"Health is a right"

promote the general welfare does not mean "provide" the general welfare. Words have meanings.

Damn. Nothing grates more than an imbecile who heard something on the radio and takes it as his own...and thinks it makes him less of an imbecile.

those words happen to be correct. The constitution does not guarantee that the government will give you medical care, food, housing, success, a car, a girlfriend, or happiness. It only guarantees that you have the right to pursue happiness.

the imbecile here is you, my libtardian friend.

I don't think 'pursuit of happiness' is in the Constitution is it?

Neither is health care, food, housing, a car, girlfriend, etc.
promote the general welfare does not mean "provide" the general welfare. Words have meanings.

Damn. Nothing grates more than an imbecile who heard something on the radio and takes it as his own...and thinks it makes him less of an imbecile.

those words happen to be correct. The constitution does not guarantee that the government will give you medical care, food, housing, success, a car, a girlfriend, or happiness. It only guarantees that you have the right to pursue happiness.

the imbecile here is you, my libtardian friend.

Beating on a dead horse a bit ... but any sane reading of the Constitution puts it in context. First of all, the general welfare clause is not an enumerated power of Congress. It's a modifier, a limitation, on the taxation power:

The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;

This line establishes the taxation power and stipulations what taxes must be used for: "to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States". It's saying that government can't just tax us for the hell of it, not just to fill the treasury. Further, money spent must be for the COMMON defense and GENERAL welfare of the country. They didn't want a government preoccupied with pleasing special interests, and wanted to ensure government - as much as possible - looked out for everyone.

It's a moot argument, of course. The Hamilton exploit won because people, ultimately, want to be 'taken care of' and ambitious rulers are, generally, happy to oblige.
1. Prohibition was an overreach by the government and was repealed. They did not grant us the right to drink. They took their unlawful restriction on our rights away.

It wasn't legislation it was a constitutional amendment ratified by the states.

Correct. Still wasn't a right granted by the government.

All rights are granted by the government because the government decides what will or will not BE a right.

Wrong and stupid. But right along your mental abilities.

Did the government not decide that freedom of the press was a right?

No, the Founders who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. NOT the gov't. No President or Congress decided that any of our freedoms was a right.
It wasn't legislation it was a constitutional amendment ratified by the states.

Correct. Still wasn't a right granted by the government.

All rights are granted by the government because the government decides what will or will not BE a right.

Wrong and stupid. But right along your mental abilities.

Did the government not decide that freedom of the press was a right?

No, the Founders who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. NOT the gov't. No President or Congress decided that any of our freedoms was a right.
The government the Founders founded granted you your rights. This isn't a difficult thing to understand. The reason why they could take away your right to drink (and give it back again later) is because - wait for it, they have the ability ti decide what is and isn't a - right.

And all rights have limitations BTW. Also not a hard thing to understand in a nation that can take your "right" to breath.
If those of you on the left believe that "health is a right", please give us some quotation from the constitution, declaration or independence, bill of rights, or any statute that confirms that belief.

Either that, or admit that you are wrong.
I think I'll quit working and demand my rights to food, housing, healthcare. Is sex on the list yet or should I hold out?
Would it make you feel better if people said not that it's a right (it isn't), it's just a really really really good and decent thing for a society to do? It's also very cost-effective. A well nation is a productive and even a secure nation. Sick people don't work or fight well.
I think I'll quit working and demand my rights to food, housing, healthcare. Is sex on the list yet or should I hold out?
Would it make you feel better if people said not that it's a right (it isn't), it's just a really really really good and decent thing for a society to do? It's also very cost-effective. A well nation is a productive and even a secure nation. Sick people don't work or fight well.
I'm looking forward to spending your money. Thanks!
I think I'll quit working and demand my rights to food, housing, healthcare. Is sex on the list yet or should I hold out?
Would it make you feel better if people said not that it's a right (it isn't), it's just a really really really good and decent thing for a society to do? It's also very cost-effective. A well nation is a productive and even a secure nation. Sick people don't work or fight well.

but that begs the real question-----------who pays for it?
We will have a right to health care under a single payer plan?

Not all care. Those in government will decide, and now are under Obamcare as well, as to what health care we need and they will approve.

In fact, this may change as well, depending on the political wind of bureaucrats.

And that is what we have all signed for, health care you can depend upon, just like depending upon social security for retirement. The only difference being, there is no supplement plan to help you retire the way you want to retire when it comes to government run health care.

The best part of all is, if the government screws you, which they do today and will continue to do in the future, there is no one to run to for help.
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If those of you on the left believe that "health is a right", please give us some quotation from the constitution, declaration or independence, bill of rights, or any statute that confirms that belief.

Either that, or admit that you are wrong.
Just a Q for ya, are all these other nations with national healthcare wrong? The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, they're all just - stupid?
I think I'll quit working and demand my rights to food, housing, healthcare. Is sex on the list yet or should I hold out?
Would it make you feel better if people said not that it's a right (it isn't), it's just a really really really good and decent thing for a society to do? It's also very cost-effective. A well nation is a productive and even a secure nation. Sick people don't work or fight well.

but that begs the real question-----------who pays for it?
Everyone who can. Pretty simple. It sure works for the Armed Services. They are always well-funded.
I think I'll quit working and demand my rights to food, housing, healthcare. Is sex on the list yet or should I hold out?
Would it make you feel better if people said not that it's a right (it isn't), it's just a really really really good and decent thing for a society to do? It's also very cost-effective. A well nation is a productive and even a secure nation. Sick people don't work or fight well.
I'm looking forward to spending your money. Thanks!
You already do or at least, my money was spent on you. That's how it works. Money doesn't grow on trees.
Correct. Still wasn't a right granted by the government.

All rights are granted by the government because the government decides what will or will not BE a right.

Wrong and stupid. But right along your mental abilities.

Did the government not decide that freedom of the press was a right?

No, the Founders who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. NOT the gov't. No President or Congress decided that any of our freedoms was a right.
The government the Founders founded granted you your rights. This isn't a difficult thing to understand. The reason why they could take away your right to drink (and give it back again later) is because - wait for it, they have the ability ti decide what is and isn't a - right.

And all rights have limitations BTW. Also not a hard thing to understand in a nation that can take your "right" to breath.

What nonsense. The CONSTITUTION upon which the gov't was founded SPECIFIES our rights, not the freakin' gov't. It isn't difficult thing to understand, but I'll spell it out in simple terms: THE US GOV'T CANNOT GRANT RIGHTS. ANY RIGHTS. IT DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT BECAUSE THAT POWER IS NOT GRANTED TO THE US GOV'T UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. How much clearer can I be?
I think I'll quit working and demand my rights to food, housing, healthcare. Is sex on the list yet or should I hold out?
Would it make you feel better if people said not that it's a right (it isn't), it's just a really really really good and decent thing for a society to do? It's also very cost-effective. A well nation is a productive and even a secure nation. Sick people don't work or fight well.

Sure, take a look at Venezuela. Apparently you must be sick, you don't work or fight well.
If those of you on the left believe that "health is a right", please give us some quotation from the constitution, declaration or independence, bill of rights, or any statute that confirms that belief.

Either that, or admit that you are wrong.
Just a Q for ya, are all these other nations with national healthcare wrong? The UK, France, Germany, Spain, Canada, they're all just - stupid?

Have you been to any of those countries? Have you asked the citizens of those countries about the quality of their medical care? Have you asked them why they come to the USA when they have serious medical issues? Have you asked them if they enjoy paying 50-65% of their incomes in taxes?

I have, and the stories are not good ones. Denmark and Sweden are socialistic countries. Average danes and swedes cannot afford to buy a house or a car. If their income increases, most of the increase goes to taxes. Socialism does not work, never has, never will.
All rights are granted by the government because the government decides what will or will not BE a right.

Wrong and stupid. But right along your mental abilities.

Did the government not decide that freedom of the press was a right?

No, the Founders who wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights. NOT the gov't. No President or Congress decided that any of our freedoms was a right.
The government the Founders founded granted you your rights. This isn't a difficult thing to understand. The reason why they could take away your right to drink (and give it back again later) is because - wait for it, they have the ability ti decide what is and isn't a - right.

And all rights have limitations BTW. Also not a hard thing to understand in a nation that can take your "right" to breath.

What nonsense. The CONSTITUTION upon which the gov't was founded SPECIFIES our rights, not the freakin' gov't. It isn't difficult thing to understand, but I'll spell it out in simple terms: THE US GOV'T CANNOT GRANT RIGHTS. ANY RIGHTS. IT DOES NOT HAVE THE POWER TO DO THAT BECAUSE THAT POWER IS NOT GRANTED TO THE US GOV'T UNDER THE CONSTITUTION. How much clearer can I be?


I have a right to bear arms as well. In fact, I've written my local representative that they need to buy a gun for me.
What kind of right is it?

The kind of a right John McCain has to health care for his brain tumor, only, common folk won't have as much of a right to such great health care as he.

good point, and one that most on the left fail to understand. The elites have the "right" to medical care at virtually no cost to them.

Bullshit. Nobody has a right to health care. It is a service which is supposed to be paid for by somebody. The fact that the gov't has authorized programs and policies to help people pay for health care does not mean it is a right.

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