Hee Haws Shoot 14 Yr In The Back...Yell Racial Slur

Then why are you such a flaming racist?
Who told you I was a racist? I know I didnt say that.
You seem racist when you say white people can't be trusted. I get it though cause I don't trust black people either. I've known some wonderful black people I trust but in general I don't so I can't criticize you for feeling the same.
That doesnt mean I am a racist. That just means I dont trust white people. It takes a lot for me to trust whites. I have a reason. They've shown the same pattern of behavior over and over again throughout history. Its weird to me that Blacks can be so accepting of whites even when Blacks are the targets of racism but whites remain racist even though they practice racism either overtly or by turning a blind eye. The simple truth is whites know they benefit from racism.
That's funny because so many black guys i know are husslers, drug dealers and playas. Or bullshitters lazy and dishonest. I get what you mean their past is not their fault but you say neither is the future. Sounds hopeless especially if you call anyone who calls you out an uncle Tom. Defensive?
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


Why does the video show a Black guy holding the gun? Your not keeping it real here.
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


Why does the video show a Black guy holding the gun? Your not keeping it real here.

The truth and reality of what actually happened have no interest for gun grabbers...they just want to smear normal gun owners instead of actually blaming career criminals for gun crime......
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


This thread should be nominated for epic failure of the month. Blatant attempt at race baiting by a racist negro, but oops, turns out the crime was committed by a black thug instead of a redneck.
Its amazing how thoroughly white americans are brainwashed. Asians have some of the most violent gangs in the US. East Indians also have a lot of gangs. Matter of fact the word "thug" comes to us from India.

No its not true Black people are lazy and dont take school seriously. You sound like a fool for believing that. Morgan Freeman is just a portrayal of a particular school principal enhanced with some drama for TV. Yes I know some Africans (like any other uncle toms) will try to distance themselves from US Blacks. They soon get a wake up call when they see it doesnt matter. I have friends from Togo and Eritrea that cant stand white people and understand why the Blacks in ghettos act the way some of them do.

Yes I blow off what Carson says because he is unqualified to tell me what to do. I disagree with him on most subjects and yet I had no problem becoming a success. Why would I listen to an uncle tom when nothing he has to say will enhance my life?
Well I don't understand why black people continue to act ghetto ignorant. I'm not talking about every black family and I understand give a black kid an equal shot and they will do just as good.

But I told you I went to an inner city Detroit school and that movie is very accurate. And I know those kids go to school hungry and they aren't learning. First, why have churjren you can't raise properly? I've notice you've said before poor whites do this too so I know you know what I'm talking about.

We need to do something about poverty. One of the biggest reasons we have poverty is too many poor people having kids. We need to stop this.

Not just black either.
I disagree. Racism is the root of all this countrys ills. Not saying there would be no Black ghetto trash if not for racism. Whites own the racist system and they have plenty of white trash. The problem is racism is used to keep people divided. If you ever look at the history of labor in this country you will see what I am talking about.
I bet you and I would agree more if we talked about what we should do about poor people in general. Leave race out of it.

You've even said there's plenty of white trash and white crime. That's not racism, is it? I say the same thing keeping blacks down is keeping those white people down. Poor ignorant kids having kids.
From my side of the fence not addressing race is doing my people a injustice. I'm not going to lie to them and tell them their skin color doesnt matter when I know from personal experience it does. Its ok you dont get it and your agreement is not really required for me to do what I think is important for my people.
Do you tell them its hopeless or can they do anything to improve their situation? I think you just won't bad mouth your own people. I don't know why? If young single poor women keep having 4 kids with no daddy's, we will keep having poverty and high crime. Admitting you have a problem is step one. It's OK. It's not your fault. But what you do about it is. I didn't tell the girl that got pregnant tonight to try and raise a child. That's white peoples fault?
Why would I tell them its hopeless? No situation is hopeless. I tell them the best way to succeed is to never stop moving in the direction they want to go. Basically run a motherfucker over if they get in your way or find a way around the racist bullshit. Why would I bad mouth my people? More importantly why would you as a white boy want me to? I have never understood that. Its like white people cant function correctly unless they have a Black person bad mouthing his own people. Do whites have some sort of guilt complex that makes them fiend for uncle toms to bad mouth Blacks?
Then why are you such a flaming racist?
Who told you I was a racist? I know I didnt say that.
You seem racist when you say white people can't be trusted. I get it though cause I don't trust black people either. I've known some wonderful black people I trust but in general I don't so I can't criticize you for feeling the same.
That doesnt mean I am a racist. That just means I dont trust white people. It takes a lot for me to trust whites. I have a reason. They've shown the same pattern of behavior over and over again throughout history. Its weird to me that Blacks can be so accepting of whites even when Blacks are the targets of racism but whites remain racist even though they practice racism either overtly or by turning a blind eye. The simple truth is whites know they benefit from racism.
That's funny because so many black guys i know are husslers, drug dealers and playas. Or bullshitters lazy and dishonest. I get what you mean their past is not their fault but you say neither is the future. Sounds hopeless especially if you call anyone who calls you out an uncle Tom. Defensive?
It is funny because I know way more Black guys than you do and most of them are successful. When did I say that their future is not their responsibility? Are you doing the white boy thing and fishing for something? Just come on out and ask. Like I mentioned earlier nothing is hopeless. Take a case like me. I should have died by the bullet of a cop or another Black guy. I made it precisely by never giving up. In doing so I left a lot of jealous white guys in my dust. I think you are a victim of that psychosis I mentioned earlier. White people will defend to the death an uncle tom because he does something for them psychologically. Its like as long as they are talking bad about Blacks you are absolved of your guilt complex. Trust me. I know the scales are tilted in your favor. I just out work you. It is what it is.

An uncle tom to me is not anything to get defensive about because I know exactly where they are coming from. They are dancing for whites in the hopes that whites will extend them "exemplary negro" status. Those sellouts are for self not for their people. Any so called leader worth listening to knows a couple of things about being a leader. You get buy in from your people. You never embarrass them and you encourage them. Uncle Toms constantly break this rule and will often outright lie so whites will toss him a few more crumbs.
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


This thread should be nominated for epic failure of the month. Blatant attempt at race baiting by a racist negro, but oops, turns out the crime was committed by a black thug instead of a redneck.
Too late you already won epic failure of the month and its still early.
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


Why does the video show a Black guy holding the gun? Your not keeping it real here.
Probably because you were too dumb to realize robbing a store and shooting a kid in the back were two different things and had nothing to do with each other.
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


Why does the video show a Black guy holding the gun? Your not keeping it real here.
Probably because you were too dumb to realize robbing a store and shooting a kid in the back were two different things and had nothing to do with each other.

Your own link says they are connected. Too stupid to read the article and watch the video?
All the immigration rhetoric is causing people to lose their minds. Some POS shot a 14 year old in the back and yelled a slur right before doing it.

Suspects allegedly yelled racial slur as they shot 14-year-old boy

so..black racists shot a Hispanic?
I said Hee Haws. You know what I am talking about. Like these guys.


Why does the video show a Black guy holding the gun? Your not keeping it real here.
Probably because you were too dumb to realize robbing a store and shooting a kid in the back were two different things and had nothing to do with each other.

Your own link says they are connected. Too stupid to read the article and watch the video?
No stupid. Looking at a possible connection and saying the same person did it is vastly different. Are you a fucking retard or something?

"A series of holiday weekend shootings on the west side has police officers looking at a possible connection."

"Police have not confirmed if any of these crimes are connected or if the shooters were in fact targeting Hispanics."
Keep proving just how racist you are ohh and stupid to boot. Remind us PLEASE, the last time a news agency DID NOT announce in the piece that white person was the shooter?
Probably the last time they also didnt have a picture or description of the suspect dummy. We all know he or they are white. Give me a break dude.
It's funny when my dad and I hear about violent crimes we always try to guess if the person was black or white but now we got Mexicans and Arabs shooting and killing. At least the Indians and Asians that come here are mostly civilized. Even Africans from Africa are better than ghetto blacks. In fact they go out of their way to point out the cultural differences. Did you know that?

So you really just blow off everything Ben carson says? He and I both went to school in Detroit. It is true black people are lazy and don't take school seriously. We've all seen the movies like when Morgan Freeman was the inner city principal. That's very much accurate portrayal. If black people don't change this themselves what does that say? Enough excuses. Detroit crime is epidemic level. Explain why Ben Carson's advice is bad.

Its amazing how thoroughly white americans are brainwashed. Asians have some of the most violent gangs in the US. East Indians also have a lot of gangs. Matter of fact the word "thug" comes to us from India.

No its not true Black people are lazy and dont take school seriously. You sound like a fool for believing that. Morgan Freeman is just a portrayal of a particular school principal enhanced with some drama for TV. Yes I know some Africans (like any other uncle toms) will try to distance themselves from US Blacks. They soon get a wake up call when they see it doesnt matter. I have friends from Togo and Eritrea that cant stand white people and understand why the Blacks in ghettos act the way some of them do.

Yes I blow off what Carson says because he is unqualified to tell me what to do. I disagree with him on most subjects and yet I had no problem becoming a success. Why would I listen to an uncle tom when nothing he has to say will enhance my life?
Well I don't understand why black people continue to act ghetto ignorant. I'm not talking about every black family and I understand give a black kid an equal shot and they will do just as good.

But I told you I went to an inner city Detroit school and that movie is very accurate. And I know those kids go to school hungry and they aren't learning. First, why have churjren you can't raise properly? I've notice you've said before poor whites do this too so I know you know what I'm talking about.

We need to do something about poverty. One of the biggest reasons we have poverty is too many poor people having kids. We need to stop this.

Not just black either.
I disagree. Racism is the root of all this countrys ills. Not saying there would be no Black ghetto trash if not for racism. Whites own the racist system and they have plenty of white trash. The problem is racism is used to keep people divided. If you ever look at the history of labor in this country you will see what I am talking about.

yet you still vote liberal and love al and jesse. go figure.
This thread should be nominated for epic failure of the month. Blatant attempt at race baiting by a racist negro, but oops, turns out the crime was committed by a black thug instead of a redneck.
Yeah, like it could have anything else. lol
It was a white guy.
Yeah, we know that a white guy killed the 9-old girl in Ferguson...because you said so. I guess DeEris Brown, black and nappy-headed, was born black but self-identified as white.
Well I don't understand why black people continue to act ghetto ignorant. I'm not talking about every black family and I understand give a black kid an equal shot and they will do just as good.

But I told you I went to an inner city Detroit school and that movie is very accurate. And I know those kids go to school hungry and they aren't learning. First, why have churjren you can't raise properly? I've notice you've said before poor whites do this too so I know you know what I'm talking about.

We need to do something about poverty. One of the biggest reasons we have poverty is too many poor people having kids. We need to stop this.

Not just black either.
I disagree. Racism is the root of all this countrys ills. Not saying there would be no Black ghetto trash if not for racism. Whites own the racist system and they have plenty of white trash. The problem is racism is used to keep people divided. If you ever look at the history of labor in this country you will see what I am talking about.
I bet you and I would agree more if we talked about what we should do about poor people in general. Leave race out of it.

You've even said there's plenty of white trash and white crime. That's not racism, is it? I say the same thing keeping blacks down is keeping those white people down. Poor ignorant kids having kids.
From my side of the fence not addressing race is doing my people a injustice. I'm not going to lie to them and tell them their skin color doesnt matter when I know from personal experience it does. Its ok you dont get it and your agreement is not really required for me to do what I think is important for my people.
Do you tell them its hopeless or can they do anything to improve their situation? I think you just won't bad mouth your own people. I don't know why? If young single poor women keep having 4 kids with no daddy's, we will keep having poverty and high crime. Admitting you have a problem is step one. It's OK. It's not your fault. But what you do about it is. I didn't tell the girl that got pregnant tonight to try and raise a child. That's white peoples fault?
Why would I tell them its hopeless? No situation is hopeless. I tell them the best way to succeed is to never stop moving in the direction they want to go. Basically run a motherfucker over if they get in your way or find a way around the racist bullshit. Why would I bad mouth my people? More importantly why would you as a white boy want me to? I have never understood that. Its like white people cant function correctly unless they have a Black person bad mouthing his own people. Do whites have some sort of guilt complex that makes them fiend for uncle toms to bad mouth Blacks?[/QUOTl I blar weaks We' tthik stu heyoSimit acce
Then why are you such a flaming racist?
Who told you I was a racist? I know I didnt say that.
You seem racist when you say white people can't be trusted. I get it though cause I don't trust black people either. I've known some wonderful black people I trust but in general I don't so I can't criticize you for feeling the same.
That doesnt mean I am a racist. That just means I dont trust white people. It takes a lot for me to trust whites. I have a reason. They've shown the same pattern of behavior over and over again throughout history. Its weird to me that Blacks can be so accepting of whites even when Blacks are the targets of racism but whites remain racist even though they practice racism either overtly or by turning a blind eye. The simple truth is whites know they benefit from racism.
That's funny because so many black guys i know are husslers, drug dealers and playas. Or bullshitters lazy and dishonest. I get what you mean their past is not their fault but you say neither is the future. Sounds hopeless especially if you call anyone who calls you out an uncle Tom. Defensive?
It is funny because I know way more Black guys than you do and most of them are successful. When did I say that their future is not their responsibility? Are you doing the white boy thing and fishing for something? Just come on out and ask. Like I mentioned earlier nothing is hopeless. Take a case like me. I should have died by the bullet of a cop or another Black guy. I made it precisely by never giving up. In doing so I left a lot of jealous white guys in my dust. I think you are a victim of that psychosis I mentioned earlier. White people will defend to the death an uncle tom because he does something for them psychologically. Its like as long as they are talking bad about Blacks you are absolved of your guilt complex. Trust me. I know the scales are tilted in your favor. I just out work you. It is what it is.

An uncle tom to me is not anything to get defensive about because I know exactly where they are coming from. They are dancing for whites in the hopes that whites will extend them "exemplary negro" status. Those sellouts are for self not for their people. Any so called leader worth listening to knows a couple of things about being a leader. You get buy in from your people. You never embarrass them and you encourage them. Uncle Toms constantly break this rule and will often outright lie so whites will toss him a few more crumbs.
Funny because I feel white people who come into some money often become uncle tim's too. They forgot where they came from and they get cocky and arrogant. Always giving advice to the rest of us. That doesn't mean they don't make some good points here and there.

Like I said before, this isn't a black or white thing. Poor people in general have to do 1 of 2 things. Either stop having kids or raise them right.

What did your parents do? Did they encourage you? We're you raised in a two parent home? I'm sure you understand what's wrong with the poor black community because you recognize the flaws in poor white communities.

Well as a white I say fuck the poor whites. They should get a good education and job first or don't have kids.

Hey, did you hear about the black guy who was sleeping with his 24 year old daughter and her husband caught them and then daddy stabbed the husband in the back? Did you see the movie precious with Monique?

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