Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
We can this to the list of Obama lies. It's also one of the main reasons Obamacare spells doom for Democrats:

Premiums for employer-provided family coverage rose $3,065 — 24% — from 2008 to 2012, the Kaiser survey found.

At a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio, in February 2008, Obama promised that "We are going to work with you to lower your premiums by $2,500. We will not wait 20 years from now to do it, or 10 years from now to do it. We will do it by the end of my first term as president.​
Logic would tell you that the Dumocrats are doomed because of ACA...

And I do not want to be skeptical, but we are living in a society today that has it's hand out all too often...

I am convinced more often than not we have turned the corner down the wrong street and it started in 2008 when this f'ing idiot buffoon was elected the first time, the second time they proved to me that they are f'ing lazy POS...
Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]

The American people are fully aware that far right reactionary obstructionism is at fault for the failure. And bripat won't tell you that costs are flattening in the last five years, a great improvement on the Bush and Clinton years.
Frankly, I just don't get it. Obama repeatedly lied to us about this crap. The left STILL defends this asshole. Hell, anyone with an ounce of sense knows that this "signature legislation" is on life support - just waiting for the November elections so the republicans can defund it (killing it) and replacing it with common sense legislation WITHOUT the idiot Pelosi and Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid.

And STILL the left blindly follows this piss poor excuse for a president. I just don't get it. My God, stupidity at its finest. NOW, we hear that the "drop dead end of registration" for this years Oblundercare has been extended through April.

Is there no end to this man and his foolishness!!?!?!? He's like the little kid that, when losing at the game, keeps changing the damned rules until he can work out a win for himself. It's pathetic.
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We can this to the list of Obama lies. It's also one of the main reasons Obamacare spells doom for Democrats:

Premiums for employer-provided family coverage rose $3,065 — 24% — from 2008 to 2012, the Kaiser survey found.

At a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio, in February 2008, Obama promised that "We are going to work with you to lower your premiums by $2,500. We will not wait 20 years from now to do it, or 10 years from now to do it. We will do it by the end of my first term as president.​

Given a D.C. Federal judge just today said Obamacare was; "Janus-faced,” “cobbled together,” “poorly written,” and described its launch as an “unmitigated disaster.” it seems as if O-Care is truly hitting the fan while the lies are being exposed for everyone to see. No wonder extensions are being given all the time, along with yet another today.
Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]

The American people are fully aware that far right reactionary obstructionism is at fault for the failure. And bripat won't tell you that costs are flattening in the last five years, a great improvement on the Bush and Clinton years.

A $3065 increase in 4 years is not "flattening," you senile idiot.

Here's a place you may not have looked at yet, Fakey:

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You need to make a decision while you're still able to.
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Just remember, these idiots on the left are far more intelligent that us toothless old rednecks on the right. They can bend charts and graphs to say what they want them to say, in an effort to salvage their pride. They know (within what little heart they have) that they have been made to look foolish by this clown. They know it.

Now, rather than admit that they screwed up - they will march off the proverbial cliff with him.

Actually, I rather pity them this election cycle. They are going to see their "hope and change" (code for socialism/marxism/communism) vanish into thin air. They are going to see the only thing their "boy" accomplished - that being OBlundercare - torn to pieces and reassembled into a workable solution for the idiots that can't (or won't) provide healthcare for their own families. I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be hard for them to watch.
Just remember, these idiots on the left are far more intelligent that us toothless old rednecks on the right. They can bend charts and graphs to say what they want them to say, in an effort to salvage their pride. They know (within what little heart they have) that they have been made to look foolish by this clown. They know it.

Now, rather than admit that they screwed up - they will march off the proverbial cliff with him.

Actually, I rather pity them this election cycle. They are going to see their "hope and change" (code for socialism/marxism/communism) vanish into thin air. They are going to see the only thing their "boy" accomplished - that being OBlundercare - torn to pieces and reassembled into a workable solution for the idiots that can't (or won't) provide healthcare for their own families. I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be hard for them to watch.

That depends on whether Republicans can overcome all the Democrat voter fraud and the $billions spent by the Obama Administration that is little more than Democrat propaganda and a get-out-the-Democrat-vote operation.
Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]

The American people are fully aware that far right reactionary obstructionism is at fault for the failure. And bripat won't tell you that costs are flattening in the last five years, a great improvement on the Bush and Clinton years.

to bad your statement is just a statement and has no basis in fact. But some lib apologist will post it in newsprint to circle the wagons.
Just remember, these idiots on the left are far more intelligent that us toothless old rednecks on the right. They can bend charts and graphs to say what they want them to say, in an effort to salvage their pride. They know (within what little heart they have) that they have been made to look foolish by this clown. They know it.

Now, rather than admit that they screwed up - they will march off the proverbial cliff with him.

Actually, I rather pity them this election cycle. They are going to see their "hope and change" (code for socialism/marxism/communism) vanish into thin air. They are going to see the only thing their "boy" accomplished - that being OBlundercare - torn to pieces and reassembled into a workable solution for the idiots that can't (or won't) provide healthcare for their own families. I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be hard for them to watch.

That depends on whether Republicans can overcome all the Democrat voter fraud and the $billions spent by the Obama Administration that is little more than Democrat propaganda and a get-out-the-Democrat-vote operation.

Normally I would agree with that assessment. However, this ain't 2012 any longer. Those housewives that voted for "the smile" and swooned at his rallies have seen their household income drop. They have witnessed their husbands (and themselves) losing their jobs and have to go to unemployment. They see their kids education going to shit. they see their older kids with no chance whatsoever. They see their dollar falling more and more each day. They see their healthcare being dropped by employers and they are mad as hell.

Hell, even THEY know that they wasted their vote in 2012 - let alone in 2008. Mistakes are easily corrected. I fully expect a walloping of the democrats in November. America has had enough of this fairy tale crap and Barry Obama.
Frankly, I just don't get it. Obama repeatedly lied to us about this crap. The left STILL defends this asshole. .
And I don't get this randell! bush was repeatedly warned about al Qaida planning to attack the US and he chose to look the other way. Then after they attacked that killed 3000 Americans he promised to get bin Laden, DEAD OR ALIVE. Of course we know he did not keep his promise. We then when to war in Afghanistan and just when we were about to end that war bush pulled the troops out and sent them to Iraq based on a group of lies about WMD that did not exist. A few months into that war he claimed Mission Accomplished while the American death toll eventually climbed to around 4500. We eventually left Iraq, thanks to Obama, but thanks to us the civil war is still raging in Iraq. But bush wasn't done yet. When Katrina leveled the Gulf Coast and destroyed New Orleans bush managed to once again look the other way and hundreds died thanks to the political flunky bush appointed (brownie) who was totally clueless on what to do. But bush was still not done. In the last days of his administration the US economy was dropping like a rock and Americans were loosing jobs at a rate of 750,000 jobs/MONTH. Virtually every economist in the US was predicting a depression to rival the 30's. And yet, we never heard a peep out of you while this is going on and now all we hear from you is bitch, bitch, bitch. When I hear you starting to condemn bush for putting America in the shitter I will start to listen to you about Obama. Until then he has my total support. The last person I want to see is a war monger like mcccain or a rich vulture capitalist who is so far out of touch with America that he does not have a clue what Americans want or need.
You know what they say about statistics........

FactChecking Health Insurance Premiums

You know what they say about assholes.
From your link:
On the other hand, the fact that the law caused any increase at all cast more doubt on Obama’s promise that the law “could save families $2,500 in the coming years.” We’ve been calling that claim into question for several years now. The plain fact is that — so far — the law has caused an increase in premiums, though not so large an increase as some Republicans claim
and is notoriously biased. So if they say it isnt true, you know it.
Color me shocked.

Of course deductables are going up.

The only winners in the ACA are those we taxpayers are going to be forced to subsidize.
How many in this thread can prove that their own premiums went up, on the same coverage, only because of the ACA?
You know what they say about statistics........

FactChecking Health Insurance Premiums

You know what they say about assholes.
From your link:
On the other hand, the fact that the law caused any increase at all cast more doubt on Obama’s promise that the law “could save families $2,500 in the coming years.” We’ve been calling that claim into question for several years now. The plain fact is that — so far — the law has caused an increase in premiums, though not so large an increase as some Republicans claim
and is notoriously biased. So if they say it isnt true, you know it.

Isn't this fun! You get pissed about a campaign promise. Something that, by nature, is subject to scrutiny and is to be taken for what it is...given the fact that the dude making the promise is not a king.

But you fail to get in the least bit upset about lies regarding the reasons for premium increases or misrepresentations about the trend in health care costs.

You then claim that factcheck is notoriously biased.

Quite the superstar, you are.
How many in this thread can prove that their own premiums went up, on the same coverage, only because of the ACA?


Because that's not how it works. You don't keep the same plan. And also because no one is dumb enough to put their personal information in this forum.

Ours went up a little under $3,000 a year, and our deductibles went from $3,500 to $6,000. My old plan is no longer offered, even though it served us perfectly well. You can choose not to believe that because you don't want to believe that. I'd suspect a relatively simple Google search would provide you with all the evidence you need, if you were actually curious.

Meh, it is what it is, the law now. So I don't bitch about it. It does annoy me that we still have five (5) different health care payment systems after all this -- individual/group, VA, Medicare, Medicaid, indigent -- and that this was a horrific wasted opportunity, but fuck it. I'm used to our "leaders" failing us, and I'm used to their partisan apologists spinning for them, see above.

It would be nice to get a Thank You card from those I'm supporting, but I'm not expecting that.


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