Helen Thomas to the Jews: Get the hell out of Palestine!

What do you think about Helen Thomas's remarks?

  • She was right

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • She was wrong

    Votes: 22 73.3%
  • Other - I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

Or maybe you think she's right on target.

Breitbart.tv Helen Thomas Tells Jews — ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine’ and Go Back to Germany & Poland
Her crassness and stupidity are not new, and it is just part and parcel of her inability to think to step two on any subject.

I don't think she qualifies as an anti semite. She is just a generalized jerk, sort of like the kind of behavior your expect to see out of Dabney Coleman, Danny Divito, Sam Kinnison or Steve Martin.
How long before sangha starts championing moving the jews out of the ME?
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

I think she is just bitter. She is the most hideously ugly woman in the media.
For years she has been blown off as lacking any hint of credibility, why should now be any different?

However, the goofy old twit may have accidentally stumbled onto something.
The lands of the Eastern Med long ago (if they ever) stopped being a land flowing with milk and honey they are mostly arid, rocky, and of limited fertility. Germany and Poland are lands rich and ripe for agriculture and industry. Now the current inhabitants may object to being dislocated to make room for new settlers...
For years she has been blown off as lacking any hint of credibility, why should now be any different?

However, the goofy old twit may have accidentally stumbled onto something.
The lands of the Eastern Med long ago (if they ever) stopped being a land flowing with milk and honey they are mostly arid, rocky, and of limited fertility. Germany and Poland are lands rich and ripe for agriculture and industry. Now the current inhabitants may object to being dislocated to make room for new settlers...

Yeah, that would make an even more interesting story, huh? You would really want to be a small burr on the saddle or a fly on the wall listening in. Can't you just see it? The Jewish patriarch, his family and ox in tow, knocks on the door of a grizzled German farmer and says, "Move over please. We're moving back."

I'm sure that would go just as smoothly as anything.
Thomas has been an icon of the media for decades and she'll be remembered in history as a pioneer for women in the field of journalism. I'll give you that she effed up with her statement the other day and I don't excuse it in any way whatsoever. But, I'm not going to write off her entire career because of it. I also find comments about her appearance ignorant and misogynistic. This is 2010, y'all. Let's start assessing women in public life on the basis of their behavior, not on how attractive (or not) one thinks she is.
She would like to see the stupidity stop that the current government of Isreal is perpetuating.

I would like to see it stop too.
For years she has been blown off as lacking any hint of credibility, why should now be any different?

However, the goofy old twit may have accidentally stumbled onto something.
The lands of the Eastern Med long ago (if they ever) stopped being a land flowing with milk and honey they are mostly arid, rocky, and of limited fertility. Germany and Poland are lands rich and ripe for agriculture and industry. Now the current inhabitants may object to being dislocated to make room for new settlers...

Yeah, that would make an even more interesting story, huh? You would really want to be a small burr on the saddle or a fly on the wall listening in. Can't you just see it? The Jewish patriarch, his family and ox in tow, knocks on the door of a grizzled German farmer and says, "Move over please. We're moving back."

I'm sure that would go just as smoothly as anything.

As smoothly as when they decided to 'move back' to Palestine. How ironic.
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

I think she is just bitter. She is the most hideously ugly woman in the media.

What do looks have to do with it? I'm sick of this sexist crap.
Thomas has been an icon of the media for decades and she'll be remembered in history as a pioneer for women in the field of journalism. I'll give you that she effed up with her statement the other day and I don't excuse it in any way whatsoever. But, I'm not going to write off her entire career because of it. I also find comments about her appearance ignorant and misogynistic. This is 2010, y'all. Let's start assessing women in public life on the basis of their behavior, not on how attractive (or not) one thinks she is.

You and I are on the same page with this. I get sooooooo frustrated when discussions of women in leadership include their manner of dress, wardrobe, hair, makeup, and demeanor while the men almost always are never judged by such criteria. I wince when somebody describes Helen as "ugly" when I simply see an interesting and unique and well recognized face.

I also get frustrated with all manner of discussion that refused to acknowledge the good with the bad, and that includes people including Helen. If the 50's are held up as having positive values, there are those who will focus on the negatives of that era and damn them based on those negatives while they don't do the same with the current era, etc. There are those who can focus only on the criticism of public figures and are incapable of acknowledging any positive.

So yes, Helen Thomas has certainly earned her place in journalistic history and I'm not going to allow one probably heartfelt politically incorrect statement negate a lifetime that includes a lot of pithy, intelligent, and necessary questions others were afraid to ask. :)

But she was a dork in that comment. Which is no doubt why I read that she has subsequently apologized for it:

Helen Thomas issued the following statement yesterday: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Maybe this was a gratuitous apology in the face of criticism for her remarks. But since I don't know that, I accept the apology at face value. How about you guys?
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

Or maybe you think she's right on target.

Breitbart.tv Helen Thomas Tells Jews — ‘Get the Hell Out of Palestine’ and Go Back to Germany & Poland

She was asked what thoughts she had and these are the thoughts she had. That is one of the blessings of old age. You can afford to make much more outrageous statements than anytime during your adult life. Do I agree with her? Well, I don't think a group of people should suffer because another suffered in the past. However, it is totally ridiculous to suggest that all the European/African Jews move back to the countries they or their forefathers came from.

Btw, the video makes the most idiotic suggestion - that Jews would be killed if they were to stay or return to Germany, Poland, etc. WWII is over, the pro-Israeli bleeding hearts (that are bleeding exclusively for Israeli Jews and for some reason not for Palestinians) should realize that.
Thomas has been an icon of the media for decades and she'll be remembered in history as a pioneer for women in the field of journalism. I'll give you that she effed up with her statement the other day and I don't excuse it in any way whatsoever. But, I'm not going to write off her entire career because of it. I also find comments about her appearance ignorant and misogynistic. This is 2010, y'all. Let's start assessing women in public life on the basis of their behavior, not on how attractive (or not) one thinks she is.

You and I are on the same page with this. I get sooooooo frustrated when discussions of women in leadership include their manner of dress, wardrobe, hair, makeup, and demeanor while the men almost always are never judged by such criteria. I wince when somebody describes Helen as "ugly" when I simply see an interesting and unique and well recognized face.

I also get frustrated with all manner of discussion that refused to acknowledge the good with the bad, and that includes people including Helen. If the 50's are held up as having positive values, there are those who will focus on the negatives of that era and damn them based on those negatives while they don't do the same with the current era, etc. There are those who can focus only on the criticism of public figures and are incapable of acknowledging any positive.

So yes, Helen Thomas has certainly earned her place in journalistic history and I'm not going to allow one probably heartfelt politically incorrect statement negate a lifetime that includes a lot of pithy, intelligent, and necessary questions others were afraid to ask. :)

But she was a dork in that comment. Which is no doubt why I read that she has subsequently apologized for it:

Helen Thomas issued the following statement yesterday: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Maybe this was a gratuitous apology in the face of criticism for her remarks. But since I don't know that, I accept the apology at face value. How about you guys?

She's an old lady, I think we should cut her some slack, especially after the apology where she took back what she said.
Thomas has been an icon of the media for decades and she'll be remembered in history as a pioneer for women in the field of journalism. I'll give you that she effed up with her statement the other day and I don't excuse it in any way whatsoever. But, I'm not going to write off her entire career because of it. I also find comments about her appearance ignorant and misogynistic. This is 2010, y'all. Let's start assessing women in public life on the basis of their behavior, not on how attractive (or not) one thinks she is.

You and I are on the same page with this. I get sooooooo frustrated when discussions of women in leadership include their manner of dress, wardrobe, hair, makeup, and demeanor while the men almost always are never judged by such criteria. I wince when somebody describes Helen as "ugly" when I simply see an interesting and unique and well recognized face.

I also get frustrated with all manner of discussion that refused to acknowledge the good with the bad, and that includes people including Helen. If the 50's are held up as having positive values, there are those who will focus on the negatives of that era and damn them based on those negatives while they don't do the same with the current era, etc. There are those who can focus only on the criticism of public figures and are incapable of acknowledging any positive.

So yes, Helen Thomas has certainly earned her place in journalistic history and I'm not going to allow one probably heartfelt politically incorrect statement negate a lifetime that includes a lot of pithy, intelligent, and necessary questions others were afraid to ask. :)

But she was a dork in that comment. Which is no doubt why I read that she has subsequently apologized for it:

Helen Thomas issued the following statement yesterday: “I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians. They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon.”

Maybe this was a gratuitous apology in the face of criticism for her remarks. But since I don't know that, I accept the apology at face value. How about you guys?

She's an old lady, I think we should cut her some slack, especially after the apology where she took back what she said.

Watch it Neser, or I'll have to use you as an example of prejudice and devaluation of seasoned citizens too. Helen Thomas is still sharp, capable, and a damned fine journalist and her long experience enhances that. :)
I voted "Other" and will explain it this way: my knowledge of the Israel / Palestine situation doesn't extend all that much to beyond the headlines. I find it so simple to not have an opinion of something that I'm not at all familiar with, nor feel compelled to form an opinion on what somebody else said in regard to that situation.
Well it's official. Helen Thomas is formally retiring.

I think this sucks.

I thought it was stupid for Jimmy the Greek to lose his credentials over a politically incorrect discourse that happened to be at least somewhat factually correct, but it wasn't PC.

I thought it was stupid for Marge Shott to lose her basketball franchise over a politically incorrect joke.

I thought Trent Lott should not have lost his senate rank over an inadvertent comment praising a 100-yr-old colleague that was not intended to be racist, but was called that by his opponents.

I thought it was grossly unfair for Rush Limbaugh to lose his ESPN slot over a politically incorrect comment.

I thought it was hateful when Don Imus was ousted from his popular broadcast slot for cracking an innocent politically incorrect joke.

More especially all this is utter crap when people the PC police actually LIKE are given a pass because they 'really didn't mean it.'

Helen does not deserve to be forced out of a job she has loved for longer than most of us on USMB have been alive just because of one politically incorrect statement that she did apologize for.

When did the world become such an uncompromising place that one politically incorrect gaffe can wipe out a lifetime of achievement?

It sucks.

Helen Thomas retires in flap over Israel remarks

WASHINGTON — Longtime Washington journalist Helen Thomas abruptly retired Monday as a columnist for Hearst News Service following remarks she made about Israel that were denounced by the White House and her press corps colleagues.

The 89-year-old Thomas, dean of the White House press corps, has been a fixture in Washington and has been lauded as a pioneering female journalist who has covered presidents since 1960.

Known for her confrontational questioning, Thomas apologized for comments that were captured on video and have spread widely on the Internet. On the May 27 video, Thomas says Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine" and suggests they go to Germany, Poland or the U.S.

Hearst announced her retirement, effective immediately, shortly after White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks "offensive and reprehensible" during his daily briefing with reporters. Thomas, who has had a front-row seat in the briefing room for many years, was not present.

The White House Correspondents Association also issued a rare statement, calling her comments "indefensible."

"Many in our profession who have known Helen for years were saddened by the comments, which were especially unfortunate in light of her role as a trail blazer on the White House beat," said the statement, signed by journalists who are officers of the association.

Thomas had been scheduled to speak at the June 14 graduation of Walt Whitman High School in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, Md., but Principal Alan Goodwin wrote in a Sunday e-mail to students and parents that she was being replaced.

"Graduation celebrations are not the venue for divisiveness," Goodwin wrote.

Thomas wrote on her website, "I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians."

She added: "They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

More here:
Helen Thomas retires in flap over Israel remarks
Well it's official. Helen Thomas is formally retiring.

I think this sucks.

I thought it was stupid for Jimmy the Greek to lose his credentials over a politically incorrect discourse that happened to be at least somewhat factually correct, but it wasn't PC.

I thought it was stupid for Marge Shott to lose her basketball franchise over a politically incorrect joke.

I thought Trent Lott should not have lost his senate rank over an inadvertent comment praising a 100-yr-old colleague that was not intended to be racist, but was called that by his opponents.

I thought it was grossly unfair for Rush Limbaugh to lose his ESPN slot over a politically incorrect comment.

I thought it was hateful when Don Imus was ousted from his popular broadcast slot for cracking an innocent politically incorrect joke.

More especially all this is utter crap when people the PC police actually LIKE are given a pass because they 'really didn't mean it.'

Helen does not deserve to be forced out of a job she has loved for longer than most of us on USMB have been alive just because of one politically incorrect statement that she did apologize for.

When did the world become such an uncompromising place that one politically incorrect gaffe can wipe out a lifetime of achievement?

It sucks.

Helen Thomas retires in flap over Israel remarks

WASHINGTON — Longtime Washington journalist Helen Thomas abruptly retired Monday as a columnist for Hearst News Service following remarks she made about Israel that were denounced by the White House and her press corps colleagues.

The 89-year-old Thomas, dean of the White House press corps, has been a fixture in Washington and has been lauded as a pioneering female journalist who has covered presidents since 1960.

Known for her confrontational questioning, Thomas apologized for comments that were captured on video and have spread widely on the Internet. On the May 27 video, Thomas says Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine" and suggests they go to Germany, Poland or the U.S.

Hearst announced her retirement, effective immediately, shortly after White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks "offensive and reprehensible" during his daily briefing with reporters. Thomas, who has had a front-row seat in the briefing room for many years, was not present.

The White House Correspondents Association also issued a rare statement, calling her comments "indefensible."

"Many in our profession who have known Helen for years were saddened by the comments, which were especially unfortunate in light of her role as a trail blazer on the White House beat," said the statement, signed by journalists who are officers of the association.

Thomas had been scheduled to speak at the June 14 graduation of Walt Whitman High School in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, Md., but Principal Alan Goodwin wrote in a Sunday e-mail to students and parents that she was being replaced.

"Graduation celebrations are not the venue for divisiveness," Goodwin wrote.

Thomas wrote on her website, "I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians."

She added: "They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

More here:
Helen Thomas retires in flap over Israel remarks

It would appear to me, and thousands,no, millions of others, that she lost a lifetimes 'achievement' over a lifetime of anti-semitism, unmasked by her own hand.

No other 'examples' can be used to justify her 'one' so called error in judgment.
Helen Thomas to the Jews: Get the hell out of Palestine!

That is an excellent advice.

Palestine would finally have peace since 1935.

The Palestinians would no longer be foreigners in their own land

The Palestinians would no longer be slaughtered, persecuted, mistreated.


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