Hello Everybody!!!


Aug 22, 2012
After being greeted by the cast of the muppet show and after a few friendly suggestions, I'm introducing myself on the intro-page.

I'm conservative when it's necessary & liberal when necessary. I'm not hot or cold, black nor white. Yes I have opinions, but what I mean is I'm not an absolutist.

I'm for strong but small gov't, strong military, 2nd amendment, gay rights, environment.

My brother is gay. I'm a war vet. I'm pursuing a degree to one day use in the alternative industry. That's where I sit in a nutshell.

Was suspended from a tea party forum today for basically not blindly backing Romney like they asked everyone to do & for essentially having an independent thought process. I like to think I've been accused of having a brain. I think it's funny and showed my fiancee what it was that got me suspended & she said, well, what makes you think any other political forum will let you think for yourself. I told her, well, I'm more hopeful than I should be.

This particular fish pool likes brevity, so I kept it to pop-up book format rather than a novel, LOL! See ya out there!

Why not get a real job and go bust your ass on a drilling rig?

Why not get a real job and go bust your ass on a drilling rig?

Because I have a pair of testicles and got a man's job serving the nation for 12 years and going to war 3 times busting my ass for Uncle Sam. Next time I'm up for vacation, I'll consider staying at a rig for some R&R. Do they have swimming pools at these drill sites?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
So they move your thread to this category and you make another one....what a doofus.
After being greeted by the cast of the muppet show and after a few friendly suggestions, I'm introducing myself on the intro-page.

I'm conservative when it's necessary & liberal when necessary. I'm not hot or cold, black nor white. Yes I have opinions, but what I mean is I'm not an absolutist.

I'm for strong but small gov't, strong military, 2nd amendment, gay rights, environment.

My brother is gay. I'm a war vet. I'm pursuing a degree to one day use in the alternative industry. That's where I sit in a nutshell.

Was suspended from a tea party forum today for basically not blindly backing Romney like they asked everyone to do & for essentially having an independent thought process. I like to think I've been accused of having a brain. I think it's funny and showed my fiancee what it was that got me suspended & she said, well, what makes you think any other political forum will let you think for yourself. I told her, well, I'm more hopeful than I should be.

This particular fish pool likes brevity, so I kept it to pop-up book format rather than a novel, LOL! See ya out there!


Much better!

Welcome to the boards.
Thanking you for serving us. :thup:

Alternatives. Pffft.

LOL, it was fun. Good outlet for an adrenyline junkie like me. After a while, hit my early 30's & wanted to finish my degree. Interested in bio fuels, engineering easily affordable solar cars, etc. Was on Subs for 5 years & a naval Expeditionary Warfare Specialist for 7 & counting. Have a 12 year technical background altogether. Picking alternative energy because it's more sustainable than oil. Oil's gonna run out sooner or later & MAY run out just before I kick off. If it doesn't, it's a hell of a lot cheaper to drive a hybrid or electric car than a gas combustion engine motorized car. If it doesn't make dollars, it doesn't make cents (sense).

When the older crowd that's anti-sustainable energy is gone & senile, & the generation X people are in charge, we can get the ball rolling for cleaner cheaper energy. Hopefully, our kids won't be so retarded they won't know what to do with the ball once they get it, LOL!
I met a guy from Germany with a PhD in Naval Architecture. He was deathly afraid of submarines.
LOL go figger.
I met a guy from Germany with a PhD in Naval Architecture. He was deathly afraid of submarines.
LOL go figger.

They keep you so busy on those things you're too occupied & too tired to even think about how much / little space there is. Taught me how to fill up a fridge though! space management!!!
OP Looks like a cover letter :D

Welcome to USMB

LOL, ya got jokes!!! :lol: If you stick around, I'll send you my resume :D Yeah ok, new house rules, new people, new nut jobs, (new novels to read)...

I have a following though. A little fan club. *looks up the page a bit....* People are following me. They hate me. But they're following me. Freud would have a field day.
After being greeted by the cast of the muppet show and after a few friendly suggestions, I'm introducing myself on the intro-page.

I'm conservative when it's necessary & liberal when necessary. I'm not hot or cold, black nor white. Yes I have opinions, but what I mean is I'm not an absolutist.

I'm for strong but small gov't, strong military, 2nd amendment, gay rights, environment.

My brother is gay. I'm a war vet. I'm pursuing a degree to one day use in the alternative industry. That's where I sit in a nutshell.

Was suspended from a tea party forum today for basically not blindly backing Romney like they asked everyone to do & for essentially having an independent thought process. I like to think I've been accused of having a brain. I think it's funny and showed my fiancee what it was that got me suspended & she said, well, what makes you think any other political forum will let you think for yourself. I told her, well, I'm more hopeful than I should be.

This particular fish pool likes brevity, so I kept it to pop-up book format rather than a novel, LOL! See ya out there!

It's difficult to express independent thoughts here especially if favorable to Obama because you get called all sorts of childish and disgusting names, labeled as a lib (even when you're not). If you try to protest that you're an independent a certain radical conservative element here will jump to conclusions about you as supporting EVERYTHING Obama does and says, etc. They think, like them, you have to buy into the WHOLE party ideology and if you don't , you're something other than you are. Or if you like 50% of what Obama does and that 50% is most important to you, then you have to be in total support of everything he says and does. Have fun, good luck and welcome!
OP Looks like a cover letter :D

Welcome to USMB

LOL, ya got jokes!!! :lol: If you stick around, I'll send you my resume :D Yeah ok, new house rules, new people, new nut jobs, (new novels to read)...

I have a following though. A little fan club. *looks up the page a bit....* People are following me. They hate me. But they're following me. Freud would have a field day.

I hear that noise :D
My brother lived on Gay St. in Knoxville.

Well, my brother is the mayor of Gay St., lol. He's a kewl guy though & you'd never be able to tell. He works as an executive pastry chef in Alexandria, VA at a restaurant frequented by the president, VIP's, diplomats, etc. You can't tell which side his bread's buttered until you're in a walmart and he goes crazy because he finds a curio cabinet he likes at a cheap price. Then I look at him and say, "man......why can't you get excited over a ratchet set or something? Curio? " It's funny, but I love him. He's kewl.

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