Heated disagreement breaks out in Situation Room over hydroxychloroquine, Navarro vs Fauci

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
All the research for decades on the drug. All the doctors who have prescribed the drug.......and all the success stories from the drug.

I'm from Alabama.........and they have another drug for Malaria being tested......UAB......University of Alabama Birmingham.........

Also University of Nebraska..........also University of Minnesota. .............Israel................France.........Italy......................and so many others........

You see .............you don't need to go into the world with blinders on.........TDS blinds the sight and vision.............who see the world only with TDS eyes............The rest of the world is LAUGHING AT US.

I heard on the news that it's the ZPAC that has the side effects, not the other stuff. Years ago I got the antibiotics for an infected burn on my hand. Other then a sour stomach it was fine. I don't get the hysteria over the drugs and people who's lives are on the line making their own choices as far as medical treatment gos. No is saying that they HAVE to take the stuff.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

I'm sorry. Last I looked most government agencies don't act unilaterally and call shots without direction or approval from their leaders. While the CDC is going to take its share of lumps over the response to the virus outbreak, Trump is President. It happened on his watch. And it's not like he didn't know it might happen. And maybe his response would have been better if he was more well read, intellectually curious, or smart. Maybe not. I find it curious that none of his supporters will hold him accountable..for anything.
A timeline of how years of missteps and budget cuts undermined the Trump administration's preparedness for COVID-19

How do you hold him accountable for something that hasn't happened in a hundred years? Nobody was prepared for it. That's why it's a problem in nearly every country on earth. Our government gets terrorist threats every day that promise worse than 911. Do we close down the country with every threat?

Again, I don't hold Trump responsible for the virus or even the fact that it made it to our shores. That was inevitable. A product of our well traveled and connected world. I do hold him responsible for his response and subsequent inaction to the virus. Which was largely to hold his pep rallies, campaign, tweet, watch Fox News, and golf. The fact that our country is largely closed down gets laid directly at his feet.

Yes, I know, just like 911 was Bush's fault.

Do you understand what the term Hindsight is 20/20 means?

Yes. I do. But that still doesn't excuse Trump's lack of action. He is President after all.
You need to take those Trump colored glasses off once in a while. Not good for your eyes. :)

It's less about Trump than it is being honest. During the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were trying to pass a bill to not only strip his authority of travel bans, but rescind his original middle-east travel ban.

Being honest comes with consistency. That's why I didn't blame Piglosi for urging people to gather in Chinatown, or DeBlaahzio from encouraging people to not isolate themselves. Nobody in the country had any clue how serious this would get. We've never experienced anything like it before.

Could Trump have done anything better? Of course he could have, if he had a crystal ball. But if we had that, Cuomo would have done things better, so would Piglosi, as would Newsom, so would the CDC, so would Homeland Security, so would the FDA.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds

Do you think everybody that contracted COVID-19 has the same reaction; they all get deathly sick, end up on a ventilator?
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.
Months and years? Hydrox has been around for 70 years. What are you researching? Doctors all over the world are using it. People are dying now. There is no more time to research. What part of that do you not understand? Doctors are prescribing it. Millions of doses. Do you not read/watch the news? Wake up, Leftist.

I watch the news every day as well as post here. And I know desperation when I smell it. A desperate bid to save Trump's chances in November. Yes, these drugs have been around for years....and are approved to treat certain conditions..which there is a plethora of data for detailing their benefits..after years of research and testing. The FDA took the rails down and doctors are free to prescribe these drugs if they believe they will help the patient. The drug has shown promise in treating infected patients. But taking something that has shown promise in a small group (relatively speaking) and extrapolating that out to say it works for everyone is dangerous. Doctors prescribe medications and decide if they are appropriate. Not politicians or right wing media figures.

So who said it will work for everybody?

That's what the hope is for Trump's supporters. Distribute the drug to all infected. Send everyone back to work, open things up. Presto, Trump gets to do the one thing he's good at again. Campaign.
Trump? How about all the struggling Americans who need the jobs and the income? Your TDS is working overtime today. A great economy is great for everyone. You would rather watch people die and suffer so long as Trump loses? That is frankly sick.

Well, maybe if Trump acts like a President in January and takes the virus outbreak seriously, shutting down the country might not have been needed. But he decided it was more important to golf, hold his rallies, and tweet than it was to actually do his job. But his rabid supporters refuse to hold him accountable. It's everybody else's fault. Yes Trump Defense Syndrome is rampant. It is proving especially resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense.

China and the WHO were lying to the world about it. If Trump ignored them, you would have said he was dumping on the experts. You are FOS

One of the things that makes me shake my head about rabid Trump supporters like you is that you will never hold him accountable for anything. It's always someone else's fault. Same crap Trump has been pulling his entire adult life.
We are the greatest nation in the world. We don't wait for any country or organization to act before we do. Trump is an incompetent fraud. It's no surprise he failed to act. He doesn't have the capacity.

I hold him fully responsible for our rapid and effective response to this virus.

Its Ok, if you hate him, but please stop the lies about the virus response. It has been outstanding in every way.

No he hasn't. Outside of restricting travel from China and Europe, he largely did nothing until he was forced to on March 13th. But if that's the bar you supporters set for him, that's not my problem. If Trump displayed your idea of "outstanding" in my company, he'd have already been shown the door. I understand he's your guy, though.

The President acted on advice from the CDC. They were calling the shots, not the President.

I'm sorry. Last I looked most government agencies don't act unilaterally and call shots without direction or approval from their leaders. While the CDC is going to take its share of lumps over the response to the virus outbreak, Trump is President. It happened on his watch. And it's not like he didn't know it might happen. And maybe his response would have been better if he was more well read, intellectually curious, or smart. Maybe not. I find it curious that none of his supporters will hold him accountable..for anything.
A timeline of how years of missteps and budget cuts undermined the Trump administration's preparedness for COVID-19

How do you hold him accountable for something that hasn't happened in a hundred years? Nobody was prepared for it. That's why it's a problem in nearly every country on earth. Our government gets terrorist threats every day that promise worse than 911. Do we close down the country with every threat?

Again, I don't hold Trump responsible for the virus or even the fact that it made it to our shores. That was inevitable. A product of our well traveled and connected world. I do hold him responsible for his response and subsequent inaction to the virus. Which was largely to hold his pep rallies, campaign, tweet, watch Fox News, and golf. The fact that our country is largely closed down gets laid directly at his feet.

Yes, I know, just like 911 was Bush's fault.

Do you understand what the term Hindsight is 20/20 means?

Yes. I do. But that still doesn't excuse Trump's lack of action. He is President after all.
You need to take those Trump colored glasses off once in a while. Not good for your eyes. :)

What would you have done and when you have done it?

I would have tweeted telling people to go to work then held a NO BIG BEAL presser- starting a month after the outbreak-


I would have gone to Chinatown like stupid bitty Pelosi.

must of heard trump tell the country everything was UNDER CONTROL

Nope, it was Biden claiming Trumps Travel ban was racist. Just preface everything you post with “I hate Trump”. You are not the least bit impartial.

Except Biden never said that.
Trump, Biden Spin China Travel Restrictions

I do marvel at the constant gymnastics of the Trump supporter. Someday, some historian will write a book about the affliction.
Just a reminder. This is 100% China’s fault.
After all, we can't use test kits that are not approved by the FDA first

Sure we can. We just need to waive the requirement to do so, which the president has the authority to do so. He exercised that authority mid March.

He does not have the authority to override the FDA. Where do you get that from?

But even if he did, and the test kits were proven faulty like the original ones, what would you on the left be saying then?

He doesn't have direct authority to override the FDA, but he doesn't need to. The FDA is a division of Health and Human Services (who is their Secretary again?). He certainly can "grease" the skids, get the necessary people together to cut through the red tape and remove the barriers that prevented private labs from developing and using their own test kits...if he only had a clue of how government functioned. Starting to see why maybe that's an important quality in an elected leader?

Trump (nor any President) is an expert on all subjects that are associated with the office of President. That's why they assemble cabinets and staff so there are experts at his fingertips.

DJT is not an expert on the military, on the economy, on foreign affairs, medicine or disease. The only thing he is an expert on is business. Even then, I'm sure he seeks advice since business is associated with the economy.

The only so-called expertise of DumBama was being a constitutional scholar, and how many times did the court have to rule against his favor?

Unfortunately you’re incorrect. Donald is an expert on a lot of stuff.

Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.
It’s not a man made virus.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.
It’s not a man made virus.
Not according to the info I am seeing. Certainly most recently most of the viruses come from China.
It's less about Trump than it is being honest. During the first two weeks of March, the Democrats were trying to pass a bill to not only strip his authority of travel bans, but rescind his original middle-east travel ban.

False. The bill did not strip his authority for travel bans. You’ve been listening to the wrong people.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.
It’s not a man made virus.
Not according to the info I am seeing. Certainly most recently most of the viruses come from China.

What goofball corner of the internet are you getting your info?
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.
It’s not a man made virus.
Not according to the info I am seeing. Certainly most recently most of the viruses come from China.

What goofball corner of the internet are you getting your info?
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.


getting tested, being diagnosed, and recovering doesnt match your horsecrap timeline.

congrats though - first miracle virusboi on the board.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

Well that's transparent as glass. You can't actually explain yourself so you give me a ridiculous ultimatum? Thanks for confirming that you don't understand. :lol:
Yes he did. Just because you hate Trump doesn’t mean Biden didn’t say it.

And still, no mention of the word racist. I wonder why that is? Oh, yeah, he didn't say it.
China needs to be held accountable. Not Trump. Not Congress.

I am sure most of the world is going to have questions for China. And it will be interesting to see how that plays out given China holds most countries supply chains by their balls. But the virus was always going to make it here to our shores. It was just a matter of time. We wait for no country or no one to act before we choose to act. It was well within our power to be ready for this. And that readiness begins with the commander in chief.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

Well that's transparent as glass. You can't actually explain yourself so you give me a ridiculous ultimatum? Thanks for confirming that you don't understand. :lol:
You have to kidding. If you cannot even agree with me that China is to blame how can we have a logical conversation. I have Been transparent with you on every topic. You’re just irrational. When you stop acting like a child feel free to ping me.
Yes he did. Just because you hate Trump doesn’t mean Biden didn’t say it.

And still, no mention of the word racist. I wonder why that is? Oh, yeah, he didn't say it.
China needs to be held accountable. Not Trump. Not Congress.

I am sure most of the world is going to have questions for China. And it will be interesting to see how that plays out given China holds most countries supply chains by their balls. But the virus was always going to make it here to our shores. It was just a matter of time. We wait for no country or no one to act before we choose to act. It was well within our power to be ready for this. And that readiness begins with the commander in chief.
Nope. They could have prevented it if they told everyone from day 1. I got this damn thing so I 100% blame them
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.


getting tested, being diagnosed, and recovering doesnt match your horsecrap timeline.

congrats though - first miracle virusboi on the board.
You know what. Fuck you. I did not have any symptoms for 72 hours by the time the test came back so I was cleared. Call me a liar all you want. I swear on the lives of my kids the story is 100% true. You’re a terrible person.
Democrats are going to be in for a very rude awakening in the short term when hydroxychloroquine or a named branded derivative/concoction with azythromycin(e.g. Percocet) ends up being the go to drug. It is almost there now, they just don't know it because they keep watching the MSM and the lefties. Trump said it and they hate it. It is that simple. God forbid it got American back to work before the Democrats could get the amount of economic damage(and disinformation) they need to even have a chance in the upcoming election.

More and more research is showing not only its efficacy as a form of treatment, but the mechanism by which it is working. The good thing is that even the Democrats can't control this world-wide research. The entire world isn't as interested in getting at Trump at all costs, including dragging their feet with regards to this drug.

No Democrat anywhere is opposing doctors using these drugs if they are effective and recommended as a course of treatment. Widespread approval for distribution will take years of clinical trials, research, and data. But the Trump supporters see the distribution of this drug as their shot from beyond the arc to save Trump's re-election chances. Forgetting at the same time that voters this fall will be judging him on his response to the virus. Which was abysmal.
We do not have years. The virus is here and killing people daily. His response and daily briefings have been excellent and his approval ratings reflect that.

And if the patients doctor recommends the drugs as a course of treatment, it will be administered. Approval will take months, maybe years of research. Again, this isn't a miracle drug that will save Trump. He's cooked his own goose here.
Excellent briefings?..LOL. I am always amazed at Trump supporters ability to make their own reality. They really do live in their own little world. His briefings are rambling, disjointed diatribes laced with the occasional dangerous pieces of misinformation.

what misinformation has been put out at the daily briefings? you made the allegation, back it up.

Trump's handling of this unforeseen, one of a kind, virus invasion has been better than anyone could have expected. When he blocked Chinese incoming travel, you assholes called him racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic, same when he block travel from Europe. But those bans have saved thousands, if not millions, of american lives.

So tell us, oh brilliant one, what would hillary have done better or differently? Be specific, no talking points or bullshit.

Still on Hillary after what? 3 years now? Trump is President. Not Hillary. Not Obama. Not Biden. He owns this disaster.
Done differently? Or better? Take your pick. Rubio, Cruz, Bush, even Pence responds better.

I'll wait for the rabid Trump supporter response. :)

So in your small mind Trump is responsible for a virus created in china and lied about for months by China and the WHO?

Yes, trump is president and will be until 2025.

so let me repeat my question: what would any of your dem heroes done differently? You call it a disaster, tell us what any of them would have done to prevent the "disaster".

or as an alternative, you could just STFU and go away.

Your answer. They would have taken the virus threat seriously and acted. In other words, they would have done their jobs. All of them. Even the Republican candidates for President in 2016.
Your boy fucked up. And he'll be shown the door for it in November. But you keep hope alive. Now, back to the alt-right dungeon with you. :)

I asked you what they would have done differently, "taken it seriously" is not an answer. specifically with time lines, what would any of them have done differently? Biden said stopping travel from China was racist (chinese is not a race) and xenophobic. Now, he says it was the right thing to do. From that we can only conclude that he would have delayed the ban until more americans had been infected.

Link to Biden saying that the Travel Ban from China was racist and xenophobic. I'm going to clue you in...you won't find it because he didn't say anything about the travel ban being racist or xenophobic. Once again Trump has made you look even more the fool than you are all by your lonesome.

This is rich coming from someone who doesn’t blame China. Your logic was so flawed I laughed out loud at your expense.

Do you understand what any of those words mean? How does my pointing out that Biden did not call Trump racist or xenophobic because of his travel ban to China, but for his actual history of racism and xenophobia equate to "rich coming from someone who doesn't blame China"? What does one have to do with the other? Please, explain your "laugh out loud logic".
Nope. Until you admit that China is 100% at fault and gave me this virus, we have nothing to discuss.

do you live in the US
I live in Boston MA. Can you not read? Idiot.

do you have the virus
I have an entire thread on it. Visit it and see for yourself. Yes, I did. Now recovered and immune. China caused it so they can kiss my ass. As can you for not holding China accountable.

then some idiot in mass gave it to you. not china.

the toronado that started in kansas destroyed oklahoma city making it Kansas's fault

yore a f'n idiot supreme -
Tornado is a natural phenomenon you dumbass. China started this virus and then lied about it so it spread here. You’re so stupid it hurts.

nobody believes you had the virus and recovered - youre here too often.

what you had was your head up trumps ass, polishing his turds
The thread proved you wrong. People were cool and I answered their questions. You’re the idiot who compared a natural disaster to a man made virus. You’re stupid.
It’s not a man made virus.
Not according to the info I am seeing. Certainly most recently most of the viruses come from China.

What goofball corner of the internet are you getting your info?

colfax_m, you asked for goofball, you got goofball.

After all, we can't use test kits that are not approved by the FDA first

Sure we can. We just need to waive the requirement to do so, which the president has the authority to do so. He exercised that authority mid March.

He does not have the authority to override the FDA. Where do you get that from?

But even if he did, and the test kits were proven faulty like the original ones, what would you on the left be saying then?

He doesn't have direct authority to override the FDA, but he doesn't need to. The FDA is a division of Health and Human Services (who is their Secretary again?). He certainly can "grease" the skids, get the necessary people together to cut through the red tape and remove the barriers that prevented private labs from developing and using their own test kits...if he only had a clue of how government functioned. Starting to see why maybe that's an important quality in an elected leader?

Trump (nor any President) is an expert on all subjects that are associated with the office of President. That's why they assemble cabinets and staff so there are experts at his fingertips.

DJT is not an expert on the military, on the economy, on foreign affairs, medicine or disease. The only thing he is an expert on is business. Even then, I'm sure he seeks advice since business is associated with the economy.

The only so-called expertise of DumBama was being a constitutional scholar, and how many times did the court have to rule against his favor?

Well, with the amount of yes men and "acting" members of his cabinet and staff, how did that work out? Do you think that might have had something to do with the lack of preparedness? All part of knowing how government works or is supposed to work.
Trump has held himself out to be an expert on everything. I've seen his tweets stating so. He knows more than anyone, even the generals. By my count, Trump has filed for bankruptcy seven times, bankrupted two casinos, been fined for and been forced to close his "University", and had a plethora of business ventures he lent his name to go belly up. So, he sucks at business too.

Obama does not matter here. Trump is President. The buck stops on his desk.

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