Hello, all


Active Member
Dec 18, 2012
I'm a recently retired senior citizen. I'm a US Army and Vietnam veteran, and an avid defender of our great nation. I spent my entire adult life (that is, after 6 years in the military) working for a living. I built a service-industry business from scratch and ran it successfully (working dusk to dawn 6 days a week) for almost 20 years. I'm now looking forward to some down time and being able to spend more time with my family and friends.
I believe in honesty and responsibility in all things, whether it's in work, play or talk. I give my opinions on those things that matter to me and ignore those that don't.
I'm sure I'll meet both agreements and disagreements on topics of politics, sports, and just about anything else that concerns or interests us. I hope that as a new member, I can add as much as I'm sure to receive.
See you on the threads!
Hi and welcome.
Perhaps you could explain how the Vietnam war defended America.
Sorry not to be able to work it out for myself.
Hi and welcome.
Perhaps you could explain how the Vietnam war defended America.
Sorry not to be able to work it out for myself.

do you have any point at all?

why would he be able to explain more adequately than anyone else, including yourself?
Hi and welcome.
Perhaps you could explain how the Vietnam war defended America.
Sorry not to be able to work it out for myself.

maybe you should reread the post that is not what the OP said

He said he was a Vietnam vet and defender of America.
Perhaps the two are different things as I don't believe the winning, American arse kicking, Vietnam People's Army had any plans to invade the US of A.
Hi and welcome.
Perhaps you could explain how the Vietnam war defended America.
Sorry not to be able to work it out for myself.

maybe you should reread the post that is not what the OP said

He said he was a Vietnam vet and defender of America.
Perhaps the two are different things as I don't believe the winning, American arse kicking, Vietnam People's Army had any plans to invade the US of A.

well, it is not as easy as all that. i mean, i did the vietnam thing too and i like to think i stand up for the constitution and all but i don't think the two are mutually inclusive or exclusive.

where were you when all this was going down.
maybe you should reread the post that is not what the OP said

He said he was a Vietnam vet and defender of America.
Perhaps the two are different things as I don't believe the winning, American arse kicking, Vietnam People's Army had any plans to invade the US of A.

well, it is not as easy as all that. i mean, i did the vietnam thing too and i like to think i stand up for the constitution and all but i don't think the two are mutually inclusive or exclusive.

where were you when all this was going down.

I was in school, learning how to think. Pity the US armed forces commanders didn't join me.
If they had, a bunch of poorly trained peasants may not have totally humiliated the most powerful nation on earth when they kicked your arses back home.
So, back to my question, how did the US intervention in Vietnam help or defend America?
Let me have a look at the results.

58,000 dead yanks (or about six years gun crime victims)
150 odd thousand wounded
21,000 disabled
125,000 criminals created because they buggered off to Canada so they could avoid the stupidity.
50,00 criminal created because they had the good sense to sod off out of the army. The idiots called it, "desertion". I call it "intelligence".
830,00 gone totally gaga with PTSD and, here's the fun part,
That lot cast you $111 billion and sent you into a debt crisis.

So, how did intervention in Vietnam, along with the massive death toll and humiliation, help defend the US?
I served in Vietnam twice. Once from 1968-69, and then again from 1970-71. The first time I was a 12B30 (Combat Engineer) and helped build roads and bridges, and also did some demolitions as well. The second time I went over, I was hoping to go back to my original unit, but when I got there I found out that the post itself had been turned over to the ARVN army. I was sent back to the "repo-depot" in Cam Rhan Bay where I got reassigned to the 4th Division LRRPs. That was fun. :wink:

Everyone has their own opinion about whether we should have been in Vietnam and what were our successes and failures. I like to think I was there as an overall plan to stop Communism from making it's way to our own borders. I'll just opine that I think we failed in that regard, because we have an entire political party that used to do what they thought was right for the American people. Now they do everything they can to restrict the freedoms of law-abiding Americans and support instead the leftist agenda of Socialists and Communists everywhere else.
But I did my part then, and I continue to do my part now for my family, community and country.
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The people who served in veitnam deserve every accolade anyone who ever served deserved.

when you fight you dont make policy you fight.

Blame the idiots who made the policy not our heros.
I served in Vietnam twice. Once from 1968-69, and then again from 1970-71. The first time I was a 12B30 (Combat Engineer) and helped build roads and bridges, and also did some demolitions as well. The second time I went over, I was hoping to go back to my original unit, but when I got there I found out that the post itself had been turned over to the ARVN army. I was sent back to the "repo-depot" in Cam Rhan Bay where I got reassigned to the 4th Division LRRPs. That was fun. :wink:

Everyone has their own opinion about whether we should have been in Vietnam and what were our successes and failures. I like to think I was there as an overall plan to stop Communism from making it's way to our own borders. I'll just opine that I think we failed in that regard, because we have an entire political party that used to do what they thought was right for the American people. Now they do everything they can to restrict the freedoms of law-abiding Americans and support instead the leftist agenda of Socialists and Communists everywhere else.
But I did my part then, and I continue to do my part now for my family, community and country.

I thank you for your service
He said he was a Vietnam vet and defender of America.
Perhaps the two are different things as I don't believe the winning, American arse kicking, Vietnam People's Army had any plans to invade the US of A.

well, it is not as easy as all that. i mean, i did the vietnam thing too and i like to think i stand up for the constitution and all but i don't think the two are mutually inclusive or exclusive.

where were you when all this was going down.

I was in school, learning how to think. Pity the US armed forces commanders didn't join me.
If they had, a bunch of poorly trained peasants may not have totally humiliated the most powerful nation on earth when they kicked your arses back home.
So, back to my question, how did the US intervention in Vietnam help or defend America?

learning to think where?

were you in america at that time?

were you an american?

i suppose we were in vietnam to prevent the spread of stalinist communism.

i was there because i was a kid.

part of the reason i was there was because i was against the draft.

whole countries fight wars, not just the soldiers.
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I'm a recently retired senior citizen. I'm a US Army and Vietnam veteran, and an avid defender of our great nation. I spent my entire adult life (that is, after 6 years in the military) working for a living. I built a service-industry business from scratch and ran it successfully (working dusk to dawn 6 days a week) for almost 20 years. I'm now looking forward to some down time and being able to spend more time with my family and friends.
I believe in honesty and responsibility in all things, whether it's in work, play or talk. I give my opinions on those things that matter to me and ignore those that don't.
I'm sure I'll meet both agreements and disagreements on topics of politics, sports, and just about anything else that concerns or interests us. I hope that as a new member, I can add as much as I'm sure to receive.
See you on the threads!

Hello and welcome!!!

Do yourself a favor, put Truthmatters, Mr. Shaman, Hazlnut, Dick Tuck, etc. on ignore... you'll thank yourself. They're mindless trolls.
learning to think where?

were you in america at that time?

were you an american?

i suppose we were in vietnam to prevent the spread of stalinist communism.

i was there because i was a kid.

part of the reason i was there was because i was against the draft.

whole countries fight wars, not just the soldiers.

Learning to think in school, in England. Teacher actually gave us ideas to explore instead of just pumping full of dates, names and facts.
I'm not and never have been, an American. I have no particular interest in visiting that country. No special reason, just that I prefer Asia (not Thailand - it's a dump).
You sound unsure of why the US was poking its nose into a foreign country. Perhaps you should try to find out. If it was to stop the spread of communism, was it really America's place to kill people in order to stop them thinking the 'wrong' thoughts?

My question remains, how did the Vietnam war defend America?
I'm a recently retired senior citizen. I'm a US Army and Vietnam veteran, and an avid defender of our great nation. I spent my entire adult life (that is, after 6 years in the military) working for a living. I built a service-industry business from scratch and ran it successfully (working dusk to dawn 6 days a week) for almost 20 years. I'm now looking forward to some down time and being able to spend more time with my family and friends.
I believe in honesty and responsibility in all things, whether it's in work, play or talk. I give my opinions on those things that matter to me and ignore those that don't.
I'm sure I'll meet both agreements and disagreements on topics of politics, sports, and just about anything else that concerns or interests us. I hope that as a new member, I can add as much as I'm sure to receive.
See you on the threads!
Welcome to USMB, Papawx3. Thank you for your service to our country!

Hope you enjoy the boards. :)

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