Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Who told you that it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional?
Are you telling me doctors are currently prescribing hydroxychloroquine for covid-19?

I know doctors that prescribed this a few weeks ago after looking at the data. They were well ahead of the game. In fact, this was locked down shortly thereafter for this very reason, not because of any dangers, but for fear of a shortage.
Absolutely because of the dangers.
What in the hell was a "trade adviser" doing at this meeting in the first place, much less challenging a top medical professional?

I've known that trump is incredibly stupid, but this takes the cake. It probably was to be expected. trump has never valued expertise and has continually put people in charge of executive-branch departments who know absolutely nothing about the fields that they are supposedly the experts on.

I remember when he put in place a filthy pig named huber who made millions off of "abstinence only" "education" to oversee birth-control programs. This is so much worse.

Who knew that the government of the United States would be swamped by a tide of ignorance and arrogance, the likes of which we have not ever seen before.
Poor thing...........the drug cocktail is working and you hate Trump so bad that you would rather it fail

Are you actually this ignorant? Again, why was a "trade adviser" even in the room?

This is so reminiscent of all of the businessmen, car mechanics, and "pastors" in the states trying to make themselves out to be OB/GYNs and demanding that doctors read government-scripted speeches to their patients. Now we have "trade advisers" masquerading as medical researchers.

Yes, of course I "hate" your Dear Leader for what he has done. Your implication is that I just woke up some morning and decided to hate an innocent person. How stupid! I just hate trash that is trying to destroy my country and get people killed.
I don't give a shit if ET was in the room............anyone disclosing that information without permission committed a FELONY.....so if ET did it.........ET should go to jail.
So all you want to do is make sure that your Dear Leader's actions are covered up, even though they affect the entire nation. Why can't Americans know what was said in that room and who was there. Again, why was a "trade adviser" present in a discussion of how to handle a health crisis??? There should be no cover-up. I do not worship your King Monkey.
Presidential Powers........if this would have leaked with Obama you'd have already pissed yourself.

Those meetings are private so they can discuss....argue and come up with the best plan without having to worry about every word they say trying to figure out what to do next.

That is why they are CLASSIFIED..........My point stands.........and it is the LAW.
Bullshit. The American people have the right to know. Everyone in that room is being paid by us. Moreover, what is the source for your assertions that these meetings are classified by law? Where is the transparency in government? Do you think that everything that your orange vermin says or does is legally protected from public disclosure?
AGAINST THE LAW PERIOD.....and I hope whoever leaked that gets prosecuted for it.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Who told you that it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional?
Are you telling me doctors are currently prescribing hydroxychloroquine for covid-19?
Of course they are. Who told you that they weren't?
Doctors are prescribing it for covid-19? Link me to that. There haven't even been clinical trials for this drug as a treatment for covid-19.
Ok..........fuck this troll enough's enough..........I know liberals are really Stupid and have TDS...........but no one could be this dumb.
What in the hell was a "trade adviser" doing at this meeting in the first place, much less challenging a top medical professional?

I've known that trump is incredibly stupid, but this takes the cake. It probably was to be expected. trump has never valued expertise and has continually put people in charge of executive-branch departments who know absolutely nothing about the fields that they are supposedly the experts on.

I remember when he put in place a filthy pig named huber who made millions off of "abstinence only" "education" to oversee birth-control programs. This is so much worse.

Who knew that the government of the United States would be swamped by a tide of ignorance and arrogance, the likes of which we have not ever seen before.
Poor thing...........the drug cocktail is working and you hate Trump so bad that you would rather it fail

Are you actually this ignorant? Again, why was a "trade adviser" even in the room?

This is so reminiscent of all of the businessmen, car mechanics, and "pastors" in the states trying to make themselves out to be OB/GYNs and demanding that doctors read government-scripted speeches to their patients. Now we have "trade advisers" masquerading as medical researchers.

Yes, of course I "hate" your Dear Leader for what he has done. Your implication is that I just woke up some morning and decided to hate an innocent person. How stupid! I just hate trash that is trying to destroy my country and get people killed.
I don't give a shit if ET was in the room............anyone disclosing that information without permission committed a FELONY.....so if ET did it.........ET should go to jail.
So all you want to do is make sure that your Dear Leader's actions are covered up, even though they affect the entire nation. Why can't Americans know what was said in that room and who was there. Again, why was a "trade adviser" present in a discussion of how to handle a health crisis??? There should be no cover-up. I do not worship your King Monkey.
Presidential Powers........if this would have leaked with Obama you'd have already pissed yourself.

Those meetings are private so they can discuss....argue and come up with the best plan without having to worry about every word they say trying to figure out what to do next.

That is why they are CLASSIFIED..........My point stands.........and it is the LAW.
Bullshit. The American people have the right to know. Everyone in that room is being paid by us. Moreover, what is the source for your assertions that these meetings are classified by law? Where is the transparency in government? Do you think that everything that your orange vermin says or does is legally protected from public disclosure?
No, they don't have the right to know. That's what "classified" means, dumbass.
All the research for decades on the drug. All the doctors who have prescribed the drug.......and all the success stories from the drug.

I'm from Alabama.........and they have another drug for Malaria being tested......UAB......University of Alabama Birmingham.........

Also University of Nebraska..........also University of Minnesota. .............Israel................France.........Italy......................and so many others........

You see .............you don't need to go into the world with blinders on.........TDS blinds the sight and vision.............who see the world only with TDS eyes............The rest of the world is LAUGHING AT US.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Who told you that it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional?
Are you telling me doctors are currently prescribing hydroxychloroquine for covid-19?
Of course they are. Who told you that they weren't?
Doctors are prescribing it for covid-19? Link me to that. There haven't even been clinical trials for this drug as a treatment for covid-19.
LA doctor seeing success with hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19
Fuck that. If you want to be a lab rat, go right ahead, not me.

This drug has been in use since 1955 in the US. Anybody with this virus right now should take this. Most with common sense would.
What in the hell was a "trade adviser" doing at this meeting in the first place, much less challenging a top medical professional?

I've known that trump is incredibly stupid, but this takes the cake. It probably was to be expected. trump has never valued expertise and has continually put people in charge of executive-branch departments who know absolutely nothing about the fields that they are supposedly the experts on.

I remember when he put in place a filthy pig named huber who made millions off of "abstinence only" "education" to oversee birth-control programs. This is so much worse.

Who knew that the government of the United States would be swamped by a tide of ignorance and arrogance, the likes of which we have not ever seen before.
Poor thing...........the drug cocktail is working and you hate Trump so bad that you would rather it fail

Are you actually this ignorant? Again, why was a "trade adviser" even in the room?

This is so reminiscent of all of the businessmen, car mechanics, and "pastors" in the states trying to make themselves out to be OB/GYNs and demanding that doctors read government-scripted speeches to their patients. Now we have "trade advisers" masquerading as medical researchers.

Yes, of course I "hate" your Dear Leader for what he has done. Your implication is that I just woke up some morning and decided to hate an innocent person. How stupid! I just hate trash that is trying to destroy my country and get people killed.
I don't give a shit if ET was in the room............anyone disclosing that information without permission committed a FELONY.....so if ET did it.........ET should go to jail.
Let’s not distract serious medical talk with this blather
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Feel free not to take it when you contract coronavirus.
I won't. It's a drug for treating malaria and arthritis.

Will you take it if trump and an economist tell you to?
Then you will die. I will take it because it's harmless and it appears to drastically improve the symptoms.


better than listening to you cry about being broke.
You will never be broke because like so many mom’s cellar dwellers you never do anything and never have anything.
What in the hell was a "trade adviser" doing at this meeting in the first place, much less challenging a top medical professional?

I've known that trump is incredibly stupid, but this takes the cake. It probably was to be expected. trump has never valued expertise and has continually put people in charge of executive-branch departments who know absolutely nothing about the fields that they are supposedly the experts on.

I remember when he put in place a filthy pig named huber who made millions off of "abstinence only" "education" to oversee birth-control programs. This is so much worse.

Who knew that the government of the United States would be swamped by a tide of ignorance and arrogance, the likes of which we have not ever seen before.
Poor thing...........the drug cocktail is working and you hate Trump so bad that you would rather it fail

Are you actually this ignorant? Again, why was a "trade adviser" even in the room?

This is so reminiscent of all of the businessmen, car mechanics, and "pastors" in the states trying to make themselves out to be OB/GYNs and demanding that doctors read government-scripted speeches to their patients. Now we have "trade advisers" masquerading as medical researchers.

Yes, of course I "hate" your Dear Leader for what he has done. Your implication is that I just woke up some morning and decided to hate an innocent person. How stupid! I just hate trash that is trying to destroy my country and get people killed.
I don't give a shit if ET was in the room............anyone disclosing that information without permission committed a FELONY.....so if ET did it.........ET should go to jail.
Let’s not distract serious medical talk with this blather
BS.......it's not blather...........I'm sick of these LEAKS...........someone needs to go to jail for this crap.

And it's not a medical discussion.........it's a TDS DISCUSSION......

The medicine is working and those with TDS can't handle it.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Who told you that it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional?
Are you telling me doctors are currently prescribing hydroxychloroquine for covid-19?

I know doctors that prescribed this a few weeks ago after looking at the data. They were well ahead of the game. In fact, this was locked down shortly thereafter for this very reason, not because of any dangers, but for fear of a shortage.
Absolutely because of the dangers.

Nope..you have been fed a load of manure. If it weren't for the fact that z-packs are so prevalent, they could have said the same thing about azythromycin. They just recognized they couldn't fool the masses with that one. If you are dying of COVID-19, you would have to be a complete IDIOT not to try hydroxychoroquine for the infinitesimal risk of cardiac arrest.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Who told you that it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional?
Are you telling me doctors are currently prescribing hydroxychloroquine for covid-19?
Of course they are. Who told you that they weren't?
Doctors are prescribing it for covid-19? Link me to that. There haven't even been clinical trials for this drug as a treatment for covid-19.
LA doctor seeing success with hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID-19
Fuck that. If you want to be a lab rat, go right ahead, not me.

This drug has been in use since 1955 in the US. Anybody with this virus right now should take this. Most with common sense would.
Since 1955 as a treatment for malaria.

Then tell me, why aren't all doctors across the country prescribing this covid-19 wonder drug? Let me guess, either none of them have "common sense" or they are all members of the deep state trying to harm trump's reelection.
What in the hell was a "trade adviser" doing at this meeting in the first place, much less challenging a top medical professional?

I've known that trump is incredibly stupid, but this takes the cake. It probably was to be expected. trump has never valued expertise and has continually put people in charge of executive-branch departments who know absolutely nothing about the fields that they are supposedly the experts on.

I remember when he put in place a filthy pig named huber who made millions off of "abstinence only" "education" to oversee birth-control programs. This is so much worse.

Who knew that the government of the United States would be swamped by a tide of ignorance and arrogance, the likes of which we have not ever seen before.
Poor thing...........the drug cocktail is working and you hate Trump so bad that you would rather it fail

Are you actually this ignorant? Again, why was a "trade adviser" even in the room?

This is so reminiscent of all of the businessmen, car mechanics, and "pastors" in the states trying to make themselves out to be OB/GYNs and demanding that doctors read government-scripted speeches to their patients. Now we have "trade advisers" masquerading as medical researchers.

Yes, of course I "hate" your Dear Leader for what he has done. Your implication is that I just woke up some morning and decided to hate an innocent person. How stupid! I just hate trash that is trying to destroy my country and get people killed.
I don't give a shit if ET was in the room............anyone disclosing that information without permission committed a FELONY.....so if ET did it.........ET should go to jail.
Let’s not distract serious medical talk with this blather
BS.......it's not blather...........I'm sick of these LEAKS...........someone needs to go to jail for this crap.

And it's not a medical discussion.........it's a TDS DISCUSSION......

The medicine is working and those with TDS can't handle it.
Let’s derail the thread about treating the virus over grandstanding about who put information out
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Why take it? Trump is wrong right?
What in the hell was a "trade adviser" doing at this meeting in the first place, much less challenging a top medical professional?

I've known that trump is incredibly stupid, but this takes the cake. It probably was to be expected. trump has never valued expertise and has continually put people in charge of executive-branch departments who know absolutely nothing about the fields that they are supposedly the experts on.

I remember when he put in place a filthy pig named huber who made millions off of "abstinence only" "education" to oversee birth-control programs. This is so much worse.

Who knew that the government of the United States would be swamped by a tide of ignorance and arrogance, the likes of which we have not ever seen before.
Poor thing...........the drug cocktail is working and you hate Trump so bad that you would rather it fail

Are you actually this ignorant? Again, why was a "trade adviser" even in the room?

This is so reminiscent of all of the businessmen, car mechanics, and "pastors" in the states trying to make themselves out to be OB/GYNs and demanding that doctors read government-scripted speeches to their patients. Now we have "trade advisers" masquerading as medical researchers.

Yes, of course I "hate" your Dear Leader for what he has done. Your implication is that I just woke up some morning and decided to hate an innocent person. How stupid! I just hate trash that is trying to destroy my country and get people killed.
I don't give a shit if ET was in the room............anyone disclosing that information without permission committed a FELONY.....so if ET did it.........ET should go to jail.
Let’s not distract serious medical talk with this blather
BS.......it's not blather...........I'm sick of these LEAKS...........someone needs to go to jail for this crap.

And it's not a medical discussion.........it's a TDS DISCUSSION......

The medicine is working and those with TDS can't handle it.
Let’s derail the thread about treating the virus over grandstanding about who put information out
It is within the scope of this thread..........This was a private meeting in the WH.......so they can discuss strategies for this virus.......it is NOT OPEN TO THE PUBLIC......and not to be disclosed to the public under Presidential powers.

Now perhaps you don't care that they VIOLATE CLASSIFICATION rules in this country........but I do......I've signed those papers.......and it is BS that someone is PURPOSELY violating Classified material and meetings handling.
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Feel free not to take it when you contract coronavirus.
I won't. It's a drug for treating malaria and arthritis.

Will you take it if trump and an economist tell you to?
Why change the subject.. DONT TAKE it. Sketch us watch you choke to death .. face time your fight with trump lol you moron lol
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.

How would you take it if it's in prescription form only. A medical professional wouldn't prescribe it? How are they treating patients with it here and abroad?
The idiot thinks trump is handing it to people lol so deranged
I know this much, Navarro has been a hawk on China, well ahead of the game in terms of what threat they pose to the world. The guy I probably most trust in his administration to stay the course on confronting abusers of America.

Fauci, has been getting sunshine shined up his behind by CNN in particular for some time. This article was co-written by that guy in high school who I would expect to rat someone out to the teacher if he heard them curse in gym class, Jim Acosta. I think Fauci seeks the spotlight too often and he is a little too sure of himself for my tastes for this type of situation with many unknowns. I'm glad when Trump calls him out about wanting to shut the country down for 2 years, I think it's an odd, broad position to take considering how some states are far less impacted by this virus than others.

Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine

(CNN)There was a heated disagreement in the Situation Room this weekend over the efficacy of the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine -- but multiple sources say it was mostly one-sided, as President Donald Trump's top trade adviser Peter Navarro feuded with other officials over the drug's unproven effectiveness to treat coronavirus.

The debate is not a new one inside the coronavirus task force -- and medical experts have repeatedly explained to the President that there is a risk in enthusiastically touting hydroxychloroquine in case the drug doesn't ultimately work to combat the virus. But other aides and outside advisers have sided with Trump, including Navarro, who is still not a formal part of the task force but has wedged himself into the meetings.

Axios first reported on the disagreement inside the White House about the drug.

While discussing the latest on hydroxychloroquine this weekend, an exasperated Navarro lashed out at Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the advisers who has urged caution about the drug, a person familiar with the meeting told CNN.

Fauci's been good to have in our corner but OTOH reminds me of that saying "When you're a hammer, everything looks like a nail". He's too insular. Trump is wise to bring other people in and listen.
Yeah, let's listen to what the economist has to say over the health care professional with over 50 years experience during a pandemic.

Yeah, let's stay in our houses like hermits for two years. Brilliant plan. There will be NO viruses left likely, but also, no economy. And no America.

Great idea. Brilliant.
That's exactly what The VOR asshole would LOVE to see happen if it would destroy President Trump.
You're an idiot. But hey, when it comes to YOUR health, if you want to trust in an economist for your well-being, knock yourself out.

Personally, I'll side with the medical professionals when it comes to my health during this pandemic, and I'll do my best taking precautions to prevent myself from contracting this virus from some stupid fuck like you.

And one more thing assholes --- you and sue --- nobody said anything about staying in their homes without coming out for two years. That's just more of the loads of bullshit you idiots invent.

It truly is amazing how fucking stupid you retards are.

If Fauci a medical professional? He said he would take it if he had the virus.
Sorry, but you aren't making any sense. Learn English and then get back to me.
Of you get corvid will you refuse this drug?
Yes, because it wouldn't be prescribed by a medical professional. You on the other hand would take it because trump and an economist told you to, LOL. Good luck.
Feel free not to take it when you contract coronavirus.
I won't. It's a drug for treating malaria and arthritis.

Will you take it if trump and an economist tell you to?

Do you think trump is handing it to people ? Lol poor guy

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