Health Insurance Profits Soar

Scuze me. Large insurance companies are publicly traded and have an obligation to their shareholders to earn a decent return on capital. Those shares are widely held by pension funds, btw. So destroying insurance company profits just worsens the pension liabilities that are crushing state budgets.

that's correct, they owe their stock holders and THIS IS PRECISELY why we should not support this method of getting our health care....ONE'S HEALTH IS TOO IMPORTANT.

We could solve this problem of wasted money going to the middle man for our health with no medical treatment at all given, by cutting out the middle man and using OUR OWN $9.3 BILLION that they take as profit, on our own actual, medical treatments.

Whether we take the libertarian approach of us just going to the doctor and paying for what we needed done, without health insurance or two, moving in to a single payer gvt plan or a single payer non profit coop plan.

It's not something that could be done overnight to these health insurance companies, but it could be done increments, and these companies can find another insurance to build their business on....most are not just in to health insurance alone either, they invest a great deal in the market and have other ventures and other items to could be they expand their supplemental insurance businesses to make due.

That you have no understanding of insurance or any other business is evidenced in every post.
I suggest you drop your health, car, and homeowners insurance immediately and start paying directly. Cut out the middleman!

she made more in business than you'll see in your sorry life. do you think if you pretend that what you say is true, then it becomes true?

that's correct, they owe their stock holders and THIS IS PRECISELY why we should not support this method of getting our health care....ONE'S HEALTH IS TOO IMPORTANT.

We could solve this problem of wasted money going to the middle man for our health with no medical treatment at all given, by cutting out the middle man and using OUR OWN $9.3 BILLION that they take as profit, on our own actual, medical treatments.

Whether we take the libertarian approach of us just going to the doctor and paying for what we needed done, without health insurance or two, moving in to a single payer gvt plan or a single payer non profit coop plan.

It's not something that could be done overnight to these health insurance companies, but it could be done increments, and these companies can find another insurance to build their business on....most are not just in to health insurance alone either, they invest a great deal in the market and have other ventures and other items to could be they expand their supplemental insurance businesses to make due.

That you have no understanding of insurance or any other business is evidenced in every post.
I suggest you drop your health, car, and homeowners insurance immediately and start paying directly. Cut out the middleman!

she made more in business than you'll see in your sorry life. do you think if you pretend that what you say is true, then it becomes true?

It's the ignorant leading the stupid.
Still pretending you're a lawyer or something?
9.3 billion in profit in just a few months.... is an awful lot of money that could be spent on ACTUAL HEALTH CARE INSTEAD of going to a middle man that provides no Medical Care what so ever....

9.3B for an entire industry? Confiscate it! Give it to the children!
Are you really this stupid? Don't answer that because I already know the answer is yes.

Health insurance is not a "middle man". Health insurance is insurance, a financial product. Do you have any idea what insurance is?
Don't answer that. I already know the answer is No.

are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....
9.3 billion in profit in just a few months.... is an awful lot of money that could be spent on ACTUAL HEALTH CARE INSTEAD of going to a middle man that provides no Medical Care what so ever....

9.3B for an entire industry? Confiscate it! Give it to the children!
Are you really this stupid? Don't answer that because I already know the answer is yes.

Health insurance is not a "middle man". Health insurance is insurance, a financial product. Do you have any idea what insurance is?
Don't answer that. I already know the answer is No.

are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

$9.3B would pay for one month of Obamacare, then there would not be a second $9.3B because insurance companies would not hang around to keep handing more over. Whoopee ding. Some "middle man."
9.3 billion in profit in just a few months.... is an awful lot of money that could be spent on ACTUAL HEALTH CARE INSTEAD of going to a middle man that provides no Medical Care what so ever....

9.3B for an entire industry? Confiscate it! Give it to the children!
Are you really this stupid? Don't answer that because I already know the answer is yes.

Health insurance is not a "middle man". Health insurance is insurance, a financial product. Do you have any idea what insurance is?
Don't answer that. I already know the answer is No.

are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

Dell (or any computer company) makes profit that is OUR money too. Grocery stores make profit with OUR MONEY too. Every industry makes profits with OUR money. That's what keeps them in business.
But it isn't a one way street. It isn't like you aren't getting groceries, computers, or insurance in return for payment.
That's called business. In case you missed it.
that's correct, they owe their stock holders and THIS IS PRECISELY why we should not support this method of getting our health care....ONE'S HEALTH IS TOO IMPORTANT.

We could solve this problem of wasted money going to the middle man for our health with no medical treatment at all given, by cutting out the middle man and using OUR OWN $9.3 BILLION that they take as profit, on our own actual, medical treatments.

Whether we take the libertarian approach of us just going to the doctor and paying for what we needed done, without health insurance or two, moving in to a single payer gvt plan or a single payer non profit coop plan.

It's not something that could be done overnight to these health insurance companies, but it could be done increments, and these companies can find another insurance to build their business on....most are not just in to health insurance alone either, they invest a great deal in the market and have other ventures and other items to could be they expand their supplemental insurance businesses to make due.

That you have no understanding of insurance or any other business is evidenced in every post.
I suggest you drop your health, car, and homeowners insurance immediately and start paying directly. Cut out the middleman!

she made more in business than you'll see in your sorry life. do you think if you pretend that what you say is true, then it becomes true?


Who cares? She's as ignorant as they come when it comes to the relationship between health care and profit and the cost of a government run plan.
9.3B for an entire industry? Confiscate it! Give it to the children!
Are you really this stupid? Don't answer that because I already know the answer is yes.

Health insurance is not a "middle man". Health insurance is insurance, a financial product. Do you have any idea what insurance is?
Don't answer that. I already know the answer is No.

are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

$9.3B would pay for one month of Obamacare, then there would not be a second $9.3B because insurance companies would not hang around to keep handing more over. Whoopee ding. Some "middle man."

what is the Obama care costs that you speak of....the health INSURANCE bill that was just passed? obama care SUPPORTS the MIDDLE MAN, supports the private health insurance companies, their PROFITS will GO UP drastically, WITH obama care....

obama care WAS a GIFTHORSE given to the private INSURANCE COMPANIES???

So what is your point, revere?
are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

$9.3B would pay for one month of Obamacare, then there would not be a second $9.3B because insurance companies would not hang around to keep handing more over. Whoopee ding. Some "middle man."

what is the Obama care costs that you speak of....the health INSURANCE bill that was just passed? obama care SUPPORTS the MIDDLE MAN, supports the private health insurance companies, their PROFITS will GO UP drastically, WITH obama care....

obama care WAS a GIFTHORSE given to the private INSURANCE COMPANIES???

So what is your point, revere?

Obamacare was scored to cost just under $1T (never mind the reality of it). Do you think $1T of cost doesn't cost anything?
Do you have any idea what you're talking about? (Don't answer that--we all know)
are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

$9.3B would pay for one month of Obamacare, then there would not be a second $9.3B because insurance companies would not hang around to keep handing more over. Whoopee ding. Some "middle man."

what is the Obama care costs that you speak of....the health INSURANCE bill that was just passed? obama care SUPPORTS the MIDDLE MAN, supports the private health insurance companies, their PROFITS will GO UP drastically, WITH obama care....

obama care WAS a GIFTHORSE given to the private INSURANCE COMPANIES???

So what is your point, revere?

You can create all the false realities you want to make your original false reality make sense, babe.

If you want to pretend there is no Obamacare, allow me to blindfold you, spin you around, and point you toward the pinata.

Knock yourself out.
$9.3B would pay for one month of Obamacare, then there would not be a second $9.3B because insurance companies would not hang around to keep handing more over. Whoopee ding. Some "middle man."

what is the Obama care costs that you speak of....the health INSURANCE bill that was just passed? obama care SUPPORTS the MIDDLE MAN, supports the private health insurance companies, their PROFITS will GO UP drastically, WITH obama care....

obama care WAS a GIFTHORSE given to the private INSURANCE COMPANIES???

So what is your point, revere?

You can create all the false realities you want to make your original false reality make sense, babe.

If you want to pretend there is no Obamacare, allow me to blindfold you, spin you around, and point you toward the pinata.

Knock yourself out.

pretend there is no obamacare?????

I still have no idea what you are talking about????

of course there is a health reform bill, that has been 'labeled' obamacare? i am not pretending there is not one revere???????/ what the heck????

WHAT, for the love of God, are you even trying to argue/debate with me or....what is the point of your comments?

I am lost ON THAT....PLEASE try again, make your argument clear and please tell me how it relates to my argument....cuz i just don't get it???? call me obtuse....
btw to all you "smart" peope there is no "Obamacare".
Do you even know the correct name? Or only the slang the right wing media stuck on it?

I want to hear no more complaints about my use of the term "tea Baggers".
what is the Obama care costs that you speak of....the health INSURANCE bill that was just passed? obama care SUPPORTS the MIDDLE MAN, supports the private health insurance companies, their PROFITS will GO UP drastically, WITH obama care....

obama care WAS a GIFTHORSE given to the private INSURANCE COMPANIES???

So what is your point, revere?

You can create all the false realities you want to make your original false reality make sense, babe.

If you want to pretend there is no Obamacare, allow me to blindfold you, spin you around, and point you toward the pinata.

Knock yourself out.

pretend there is no obamacare?????

I still have no idea what you are talking about????

of course there is a health reform bill, that has been 'labeled' obamacare? i am not pretending there is not one revere???????/ what the heck????

WHAT, for the love of God, are you even trying to argue/debate with me or....what is the point of your comments?

I am lost ON THAT....PLEASE try again, make your argument clear and please tell me how it relates to my argument....cuz i just don't get it???? call me obtuse....

I don't know what your background is, and I don't care. Jillian thinks you're a captain of industry, so I'll indulge her factiod I can't independently verify.

But anyone who thinks they can fix something they don't like about an industry by sucking the profit out of it, or who calls business tax deductions "subsidies," is woefully ignorant in my eyes.
You can create all the false realities you want to make your original false reality make sense, babe.

If you want to pretend there is no Obamacare, allow me to blindfold you, spin you around, and point you toward the pinata.

Knock yourself out.

pretend there is no obamacare?????

I still have no idea what you are talking about????

of course there is a health reform bill, that has been 'labeled' obamacare? i am not pretending there is not one revere???????/ what the heck????

WHAT, for the love of God, are you even trying to argue/debate with me or....what is the point of your comments?

I am lost ON THAT....PLEASE try again, make your argument clear and please tell me how it relates to my argument....cuz i just don't get it???? call me obtuse....

I don't know what your background is, and I don't care. Jillian thinks you're a captain of industry, so I'll indulge her factiod I can't independently verify.

But anyone who thinks they can fix something they don't like about an industry by sucking the profit out of it, or who calls business tax deductions "subsidies," is woefully ignorant in my eyes.

i don't want to suck the profit away from the insurance industry, they can keep all of their profits.....

i don't want us to support the health insurance industry and their profits period!!!

....i think it is a waste of billions of dollars a year, going towards 'the middle man' business(insurance companies) and not towards our actual health and medical services and care.

i'd rather give my money to the doctor or hospital helping me get well*
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pretend there is no obamacare?????

I still have no idea what you are talking about????

of course there is a health reform bill, that has been 'labeled' obamacare? i am not pretending there is not one revere???????/ what the heck????

WHAT, for the love of God, are you even trying to argue/debate with me or....what is the point of your comments?

I am lost ON THAT....PLEASE try again, make your argument clear and please tell me how it relates to my argument....cuz i just don't get it???? call me obtuse....

I don't know what your background is, and I don't care. Jillian thinks you're a captain of industry, so I'll indulge her factiod I can't independently verify.

But anyone who thinks they can fix something they don't like about an industry by sucking the profit out of it, or who calls business tax deductions "subsidies," is woefully ignorant in my eyes.

i don't want to suck the profit away from the insurance industry, they can keep all of their profits.....

i don't want us to support the health insurance industry and their profits period!!!

....i think it is a waste of billions of dollars a year, going towards 'the middle man' business(insurance companies) and not towards our actual health and medical services and care.

You're just wrong. Government buys all sorts of services from people and companies who make even bigger profits. Government buys health insurance for about 500,000 people from private carriers. It's a lot of people, but it's far from enough to be considered a "subsidy."

If government administered its own plan, its employees would be on Medicaid.

There is a reason government employees want to keep the policies they have.

Your malapropisms about "middle men" and "subsidies" in health care also belie your business ignorance.
9.3B for an entire industry? Confiscate it! Give it to the children!
Are you really this stupid? Don't answer that because I already know the answer is yes.

Health insurance is not a "middle man". Health insurance is insurance, a financial product. Do you have any idea what insurance is?
Don't answer that. I already know the answer is No.

are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

Dell (or any computer company) makes profit that is OUR money too. Grocery stores make profit with OUR MONEY too. Every industry makes profits with OUR money. That's what keeps them in business.
But it isn't a one way street. It isn't like you aren't getting groceries, computers, or insurance in return for payment.
That's called business. In case you missed it.

yes, this is true about dell and grocers and most everything....

but WHAT is insurance doing? what did they create or produce that they are selling us? a computer lap top? a side of beef?

they have created and produced NOTHING.....

billions of dollars are being given to them, for basically providing nothing tangible in return....

AND we are talking about our health and life or death....

not car insurance, or home insurance....but our very life!
are you really this obtuse in real life?

THE $9.3 BILLION in profit, is our money....coming from our insurance premiums paid by us and our employers, over and ABOVE our money for the policy that DOES PAY for actual medical care....over and above the money we pay for our policies that goes towards all the employee salaries and benefits, over and above the amount we pay for the ceo salaries and bonuses and over and above what our premiums pay for the overhead of these insurance companies....

ALL of this money given to them by us through our premiums could be better spent if this middle man, was cut out of the picture....and we just paid the doctors, hospitals and pharma, what they are charging the insurance companies for the health care services provided us.....

Dell (or any computer company) makes profit that is OUR money too. Grocery stores make profit with OUR MONEY too. Every industry makes profits with OUR money. That's what keeps them in business.
But it isn't a one way street. It isn't like you aren't getting groceries, computers, or insurance in return for payment.
That's called business. In case you missed it.

yes, this is true about dell and grocers and most everything....

but WHAT is insurance doing? what did they create or produce that they are selling us? a computer lap top? a side of beef?

they have created and produced NOTHING.....

billions of dollars are being given to them, for basically providing nothing tangible in return....

AND we are talking about our health and life or death....

not car insurance, or home insurance....but our very life!

That's not even coherent. Insurers sell products you can buy or not buy.

Risk is tangible. So is ignorance.

Demanding you sell insurance to people no matter what their condition is not insurance. It's welfare.
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we are probably too far gone to ever correct this health care crisis that we are in.....

the gvt has subsidized this industry to the hilt, with tax breaks to employers that buy heath insurance for employees, with subsidizing research and development, with grants to medical schools, with loans and grants to those becoming doctors and nurses, with medicare part D....pharma, with grants to hospitals, with vaccines, with medicaid, with health insurance coverage through private insurance companies for their government employees etc etc etc....

ALL OF THIS has made health care costs easily rise....the ''resistance to price'' of the individual is not in play as it would be with most other widgets being sold....

1- because MOST OF US do not pay for our health insurance in full....(the gvt directed tax breaks for employers to provide it for us) so the resistance to medical hikes in price is not felt by hospitals, doctors, medical suppliers etc....

2- because our health is NOT A WIDGET that we are buying.

i admit i have no real solution...i just KNOW that the whole industry is NOT following any true ''free market'' or capitalistic care doesn't seem to meet any normal business model....
Your ignorance is more and more breathtaking with every post.

Insurance is as much a widget as a widget. You can buy it or not buy it. You can't make a market give you the gifts you want just becauuse you unilaterally stop calling it a widget, or think you can turn its profits on and off like a spigot.

How's that theory working for the cost of a state university education? No profits or middlemen there? Is the cost of a college education giving you the gifts you want?
Dell (or any computer company) makes profit that is OUR money too. Grocery stores make profit with OUR MONEY too. Every industry makes profits with OUR money. That's what keeps them in business.
But it isn't a one way street. It isn't like you aren't getting groceries, computers, or insurance in return for payment.
That's called business. In case you missed it.

yes, this is true about dell and grocers and most everything....

but WHAT is insurance doing? what did they create or produce that they are selling us? a computer lap top? a side of beef?

they have created and produced NOTHING.....

billions of dollars are being given to them, for basically providing nothing tangible in return....

AND we are talking about our health and life or death....

not car insurance, or home insurance....but our very life!

That's not even coherent. Insurers sell products you can buy or not buy.

Risk is tangible. So is ignorance.

Demanding you sell insurance to people no matter what their condition is not insurance. It's welfare.

the mandate IS THE golden GIFTHORSE for the insurance industry.....

i don't agree with it.
Health Insurance Profits Soar, Dem Calls For Rebates

WASHINGTON -- Health insurance profits are skyrocketing in 2010 compared to last year's returns and the outgoing chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the companies is calling on them to return the profits to consumers in the form of premium reductions.

"Your ten firms alone have reported over $9.3 billion in profits for the first three quarters of 2010," writes Rep. Pete Stark (D-Calif.), chairman of the Ways and Means health subcommittee -- and, for a day, chairman of the full committee. "On average, your profits have gone up 41 percent from last year."

Sounds like that Dem has a personal problem. There is nothing wrong with making a profit regardless of the amount. That is capitalism, and always has been.

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