health care profits go up, they're planning to raise prices

Government sponsored monopolies do that.

That is why some of us do not think the greatest accomplishment in the history of humanity is to mandate everyone buy overpriced health insurance. That is not self determination. It is JDAAC John Roberts' definition of "conservative..."


The fact that the GOP Congress can't/won't do that proves WHAT???
Yeah, it all just started with Obama when gave america a Heritage Foundation think tank plan, jeebus.
Fenton Lum doesn't understand basic math, economics, or monopolies...

Everything Fenton "thinks" is parroted from a left wing source....
Fenton Lum doesn't understand basic math, economics, or monopolies...

Everything Fenton "thinks" is parroted from a left wing source....

American corporations were the impetus of healthcare reform.

The healthcare debacle can be traced back to the Nixon administration.
None of that noise above is preventing the GOP from removing the mandate forcing everyone to buy monopoly priced "health insurance" which means you call your doc, you go and wait in an office for 2 hours, you get 5 minutes with the doc before he/she prescribes a pill from a drug company that kicks back to the doctor, and you are out $200 on a co-pay because your doc guessed a pill may help you...

We'd all be better off with Native American Medicine Men.

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