He will die in jail

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Why did you post this thread on the IDENTICAL TOPIC to an existing thread you had ALREADY posted in:

Your post # 62 proves this.

Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says
Why do you care, mini maude?

Oh, I forgot...putin is paying you per post.

Make sure you say something about NK and Iran, mmkay? Putie wants to get his money's worth.

Also, the jews. The jews are somehow involved in all of this. And muslims.

Because it cannot possibly be that people in our intelligence services (and those of our allies) believe that Trump is a threat to the west.

Right? Putie is our best buddy ever, and we should link arms and go to war on his behalf in Syria against the evil muslims.

You are psychotic again today huh? Up your meds, the one's you were on last night when you were relatively normal and not frothing at the mouth.

Putin doesn't pay me to post you nut.
I hope Obama is put into a comfortable jail......

Just imagine how badly Trump's skin color is going to clash with an orange jumpsuit.
Trump's defense chief Mattis: 'Very little doubt' that Russia interferes with elections
Source: Reuters

16 FEB 2017 AT 08:39 ET

U.S. President Donald Trump’s defense secretary on Thursday said he did not see the conditions for military collaboration with Russia, in a blow to Moscow’s hopes for repairing ties with the United States following Trump’s election.

“We are not in a position right now to collaborate on a military level. But our political leaders will engage and try to find common ground,” Mattis told reporters after talks at NATO headquarters in Brussels.

Asked whether he believed that Russia interfered in U.S. presidential elections, Mattis said: “Right now, I would just say there’s very little doubt that they have either interfered or they have attempted to interfere in a number of elections in the democracies.”

Mattis’ remarks came shortly after his Russian counterpart, Sergei Shoigu expressed readiness to resume cooperation with the Pentagon and the same day Russian President Vladimir Putin said it was in the interests of both nations to restore communications between their intelligence agencies.

Read more: Trump’s defense chief Mattis: ‘Very little doubt’ that Russia interferes with elections
View attachment 112683
Mattis: US not ready to collaborate militarily with Russia

He said this at an open press conference at NATO today.

Try not to melt, little snowflake. I'm sure Sean Hannity, Breitbart, Infowars, and Bill O will soon be online to tell you what to think about all of this.

It's Leftists who are Snowflakes, read what a Snowflake is.
You are psychotic again today huh? Up your meds, the one's you were on last night when you were relatively normal and not frothing at the mouth.

Putin doesn't pay me to post you nut.

It's interesting how your positions mirror Putin's, exactly. I just realized it last night, and then everything about your posts started to make sense.

You aren't worried about Russia tampering in US or European elections
You're anti gay.
You're anti-jew.
You're pro U.S./Russia alliance.
You're anti-muslim.
You focus your fears on the NK and Iran, who are poor, impoverished nations that don't pose a real threat to the U.S., but are geographically close enough to pose a problem for Russia.

I think it's clear that you're a Russian propagandist.

Your posts could not be any closer to Putin's agenda of misinforming Americans than if he'd drafted them himself.
I hope Obama is put into a comfortable jail......

Just imagine how badly Trump's skin color is going to clash with an orange jumpsuit.
Good thing you fascists lost then, huh? :lol:

They are mentally ill, Leftism is a mental illness, most of them are already ready for the rubber room, most of them already probably have the special underwear on to stop them crapping on the floor.
You are psychotic again today huh? Up your meds, the one's you were on last night when you were relatively normal and not frothing at the mouth.

Putin doesn't pay me to post you nut.

It's interesting how your positions mirror his, exactly.

You aren't worried about Russia tampering in US or European elections
You're anti gay.
You're anti-jew.
You're pro U.S./Russia alliance.
You're anti-muslim.
You focus your fears on the NK and Iran, who are poor, impoverished nations that don't pose a real threat to the U.S., but are geographically close enough to pose a problem for Russia.

I think it's clear that you're a Russian propagandist.

Your posts could not be any closer to Putin's agenda of misinforming Americans than if he'd drafted them himself.
The mind of you fascists is disturbing to see memorialized......
You are psychotic again today huh? Up your meds, the one's you were on last night when you were relatively normal and not frothing at the mouth.

Putin doesn't pay me to post you nut.

It's interesting how your positions mirror his, exactly.

You aren't worried about Russia tampering in US or European elections
You're anti gay.
You're anti-jew.
You're pro U.S./Russia alliance.
You're anti-muslim.
You focus your fears on the NK and Iran, who are poor, impoverished nations that don't pose a real threat to the U.S., but are geographically close enough to pose a problem for Russia.

I think it's clear that you're a Russian propagandist.

Go away you psychotic nut, why anyone should even discuss anything with someone as mentally unstable as you I don't know, you will be responded to like all the mentally unstable lunatics are responded to.

You illustrate how ignorant and basically stupid you are, you did this with your pathetic responses last night about Iran and North Korea.

YOU are anti-Jew you freak, I posted an article from The Jerusalem Post that you ignored, here it is again, you obviously want Iran to military attack Israel. Now fuck off and go and masturbate to your Hitler porn you sad fat psychotic nut.

Here, copy and paste of part of my post from last night, you uneducated Kool-Aid drinking lunatic and Jew hater:

Iran, you need to pay attention to the Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, he's the one who has the actual power in Iran and not President Hassan Rouhani.

This is the most very recent article from The Jerusalem Post.

Iran continues to call for Israel’s destruction despite nuclear deal
You aren't worried about Russia tampering in US or European elections
You're anti gay.
You're anti-jew.
You're pro U.S./Russia alliance.
You're anti-muslim.
You focus your fears on the NK and Iran, who are poor, impoverished nations that don't pose a real threat to the U.S., but are geographically close enough to pose a problem for Russia.

I think it's clear that you're a Russian propagandist.

Snowflakes did more to affect the election outcome than Russia:
- Firebombed a GOP Hq
- Intimidated, beat, and bloodied Trump supporters
- Rigged a Primary
- Engaged in voter fraud in a Primary
- Fed Debate Questions in advance to a candidate
- Exercised piss-poor security procedures, allowing hackers to access your shyte
- Intimidated and threatened Electoral College voters to try to 'flip' them

LIBERALS were exposed, by their own personal leaked e-mails, as being racist, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites

The DNC Candidate took millions from nations that supports terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdering women, and murders gays...and took money from Russian companies run by Ex-KGB ... and took money while helping influence a deal that sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

Your EX-President negotiated an UN-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, a terrorist supporting / funding nation...

I think it is clear you are an ignorant, partisan snowflake.

Veteran public defender: Trump is exhibiting all of the ’12 most common signs of a guilty person’
President Donald Trump has been going on tirades against the American media, the U.S. intelligence community, and a host of other institutions for allegedly undermining his presidency.

Pillars wouldn't be out of place in the next cell to Hannibal Lector, this in reference to your Silence of The Lambs video. I can see her pissing on herself and screaming incoherently, sort of like her nutty comments come across to people.
You aren't worried about Russia tampering in US or European elections
You're anti gay.
You're anti-jew.
You're pro U.S./Russia alliance.
You're anti-muslim.
You focus your fears on the NK and Iran, who are poor, impoverished nations that don't pose a real threat to the U.S., but are geographically close enough to pose a problem for Russia.

I think it's clear that you're a Russian propagandist.

Snowflakes did more to affect the election outcome than Russia:
- Firebombed a GOP Hq
- Intimidated, beat, and bloodied Trump supporters
- Rigged a Primary
- Engaged in voter fraud in a Primary
- Fed Debate Questions in advance to a candidate
- Exercised piss-poor security procedures, allowing hackers to access your shyte
- Intimidated and threatened Electoral College voters to try to 'flip' them

LIBERALS were exposed, by their own personal leaked e-mails, as being racist, sexist, homophobic Anti-Semites

The DNC Candidate took millions from nations that supports terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdering women, and murders gays...and took money from Russian companies run by Ex-KGB ... and took money while helping influence a deal that sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

Your EX-President negotiated an UN-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, a terrorist supporting / funding nation...

I think it is clear you are an ignorant, partisan snowflake.

"The DNC Candidate took millions from nations that supports terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdering women, and murders gays...and took money from Russian companies run by Ex-KGB ... and took money while helping influence a deal that sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

Your EX-President negotiated an UN-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, a terrorist supporting / funding nation...

I think it is clear you are an ignorant, partisan snowflake."

All of what you said.

She hates Israel and also is an anti-Semite, Pillars hates Jews and white people, she has sex with black men though in exchange for money.
They are mentally ill, Leftism is a mental illness, most of them are already ready for the rubber room, most of them already probably have the special underwear on to stop them crapping on the floor.

Here's the obvious question. Why is an alleged Austrian poster pushing Russian propaganda to Americans?

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say

Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery — including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human “trolls,” and networks of websites and social-media accounts — echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers. The effort also sought to heighten the appearance of international tensions and promote fear of looming hostilities with nuclear-armed Russia.

It's a legit question. Your posts ALWAYS mirror the Russian positions on issues. ALWAYS. You describe Putin in glowing terms.

This is the only explanation that makes sense.
She hates Israel and also is an anti-Semite, Pillars hates Jews and white people, she has sex with black men though in exchange for money.
Now, now....just because she favored the enemies of our ally, Israel, doesn't mean she is an anti-Semite. ... and I am sure there are a lot of Liberals out there who scream out, 'You f*ing Jew B@st@rd' when they get mad, the way she did, and mean it in a completely loving and complimentary way....

"The DNC Candidate took millions from nations that supports terrorism, oppressing / mutilating / murdering women, and murders gays...and took money from Russian companies run by Ex-KGB ... and took money while helping influence a deal that sold 20% of the US supply of Uranium to Russia

Your EX-President negotiated an UN-Constitutional Treaty with Iran, a terrorist supporting / funding nation...

I think it is clear you are an ignorant, partisan snowflake."

All of what you said.

She hates Israel and also is an anti-Semite, Pillars hates Jews and white people, she has sex with black men though in exchange for money.

Again, your posts mirror Putin's positions on NK and Iran. They mirror his positions on gays and jews and blacks and muslims. They mirror his positions on Syria. They mirror his positions on Russia.

Why does an Austrian woman spend so much time pushing a Russian agenda on an American bulletin board?

Russian propaganda effort helped spread ‘fake news’ during election, experts say

Russia’s increasingly sophisticated propaganda machinery — including thousands of botnets, teams of paid human “trolls,” and networks of websites and social-media accounts — echoed and amplified right-wing sites across the Internet as they portrayed Clinton as a criminal hiding potentially fatal health problems and preparing to hand control of the nation to a shadowy cabal of global financiers. The effort also sought to heighten the appearance of international tensions and promote fear of looming hostilities with nuclear-armed Russia.
She hates Israel and also is an anti-Semite, Pillars hates Jews and white people, she has sex with black men though in exchange for money.
Now, now....just because she favored the enemies of our ally, Israel, doesn't mean she is an anti-Semite. ... and I am sure there are a lot of Liberals out there who scream out, 'You f*ing Jew B@st@rd' when they get mad, the way she did, and mean it in a completely loving and complimentary way....


I don't hate jews? :dunno:
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