Health Care Premiums To Skyrocket In 2018! GO TRUMP!

Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

My healthcare provider increased my premiums by 14% while offering no new coverage.

Sorry, dude.

Make sure to let Trump and the GOP know how you feel about that.
It turns out Trump's replacement plan all along was to take credit for whatever someone else came up with. :lol:

So you'd rather Trump came up with his own "replacement plan" ? :eek:

That's what he promised. That's what the rubes bought. :lol:

Yeah and?
And he hoaxed you, cuck.

And you just sit there and take it.

And there were real conservative candidates who could have gotten the job done.

And you are going to pay record high costs for your stupidity.
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

My healthcare provider increased my premiums by 14% while offering no new coverage.

Sorry, dude.

Make sure to let Trump and the GOP know how you feel about that.

My health insurance costs have been increasing every year for as long as I can remember.
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

My healthcare provider increased my premiums by 14% while offering no new coverage.

Sorry, dude.

Make sure to let Trump and the GOP know how you feel about that.

My health insurance costs have been increasing every year for as long as I can remember.

And the GOP did NOTHING about it all that time.

And the Democrats telegraphed EXACTLY what they would do if they ever got the chance.

And the GOP did NOTHING to stop them.

You were sold down the river to single payer health care by the Republicans to the Democrats decades ago.

Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Hey, they've decided that if it comes down to their family seeing a rise in their costs vs not giving Trump the praise he seeks. They have chosen the latter.
We don’thave Trump care are we are still on obummer Care! Thanks obummer for your horseshittery!
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Sorry, this was all O's baby.
Garbage, there has been no replacement or repeal of obama care. So who's fault is it that this healthcare act was passed in the first place? Fact the burden and weight of responsibility rests with the idiots that voted for it in the first place.
If we had a Democratic president right now, there would already be at least 20 topics by the pseudocons about skyrocketing health care costs for 2018.

At least.

Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Sorry, this was all O's baby.


You were hoaxed by Trump. He told you he had a replacement, and you bleeved him.

It's all on YOU, sucker.
As you get your record high health care bills and your record high health insurance bills, remember how you all bragged about Trump's non-existent great accomplishments.

As you stare at your astronomical bill, try to tell yourself America is great again.
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Sorry, this was all O's baby.


You were hoaxed by Trump. He told you he had a replacement, and you bleeved him.

It's all on YOU, sucker.

Nope, this is on the dems for passing this travesty.
As you get your record high health care bills and your record high health insurance bills, remember how you all bragged about Trump's non-existent great accomplishments.

As you stare at your astronomical bill, try to tell yourself America is great again.

Nope, as we stare at ocare, we'll remember it was O and the democrats that passed this wreck.
Health care premiums for 2018 set to go up by as much as 50 percent

Several states have announced rates for health insurance premiums on the Obamacare exchanges for 2018. Topping the list is Georgia, with rates that are 57 percent higher than last year, while Florida said some premiums will be 45 percent higher.

Trump has been so busy golfing, he forgot to fulfill his number one campaign promise.

"My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Sorry, this was all O's baby.


You were hoaxed by Trump. He told you he had a replacement, and you bleeved him.

It's all on YOU, sucker.

Nope, this is on the dems for passing this travesty.

Yes, but since then who's fault is it that they haven't fixed it and failed several times? Obamas?

Sheesh, how do you expect anything out of your party when everything they can't do they blame it on others. With the wor t part being that the problems are still there.

Like Puerto Rico...still fucked
Pathetic attempt to deflect blame away from the very source of the problem is still garbage. The attempt to repeal was squashed by the media, liberals, and RINO's that lack the courage and fortitude to stand behind their campaign rhetoric. Face the fact, politicians are nothing more than politicians, bought and sold to the highest bidder at the expense of the American people. So who you ask is the winner? easy those that don't have to pay the price.
Pathetic attempt to deflect blame away from the very source of the problem is still garbage. The attempt to repeal was squashed by the media, liberals, and RINO's that lack the courage and fortitude to stand behind their campaign rhetoric. Face the fact, politicians are nothing more than politicians, bought and sold to the highest bidder at the expense of the American people. So who you ask is the winner? easy those that don't have to pay the price.

It's wasn' because they didn' have courage. It was because no one liked the bill and it was going to hurt real people.

You can't just say you're going to fulfll a promise no matter what lol. The people didn' want it, telling them it was a promise isn' going to change that

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