Heads up- worth looking at- and thinking about, if you can even think


Platinum Member
Oct 25, 2019
How America Went from Mom-and-Pop Capitalism to Techno-Feudalism

Oh, it requires reading more than just the snippet that out betters say we have to post so somebody can have something to argue about-

In a matter of decades, the United States has gone from a largely benign form of capitalism to a neo-feudal form that has created an ever-widening gap in wealth and power. In his 2013 bestseller Capital in the 21st Century, French economist Thomas Piketty declared that “the level of inequality in the US is probably higher than in any other society at any time in the past anywhere in the world.” In a 2014 podcast about the book, Bill Moyers commented:

Here’s one of its extraordinary insights: We are now really all headed into a future dominated by inherited wealth, as capital is concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, giving the very rich ever greater power over politics, government and society. Patrimonial capitalism is the name for it, and it has potentially terrifying consequences for democracy.

Paul Krugman maintained in the same podcast that the United States is becoming an oligarchy, a society of inherited wealth, “the very system our founders revolted against.” While things have only gotten worse since then thanks to the economic crisis of 2020, it’s worth retracing the history that brought us to this volatile moment.

Yet Krugman has been an loud voice for the very thing he's now denouncing- Keynesean economic theory, for a FUCKING Monarchy-SMH- tp down spending, the top being a fucking gov't- good lord what an idiot- but, he's merely an"expert" example of just how fucking dumb voters are-

If course Bill Moyers isn't a lot better calling us "our democracy- since we were, in fact, founded as a republic- but, hey, the Publicly Funded educated don't care- it's just words- they mean whatever the speaker wants them to mean-
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.is a whiney twat.
So, instead of addressing the message, being the good little conformist, you choose to attack the messenger-

I CANNOT express strongly enough how stupid people like you are- good lord!
If you look at the growing gap the nation is headed to more of a plutocracy. It's eerie.

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