Hello, from Robert

Feb 9, 2011
Las Cruces, NM
I am Robert. A NASA contractor and artist guy. I love Jeeps. I love to chase forever to the far sides of the world. And the girl across the way here, cloudlessly, like everything else.....

Thank you for having me here.


Robert..for the sake of safety..I urge you to take out your real name and work place from your sig.
Me...I think there are too many "pretend " people on the internets. I tend to go the other way also. I'm Sean Corey. Glad to have ya here on USMB.

Explain "cloudless" and "cloudlessly". Thanks.
Me...I think there are too many "pretend " people on the internets. I tend to go the other way also. I'm Sean Corey. Glad to have ya here on USMB.

Explain "cloudless" and "cloudlessly". Thanks.
He has a history of saying stupid shit like that on the interwebs, like "Reap the Whirlwind" and "I am Love".

Ask him why he thinks the "Moon doesn't rotate". He's a NASA genius so it should be easy for him.
Me...I think there are too many "pretend " people on the internets. I tend to go the other way also. I'm Sean Corey. Glad to have ya here on USMB.

Explain "cloudless" and "cloudlessly". Thanks.
He has a history of saying stupid shit like that on the interwebs, like "Reap the Whirlwind" and "I am Love".

Ask him why he thinks the "Moon doesn't rotate". He's a NASA genius so it should be easy for him.

That's your reason for being a hater? "Stupid shit"? You just described 99% of the people on the internet. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He has clearly or cloudlessly or whatever.. been to a lot of interesting places and met some interesting people... How he processes those experiences and passes them on seems an unnecessary source for your venom.

I think I would rather pick through his posts for truth than dig through the usual fare of horseshit offered by many others on the net.

Ya he is a bit of a bragger....So what... So am I.. Actually having been there and done that and survived to tell the tale gives one some liscense..IMO.
Why did you feel the need to create another intro thread on yourself?

His "Im a NASA scientist cover has been blown .
He used to be a painter for NASA.( like the way he paints, He is however not a technician or a scientist ) I doubt he is doing that any longer.
Im pretty sure if he tried to get onto a secure base he would be arrested and prosecuted for trespass.
You aint a rocket scientist nor an astrophysicist .

Site Contents: About the Artist

Robert A.M. Stephens is a professional artist, painting full time since May of 1977. Winning an art scholarship at age 14 sent him to the University California at Davis.There he was told he would never be an artist since he preferred to paint realistically. He agreed with their dissent since he hated the abstract, subjective creations popular during that period of the mid 60's, thus surrendering the scholarship. From that point he was determined to become a professional artist and decided to teach himself somehow. It took him 11 more years before he could launch his career as an easel painter and fine artist in plein-aire works professionally.

A 5 time Smithsonian (SITES) alumni in conjunction with NASA, and with work in collections, museums, and academies worldwide, he has proved UCD's art department they may have been a little hasty.

The image archive at this site is a collection both digital and oil on canvas/panel, that have been executed and sold or is for sale in current inventory as indicated in each image page. The artist is currently represented by the Hanson Trust, Inc., Gig Harbor, WA, USA. The Agent Provocateur can be reached at: [email protected] or,

The Art Of Robert A.M. Stephens-Behold The Heart
Internet Archive Wayback Machine


Yikes indeed.
Why did you feel the need to create another intro thread on yourself?

His "Im a NASA scientist cover has been blown .
He used to be a painter for NASA.( like the way he paints, He is however not a technician or a scientist ) I doubt he is doing that any longer.
Im pretty sure if he tried to get onto a secure base he would be arrested and prosecuted for trespass.
You aint a rocket scientist nor an astrophysicist .

Site Contents: About the Artist

Robert A.M. Stephens is a professional artist, painting full time since May of 1977. Winning an art scholarship at age 14 sent him to the University California at Davis.There he was told he would never be an artist since he preferred to paint realistically. He agreed with their dissent since he hated the abstract, subjective creations popular during that period of the mid 60's, thus surrendering the scholarship. From that point he was determined to become a professional artist and decided to teach himself somehow. It took him 11 more years before he could launch his career as an easel painter and fine artist in plein-aire works professionally.

A 5 time Smithsonian (SITES) alumni in conjunction with NASA, and with work in collections, museums, and academies worldwide, he has proved UCD's art department they may have been a little hasty.

The image archive at this site is a collection both digital and oil on canvas/panel, that have been executed and sold or is for sale in current inventory as indicated in each image page. The artist is currently represented by the Hanson Trust, Inc., Gig Harbor, WA, USA. The Agent Provocateur can be reached at: [email protected] or,

The Art Of Robert A.M. Stephens-Behold The Heart
Internet Archive Wayback Machine


Yikes indeed.

Where has he claimed he is a NASA scientist? You don't think he gleaned some good info off of the NASA dudes that is worth passing on? What is YOUR problem? Did he fuck your wife?, your dog?...your chickens? You seem to have a hair up YOUR ass about this guy...Why don't YOU come clean and explain the personal nature of these posts?
That's your reason for being a hater? "Stupid shit"? You just described 99% of the people on the internet. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He has clearly or cloudlessly or whatever.. been to a lot of interesting places and met some interesting people... How he processes those experiences and passes them on seems an unnecessary source for your venom.

I think I would rather pick through his posts for truth than dig through the usual fare of horseshit offered by many others on the net.

Ya he is a bit of a bragger....So what... So am I.. Actually having been there and done that and survived to tell the tale gives one some liscense..IMO.
It's not called "hating" when you call out a bullshit artist. So don't get yer' panties in a wad over being fooled by the likes of him. Get over yer' non-sexual man crush on RAMS. I realize he's a charmer, heck I know of at least one girl here at USMB who sent her picture to him. But when he said the Hubble Space Telescope can turn around and look at the earth (a lie easily debunked), that should have set off alarms in your head.

Anyway, I'm still waiting to see if anyone asks the question about the moon. Should be interesting.
That's your reason for being a hater? "Stupid shit"? You just described 99% of the people on the internet. :lol: :lol: :lol:

He has clearly or cloudlessly or whatever.. been to a lot of interesting places and met some interesting people... How he processes those experiences and passes them on seems an unnecessary source for your venom.

I think I would rather pick through his posts for truth than dig through the usual fare of horseshit offered by many others on the net.

Ya he is a bit of a bragger....So what... So am I.. Actually having been there and done that and survived to tell the tale gives one some liscense..IMO.
It's not called "hating" when you call out a bullshit artist. So don't get yer' panties in a wad over being fooled by the likes of him. Get over yer' non-sexual man crush on RAMS. I realize he's a charmer, heck I know of at least one girl here at USMB who sent her picture to him. But when he said the Hubble Space Telescope can turn around and look at the earth (a lie easily debunked), that should have set off alarms in your head.

Anyway, I'm still waiting to see if anyone asks the question about the moon. Should be interesting.

Naw... There is more to this than questions about HST or the moon.

I come to the internet to be entertained. Actually don't mind a good yarn if it is entertaining. Thing is that RS has been many of the places I have lived and traveled to. I find it refreshing to see somebody put it all right out there for anyone to do what they will. You have decided he needs being EXPOSED!!!! I choose to be entertained.

Many find my flying and smuggling adventures to be bullshit. Fair enough, but that puts me more in his camp than those that just criticize and doubt. I envy him a little in that his travels have been well documented and any evidence I left behind would have surely been fatal of led to a long time in prison. I would love to be able to prove "law day" to that stupid fuck Liability. Just to rub it in his face. If you call that a "man crush" I don't quite know how to respond. :lol: :lol: :lol: My panties don't get twisted..I wear no underwear of any description.
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Having not read any of your posts after reading the first 3 I got from you until this very day I guess I missed the entertainment value.

The equation for validation for this is as follows, where N=orbital velocity x distance/position on local:


Im betting you envy his math skills as well.
Having not read any of your posts after reading the first 3 I got from you until this very day I guess I missed the entertainment value.

The equation for validation for this is as follows, where N=orbital velocity x distance/position on local:


Im betting you envy his math skills as well.

Get over it. I already noted my point of envy. My math skills are poor not having the need to use them for a long time. I don't pay much attention to math that I will never use. It has been several years since I had to do calculations for my machining work. That shit is all programed into the tool paths these days. I don't envy mathematicians any more than CPA's or secretaries ... None of which I intend to be at this stage of my life.
And you get over my objectionto his posing as an astrophysicist .
Sure, Nuebarth is a shitstain and RC Hoagland is a wandering idiot.
Mr Richard is a poser,trying to ride to coat tails of people who have the brains and have earned the title.
And you get over my objectionto his posing as an astrophysicist .
Sure, Nuebarth is a shitstain and RC Hoagland is a wandering idiot.
Mr Richard is a poser,trying to ride to coat tails of people who have the brains and have earned the title.

I think that Robert should post links to his assertions just like anyone else does here. They aren't mandatory but they are good form, and reading the rules goes a long way too, to stay out of conflicts with other members:

USMB Rules & Regulations

Some revisions exist (3/30/07):

In an effort to maintain the integrity of USmessageboard.com and to provide a comfortable environment for people to communicate, we ask that you please follow the guidelines when posting on this site. These guidelines are global and are effective on every area on this site.

Any comments posted on the USmessageboard.com that violate our guidelines are routinely removed.

[item #10]
Please do not reveal any personal contact information about yourself or others such as full name, address, phone number and even email. This is a public place and anyone is able to view your messages. Posting the personal information of other posters, regardless of how you've obtained it, is considered threatening behavior and you will likely find yourself with an involuntary vacation from this site if you repeatedly engage in such action"

My favorite topic is astronomy. I love having someone here who shares my interest, and who willingly posts new threads on it. I have 60-years of personal involvement in following astronomy as an amateur. Still, when I post on the subject, I post links. Anything I say on astronomy or cosmology should be supported by links just as much as anyone else; and Robert is no exception in that regard.

By fully displaying his connections to NASA, Robert seems to be borrowing from those connections, as if to say: "This is what I do. Don't question me, this is categorical fact." In fact he has used some of those very words.

From what I understand, Robert is a degreed archeologist, but works for NASA as a contract artist. Artists who do renderings for NASA or for various scientific journals need an understanding of the processes involved in what they are depicting so that their work will be technically correct and viewers will respect the credibility of that work since it goes to the credibility of the agency or journal. I would expect an artist to not necessarily have comprehensive knowledge of the field, but to “bone” up for a particular art project to make it as accurate, not confusing, and as unambiguous as possible.

I would suggest to Robert, that when he posts comments on postings by others, I.E. comments of others, that he first read the post, then make appropriate comments that clarify rather than confuse, and that he lose what to appears to be hubris.
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