Healthcare cost a crime


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
against humanity.

I went into ER with a temperature of 102 with a bladder infection. I was given a urinalysis, a chest X-ray (?), IV antibiotics and sent home with Vicodin (I did not ask for) and received a copy of charges to Medicare for $3,965.50. I had to take Remsa, I live a block away from the hospital and the charges was $1000. I noticed these costs had gone up about 25% in the last few years.
I went to a hospital affiliated doctor which is part of a hospital network of doctors and Medicare was charged $288.00 for a urinalysis and was told I still had the infection and I had to go back to the hospital infusion center and receive 10 days of IV antibiotics. I wanted a second opinion and had another urinalysis and it came out negative.
Am I being charged for medical care Illegal Aliens get from this hospital and not paying? Medicare, Medicaid and private insurance is paying for medical care for Illegal Aliens? How much is it costing for hospital to deliver anchor babies? Illegal Aliens need to be deported to bring down the cost of medical care and save Medicare and Medicaid.
If we ever going to get the cost of healthcare down we will have to go universal healthcare where everyone put in the pot. Works for Mass. And Illegal Aliens deported. How are we going to pay for healthcare amnesty will bring.? Otherwise Medicare and Medicaid is really screwed. And if doctors want to opt out they can move their practice to Mexico or go to work at Wal-Mart. I got the feeling they will join in and take a cut in pay instead of no pay at all. Medicare and Medicaid is a big part of their paycheck and they will not be able to survive on private insurance unless they raise their rates and their clients will not go for that and join universal healthcare.
What do we care more about? Private insurance companies staying in business or affordable healthcare for all Americans?
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If we ever going to get the cost of healthcare down we will have to go universal healthcare where everyone put in the pot.

are you a liberal or socialist? Do you have the IQ to understand Republican capitalism?? The Chinese just switched to it are getting rich rather than starving to death. Its been in all the papers.

Imagine if the Chinese leaders had your IQ and said, the only way to make things affordable in all industries is to have universal goods and services for all.

Liberals are liberal because they have a low IQ.
Essiential services like education, energy and healthcare are exempt from the law of supply and demand.

perfectly stupid and perfectly liberal. You mean the more oil and energy they can supply the more expensive it will be?

See why we are 100% a liberal will be slow?
against humanity.

So what brings costs down? More competition or more government monopolies? The answer is clear.

Well the more competition option is clearly out since the big concerns have a long history of buying up the smaller competing concerns.

that happens in most industries like computers but prices always come down thanks to capitalism. Now you know why China just switched to capitalism. Its been in all the papers
against humanity.

So what brings costs down? More competition or more government monopolies? The answer is clear.

Well the more competition option is clearly out since the big concerns have a long history of buying up the smaller competing concerns.

Okay, so what is stopping new start up companies from competing? I would suggest it's a combination of huge government-imposed barriers to entry and flat out cronyism between those big companies and their central planning buddies in Washington, which helps tremendously to keep potential competitors at bay. So I say again, if you want prices to drop, that means doing what is necessary to allow competition to thrive. Will you be supporting more government oversight of the healthcare industry or less? You hopes for driving costs down rests with that decision.
So what brings costs down? More competition or more government monopolies? The answer is clear.

Well the more competition option is clearly out since the big concerns have a long history of buying up the smaller competing concerns.

that happens in most industries like computers but prices always come down thanks to capitalism. Now you know why China just switched to capitalism. Its been in all the papers

Then why has healthcare been growing at near double digit rates for the past couple of decades?

Yep and computer stuff moved to China. How will it work to move our healthcare to China?
Then why has healthcare been growing at near double digit rates for the past couple of decades?

because libtards made competition illegal.

Imagine someone who jogs for fun and someone who races in life and death competition? Who would be a faster runner? Now you understand competiton and how it makes us better. Not so hard was it? Is that really over a liberal's head??
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Then why has healthcare been growing at near double digit rates for the past couple of decades?

Notice how that increase coincides with increased government meddling in the healthcare industry, at both the state and federal level? That is not a coincidence. Government-sponsored monopolies and cronyism always causes costs to raise in excess of normal inflation. It is no surprise what we've seen in healthcare costs. More government involvement will only get you higher costs, worsening results, and more cronyism. Free markets will get you exactly the opposite.
Yep and computer stuff moved to China. How will it work to move our healthcare to China?

Who on earth wants to move it to China????

from your post which I replied to:

that happens in most industries like computers but prices always come down thanks to capitalism. Now you know why China just switched to capitalism. Its been in all the papers
Yep and computer stuff moved to China. How will it work to move our healthcare to China?

Who on earth wants to move it to China????

from your post which I replied to:

that happens in most industries like computers but prices always come down thanks to capitalism. Now you know why China just switched to capitalism. Its been in all the papers

so????? who wants to move health care to China?????
So what brings costs down? More competition or more government monopolies? The answer is clear.

Well the more competition option is clearly out since the big concerns have a long history of buying up the smaller competing concerns.

that happens in most industries like computers but prices always come down thanks to capitalism. Now you know why China just switched to capitalism. Its been in all the papers
China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Government Nominally Marxist–Leninist single-party state[5][a]
Who on earth wants to move it to China????

from your post which I replied to:

that happens in most industries like computers but prices always come down thanks to capitalism. Now you know why China just switched to capitalism. Its been in all the papers

so????? who wants to move health care to China?????

You idiot that is why the rules of supply and demand and globalization, etc do not apply to health care.

We have outsourced much of our drug components and manufacturing offshore though.
I believe China is our largest supplier of prescription medicine ingredients.

And for some strange reason even though offshored our pharma costs up to 100X as much here for the medicine made overseas as it does just accross our borders.
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You idiot that is why the rules of supply and demand and globalization, etc do not apply to health care.

you mean in health care people don't care what things cost or providers don't care to be competitive??

As a liberal you lack the IQ to know what the laws of supply and demand are.
You idiot that is why the rules of supply and demand and globalization, etc do not apply to health care.

you mean in health care people don't care what things cost or providers don't care to be competitive??

As a liberal you lack the IQ to know what the laws of supply and demand are.
Yes you not knowing anything about health care means others have low Iq's

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