US history, you would think they would have gotten used to election losses AND would have expected Hillary to lose!


Hillary was a terrible candidate. I make no excuses for her.

But...You don't think it's a concern for Russia to meddle in an American election? To leak hacked documents to the public to skew public opinion? To deploy trolls like Lucy to circulate misinformation? To compromise our white house?
"The DNC Candidate took millions from nations that supports terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdering women, and murders gays...and took money from Russian companies run by Ex-KGB ... and took money while helping influence a deal that sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

Your EX-President negotiated an UN-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, a terrorist supporting / funding nation...

I think it is clear you are an ignorant, partisan snowflake."

All of what you said.

She hates Israel and also is an anti-Semite, Pillars hates Jews and white people, she has sex with black men though in exchange for money.

Again, your posts mirror Putin's positions on NK and Iran. They mirror his positions on gays and jews and blacks and muslims. They mirror his positions on Syria. They mirror his positions on Russia.

Why does an Austrian woman spend so much time pushing a Russian agenda on an American bulletin board?

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say

Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery — including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human “trolls,” and networks of websites and social-media accounts — echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers. The effort also sought to heighten the appearance of international tensions and promote fear of looming hostilities with nuclear-armed Russia.

"Why does an Austrian woman spend so much time pushing a Russian agenda on an American bulletin board?"

Last comment, Russia is not a threat to my nation or my Continent, just like it's not a threat to your nation, you are too ignorant and too stupid to even register this.

This is an American bulletin board, however I am one of many International members here and fucking American morons like YOU threaten stability because morons like you are basically pushing for an actual war with Russia.

So are you going to enlist in the American Army and go and fight in a war with Russia? Well they'd reject you probably, you are too old and too fat.
I don't hate jews? :dunno:
I didn't say you did, dear. I was talking about how the DNC was exposed as racist, sexist, homophobic anti-Semites and how HILLARY was an obvious anti-Semite.

She does hate Jews, she wants Iran to do something to Israel.

We must be alert Pillars will summon some of her friends from below soon to come and help her, she can't cope on her own without her um army of three or four.
Here's the question you are NOT in the FZ now.

Go away, I attempted to have a cordial discussion with you last night, now you are back to your usual shit, take your shit where it belongs back downstairs.

If you want to be upstairs you do not bring shit from downstairs upstairs.

I will not be responding to you anymore, it's impossible to have a normal discussion with you, any response you post to me no matter what it is will be deliberatey ignored by me, I don't waste my time on Flame Trolls.

I will respond to sensible, normal and relatively civil posters, you are none of those things.

Now fuck off.

I haven't flamed you. I've pointed out how closely your positions mirror those of Putin's and asked why that is.

It is an odd anomaly that an Austrian woman would spend so much time on an American political forum pushing Putin's agenda.

Don't you think?
Here's the question you are NOT in the FZ now.

Go away, I attempted to have a cordial discussion with you last night, now you are back to your usual shit, take your shit where it belongs back downstairs.

If you want to be upstairs you do not bring shit from downstairs upstairs.

I will not be responding to you anymore, it's impossible to have a normal discussion with you, any response you post to me no matter what it is will be deliberatey ignored by me, I don't waste my time on Flame Trolls.

I will respond to sensible, normal and relatively civil posters, you are none of those things.

Now fuck off.

I haven't flamed you. I've pointed out how closely your positions mirror those of Putin's and asked why that is.

It is an odd anomaly that an Austrian woman would spend so much time on an American political forum pushing Putin's agenda.

Don't you think?

"Okay, as you are adding to my ratings by giving me the Funny thing, I'll reward you with a response."

I am not pushing Putin's agenda also you have no problem with other non-Americans pushing the Democratic Party agenda do you, or when other non-Americans trash Trump or when they were cheerleading for Hillary.
But...You don't think it's a concern for Russia to meddle in an American election? To leak hacked documents to the public to skew public opinion? To deploy trolls like Lucy to circulate misinformation? To compromise our white house?
1. Obama himself declared that foreign governments attempt to hack each other and their elections all the time. (To prove it, Obama and the DHS was caught trying to hack the Georgia election system 12 times..and they failed every time.)

2. The DNC should not have engaged in such piss-poor cyber security procedures and processes to make it so easy for anyone to hack their servers and e-mails. Using 'password' as your 'password'? Oh please!

3. I know you have a personal problem with Lucy, but don't act like a 'troll' and attempt to insult our intelligence by suggesting she is a 'Russian Plant'. :p

4 (BONUS) As I have pointed out, Obama himself, along with the DHS, did more to attempt to affect the outcome by trying to hack the US election Voting System...and Liberals did FAR more than Russia did - Snowflakes should accept that FACT!
But...You don't think it's a concern for Russia to meddle in an American election? To leak hacked documents to the public to skew public opinion? To deploy trolls like Lucy to circulate misinformation? To compromise our white house?
1. Obama himself declared that foreign governments attempt to hack each other and their elections all the time. (To prove it, Obama and the DHS was caught trying to hack the Georgia election system 12 times..and they failed every time.)

2. The DNC should not have engaged in such piss-poor cyber security procedures and processes to make it so easy for anyone to hack their servers and e-mails. Using 'password' as your 'password'? Oh please!

3. I know you have a personal problem with Lucy, but don't act like a 'troll' and attempt to insult our intelligence by suggesting she is a 'Russian Plant'. :p

4 (BONUS) As I have pointed out, Obama himself, along with the DHS, did more to attempt to affect the outcome by trying to hack the US election Voting System...and Liberals did FAR more than Russia did - Snowflakes should accept that FACT!

Tell me...why would an Austrian woman spend so much time on an American political forum pushing a Pro-Putin agenda?

Just think about that one for a second. If you can.
But...You don't think it's a concern for Russia to meddle in an American election? To leak hacked documents to the public to skew public opinion? To deploy trolls like Lucy to circulate misinformation? To compromise our white house?
1. Obama himself declared that foreign governments attempt to hack each other and their elections all the time. (To prove it, Obama and the DHS was caught trying to hack the Georgia election system 12 times..and they failed every time.)

2. The DNC should not have engaged in such piss-poor cyber security procedures and processes to make it so easy for anyone to hack their servers and e-mails. Using 'password' as your 'password'? Oh please!

3. I know you have a personal problem with Lucy, but don't act like a 'troll' and attempt to insult our intelligence by suggesting she is a 'Russian Plant'. :p

4 (BONUS) As I have pointed out, Obama himself, along with the DHS, did more to attempt to affect the outcome by trying to hack the US election Voting System...and Liberals did FAR more than Russia did - Snowflakes should accept that FACT!

"3. I know you have a personal problem with Lucy, but don't act like a 'troll' and attempt to insult our intelligence by suggesting she is a 'Russian Plant'. :p"

Thank you.
Liberals would know everything about how a 'Guilty' Person acts - one of their ran the nation for 8 years and the other failed a 2nd time to get the chance to do so. :p
Yet it was Trump who ended up having to pay $25 Million restitution to the folks he had ripped off and a Million dollar fine to the Government for the scam...
Tell me...why would an Austrian woman spend so much time on an American political forum pushing a Pro-Putin agenda? Just think about that one for a second. If you can.
The same reason as an African American, and Irishman, an Italian, a Cherokee...and whatever Lakhota is ( :) )...

You do know we are a land made up of many different nationalities, don't you, snowflake?
"Why does an Austrian woman spend so much time pushing a Russian agenda on an American bulletin board?"
Why did a Jew who worked for the Nazis try so hard to get Hillary elected?

They LOVE George Soros, they won't have anything said about him, there are many who are paid to post by the Soros Foundation, myself and few other members caught another one the other day.

The Left are the Fascists, they act like Fascists also.
Yet it was Trump who ended up having to pay $25 Million restitution to the folks he had ripped off and a Million dollar fine to the Government for the scam...
And it was the Clintons who were paid millions for speaking engagements by a company that was run by Ex-KGB. What's your point again?
But...You don't think it's a concern for Russia to meddle in an American election? To leak hacked documents to the public to skew public opinion? To deploy trolls like Lucy to circulate misinformation? To compromise our white house?
1. Obama himself declared that foreign governments attempt to hack each other and their elections all the time. (To prove it, Obama and the DHS was caught trying to hack the Georgia election system 12 times..and they failed every time.)

2. The DNC should not have engaged in such piss-poor cyber security procedures and processes to make it so easy for anyone to hack their servers and e-mails. Using 'password' as your 'password'? Oh please!

3. I know you have a personal problem with Lucy, but don't act like a 'troll' and attempt to insult our intelligence by suggesting she is a 'Russian Plant'. :p

4 (BONUS) As I have pointed out, Obama himself, along with the DHS, did more to attempt to affect the outcome by trying to hack the US election Voting System...and Liberals did FAR more than Russia did - Snowflakes should accept that FACT!

Tell me...why would an Austrian woman spend so much time on an American political forum pushing a Pro-Putin agenda?

Just think about that one for a second. If you can.

I repeat I am not pushing a pro-Putin agenda.

You are not in the FZ now Pillars, where you can whine who should be allowed and who shouldn't be allowed in your um domain.
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