Headline on Drudge right now: "Trump trolls media"

This is what they do now...it's isn't Statesmanship anymore. It's middle school high jinxs at the level they can comprehend.

That is statecraft in general.

The games are just more noticeable with a clown running for office.
Clinton has never been connected to it.

Her people started it, she kept plausible deniability, but her people started the whole thing.

Here's the deal all of the shit that you read on the Soros hate sites that gets you really pumped up and filled with rage and hate against white people and Republicans? It doesn't mean shit to the average American.

Trump made fools of a openly biased press - the public saw that. The Birther issue was put to rest no matter how much Rachel Madcow shrieks, her 4 faithful viewers won't change the tide.

But I've got to tell you dude, the Hillary flame out - I've never seen anything like it. It's like a jet cruising along, and then dropping straight down while never even changing attitude... It's utterly astounding. I almost wonder if she'll lose California by the time November rolls around? :dunno:

Romney was ahead in October 2012.
The way the Republican candidate for President is acting, and the way his supporters are acting, is really depressing.
That's what happens when bullies (media, the left and Clinton campaign) finally get beat up. People cheer.

I find it repugnant that the media and left have caused such racial divisiveness and hate in this country. Good Americans aren't going to allow that to happen anymore.
I honestly don't see how pointing out real racism and bigotry and standing against it is labelled as divisive. Yes, it indicates that racists and bigots aren't accepted, so it is divisive against them. I'd even go so far as to say many people actually hate folks like David Duke. But every time you folks use that argument against liberals, it makes you look foolish or dishonest. Just my opinion.
The way the Republican candidate for President is acting, and the way his supporters are acting, is really depressing.
That's what happens when bullies (media, the left and Clinton campaign) finally get beat up. People cheer.

I find it repugnant that the media and left have caused such racial divisiveness and hate in this country. Good Americans aren't going to allow that to happen anymore.
I honestly don't see how pointing out real racism and bigotry and standing against it is labelled as divisive. Yes, it indicates that racists and bigots aren't accepted, so it is divisive against them. I'd even go so far as to say many people actually hate folks like David Duke. But every time you folks use that argument against liberals, it makes you look foolish or dishonest. Just my opinion.
Because when you (not actually you) use every situation to scream racism and bigotry that's divisive and ugly. American's who want a secure border to keep out drugs and illegals (from all over the world) shouldn't be labeled racist xenophobes. American's who want to see other American's and immigrants (of all colors and backgrounds) who are here LEGALLY prosper FIRST shouldn't be labeled bigots. Saying "all lives matter" shouldn't be branded racists, saying "Blue lives matter" shouldn't be branded racists, being patriotic shouldn't be labeled bigoted/xenophobic. Saying we need to be hyper vigilant of who we let in from other countries that sponsor and/or support terror shouldn't bring on criticism of being Xenophobic, racist or bigoted.

The problem is that everything and anything is being labeled racist and/or bigoted. That's divisive and destructive. Hell what happened to the days when you could disagree with the Presidents policy? Todays world is so warped that if you disagree its because the President is black. That's immediately the very first thing. It's not simply you disagree with policy, its because you're racists. That mentality has invaded every aspect of our culture now. Get pulled over for speeding, its because your black.....have to wait 5 minutes to get seated at a busy restaurant, its because your black.....get flipped off for cutting another driver off, its because your black.

A majority of Americans are not racists assholes. That's just not the case. Are there racists assholes? Yes. Remember though, racists come in all colors. A single race does NOT own the racist card.

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