Helen Thomas to the Jews: Get the hell out of Palestine!

What do you think about Helen Thomas's remarks?

  • She was right

    Votes: 5 16.7%
  • She was wrong

    Votes: 22 73.3%
  • Other - I'll explain in my post.

    Votes: 3 10.0%

  • Total voters
Well it's official. Helen Thomas is formally retiring.

I think this sucks.

I thought it was stupid for Jimmy the Greek to lose his credentials over a politically incorrect discourse that happened to be at least somewhat factually correct, but it wasn't PC.

I thought it was stupid for Marge Shott to lose her basketball franchise over a politically incorrect joke.

I thought Trent Lott should not have lost his senate rank over an inadvertent comment praising a 100-yr-old colleague that was not intended to be racist, but was called that by his opponents.

I thought it was grossly unfair for Rush Limbaugh to lose his ESPN slot over a politically incorrect comment.

I thought it was hateful when Don Imus was ousted from his popular broadcast slot for cracking an innocent politically incorrect joke.

More especially all this is utter crap when people the PC police actually LIKE are given a pass because they 'really didn't mean it.'

Helen does not deserve to be forced out of a job she has loved for longer than most of us on USMB have been alive just because of one politically incorrect statement that she did apologize for.

When did the world become such an uncompromising place that one politically incorrect gaffe can wipe out a lifetime of achievement?

It sucks.

Helen Thomas retires in flap over Israel remarks

WASHINGTON — Longtime Washington journalist Helen Thomas abruptly retired Monday as a columnist for Hearst News Service following remarks she made about Israel that were denounced by the White House and her press corps colleagues.

The 89-year-old Thomas, dean of the White House press corps, has been a fixture in Washington and has been lauded as a pioneering female journalist who has covered presidents since 1960.

Known for her confrontational questioning, Thomas apologized for comments that were captured on video and have spread widely on the Internet. On the May 27 video, Thomas says Israelis should "get the hell out of Palestine" and suggests they go to Germany, Poland or the U.S.

Hearst announced her retirement, effective immediately, shortly after White House press secretary Robert Gibbs called her remarks "offensive and reprehensible" during his daily briefing with reporters. Thomas, who has had a front-row seat in the briefing room for many years, was not present.

The White House Correspondents Association also issued a rare statement, calling her comments "indefensible."

"Many in our profession who have known Helen for years were saddened by the comments, which were especially unfortunate in light of her role as a trail blazer on the White House beat," said the statement, signed by journalists who are officers of the association.

Thomas had been scheduled to speak at the June 14 graduation of Walt Whitman High School in the Washington suburb of Bethesda, Md., but Principal Alan Goodwin wrote in a Sunday e-mail to students and parents that she was being replaced.

"Graduation celebrations are not the venue for divisiveness," Goodwin wrote.

Thomas wrote on her website, "I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians."

She added: "They do not reflect my heart-felt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

More here:
Helen Thomas retires in flap over Israel remarks

It would appear to me, and thousands,no, millions of others, that she lost a lifetimes 'achievement' over a lifetime of anti-semitism, unmasked by her own hand.

No other 'examples' can be used to justify her 'one' so called error in judgment.

I see. And I suppose you feel that should you commit a social gaffe or make a politically incorrect joke that falls flat, that you should be judged that such gaffe reflects your entire life as well? And nothing else that you ever did can compensate for your most recent sin?

God help us if we revert to the age where sinners are stoned to death based on a single sin. I had hoped the human race had learned to think differently about such things, but we seem to be getting even more rigid, unforgiving, and unyielding in social expectations.
The mexicans think we should give back California, Texas and all the land America bought from Mexico.

What if the UN said, America had to sell them back to mexico and they started kicking us out and plowing over our houses?

It would piss us off big time. That's how the Palestinians feel.

It was a democrat president, Polk, who pushed for U.S. control of these states.

Now the democrats want Israel to give back to Palestine

Do the democrats think we should give our land back to Mexico?

I can tell that the republicans do not want to give our land back to Mexico.

But they want the opposite for the Palestinians.

It just shows how there is no consistency in politics.

We are all hypocrites.
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

I think she is just bitter. She is the most hideously ugly woman in the media.

You're consistently an idiot. Take the RED SOX Cap off, please. You're an embarrassment. Try wearing a Tin Foil cap instead.
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

I think she is just bitter. She is the most hideously ugly woman in the media.

You're consistently an idiot. Take the RED SOX Cap off, please. You're an embarrassment. Try wearing a Tin Foil cap instead.

Just being honest. It's a face only a mother could love and even that is a bit of a gamble.

Thomas has been an icon of the media for decades and she'll be remembered in history as a pioneer for women in the field of journalism. I'll give you that she effed up with her statement the other day and I don't excuse it in any way whatsoever. But, I'm not going to write off her entire career because of it. I also find comments about her appearance ignorant and misogynistic. This is 2010, y'all. Let's start assessing women in public life on the basis of their behavior, not on how attractive (or not) one thinks she is.

cry us a fucking river. I'll be sympathetic to your viewpoint when you lamblast the left for the comments they make about Limbaugh's appearance. til then smoke gets in yer eyes.. :cool:
In a recent interview, Helen Thomas was asked for a comment about Israel. Her response: "Get the hell out of Palestine."

The interviewer asked her where they should go. She replied (paraphrased): Poland. Germany. America. Wherever they came from.

What do you think? Is she just old and senile? She should get the pass she is getting from the mainstream media?

I think she is just bitter. She is the most hideously ugly woman in the media.

What do looks have to do with it? I'm sick of this sexist crap.

There aren't ugly men?
How long before sangha starts championing moving the jews out of the ME?

GAWD, by the agency of the Romans, told them to get the hell out. I have NOT heard that GAWD changed his mind.

Do you suppose GAWD likes pissy little humans of ANY sort telling HIM what to do or what to think?

Oh, and doctrinally speaking, Hagee is an apostate!
Thomas has been an icon of the media for decades and she'll be remembered in history as a pioneer for women in the field of journalism. I'll give you that she effed up with her statement the other day and I don't excuse it in any way whatsoever. But, I'm not going to write off her entire career because of it. I also find comments about her appearance ignorant and misogynistic. This is 2010, y'all. Let's start assessing women in public life on the basis of their behavior, not on how attractive (or not) one thinks she is.

cry us a fucking river. I'll be sympathetic to your viewpoint when you lamblast the left for the comments they make about Limbaugh's appearance. til then smoke gets in yer eyes.. :cool:

Um, Willow, are you sure you meant to address this to Dixie? I think you and she are on the same page on this.
The mexicans think we should give back California, Texas and all the land America bought from Mexico.

What if the UN said, America had to sell them back to mexico and they started kicking us out and plowing over our houses?

It would piss us off big time. That's how the Palestinians feel.

It was a democrat president, Polk, who pushed for U.S. control of these states.

Now the democrats want Israel to give back to Palestine

Do the democrats think we should give our land back to Mexico?

I can tell that the republicans do not want to give our land back to Mexico.

But they want the opposite for the Palestinians.

It just shows how there is no consistency in politics.

We are all hypocrites.

Hammer meet nail The libturds want to push Israel out of the Middle East because they say they occupy Palastinean land. That's one side of their mouth.. The other side of their mouth call us racist when we complain about the hordes of illegals pouring across our borders.. you can't makes this shit up can you?
1) Her crassness and stupidity are not new, and it is just part and parcel of her inability to think to step two on any subject.

2) I don't think she qualifies as an anti semite.

3) She is just a generalized jerk, sort of like the kind of behavior your expect to see out of Dabney Coleman, Danny Divito, Sam Kinnison or Steve Martin.

I voted: other.

I see were B-man, posted part of what I wanted say. I would add this:

I think Baruch is dead wrong on part 1), but he is as entitled to his wrong opinions as he is his sometimes wrong interpretation of facts.

3) If Helen's remarks were only crass and stupid, I would agree here [ 3) ], but her remarks go beyond that. Her remarks are a genuine representation of the anti-Israeli beliefs of the American academic and media elites, what passes for the intelligentsia in America, that has come to predominate our culture.

I also think the Rabbi who reported a private remark, should have kept his big mouth shut. Going after Helen the way he did (by his actions -- he lit the match), in a very public manner of attack, will only push more of this shit underground.

Thomas told a rabbi at a White House event last week that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland or the United States. Her comments were caught on videotape and widely distributed.

The remarks caused a furor even though she immediately apologized. Her invitation to speak at a local graduation was rescinded. Jewish groups called her remarks ignorant and insensitive and said her apology did not go far enough.

"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians," Thomas said in a statement. "They do not reflect my heartfelt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

At his daily briefing, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs on Monday condemned the comments, calling them “offensive and reprehensible.”

“She should and has apologized,” Gibbs said. “Obviously, those remarks do not reflect, certainly, the opinion of most of the people here and certainly not of the administration.”

Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas retires after Israel remarks | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

one can hold anti-semitic views and even pronounce anti-semitic things without being a rue anti-Semite. how? People do not think through what they say or believe on a superficial level, and we all speak without thinking at times. We all say things we do not truly believe. I also think we all hold to some beliefs that are not well thought out. these nuances, separate the true anti-Semites from the great ignorati.
The mexicans think we should give back California, Texas and all the land America bought from Mexico.

What if the UN said, America had to sell them back to mexico and they started kicking us out and plowing over our houses?

It would piss us off big time. That's how the Palestinians feel.

It was a democrat president, Polk, who pushed for U.S. control of these states.

Now the democrats want Israel to give back to Palestine

Do the democrats think we should give our land back to Mexico?

I can tell that the republicans do not want to give our land back to Mexico.

But they want the opposite for the Palestinians.

It just shows how there is no consistency in politics.

We are all hypocrites.

Hammer meet nail The libturds want to push Israel out of the Middle East because they say they occupy Palastinean land. That's one side of their mouth.. The other side of their mouth call us racist when we complain about the hordes of illegals pouring across our borders.. you can't makes this shit up can you?

Can you stop posting like a fucking 7 year old?
in both content and font size?
The mexicans think we should give back California, Texas and all the land America bought from Mexico.

What if the UN said, America had to sell them back to mexico and they started kicking us out and plowing over our houses?

It would piss us off big time. That's how the Palestinians feel.

It was a democrat president, Polk, who pushed for U.S. control of these states.

Now the democrats want Israel to give back to Palestine

Do the democrats think we should give our land back to Mexico?

I can tell that the republicans do not want to give our land back to Mexico.

But they want the opposite for the Palestinians.

It just shows how there is no consistency in politics.

We are all hypocrites.

Hammer meet nail The libturds want to push Israel out of the Middle East because they say they occupy Palastinean land. That's one side of their mouth.. The other side of their mouth call us racist when we complain about the hordes of illegals pouring across our borders.. you can't makes this shit up can you?

Can you stop posting like a fucking 7 year old?
in both content and font size?

stay the hell away from me you run to the mods whining pussy. You ran to the mods and got them to tell me to stay away from you. I have no problem staying away from your sorry ass but you just stay the hell away from me. Most people cannot abide a whining pussy and a whining pussy you izz. So just stay the hell away from me.
Hammer meet nail The libturds want to push Israel out of the Middle East because they say they occupy Palastinean land. That's one side of their mouth.. The other side of their mouth call us racist when we complain about the hordes of illegals pouring across our borders.. you can't makes this shit up can you?

Can you stop posting like a fucking 7 year old?
in both content and font size?

stay the hell away from me you run to the mods whining pussy. You ran to the mods and got them to tell me to stay away from you. I have no problem staying away from your sorry ass but you just stay the hell away from me. Most people cannot abide a whining pussy and a whining pussy you izz. So just stay the hell away from me.

everyone is stuck viewing your imbecilic posts -- that is awful enough. what is objectionable is the level of vomit you puke up.

tone IT down is all we ask.


Can you stop posting like a fucking 7 year old?
in both content and font size?

stay the hell away from me you run to the mods whining pussy. You ran to the mods and got them to tell me to stay away from you. I have no problem staying away from your sorry ass but you just stay the hell away from me. Most people cannot abide a whining pussy and a whining pussy you izz. So just stay the hell away from me.

everyone is stuck viewing your imbecilic posts -- that is awful enough. what is objectionable is the level of vomit you puke up.

tone IT down is all we ask.


just put me on ignore you big fat assed whining pussy.. ever think of that? brainless turd.
It is incomprehensible to me that anyone could vote that she was right.
The Jewish people have a 6000+ year history in Israel, and even if the Palestinians are decended from the Philistines (which they are not, they are Jordanian primarily) they still arrived over 1000 years after the Jewish state of Israel was established.
Nobody can claim that any group of peoples ever inhabitted the land of Israel before the Canaanites, and they no longer exist.

Helen was utterly incorrect. And I am disappointed in her. I'm not claiming to have EVER liked her, but she is an elderly woman with a long history (back to the Eisenhower Admin) in the WH press Corps. At 90 years old, I would have liked her career to end on a positive note.

I do believe, however, that she merely echoed the feelings (and ignorance) of the majority of liberals here in the USA.
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back on topic: I apologize for engaging the vile, foul troll.

here is something I forgot which alters the post below:

Thomas told a rabbi at a White House event last week that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland or the United States. Her comments were caught on videotape and widely distributed.

1) Her crassness and stupidity are not new, and it is just part and parcel of her inability to think to step two on any subject.

2) I don't think she qualifies as an anti semite.

3) She is just a generalized jerk, sort of like the kind of behavior your expect to see out of Dabney Coleman, Danny Divito, Sam Kinnison or Steve Martin.

I voted: other.

I see were B-man, posted part of what I wanted say. I would add this:

I think Baruch is dead wrong on part 1), but he is as entitled to his wrong opinions as he is his sometimes wrong interpretation of facts.

3) If Helen's remarks were only crass and stupid, I would agree here [ 3) ], but her remarks go beyond that. Her remarks are a genuine representation of the anti-Israeli beliefs of the American academic and media elites, what passes for the intelligentsia in America, that has come to predominate our culture.

I also think the Rabbi who reported a private remark, should have kept his big mouth shut. Going after Helen the way he did (by his actions -- he lit the match), in a very public manner of attack, will only push more of this shit underground.

edit: It's the media environment today. Gotcha journalism turned on it's own.

Thomas told a rabbi at a White House event last week that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland or the United States. Her comments were caught on videotape and widely distributed.

The remarks caused a furor even though she immediately apologized. Her invitation to speak at a local graduation was rescinded. Jewish groups called her remarks ignorant and insensitive and said her apology did not go far enough.

"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians," Thomas said in a statement. "They do not reflect my heartfelt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

At his daily briefing, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs on Monday condemned the comments, calling them “offensive and reprehensible.”

“She should and has apologized,” Gibbs said. “Obviously, those remarks do not reflect, certainly, the opinion of most of the people here and certainly not of the administration.”

Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas retires after Israel remarks | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

one can hold anti-semitic views and even pronounce anti-semitic things without being a rue anti-Semite. how? People do not think through what they say or believe on a superficial level, and we all speak without thinking at times. We all say things we do not truly believe. I also think we all hold to some beliefs that are not well thought out. these nuances, separate the true anti-Semites from the great ignorati.
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back on topic: I apologize for engaging the vile, foul troll.

here is something I forgot which alters the post below:

Thomas told a rabbi at a White House event last week that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland or the United States. Her comments were caught on videotape and widely distributed.

1) Her crassness and stupidity are not new, and it is just part and parcel of her inability to think to step two on any subject.

2) I don't think she qualifies as an anti semite.

3) She is just a generalized jerk, sort of like the kind of behavior your expect to see out of Dabney Coleman, Danny Divito, Sam Kinnison or Steve Martin.

I voted: other.

I see were B-man, posted part of what I wanted say. I would add this:

I think Baruch is dead wrong on part 1), but he is as entitled to his wrong opinions as he is his sometimes wrong interpretation of facts.

3) If Helen's remarks were only crass and stupid, I would agree here [ 3) ], but her remarks go beyond that. Her remarks are a genuine representation of the anti-Israeli beliefs of the American academic and media elites, what passes for the intelligentsia in America, that has come to predominate our culture.

I also think the Rabbi who reported a private remark, should have kept his big mouth shut. Going after Helen the way he did (by his actions -- he lit the match), in a very public manner of attack, will only push more of this shit underground.

edit: It's the media environment today. Gotcha journalism turned on it's own.

Thomas told a rabbi at a White House event last week that Jews should "get the hell out of Palestine" and go back to Germany and Poland or the United States. Her comments were caught on videotape and widely distributed.

The remarks caused a furor even though she immediately apologized. Her invitation to speak at a local graduation was rescinded. Jewish groups called her remarks ignorant and insensitive and said her apology did not go far enough.

"I deeply regret my comments I made last week regarding the Israelis and the Palestinians," Thomas said in a statement. "They do not reflect my heartfelt belief that peace will come to the Middle East only when all parties recognize the need for mutual respect and tolerance. May that day come soon."

At his daily briefing, White House press secretary Robert Gibbs on Monday condemned the comments, calling them “offensive and reprehensible.”

“She should and has apologized,” Gibbs said. “Obviously, those remarks do not reflect, certainly, the opinion of most of the people here and certainly not of the administration.”

Veteran White House reporter Helen Thomas retires after Israel remarks | D.C. Now | Los Angeles Times

one can hold anti-semitic views and even pronounce anti-semitic things without being a rue anti-Semite. how? People do not think through what they say or believe on a superficial level, and we all speak without thinking at times. We all say things we do not truly believe. I also think we all hold to some beliefs that are not well thought out. these nuances, separate the true anti-Semites from the great ignorati.

Big fat assed whining pussy.
It is incomprehensible to me that anyone could vote that she was right.
The Jewish people have a 6000+ year history in Israel, and even if the Palestinians are decended from the Philistines (which they are not, they are Jordanian primarily) they still arrived over 1000 years after the Jewish state of Israel was established.
Nobody can claim that any group of peoples ever inhabitted the land of Israel before the Canaanites, and they no longer exist.

Helen was utterly incorrect. And I am disappointed in her. I'm not claiming to have EVER liked her, but she is an elderly woman with a long history (back to the Eisenhower Admin) in the WH press Corps. At 90 years old, I would have liked her career to end on a positive note.

I do believe, however, that she merely echoed the feelings (and ignorance) of the majority of liberals here in the USA.

Not Liberals, but Progressives. The majority of Progressives.

otherwise, I am full agreement with you, but I always liked and admired her---and still do. Disappointment is no cause for changing my view of her.
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