Hearsay is not admissible in a court of law BUT

If it involves "getting Trump" we'll make an exception.....

This is where the Democrats have brought us. The so called whistle blower has ZERO first hand knowledge but you know, Sally told Jessie who in turn told Frank who then told the whistle blower so it must be true!

Democrats steadily eroding the foundations of our nation. Shameful
Impeachment is not a criminal proceeding
So if I overhear a discussion where a group of people are talking about how some one is going to murder someone, I can't report it?
True, if the House has the votes, they can impeach Trump for eating two scoops of ice cream. And with democrat representatives like AOC, they just might do that.
Shit, they can even impeach over a blow job if they want to
You still actually believe that spin?
He is a paid poster to convince others of that spin.
If it involves "getting Trump" we'll make an exception.....

This is where the Democrats have brought us. The so called whistle blower has ZERO first hand knowledge but you know, Sally told Jessie who in turn told Frank who then told the whistle blower so it must be true!

Democrats steadily eroding the foundations of our nation. Shameful
Jesus Christmas, Gramps, we've got the transcript of the conversation! The first-hand knowledge part is WAAAAAYYYYYY...... a moot point. Maybe the guy doesn't fall under the Whistleblower Protection Act and can be fired if they figure out who he is. I'm sure Adam Schiff would find him a cozy job in his office if that happened.
It no longer applies. Move on to some of the zanier conspiracy theories--like that the Democratic party, Hillary's lawyer, the entire 16 agencies of the Intelligence Community and the House of Representatives all got together and made this up in order to impeach Trump.

Read the transcript and the favor was over cyberstrike and not Biden...
The Democrats are so desperate that they literally made this shit up right before our eyes.....at least the Russian Collusion hoax was partially believable....for awhile.
This shit is just an excuse to accuse Trump of a cover-up.
We no longer need hearsay

We have the actual transcript
...which says JACK SHIT.

It was so benign, Schiff had to make up this lie:


Fuck you dishonest assholes for making me into a GOP cheerleader with your lying, gun-grabbing, traitorous bullshit.

If it involves "getting Trump" we'll make an exception.....

This is where the Democrats have brought us. The so called whistle blower has ZERO first hand knowledge but you know, Sally told Jessie who in turn told Frank who then told the whistle blower so it must be true!

Democrats steadily eroding the foundations of our nation. Shameful
There's a transcript.
If it involves "getting Trump" we'll make an exception.....

This is where the Democrats have brought us. The so called whistle blower has ZERO first hand knowledge but you know, Sally told Jessie who in turn told Frank who then told the whistle blower so it must be true!

Democrats steadily eroding the foundations of our nation. Shameful
There's a transcript.
That makes the left look foolish.
If it involves "getting Trump" we'll make an exception.....

This is where the Democrats have brought us. The so called whistle blower has ZERO first hand knowledge but you know, Sally told Jessie who in turn told Frank who then told the whistle blower so it must be true!

Democrats steadily eroding the foundations of our nation. Shameful
Thanks to this kind of fake conservative outage over hearsay, Linda Tripp is trending #1 on Twitter.
Linda Tripp is #1 trend on Twitter
If it involves "getting Trump" we'll make an exception.....

This is where the Democrats have brought us. The so called whistle blower has ZERO first hand knowledge but you know, Sally told Jessie who in turn told Frank who then told the whistle blower so it must be true!

Democrats steadily eroding the foundations of our nation. Shameful
Hearsay is admissible. Judges decide which is and isn't, case by case. The attorney objects, and the judge sustains or overrules the objection.

Also,i think you might be a bit confused as to the definition of "hearsay". "Hearsay" is when someone not present in the court proceedings is directly quoted. Even that is not always objectionable, when it can be entered into evidence that the quote is accurate, via transcripts or recordings.
And let's not forget the Democrats filed articles of impeachment SPECIFICALLY BECAUSE OF THE WHISTLE BLOWER.

You mean the Inspector General who is tramp's pick. I suspect he is on his way out.

Articles of impeachment have not been filed.
The report led to an investigation at which point it will be determined if impeachment should proceed
And usually they don't call it an Impeachment hearing then...........They can call for investigation of it without the HYPE of saying IMPEACHMENT.............

Show me the dang crime and show me the Whistleblower had first hand knowledge of the conversation.

If he didn't and released the information he is possibly VIOLATING Executive Powers when talking to foreign leaders.............which in itself is a possible crime..............

Why did they call for investigation before they even saw the conversation..............hmmmm

They are calling it an Impeachment investigation. It may lead nowhere

The dang crime being investigated is abuse of Presidential powers for personal gain.

There is no need for ANYONE to have firsthand knowledge of a crime to report what they have heard. The investigating agency can consider that report credible or not.
In this case, the whistleblowers report was 100 percent dead on, balls accurate
Our intel agencies record for the record conversations between leaders for the record down the road..............So yeah............big brother is watching ........and those handling those transcripts have 1st hand knowledge...........Not a dang janitor in a closet that might have heard something.......

The complaint and transcript don't mean a dang thing.

If anything...............Biden bragging about using his influence in Ukraine to get the prosecutor filed is AMPLE EVIDENCE to indict and bring to trial in a normal courtroom.....................but not when you own the WH and the Justice Dept........under Obama................

Let's see..........here's Obama........hearing that.......on his own VP.............Hey justice dept.. investigate my VP please...........

If frogs had wings they wouldn't bump their butts when jumping.
Biden worked along with the EU to get rid of a corrupt prosecutor. His son was not involved

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