Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

take all the malaria meds you want - you can still get the virus and pass it on to others.

You don't know that yet. It hasn't been tested as a preventative. Right now, they are giving it to people that already have COVID. And if this malaria drug works on half of the people, then I'd say we made great headway against this pandemic.

No, I can guarnantee is has absolutely NO effect on the COVID-19 at all!
It is ONLY to bring down a very high fever, if you have a very high fever, regardless of what caused the fever.
There are really no known drugs for any viruses, and drugs are only prescribed to fight the side effects caused by the viral infection.
How can you guarantee that? You're nothing but an ignoramus

You and I both know what the problem is here. Take note how this is a purely partisan conversation????

Imagine this: Piglosi and Shoemaker tell America they heard about these drugs and how wonderful they work, and wanted to have physicians try out this amazing combo for the virus. Do you really think these leftists would be here denying the results doctors found and would be against the use of it?

Of course not. So why are they so against a good possibility of helping ill Americans fight this virus? Because the President supports the use of it. It's plain and simple.
And? There is only anecdotal evidence that it works which quite frankly isn't good enough. My friend who has COVID was prescribed it and had to immediately stop. Other patients it might work but until proven otherwise through clinical trials it's not a wonder drug.
We elected Trump to get things done. Clinical trials would be a waste of time right now.

So you just want to prescribe everyone medication that may or may not send them into cardiac arrest?

My God this is stupid. Z-packs alone in theory can cause cardiac arrest and yet it is prescribed millions of times per year. The benefits FAR outweigh the very minimal chance of this complication.

Tens of millions of people aren't taking the Z-pack. As a person with very bad drug reactions to supposedly "benign" drugs, I would be reluctant to try a drug which could damage my heart, my kidneys, and leave me blind, unless there was absolutely no other hope. No fucking way I'd take it as a "precaution".

Not to mention, that my sister, who is SUPPOSED to by taking hydroxychloroquine for her reumatoid arthritis, and who literally needs the drug to continue living, can't get it because the entire world's supply has been diverted to corona virus testing.

Well then, as a true collectivist believer you agree that your sister must then give her life for the greater good

Obviously I'm not a true collectivst believer, because I don't want my sister to die because idiots took her drug and killed themselves with it.

No one should be forced to give their life "for the greater good", or because someone in the Administration bought shares in a drug company.

So really AREN'T a Progessive when it gets personal. Got it. Nobody "killed" themselves with it twit. Change the channel.

Really? You clearly have not read the side effects and dangers of taking this drug.

Change the Channel, the dude swallowed fish bowl cleaner

You don't know that the drug has some pretty serious side effects? Didn't anyone tell you and you didn't bother to look into it at all?

Do you know of any prescription drugs that don't have possible side effects?
Of course, not all side effects are equal or equally likely. You're like a child, this shouldn't have to be explained to you.
You worthless fucks would be gleeful if no drug was allowed and the death rate hit 2.2 million... You folks are some sick mother fuckers....
You worthless fucks would be gleeful if no drug was allowed and the death rate hit 2.2 million... You folks are some sick mother fuckers..
Nah, that's just the slimy whining of an angry, uneducated Trump cultist trying to justify his own childish, bad behavior to himself. You're a global embarrassment.

This MAY be a treatment and hopefully it will but Trump was being asinine about it.

That kind of talk from someone in his position is insane and dangerous. There are people who already depend on this drug and hoarding means they won't get it.

The President announced yesterday that we received millions and millions of doses of hydroxychlorquine. You can't "hoard" prescription medications like you can toilet paper.
"The President announced"...yea that's reassuring. He also announced that the number of cases would be down to zero weeks ago.
Discussion is part of the democratic process. It might seam "heated" to polite Canadians who might think their capital is Montreal instead of Yellow Knife.
take all the malaria meds you want - you can still get the virus and pass it on to others.

You don't know that yet. It hasn't been tested as a preventative. Right now, they are giving it to people that already have COVID. And if this malaria drug works on half of the people, then I'd say we made great headway against this pandemic.

No, I can guarnantee is has absolutely NO effect on the COVID-19 at all!
It is ONLY to bring down a very high fever, if you have a very high fever, regardless of what caused the fever.
There are really no known drugs for any viruses, and drugs are only prescribed to fight the side effects caused by the viral infection.
How can you guarantee that? You're nothing but an ignoramus

You and I both know what the problem is here. Take note how this is a purely partisan conversation????

Imagine this: Piglosi and Shoemaker tell America they heard about these drugs and how wonderful they work, and wanted to have physicians try out this amazing combo for the virus. Do you really think these leftists would be here denying the results doctors found and would be against the use of it?

Of course not. So why are they so against a good possibility of helping ill Americans fight this virus? Because the President supports the use of it. It's plain and simple.
Partisan your ass.

There's doctors on one side....and politicians on the other.

I'm going with the doctors
The President announced"...yea that's reassuring. He also announced that the number of cases would be down to zero weeks ago.
Right, because he is a goddamn moron that doesn't know anything and doesn't learn anything. He said something stupid about this drug, then backtracked. But, just like the cultists here, his appointees are still tripling down on it.
I thought this thread was about the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine. If so, there is no debate. Fauci is correct. No scientifically verified data supports the hypothesis that hydroxychloroquine is an effective treatment for CV-19. Full stop.
There is no scientifically verified data that supports the hypothesis that hydroxychloroquine is never an effective treatment for Covid-19.

There is no scientifically verified data that supports the hypothesis that hydroxychloroquine is any more effective as a treatment for Covid-19 than a Payday candy bar is.
You are correct. All I have read is misinformation from others that say it is.

"For example, the patient study claiming hydroxychloroquine is effective in Covid-19 didn’t use a control group. This means we don’t know if the results would have been any different without giving hydroxychloroquine. For now, the US Society of Critical Care Medicines has said there isn’t sufficient evidence to recommend the use of chloroquine or hydroxychloroquine in critically ill adults with Covid-19."

take all the malaria meds you want - you can still get the virus and pass it on to others.

You don't know that yet. It hasn't been tested as a preventative. Right now, they are giving it to people that already have COVID. And if this malaria drug works on half of the people, then I'd say we made great headway against this pandemic.

No, I can guarantee it has absolutely NO effect on the COVID-19 at all!
It is ONLY to bring down a very high fever, if you have a very high fever, regardless of what caused the fever.
There are really no known drugs for any viruses, and drugs are only prescribed to fight the side effects caused by the viral infection.

Wrong. Doctors have seen great improvements in some people. The only way you feel better is if your illness is weakening. Some who survived said they thought they were going to die. Do you know how bad you must be suffering to feel like that? Did you ever see anybody in pain and distress before?

The only two ways to stop this virus is to catch it, develop an immunity, and then get better. The second way of course is a vaccine.

So if this drug can give people more comfort, a better chance at survival until they do develop an immunity, then what's wrong with using it??
The President announced"...yea that's reassuring. He also announced that the number of cases would be down to zero weeks ago.
Right, because he is a goddamn moron that doesn't know anything and doesn't learn anything. He said something stupid about this drug, then backtracked. But, just like the cultists here, his appointees are still tripling down on it.
NO, asshats like you WANT people to die because you think it’ll help you in November. Those worldwide successes with these drugs escape you illiterate one.
take all the malaria meds you want - you can still get the virus and pass it on to others.

You don't know that yet. It hasn't been tested as a preventative. Right now, they are giving it to people that already have COVID. And if this malaria drug works on half of the people, then I'd say we made great headway against this pandemic.

No, I can guarnantee is has absolutely NO effect on the COVID-19 at all!
It is ONLY to bring down a very high fever, if you have a very high fever, regardless of what caused the fever.
There are really no known drugs for any viruses, and drugs are only prescribed to fight the side effects caused by the viral infection.
How can you guarantee that? You're nothing but an ignoramus

You and I both know what the problem is here. Take note how this is a purely partisan conversation????

Imagine this: Piglosi and Shoemaker tell America they heard about these drugs and how wonderful they work, and wanted to have physicians try out this amazing combo for the virus. Do you really think these leftists would be here denying the results doctors found and would be against the use of it?

Of course not. So why are they so against a good possibility of helping ill Americans fight this virus? Because the President supports the use of it. It's plain and simple.
Partisan your ass.

There's doctors on one side....and politicians on the other.

I'm going with the doctors

There is no consensus of doctors that say this doesn't work. The only thing some are saying is that there is no clinical study on it, which of course, we don't have time for. If it is helping people, even some people, then since it's been in use for decades, and the FDA says it's okay for this particular application, then I say give it to people if that's what they want.
Have you not seen all the success stories about people getting better because of this drug? You don't need ANY scientific research to read and understand all the testimonies and success stories.
That is anecdotal evidence, not scientific evidence. Yes, as it turns out, scientists can read. Shocking, I know.
Common sense should allow you to evaluate the number of success stories and compare them to the years it will take to get official scientific research certified by your favorite government agency when you only have a week to live. I'd bet money that you would be able step away from your ideological fight against this very promising drug that will end the trajectory towards the communism that you want so badly, all you need is to be feeling that pain in your lungs and know that your time is up.
The President announced"...yea that's reassuring. He also announced that the number of cases would be down to zero weeks ago.
Right, because he is a goddamn moron that doesn't know anything and doesn't learn anything. He said something stupid about this drug, then backtracked. But, just like the cultists here, his appointees are still tripling down on it.
NO, asshats like you WANT people to die because you think it’ll help you in November. Those worldwide successes with these drugs escape you illiterate one.

Are you truly this stupid?
And? There is only anecdotal evidence that it works which quite frankly isn't good enough. My friend who has COVID was prescribed it and had to immediately stop. Other patients it might work but until proven otherwise through clinical trials it's not a wonder drug.
We elected Trump to get things done. Clinical trials would be a waste of time right now.

So you just want to prescribe everyone medication that may or may not send them into cardiac arrest?

My God this is stupid. Z-packs alone in theory can cause cardiac arrest and yet it is prescribed millions of times per year. The benefits FAR outweigh the very minimal chance of this complication.

Tens of millions of people aren't taking the Z-pack. As a person with very bad drug reactions to supposedly "benign" drugs, I would be reluctant to try a drug which could damage my heart, my kidneys, and leave me blind, unless there was absolutely no other hope. No fucking way I'd take it as a "precaution".

Not to mention, that my sister, who is SUPPOSED to by taking hydroxychloroquine for her reumatoid arthritis, and who literally needs the drug to continue living, can't get it because the entire world's supply has been diverted to corona virus testing.

Well then, as a true collectivist believer you agree that your sister must then give her life for the greater good

Obviously I'm not a true collectivst believer, because I don't want my sister to die because idiots took her drug and killed themselves with it.

No one should be forced to give their life "for the greater good", or because someone in the Administration bought shares in a drug company.

So really AREN'T a Progessive when it gets personal. Got it. Nobody "killed" themselves with it twit. Change the channel.

Really? You clearly have not read the side effects and dangers of taking this drug.

Change the Channel, the dude swallowed fish bowl cleaner

You don't know that the drug has some pretty serious side effects? Didn't anyone tell you and you didn't bother to look into it at all?

Do you know of any prescription drugs that don't have possible side effects?
Of course, not all side effects are equal or equally likely. You're like a child, this shouldn't have to be explained to you.
You worthless fucks would be gleeful if no drug was allowed and the death rate hit 2.2 million... You folks are some sick mother fuckers....

You stupid idiots would take the word of two con artists who desperately want a "magic bullet" cure for this plague over the word of the doctors and scientists who have worked in the field for all of their working lives. It was listening to Wilbur Ross and Donald Trump, both of whom denied there was a problem in the first place, that make the USA the worldwide centre for this pandemic.

The rest of the world has closed its borders to YOU. We're pointing to YOU as an example of what NOT to do in this pandemic.

This is is shitshow of epic proportions, and every day your lying President goes on the TV and blows smoke up your ass about things you know NOTHING ABOUT. And you are prepared to believe him. Why? On what evidence? Because Trump has been right any anything to do with this virus?

Why do you continue to believe a man who has caused so much death and destruction, from the day of his inauguration?
take all the malaria meds you want - you can still get the virus and pass it on to others.

You don't know that yet. It hasn't been tested as a preventative. Right now, they are giving it to people that already have COVID. And if this malaria drug works on half of the people, then I'd say we made great headway against this pandemic.

No, I can guarantee it has absolutely NO effect on the COVID-19 at all!
It is ONLY to bring down a very high fever, if you have a very high fever, regardless of what caused the fever.
There are really no known drugs for any viruses, and drugs are only prescribed to fight the side effects caused by the viral infection.

Wrong. Doctors have seen great improvements in some people. The only way you feel better is if your illness is weakening. Some who survived said they thought they were going to die. Do you know how bad you must be suffering to feel like that? Did you ever see anybody in pain and distress before?

The only two ways to stop this virus is to catch it, develop an immunity, and then get better. The second way of course is a vaccine.

So if this drug can give people more comfort, a better chance at survival until they do develop an immunity, then what's wrong with using it??

Because this drug can kill them, or leave them blind or in kidney failure. That's why.
Common sense should allow you to evaluate the number of success stories and compare them to the years it will take to get official scientific research certified by your favorite government agency when you only have a week to live.
Goddamn that is stupid on literally every level possible. Let's unpack it:

1) first, we have scientific method precisely because common sense cannot be trusted

2) it's not going to take years. The clinical trial results will be available within a couple of weeks. If the medicine is effective, it will produce a strong signal in the results, and will be fast tracked

3) you really, really need to go learn about the difference between anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence
Right, let's trust the political guy and not the one with vast experience dealing with infectious diseases during a pandemic.
What did the "vast experience" guy do for SARS and N1H1 and Obama trying to find Ebola its American host?

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