Heads on sticks time

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
We have to start with Truss. She just lost a 28k majority in a seat that has been tory since 1850.
I guess many of those people had mortgages.. Truss has been plotting a comeback recently. That seems doubtful now, Where will she go, who will have her ?

And farewell to the ludicrous Jacob Rees Mogg. The former member for Downton Abbey North. Unlike truss he took his spanking well. As you would expect of an old etonian. But then he spoilt it by blaming the defeat on the tories decision to get rid of Johnson. Such a lack of awareness doesnt bode well for the future of toryism.

Penny Mordaunt - Big blow to the tories. She was seen as a leading candidate for the next leader. Her loss is magnified by the fact that she is a white woman, the only one in the race. Maybe if she had campaigned in Portsmouth rather than on her leadership bif she might have done better.

I will come back to this extensive list later. I am laughing my head off at the moment.
Apparently the political left win a huge victory in your island country……..,,you are soooooo F****d, and you dont even know it……..

This is what happens when you have “conservatives” who arent conservatives and who are gutless wonders….the death of Britain will be sad to watch…
I can’t wait to watch these dumb Labor Party idiots destroy the UK with more mass immigration from Islamic shit hole countries. 5 seats were won by pro-Palestinian Islamist wack jobs. Will be funny to watch them start persecuting Jews and little shills like Tammy will defend them.
Glad to see the “conservative” party wiped out. They were controlled opposition. Better to let the real left run the country and see how fast it implodes.
Time for the British libs to stick it to the people, punish them for supporting the tories for so many years.
LOL this is “democracy” in the UK:

I don't think you know what "conservative" means. You seem to use it in different contexts based on whatever you're feeling at the time.

The Tories won 122 seats, Reform 4.

122 > 4
Reform is an amalgam of the old bnp types and the loony wing of the tories. Their onlu hope is that thigs get worse. If things get better they will ne finished.
Reform is an amalgam of the old bnp types and the loony wing of the tories. Their onlu hope is that thigs get worse. If things get better they will ne finished.

Part of it is the cycle of politics. Eventually, people get tired of the ruling party and toss the bums out.

What Labour has to do is show that they're competent and not crazy, ie Tony Blair, not Jeremy Corbyn. If they can do that, they'll be in power for 10-15 years.

The Conservatives have the same problem as the conservatives in Canada had 25 years ago. The conservative movement fractured and the Liberals had no real opposition for a decade. This has happened in the U.K., and the conservative movement will be in the wilderness for a long time as long as Labour is competent and not crazy.
The tories ruled the country like watered down leftists............now the British will see what uncontrolled leftism will do to a country.....and what muslims are about to do to your country....

If you are Jewish, and living in England....now is the time that you leave.....
I can’t wait to watch these dumb Labor Party idiots destroy the UK with more mass immigration from Islamic shit hole countries. 5 seats were won by pro-Palestinian Islamist wack jobs. Will be funny to watch them start persecuting Jews and little shills like Tammy will defend them.
The WEF put Britain in Labour to oversee the formal transformation into the Islamic Republic of Great Britain

Le Pen, Poilievre and Trump are taking copious notes
We have to start with Truss. She just lost a 28k majority in a seat that has been tory since 1850.
I guess many of those people had mortgages.. Truss has been plotting a comeback recently. That seems doubtful now, Where will she go, who will have her ?

And farewell to the ludicrous Jacob Rees Mogg. The former member for Downton Abbey North. Unlike truss he took his spanking well. As you would expect of an old etonian. But then he spoilt it by blaming the defeat on the tories decision to get rid of Johnson. Such a lack of awareness doesnt bode well for the future of toryism.

Penny Mordaunt - Big blow to the tories. She was seen as a leading candidate for the next leader. Her loss is magnified by the fact that she is a white woman, the only one in the race. Maybe if she had campaigned in Portsmouth rather than on her leadership bif she might have done better.

I will come back to this extensive list later. I am laughing my head off at the moment.
On we go.
This next group are not well known but all of them played their part in this debacle.

Dame Andrea Jenkyns - Made a dame by Johnson for loyalty ro him, Not any real acheivment. Only thing she will be remembered fot was giving the finger to the public on the day Johnson was sacked. Staunch brexiteer and keen fan of cruelty to refugees. No loss to public life.

Jonathan Gullis - One of the trashy red wall types elected on Jomsons coattails. Most notable as a keen brexit warrior and enthusiastic enemy of refugaas, His demeanour was similar to an ape. In the House he made donkey braying noises which marked him out as a remedial even amongst all the other remedials.

Nick Fletcher - Amother red wall brexit half wit. Keen on cruelty to refugees Nick has only one contribution of note. As a major rental landlord he voted to block a bill that required houses to be fit to live in. People in homes with leaky roofs and mould on walls will be cheering today. What a great tory.

Miriam Cates - A real oddball evangelist who is a big fan of cruelty.. Usual set of lunacies. Brexit, cruelty aand also gay conversion. Her constiituents got to know more about her wierdness over time and booted her out. A firm fave on the BBC as she was a major shit stirrer against Sunak. She played the House of Commons organ.every week and hectored the country to have more babies. That would never end well.

David TC Davies - A tightly wound oddball. Hes Welsh Secretary but like most tories ran the country down. Brexit and cruelty were his main enthusiasms. The only time he hit the headlines was when he led a campaign againsst a Gypsy camp in his posh constituency.

Lia Nici - Another Boris arse licker.. Willing to debase herself in any way in the service of her idol. Made a minister for a few weeks by truss she gained scorn by pocketing a 4k severence payment when Sunak sacked her for being shit after a few weeks. During her caampaign she claimed to be more reform than reform,
Reform beat her into third as Labour took the seaat. Now she will spend her time filleting fish in Grimsbys many fish marjets. No loss.
I don't think you know what "conservative" means. You seem to use it in different contexts based on whatever you're feeling at the time.

The Tories won 122 seats, Reform 4.

122 > 4
I know “conservative” doesn’t mean allowing mass migration of Islamists who want to fundamentally change your country.

The UK will fall, just like Canada will. Both are run by cucks who are so afraid of being called “racist” they allow mass migration of Muslims.


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