Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]

How many in this thread can prove that their own premiums went up, on the same coverage, only because of the ACA?

Are you kidding?

Try $524 per year...

This is the exact text from HR...

As a result of the Affordable Care Act, you are being charged the Annual Fee on Health Insurers (Health Insurers Fee) and the Transitional Reinsurance Contribution Fee (Reinsurance Fee.)

Yeah that $2,500 savings is a load of crap...

The Kool Aid is flowing real good for NYc...

You just might believe anything. How have you made it this far?

How many in this thread can prove that their own premiums went up, on the same coverage, only because of the ACA?

Are you kidding?

Try $524 per year...

This is the exact text from HR...

As a result of the Affordable Care Act, you are being charged the Annual Fee on Health Insurers (Health Insurers Fee) and the Transitional Reinsurance Contribution Fee (Reinsurance Fee.)

Yeah that $2,500 savings is a load of crap...

The Kool Aid is flowing real good for NYc...

You just might believe anything. How have you made it this far?

Hell you voted for him, he would be without a job based on what I believe, but look in the mirror if you need convincing...

I understand why you want to point at someone else, admitting your this dumb is the first step to recovery, but when your this far gone turning your life around is hopeless, you're better off just giving up...
We can this to the list of Obama lies. It's also one of the main reasons Obamacare spells doom for Democrats:

Premiums for employer-provided family coverage rose $3,065 — 24% — from 2008 to 2012, the Kaiser survey found.

At a campaign stop in Columbus, Ohio, in February 2008, Obama promised that "We are going to work with you to lower your premiums by $2,500. We will not wait 20 years from now to do it, or 10 years from now to do it. We will do it by the end of my first term as president.​

New Report: Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums Increase 119 Percent from 1999-2008

New Report: Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Premiums Increase 119 Percent from 1999-2008; Projected to Double Again by 2020 - The Commonwealth Fund

So, from 2008 to 2012 rates went up 24%, but from 1999 to 2008 they went up 119%. During which period were the rate increases greater? Who was president during the time with the highest rate increases?

In fact, the rate of increase under Bush was more than double that under Obama, so from that perspective, Obama did reduce costs by $2500. Yea, that is fuzzy math, but your complaint without the acknowledgement that it's a major improvement is just political whining.
Frankly, I just don't get it. Obama repeatedly lied to us about this crap. The left STILL defends this asshole. Hell, anyone with an ounce of sense knows that this "signature legislation" is on life support - just waiting for the November elections so the republicans can defund it (killing it) and replacing it with common sense legislation WITHOUT the idiot Pelosi and Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid.

And STILL the left blindly follows this piss poor excuse for a president. I just don't get it. My God, stupidity at its finest. NOW, we hear that the "drop dead end of registration" for this years Oblundercare has been extended through April.

Is there no end to this man and his foolishness!!?!?!? He's like the little kid that, when losing at the game, keeps changing the damned rules until he can work out a win for himself. It's pathetic.

You obviously do not pay for your health insurance as I do, because if you did, you would know that rate increases have diminished considerably the past five years compared to the Bush years. Now, this isn't a "It's Bush's fault" promo, but the fact is that during the Bush years, my health insurance premiums increased by more than 10% every single year. Under Obama it hasn't happened even one year. Those of you who pay a percentage of your health insurance premium while your employer covers the bulk of it just have no clue. You just listen to the right wing talking heads but you have no real life experience with this. It's amazing how easy it is to dupe you guys, but you do it to each other all the time.
Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]

The American people are fully aware that far right reactionary obstructionism is at fault for the failure. And bripat won't tell you that costs are flattening in the last five years, a great improvement on the Bush and Clinton years.

A $3065 increase in 4 years is not "flattening," you senile idiot.

Here's a place you may not have looked at yet, Fakey:

Revera - Retirement Living - Memory Care Units


Memory Care Units

If you or a loved one are going through transitions related to memory loss, Revera has Memory Care living options that may provide the support required. We create environments that offer safety and security, while keeping people involved in living life to the fullest. Our residents enjoy a variety of recreation and fitness activities, and participate in stimulating memory enhancing exercises.

You need to make a decision while you're still able to.

Obviously you would have been happier if rates had continued increasing at the same rate they did under Bush, which averaged close to 10% every single year versus just over 5% under Obama. Yea, let's go back to those rate increases of 10% or more every single year.

I don't know how it is people can be so ignorant of facts.
Frankly, I just don't get it. Obama repeatedly lied to us about this crap. The left STILL defends this asshole. Hell, anyone with an ounce of sense knows that this "signature legislation" is on life support - just waiting for the November elections so the republicans can defund it (killing it) and replacing it with common sense legislation WITHOUT the idiot Pelosi and Harry "Howdy Doody" Reid.

And STILL the left blindly follows this piss poor excuse for a president. I just don't get it. My God, stupidity at its finest. NOW, we hear that the "drop dead end of registration" for this years Oblundercare has been extended through April.

Is there no end to this man and his foolishness!!?!?!? He's like the little kid that, when losing at the game, keeps changing the damned rules until he can work out a win for himself. It's pathetic.

You obviously do not pay for your health insurance as I do, because if you did, you would know that rate increases have diminished considerably the past five years compared to the Bush years. Now, this isn't a "It's Bush's fault" promo, but the fact is that during the Bush years, my health insurance premiums increased by more than 10% every single year. Under Obama it hasn't happened even one year. Those of you who pay a percentage of your health insurance premium while your employer covers the bulk of it just have no clue. You just listen to the right wing talking heads but you have no real life experience with this. It's amazing how easy it is to dupe you guys, but you do it to each other all the time.

Tell you what then - since you are carrying your own plan - why not just drop that "mean old" private health insurance that you are having to pay more and more for - and get OBarrycare??

Not one soul is making you keep your oppressive private insurance. Not one.

It was never my fault that I worked for an employer that covered the bulk of my insurance - as part of my benefits package.
Health Premiums Up $3,065; Obama Vowed $2,500 Cut ["by the end of my first term"]

The American people are fully aware that far right reactionary obstructionism is at fault for the failure. And bripat won't tell you that costs are flattening in the last five years, a great improvement on the Bush and Clinton years.

A $3065 increase in 4 years is not "flattening," you senile idiot.

Here's a place you may not have looked at yet, Fakey:

Revera - Retirement Living - Memory Care Units


Memory Care Units

If you or a loved one are going through transitions related to memory loss, Revera has Memory Care living options that may provide the support required. We create environments that offer safety and security, while keeping people involved in living life to the fullest. Our residents enjoy a variety of recreation and fitness activities, and participate in stimulating memory enhancing exercises.

You need to make a decision while you're still able to.

Obviously you would have been happier if rates had continued increasing at the same rate they did under Bush, which averaged close to 10% every single year versus just over 5% under Obama. Yea, let's go back to those rate increases of 10% or more every single year.

I don't know how it is people can be so ignorant of facts.

Pardner, I would gladly go back to those years of annual 10% rate increases. They were solid. This FANTASY that Barry is running this country through is making a mockery of this country, it's people and has made us the laughing stock of the world - AND, will not survive past the 2014 elections.
Frankly, I just don't get it. Obama repeatedly lied to us about this crap. The left STILL defends this asshole. .
And I don't get this randell! bush was repeatedly warned about al Qaida planning to attack the US and he chose to look the other way. Then after they attacked that killed 3000 Americans he promised to get bin Laden, DEAD OR ALIVE. Of course we know he did not keep his promise. We then when to war in Afghanistan and just when we were about to end that war bush pulled the troops out and sent them to Iraq based on a group of lies about WMD that did not exist. A few months into that war he claimed Mission Accomplished while the American death toll eventually climbed to around 4500. We eventually left Iraq, thanks to Obama, but thanks to us the civil war is still raging in Iraq. But bush wasn't done yet. When Katrina leveled the Gulf Coast and destroyed New Orleans bush managed to once again look the other way and hundreds died thanks to the political flunky bush appointed (brownie) who was totally clueless on what to do. But bush was still not done. In the last days of his administration the US economy was dropping like a rock and Americans were loosing jobs at a rate of 750,000 jobs/MONTH. Virtually every economist in the US was predicting a depression to rival the 30's. And yet, we never heard a peep out of you while this is going on and now all we hear from you is bitch, bitch, bitch. When I hear you starting to condemn bush for putting America in the shitter I will start to listen to you about Obama. Until then he has my total support. The last person I want to see is a war monger like mcccain or a rich vulture capitalist who is so far out of touch with America that he does not have a clue what Americans want or need.

Hey Stupid...Bush hasn't been president for 5 years now. Hell, why not go dig JFK up and slap the hell out of him for getting hundreds of ex-patriate Cubans killed at the Bay Of Pigs? Or why not tear down the Lincoln Memorial because after all - Lincoln was president when 560,000 Americans were killed during the Civil War. What about kicking the snot out of the ghost of Richard Nixon for getting 46,000 GIs killed in Vietnam? Or how about looking up Jimmy Carter and slapping him for getting 23 Rangers killed with his BS failed raid into Iran? How about beating the hell out of Harry Truman's grave for the killing of 180,000 people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or Why not slap the hell out of Hillary Clinton for failing to provide adequate security for those men in Benghazi? Or why not beat the hell out of that skinny-assed president we are saddled with now for the couple of thousand Troops that have died since he has been in office..

You're so full of crap that your breath stinks.

Yup and you'll notice that anytime anyone says anything about the current fuck in the WH they start pulling out Bush.

Guess you can't fix stupid.
And I don't get this randell! bush was repeatedly warned about al Qaida planning to attack the US and he chose to look the other way. Then after they attacked that killed 3000 Americans he promised to get bin Laden, DEAD OR ALIVE. Of course we know he did not keep his promise. We then when to war in Afghanistan and just when we were about to end that war bush pulled the troops out and sent them to Iraq based on a group of lies about WMD that did not exist. A few months into that war he claimed Mission Accomplished while the American death toll eventually climbed to around 4500. We eventually left Iraq, thanks to Obama, but thanks to us the civil war is still raging in Iraq. But bush wasn't done yet. When Katrina leveled the Gulf Coast and destroyed New Orleans bush managed to once again look the other way and hundreds died thanks to the political flunky bush appointed (brownie) who was totally clueless on what to do. But bush was still not done. In the last days of his administration the US economy was dropping like a rock and Americans were loosing jobs at a rate of 750,000 jobs/MONTH. Virtually every economist in the US was predicting a depression to rival the 30's. And yet, we never heard a peep out of you while this is going on and now all we hear from you is bitch, bitch, bitch. When I hear you starting to condemn bush for putting America in the shitter I will start to listen to you about Obama. Until then he has my total support. The last person I want to see is a war monger like mcccain or a rich vulture capitalist who is so far out of touch with America that he does not have a clue what Americans want or need.

Hey Stupid...Bush hasn't been president for 5 years now. Hell, why not go dig JFK up and slap the hell out of him for getting hundreds of ex-patriate Cubans killed at the Bay Of Pigs? Or why not tear down the Lincoln Memorial because after all - Lincoln was president when 560,000 Americans were killed during the Civil War. What about kicking the snot out of the ghost of Richard Nixon for getting 46,000 GIs killed in Vietnam? Or how about looking up Jimmy Carter and slapping him for getting 23 Rangers killed with his BS failed raid into Iran? How about beating the hell out of Harry Truman's grave for the killing of 180,000 people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Or Why not slap the hell out of Hillary Clinton for failing to provide adequate security for those men in Benghazi? Or why not beat the hell out of that skinny-assed president we are saddled with now for the couple of thousand Troops that have died since he has been in office..

You're so full of crap that your breath stinks.

Yup and you'll notice that anytime anyone says anything about the current fuck in the WH they start pulling out Bush.

Guess you can't fix stupid.

Yeah, the clowns think the world was roses and unicorns BEFORE and AFTER Bush. I have never seen such stupidity in all my life. But I guess when you know that the clown YOU voted for is as useless as tits on a bull, what else can you do?
Having an employer that is screwing you and being able to do nothing about it is the best argument in favor of labor unions.
Only to morons that think they are entitled to a job. If you don't like your job, find another or start your own. That's what people with backbones do.

What I don't understand is that there appear to people who either don't realize or won't admit that those who don't qualify for subsidies are probably seeing higher premiums, higher deductibles, or both.

I do understand that partisan ideologues have to deny and spin, but am I right about this? They really don't know?


If you read Jake the Fake post you see he is trying to say the Republicans are responsible for the problems with the ACA. Thus he is admitting it is a POS, so yes he realizes it he just won't come out and straightforward say so.

Besides, they don't care, they won and that is all that matters.

problems with ACA does not equal POS, and we see only "probably" and other nonsense

when the far right can talk honestly, then an honest dialogue can happen

if the attack is simply against Obama and ACA, Obama will not run again and the ACA will not go away

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