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Head Rabbi Says Non-Jews exist only to serve Jews

He is 90 years old. He is entitled to his opinion.

Anyone can be a bigot and racist.

When a religious figure who has held an official position in a political party embraces hate of this nature, he paints his entire religion and party and nation as racist and bigoted.

I read about bigoted statements like this from religious political figures in Israel practically every day.

Rabbis write books with impunity about how to kill Gentiles.

Israel is showing the world the racism and bigotry in Judaism.

This is the problem always encountered when religion and government are joined together. Each poisons the other.

Sherryl you Jendeh kolfat olagh beesavad. Who was Ayatollah Khomieni then? The man who showed the world the filth that Islam represents? And the religious Islamist Mullah animals in power are still showing the world the barabrism and bigotry of Islam. Islam has brought nothing but misery, suffering, intolerance, persecution, destruction, and death upon its arrival in Iran.

Seriously whore, you should be the last person to talk about "bigotry" in religions. I love it when these Islamist worshppers start preaching about other religions.
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Unlike the Arab countries Israel is a democracy and different people have different opinions.

Actually Jews are supposed to be a light and example for other nations.
LieSeeker, fucktard and ignoranus, here's what Wikipedia says, "Ovadia Yosef is the former Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel, a recognised Talmudic scholar and foremost halakhic authority [Jewish law]." He sounds way more qualified than the shitheads around here who defend Judaism.

Also, shithead, not only is he not an insignificant rabbi, but his views are typical of Jewish religious authorities. Also, shithead, the Talmud clearlyy supports his claims.

The function of complete pieces of shit like yourself is to lie to the gentile animals about the nature of Judaism so that we won't get together and give Jews what they deserve. Jews are the children of the Devil, and Zionists like you are the lapdogs of the children of the Devil.

Wow... that's the first time I have been accused of being a Zionist. Read my post again.

This is waaay to funny!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Two of this board's hate-mongers are so full of bile they even hate each other.:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
"wardrobe malfunction" LOL
The OP article also said the America. Jewish Committee condemned the remarks.
now back to the topic of the thread. We know that Judaism has a elitists ideaology, why they went with God and are Gods people. The Jews are the only remaining sect of Hebrews to come out of the historical mist to survive and rehabitate their ancient lands. But that was their dream. Congrats to the Jews.
My Jew friend from London, wanted to live in Israel but the kept denying him becuae of his physical and mental state, but eventually he got there only to find a third world nation compared to England, but he loves being there anyway, except for the fact that manly Russian and Hebrew are spoken, not English
now back to the topic of the thread. We know that Judaism has a elitists ideaology, why they went with God and are Gods people. The Jews are the only remaining sect of Hebrews to come out of the historical mist to survive and rehabitate their ancient lands. But that was their dream. Congrats to the Jews.
My Jew friend from London, wanted to live in Israel but the kept denying him becuae of his physical and mental state, but eventually he got there only to find a third world nation compared to England, but he loves being there anyway, except for the fact that manly Russian and Hebrew are spoken, not English
Maybe your friend should have considered a move to Silver Dollar City. :D
“Goyim(animals) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.

“In Israel, death has no dominion over them… With gentiles, it will be like any person – they need to die, but [God] will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money.

This is his servant… That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” Yosef said.

“Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat.

That is why gentiles were created,” he added.

Head of Shas

It's pretty clear, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef is an extremist idiot of the worst type and this is the sort of thing he's quite likely to say.
However, other than the J post and the link provided, there is nothing to say he actually said it.

Please post a valid link before I can believe you. :)

Well it seems that Netanyahu wants the blessing of this "extremist idiot of the worst type".

Senior defense officials have recently been visiting the ultra-Orthodox Shas party's spiritual leader, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, to discuss a possible Israeli attack on Iran.

Some want the 91-year-old rabbi to support it, others to oppose it. At least one visit, in which the rabbi was briefed on Iran's nuclear program, came at the behest of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is battling for support in the cabinet to strike Iran.
Israeli defense officials consult with Rabbi Ovadia Yosef over Iran strike - Israel News | Haaretz Daily Newspaper
“Goyim(animals) were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world – only to serve the People of Israel,” he said in his weekly Saturday night sermon on the laws regarding the actions non-Jews are permitted to perform on Shabbat.
And how does it affect palistanian chosen poor 'n robbed?

Head rabbi? Is that like the pope? You do know there is no pope in Judaism, don't you?
Rabbi OVADIA (originally abdullah) is over 90 was born in Iraq and I doubt that anyone knows precisely what he said in his saturday sermon------it certainly was not recorded----but Jihadists have been making this odd claim for a few years now. He probably said it in arabic or aramaic and nobody acually understood him Anyone atttending HIS saturday sermon not only did not record it-------but did not even take notes and did not write it down --------until at the very least-----the next day-----after the saturday nite singing drinking party
Head rabbi? Is that like the pope? You do know there is no pope in Judaism, don't you?

Yes, the chief rabbi is like the pope. You don't know shit about Judaism, do you?

Actually you very ignorant Ariux----------Rabbi Ovadia does not come close to being THE CHIEF RABBI of the jews-------there is no such entity in the world. He is recognized as one of a few "chiefs" in a small sect known as "shas" The sociopathic pigs of AL AZHAR University in Egypt have more power over the muslims of the world than Rabbi Ovadia has over a few jews. The MORSEY pig of Egypt is so impressed with the AL AZHAR PIGS that he promised to get pig abel rahman----murdering pig of the 1993 bombing of the World Trade center released from his jail cell in New York for being a MUSLIM HERO MURDERING PIG. Pig Rahman is a SHAYKH or the Al Azhar U.-----known as CHIEF OF THE RAPIST PIGS OF EGYPT ---award winning koranic scholar. He was a BIG SHOT even before he murdered now he is even a bigger shot shaykh koranic scholar pig since he murdered for the pig "god"
Actually you very ignorant Ariux----------Rabbi Ovadia does not come close to being THE CHIEF RABBI of the jews-------there is no such entity in the world. He is recognized as one of a few "chiefs" in a small sect known as "shas"

Irosie, you stupid, worthless piece of pig shit, the Pope is not the Pope of "Christians", just of Roman Catholics. So, comparing a chief rabbi to the pope in no way implies that he's chief of all Jews. And, Ovadia Yosef is not simply the "pope" if a "small sect", but held the office of one of only two chief rabbis recognized by Israel, the avowedly Jewish state. Ovadia Yosef also served for a time as president of the Chief Rabbinate Council, making him the supreme Jew of the world's Jewish state, which considers all the Jews in the world to be its citizens.

The sociopathic pigs of AL AZHAR University in Egypt have more power over the muslims of the world than Rabbi Ovadia has over a few jews.

Ovadia Yosef doesn't have power over just a "few Jews", but played the lead role in shaping Israel's understanding and implementation of Judaism. And, more to the point, he rose to such a position by reflecting the beliefs of Judaism.

Ovadia "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews" Yosef is not, as you and Truthseeker420 want us to believe, insignificant or fringe. Why do you want to be a fucktard for Jews?
Actually you very ignorant Ariux----------Rabbi Ovadia does not come close to being THE CHIEF RABBI of the jews-------there is no such entity in the world. He is recognized as one of a few "chiefs" in a small sect known as "shas"

Irosie, you stupid, worthless piece of pig shit, the Pope is not the Pope of "Christians", just of Roman Catholics. So, comparing a chief rabbi to the pope in no way implies that he's chief of all Jews. And, Ovadia Yosef is not simply the "pope" if a "small sect", but held the office of one of only two chief rabbis recognized by Israel, the avowedly Jewish state. Ovadia Yosef also served for a time as president of the Chief Rabbinate Council, making him the supreme Jew of the world's Jewish state, which considers all the Jews in the world to be its citizens.

The sociopathic pigs of AL AZHAR University in Egypt have more power over the muslims of the world than Rabbi Ovadia has over a few jews.

Ovadia Yosef doesn't have power over just a "few Jews", but played the lead role in shaping Israel's understanding and implementation of Judaism. And, more to the point, he rose to such a position by reflecting the beliefs of Judaism.

Ovadia "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews" Yosef is not, as you and Truthseeker420 want us to believe, insignificant or fringe. Why do you want to be a fucktard for Jews?

THE POPE is the POPE of MILLIONS OF CATHOLICS and so powerful that his word on dogma is "INFALLIBLE" it is from Heaven A chief rabbi has less power over jews than a GENERAL IN THE US ARMY has over soldiers Like "general" it is a temporary job-------A GENERAL's word is more "from Heaven" than the word of a "CHIEF RABBI"
is Ovadia---btw was "chief" rabbi ---sephardic only---------remember? sephardi is less "powerful" than is "ashkenazi" ask any of your jihadist pals If Ovaida stood on his head it would not make news------if the POPE burps----that makes news
Head rabbi? Is that like the pope? You do know there is no pope in Judaism, don't you?

Yes, the chief rabbi is like the pope. You don't know shit about Judaism, do you?

The first sentence above is completely inaccurate and does NOT represent the reality of mainstream Judaism in any way shape or form.

The second sentence above would be accurate if the poster above were addressing itself.

But then AriYuKKKs is satirizing the stupidity and crudity endemic to the segment of the population which yearns to murder Jews.....
Head rabbi? Is that like the pope? You do know there is no pope in Judaism, don't you?

Yes, the chief rabbi is like the pope. You don't know shit about Judaism, do you?
The shit that you know about Judaism is the same shit nazi trailor trash garbages of humanity know. You really think you and your opinions count in the scheme of things, don't you? You are a slug lower than dog poop, remove the coat hanger from your head before you speak, pissbrain.
Ovadia "Gentiles exist only to serve Jews" Yosef is not, as you and Truthseeker420 want us to believe, insignificant or fringe.
So, are we upset because he sounded like any mufti of an arab country?

Poor Ovadia is a bit mutified He was born in Iraq and his orginal name is ABDULLAH
OVADIA is the hebrew equvalent of the arabic ABDULLAH An interesting story-----is----some muslim named ABDULLAH was so entranced by Maimonides----way back then that he ocnverted to judaism------his name became OVADIA too-------so all you ABDULLAHs out there------there is hope-----you can become an OVADIA
Who cares what this rabbi says, no one there takes him seriously except for a few, and there are many other rabbis people go by
Who cares what this rabbi says, no one there takes him seriously except for a few, and there are many other rabbis people go by

who even KNOWS what he said-----his sermons are not RECORDED and there is no one in there taking notes I would be interested in precisely what he did say and IN WHAT CONTEXT An interesting aside------try reading PLATO's REPUBLIC------that guy seemed to believe that the only true PERSONS in the world are greeks ------and the rest of the world could be considered something like UTENSILS LIVING UTENSILS

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