Heat to soar to record levels in next 5 years.

Everyone could have seen this coming.

The News

Global temperatures are likely to soar to record highs over the next five years, driven by human-caused warming and a climate pattern known as El Niño, forecasters at the World Meteorological Organization said on Wednesday.

The record for Earth’s hottest year was set in 2016. There is a 98 percent chance that at least one of the next five years will exceed that, the forecasters said, while the average from 2023 to ’27 will almost certainly be the warmest for a five-year period ever recorded.

Why It Matters: Every fraction of a degree brings new risks.

Even small increases in warming can exacerbate the dangers from heat waves, wildfires, drought and other calamities, scientists say. Elevated global temperatures in 2021 helped fuel a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest that shattered local records and killed hundreds of people.

El Niño conditions can cause further turmoil by shifting global precipitation patterns. The meteorological organization said it expected increased summer rainfall over the next five years in places like Northern Europe and the Sahel in sub-Saharan Africa and reduced rainfall in the Amazon and parts of Australia.

The organization reported that there is also a two thirds chance that one of the next five years could be 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, hotter than the 19th-century average.

That does not mean that the world will have officially breached the aspirational goal in the Paris climate agreement of holding global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. When scientists talk about that temperature goal, they generally mean a longer-term average over, say, two decades in order to root out the influence of natural variability.

Many world leaders have insisted on the 1.5-degree limit to keep the risks of climate change to tolerable levels. But nations have delayed so long in making the monumental changes necessary to achieve this goal, such as drastically cutting fossil-fuel emissions, that scientists now think the world will probably exceed that threshold around the early 2030s.

Background: La Niña, a cooling influence, is on the way out.

Global average temperatures have already increased roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius since the 19th century, largely because humans keep burning fossil fuels and pumping heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

But while that overall upward trend is clear, global temperatures can bounce up and down a bit from year to year because of natural variability. For instance, a cyclical phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, causes year-to-year fluctuations by shifting heat in and out of deeper ocean layers. Global surface temperatures tend to be somewhat cooler during La Niña years and somewhat hotter during El Niño years.

The last record hot year, 2016, was an El Niño year. By contrast, La Niña conditions have dominated for much of the past three years: while they’ve been unusually warm, they were still slightly below 2016 levels. Now, scientists are expecting El Niño conditions to return later this summer. When combined with steadily rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, that will most likely cause temperatures to accelerate to new highs.

I hate to break it to ya but the climate change people have already said it is too late.
Nothing has happened. Not one thing. Multiple tipping points have been crossed, dire warnings have been declared for decades, and nada.

climate change.jpg
greenlan ice core- interglacial.PNG
greenland ice cores -.jpg
Nothing has happened. Not one thing. Multiple tipping points have been crossed, dire warnings have been declared for decades, and nada.

And there you are in another topic cheering on the Co2 FRAUD's attempt to re-write climate history according to Dennis Quaid.

How fast are ice ages?

According to Westwall, Day After Tomorrow movie is accurate - they happen in 3 days, because if westwall can parrot it, it must be true.
To so many unimaginable morons
"The science" = PARROTING

Quoting Halladay/Resnick is "parroting" now ... how far removed from college science lab classes are you? ... only "morons" use gas laws? ... please tell us in your own words why we should ignore Claude-Louis Navier's work ... and include your alternative for getting our gravity vector pointing straight up ...
Quoting Halladay/Resnick is "parroting" now ... how far removed from college science lab classes are you? ... only "morons" use gas laws? ... please tell us in your own words why we should ignore Claude-Louis Navier's work ... and include your alternative for getting our gravity vector pointing straight up ...

Newton was actually right about gravity.

That does not mean Fauxi was right about anything, or that Co2 in the atmosphere is actually warming anything, since both instruments we employ to measure atmospheric temps say it hasn't, but that does not stop your sick rear from claiming it is...
And there you are in another topic cheering on the Co2 FRAUD's attempt to re-write climate history according to Dennis Quaid.

How fast are ice ages?

According to Westwall, Day After Tomorrow movie is accurate - they happen in 3 days, because if westwall can parrot it, it must be true.

Oh? Where am I cheering on the fraud? You're an idiot. I have pointed out for over a decade on this forum that CO2 is not a problem. That globull warming claims are a fraud.

I just happen to use evidence to back up my claims.
Where am I cheering on the fraud?

Right here, SUB HUMAN MORON...

There is plenty of evidence for continental glaciation. In fact there were three main pulses over the last 250,000 years.

That is Milankovitch Cycles, or as I call them McBullshit, and they came out after homO went silent on Global Warming 2010-2012 because the Co2 fraud had a huge problem with North America and Greenland, because North America thawed while Greenland froze.

McBullshit argues ice ages are extremely fast, and your BEAKED BIRDBRAIN parroted it.

In reality, we have DATA on the SPEED of ICE AGES from GREENLAND and the speed is about 1 mile every 1000 years.

top of Northern Greenland, where the Greenland ice age began, was completely green 2 million years ago

Center of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400k-800k years ago

And the Vikings farmed the Southern Tip until the 1400s when the Greenland Ice Age got to where it is today and froze them out...

Response = you have no evidence, post your evidence, Evidence? I want a "study" to PARROT
Right here, SUB HUMAN MORON...

That is Milankovitch Cycles, or as I call them McBullshit, and they came out after homO went silent on Global Warming 2010-2012 because the Co2 fraud had a huge problem with North America and Greenland, because North America thawed while Greenland froze.

McBullshit argues ice ages are extremely fast, and your BEAKED BIRDBRAIN parroted it.

In reality, we have DATA on the SPEED of ICE AGES from GREENLAND and the speed is about 1 mile every 1000 years.

top of Northern Greenland, where the Greenland ice age began, was completely green 2 million years ago

Center of Greenland went from forest to ice age 400k-800k years ago

And the Vikings farmed the Southern Tip until the 1400s when the Greenland Ice Age got to where it is today and froze them out...

Response = you have no evidence, post your evidence, Evidence? I want a "study" to PARROT

You think that an ice age is dependent on the movement of ice from the existing continental glaciers? Really?

Wow, that is a level of stupidity I have not seen in years.

Heat to soar to record levels in next 5 years​

Yeah yippy kai yay - I hate it when it gets cold. And when it gets too hot - maybe we can melt some glaciers.
You think that an ice age is dependent on the movement of ice from the existing continental glaciers?


Reading comprehension = ZERO

We live on a planet called EARTH. Right now on Earth, every piece of land within 600 miles of a pole is IN ICE AGE, and everything outside of 600 miles is not. This is why Greenland has ice south of the Arctic Circle, and Alaska has trees and moose north of the Arctic Circle.

What causes an ice age?

When land gets to within 600 miles of an Earth pole

What happens then?

Annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during summer and hence starts to stack

What does the Co2 fraud say about ice ages?

The Co2 fraud wants you to believe Earth warms and cools as a whole. That is not the case. During the past 2 million, 1 million 20k years TAKE YOUR PICK North America thawed while Greenland froze. Co2 did not do that. Sun did not do that. What did that was tectonic plate movement. The Co2 fraud doesn't like that truth so it re-wrote climate history to make ice ages rapid and scary. The data from Greenland blows that away. Ice ages are about glaciers, and glaciers are GLACIAL... DUH

Speed of Greenland's ice age advance = roughly 1 mile every 1000 years

suggestive of the very slow movement of glaciers

An INCONVENIENT TRUTH for the Co2 fraud and McBullshit

Reading comprehension = ZERO

We live on a planet called EARTH. Right now on Earth, every piece of land within 600 miles of a pole is IN ICE AGE, and everything outside of 600 miles is not. This is why Greenland has ice south of the Arctic Circle, and Alaska has trees and moose north of the Arctic Circle.

What causes an ice age?

When land gets to within 600 miles of an Earth pole

What happens then?

Annual snowfall ceases to fully melt during summer and hence starts to stack

What does the Co2 fraud say about ice ages?

The Co2 fraud wants you to believe Earth warms and cools as a whole. That is not the case. During the past 2 million, 1 million 20k years TAKE YOUR PICK North America thawed while Greenland froze. Co2 did not do that. Sun did not do that. What did that was tectonic plate movement. The Co2 fraud doesn't like that truth so it re-wrote climate history to make ice ages rapid and scary. The data from Greenland blows that away. Ice ages are about glaciers, and glaciers are GLACIAL... DUH

Speed of Greenland's ice age advance = roughly 1 mile every 1000 years

suggestive of the very slow movement of glaciers

An INCONVENIENT TRUTH for the Co2 fraud and McBullshit

When an ice age occurs, glaciation occurs GLOBALLY. It doesn't creep down from the poles. Mountain ranges get buried under glaciers. The mountain that I live on was, 15,000 years ago, under a mile thick slab of ice.

You truly have no clue, do you.
Everyone could have seen this coming.

The News

Global temperatures are likely to soar to record highs over the next five years, driven by human-caused warming and a climate pattern known as El Niño, forecasters at the World Meteorological Organization said on Wednesday.

The record for Earth’s hottest year was set in 2016. There is a 98 percent chance that at least one of the next five years will exceed that, the forecasters said, while the average from 2023 to ’27 will almost certainly be the warmest for a five-year period ever recorded.

Why It Matters: Every fraction of a degree brings new risks.

Even small increases in warming can exacerbate the dangers from heat waves, wildfires, drought and other calamities, scientists say. Elevated global temperatures in 2021 helped fuel a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest that shattered local records and killed hundreds of people.

El Niño conditions can cause further turmoil by shifting global precipitation patterns. The meteorological organization said it expected increased summer rainfall over the next five years in places like Northern Europe and the Sahel in sub-Saharan Africa and reduced rainfall in the Amazon and parts of Australia.

The organization reported that there is also a two thirds chance that one of the next five years could be 1.5 degrees Celsius, or 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit, hotter than the 19th-century average.

That does not mean that the world will have officially breached the aspirational goal in the Paris climate agreement of holding global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius. When scientists talk about that temperature goal, they generally mean a longer-term average over, say, two decades in order to root out the influence of natural variability.

Many world leaders have insisted on the 1.5-degree limit to keep the risks of climate change to tolerable levels. But nations have delayed so long in making the monumental changes necessary to achieve this goal, such as drastically cutting fossil-fuel emissions, that scientists now think the world will probably exceed that threshold around the early 2030s.

Background: La Niña, a cooling influence, is on the way out.

Global average temperatures have already increased roughly 1.1 degrees Celsius since the 19th century, largely because humans keep burning fossil fuels and pumping heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

But while that overall upward trend is clear, global temperatures can bounce up and down a bit from year to year because of natural variability. For instance, a cyclical phenomenon in the Pacific Ocean, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation, causes year-to-year fluctuations by shifting heat in and out of deeper ocean layers. Global surface temperatures tend to be somewhat cooler during La Niña years and somewhat hotter during El Niño years.

The last record hot year, 2016, was an El Niño year. By contrast, La Niña conditions have dominated for much of the past three years: while they’ve been unusually warm, they were still slightly below 2016 levels. Now, scientists are expecting El Niño conditions to return later this summer. When combined with steadily rising levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, that will most likely cause temperatures to accelerate to new highs.

Why is this op not writen in chinese and posted on the commie internet?

China and India are the biggest offenders, far exceeding western countries
When an ice age occurs, glaciation occurs GLOBALLY.

BULLSHIT and proven BULLSHIT by the issue of North America vs. Greenland

It doesn't creep down from the poles

Greenland's ice age just did, MORON, not from the actual pole but by moving to within 600 miles of the pole. Greenland's ice moves north to south = DUH....

Mountain ranges get buried under glaciers

No, moron, mountain ranges grow ice because the atmosphere is thinner at higher altitudes and that allows ice to form on the top of mountains.

A glacier on a mountain is not an ice age.

Antarctica and Greenland are ice ages = 97% of ice on Earth today.

Two polar oceans = Earth has no ice
BULLSHIT and proven BULLSHIT by the issue of North America vs. Greenland

Greenland's ice age just did, MORON, not from the actual pole but by moving to within 600 miles of the pole. Greenland's ice moves north to south = DUH....

No, moron, mountain ranges grow ice because the atmosphere is thinner at higher altitudes and that allows ice to form on the top of mountains.

A glacier on a mountain is not an ice age.

Antarctica and Greenland are ice ages = 97% of ice on Earth today.

Two polar oceans = Earth has no ice

Okay, you have just proved you are nothing more than a flat earther.
Okay, you have just proved you are nothing more than a flat earther.

Try to refute that.

You can't.

Every single piece of land on Earth today is in ice age if it is within 600 miles of a Pole.



Religious people PARROT and never THINK and ASK QUESTIONS like is a star really the same size as a FUCKING FIG...

Why is 97% of Earth's ice on the two land masses closest to the pole?

Does land move?

What happens if Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS?
Try to refute that.

You can't.

Every single piece of land on Earth today is in ice age if it is within 600 miles of a Pole.



Religious people PARROT and never THINK and ASK QUESTIONS like is a star really the same size as a FUCKING FIG...

Why is 97% of Earth's ice on the two land masses closest to the pole?

Does land move?

What happens if Earth has TWO POLAR OCEANS?

Earth CAN'T have two polar oceans you nimrod. Antarctica is a continent.

Yes, land moves. It is moving all of the time.

The most rapidly moving piece of land in the world is along the Red Mountain Thrust Fault in California. It is moving around 7 inches per year.

My gosh, focus on one subject at a time. You are like a hysterical chicken running around like its head was cut off.

And for the record, you have shown NO ability to think, you merely parrot the POV you happen to like.
Earth CAN'T have two polar oceans you nimrod. Antarctica is a continent.

And there you have it. LAND does not move because Jew Fraud of "Christian Preacher" told SUB that...

The North American plate is moving to the west-southwest at about 2.3 cm (~1 inch) per year driven by the spreading center that created the Atlantic Ocean, the Mid Atlantic Ridge.

What is the angle of that fault??


The angle of that fault in the North Atlantic is SW to NE, which pushes Greenland NW and Europe SE.

What has that done?

It causes all glaciers on Europe to MELT and it pushed Greenland to within 600 miles of a pole and hence it is now in ICE AGE....

Greenland and North America are actually on the SAME PLATE moving on the SAME VECTOR on a SPHERE. North America passed its "closest to the pole" point 20-30 million years ago and when it did that it started moving SW...

Plates moving away from nearest pole = melting
Plates moving closer to the nearest pole = growing ice
Plates that move to within 600 miles enter CONTINENT SPECIFIC ICE AGE

Greenland froze while Europe's glaciers melted. Did Co2 do that??


you are a LIBTARD PARROT of Algorian BULLSHIT
Earth CAN'T have two polar oceans you nimrod. Antarctica is a continent.

Yes, land moves. It is moving all of the time.

The most rapidly moving piece of land in the world is along the Red Mountain Thrust Fault in California. It is moving around 7 inches per year.

My gosh, focus on one subject at a time. You are like a hysterical chicken running around like its head was cut off.

And for the record, you have shown NO ability to think, you merely parrot the POV you happen to like.
In order to be parroting, there needs to be someone else spouting the same... stuff. And that is a proposition I find dubious in the extreme.

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