Headline: How red-state politics are shaving years off American lives


Ohio state Rep. Bill Seitz, the state House majority floor leader who has helped block tobacco tax increases amid aggressive lobbying by industry interests, defended Ohio Republicans’ efforts to limit cities’ powers, saying it’s in keeping with his party’s philosophy.
Because the cities of those states -nearly all run by demoncrats- have absolutely nothing at all to do with any of that.

This is a stupidly obtuse OP, even by your laughably low standards.
Uhm, nope.

Ohio state Rep. Bill Seitz, the state House majority floor leader who has helped block tobacco tax increases amid aggressive lobbying by industry interests, defended Ohio Republicans’ efforts to limit cities’ powers, saying it’s in keeping with his party’s philosophy.

Ohio state Rep. Bill Seitz, the state House majority floor leader who has helped block tobacco tax increases amid aggressive lobbying by industry interests, defended Ohio Republicans’ efforts to limit cities’ powers, saying it’s in keeping with his party’s philosophy.
And you keep backing up what I say.
If you arent a troll, like you claim, you are dumb AF
Sickness and early death in the white working class could be rooted in poor job prospects for less-educated young people as they first enter the labor market, a situation that compounds over time through family dysfunction, social isolation, addiction, obesity and other pathologies, according to a study published Thursday by two prominent economists.

Anne Case and Angus Deaton garnered national headlines in 2015 when they reported that the death rate of midlife non-Hispanic white Americans had risen steadily since 1999 in contrast with the death rates of blacks, Hispanics and Europeans. Their new study extends the data by two years and shows that whatever is driving the mortality spike is not easing up.

The two Princeton professors say the trend affects whites of both sexes and is happening nearly everywhere in the country. Education level is significant: People with a college degree report better health and happiness than those with only some college, who in turn are doing much better than those who never went.

Meanwhile, all I hear from Republicans is don't go to college. Really? Sounds like a ticket to loserville.
What worries me as much as the actual death, is the sheer indifference among conservatives.
And you keep backing up what I say.
If you arent a troll, like you claim, you are dumb AF

The red states interfere and limit the power in cities run by Democrats. The states then try and blame the Dems in those cities for the fallout from state policies

Ohio state Rep. Bill Seitz, the state House majority floor leader who has helped block tobacco tax increases amid aggressive lobbying by industry interests, defended Ohio Republicans’ efforts to limit cities’ powers, saying it’s in keeping with his party’s philosophy.
yes lower taxes are.

tobacco taxes are just the demafacsit tax on poverty, since by in large the poor are the ones that smoke the most.
The red states interfere and limit the power in cities run by Democrats. The states then try and blame the Dems in those cities for the fallout from state policies
like what policies are the GOP limiting the Dembots from putting into place?
The article clearly states:

"Many of those early deaths can be traced to decisions made years ago by local and state lawmakers over whether to implement cigarette taxes, invest in public health or tighten seat-belt regulations, among other policies, an examination by The Washington Post found. States’ politics — and their resulting policies — are shaving years off American lives."


"Americans are more likely to die before age 65 than residents of similar nations, despite living in a country that spends substantially more per person on health care than its peers."
let me get this straight....the life expectancy in 2023, is related to the fact that some states were slower to put seat belt laws in place? ok...

and cig taxes? haha well, ok.

So, it's because, Red States don't want to tax people as much as demafacsit states, and Red States were more willing to allow individuals to decide if they were going to decide if they wanted to put a seat belt on...

you know what, I think I am ok with cutting a year or two off life expandency for lower taxes while I am alive.

Ohio state Rep. Bill Seitz, the state House majority floor leader who has helped block tobacco tax increases amid aggressive lobbying by industry interests. He, Seitz defended Ohio Republicans’ efforts to limit cities’ powers, saying it’s in keeping with his party’s philosophy.

Says you.


Ohio state Rep. Bill Seitz, the state House majority floor leader who has helped block tobacco tax increases amid aggressive lobbying by industry interests, defended Ohio Republicans’ efforts to limit cities’ powers, saying it’s in keeping with his party’s philosophy.


I'll give you an example. Red states elect global deniers to congress. They refuse to act. Take the power away from the EPA types. We are dying 3 years sooner because of dirty air.
The reason I left Ohio years ago was the dirty air. I had finished my time in the Air Force and returned in 1969 to a small town very near Ashtabula.

Ashtabula had POLLUTION problems big time from all its factories and its coal fired power plant. The pollution was so bad it would eat the paint off your car in the parking lots of some factories. If you drove near the factory area you had to roll your windows up or gag on the smell of the factory emissions.

I got a new driver‘s license and a free Ohio map. On the map was a picture of a factory belching pollution with the title Pollution is not a dirty word in Ohio. Reading that caused me to decide to leave and “retire” early in Florida. Best decision I ever made.

Occasionally I would return to my home town in Ohio for a visit. I remember how many of the people looked sick to me.
Yes. And those crazy progressive environmentalists made it safer with cleaner air. There exists photos of LA in the 1950s/1960s/1970s and on that show the progress made.

Now -- Try addressing the article in the OP
Natural Air, Which the Enemies of Human Progress Call "Clean Air," Is the Most Toxic of All Environments

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