Hello From The Shenandoah Valley of Virginia

It's already happening on the local level, at least in my AO. Nobody really likes the RPV and out here in the hinterlands they like the dems even less. It was also good to see voter participation way up and post election analyst showed that came mostly from right-leaning Independents.

That said I must grudgingly admit that the RVP (spurred-on no doubt by the national party) had their stuff together this go-round. Lots of right-leaning poll watchers this past election to the point the dems tried to throw-down the voter intimidation card.
I’m not familiar with the sway of RP in VA. Are they more right compared to your positions or do you consider it too weak as a rule? You mentioned that this last time around RPV had their act together, so I’m thinking you mean RPV lacks follow through?

I live in a county that has a lot of political activity, at least from my perspective. The Republican mayor is doing a wonderful job ensuring his reelection! If that’s his main goal that’s OK with me because he is doing a great job with the city and his follow through is 100 percent.

In order to govern well there has to be a lot of obvious activity, keeping an open door policy for phone calls and meetings, and placing the needs of the community above the political bickering. That last one can be a challenge in many areas. When it becomes more about one upping the opposition and “we’re going to make them look bad next time”, that kind of negative activity is going on in 2 adjacent towns to my city. Certain races get like that in the city with more mud-slinging as well, but the mayor will likely stay around until retirement due to his solid work ethic.
I’m not familiar with the sway of RP in VA. Are they more right compared to your positions or do you consider it too weak as a rule? You mentioned that this last time around RPV had their act together, so I’m thinking you mean RPV lacks follow through?

I live in a county that has a lot of political activity, at least from my perspective. The Republican mayor is doing a wonderful job ensuring his reelection! If that’s his main goal that’s OK with me because he is doing a great job with the city and his follow through is 100 percent.

In order to govern well there has to be a lot of obvious activity, keeping an open door policy for phone calls and meetings, and placing the needs of the community above the political bickering. That last one can be a challenge in many areas. When it becomes more about one upping the opposition and “we’re going to make them look bad next time”, that kind of negative activity is going on in 2 adjacent towns to my city. Certain races get like that in the city with more mud-slinging as well, but the mayor will likely stay around until retirement due to his solid work ethic.
The RVP is on the weak side having enjoyed the "good-ol-boy" system and either gop or blue-dog dem majorities for decades to the point they did not even field challengers against the dems in many key races.

The transplant debacle in NOtVA changed all that with ultra liberal dems winning office. Heck, a darn tranny beat the gop Assembly whip for goodness sake.

With Youngkin they got someone that had FU money of his own that he could apply to his race and I think that's the main reason the RPV held together instead of taking their toys and going home like they often did in the past when someone the "good-ol-boys" did not approve of won a RPV nomination.
Welcome. Oh and Phil Sheridan sends his love..........

:stir: :party: ;)
LOL.....A couple of my ancestors were captured/paroled home courtesy of Sheridan at Cedar Creek/Fisher's Hill.....They lived about 10 miles away as the crow flies from where they were captured and maybe two miles from where they were mustered into the 33rd Virginia Infantry in 1861.
The RVP is on the weak side having enjoyed the "good-ol-boy" system and either gop or blue-dog dem majorities for decades to the point they did not even field challengers against the dems in many key races.

The transplant debacle in NOtVA changed all that with ultra liberal dems winning office. Heck, a darn tranny beat the gop Assembly whip for goodness sake.

With Youngkin they got someone that had FU money of his own that he could apply to his race and I think that's the main reason the RPV held together instead of taking their toys and going home like they often did in the past when someone the "good-ol-boys" did not approve of won a RPV nomination.
Yep, the good old boys, comprised of blue Dems in this respect, ran things for two decades in one of the local towns that I mentioned. Voters recently switched it up and voted in a majority of Republicans. They had only had a few token Republicans prior to now serve on the board. The current board has been doing a great job with departmental improvements and making better spending choices compared to the last town board. Even die-hard Democrats who work for the town say they’re doing a good job. Just 4 years back that assessment would never have been said aloud.
1srelluc Welcome! I'm from Maryland originally and always loved the Shenandoah Valley, especially in the Fall. I think you'll like this board have fun.
You calling me fat? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

No, I'm saying you're not mean lol except when it comes to the liberals and I don't blame you there. I just posted in the Flame Zone, because I've had enough of their attitude even though I try to be nice and live by the golden rule,.. but they make it way too difficult to.
No, I'm saying you're not mean lol except when it comes to the liberals and I don't blame you there. I just posted in the Flame Zone, because I've had enough of their attitude even though I try to be nice and live by the golden rule,.. but they make it way too difficult to.

And, come to think of it, I am a few pounds over.
LOL.....A couple of my ancestors were captured/paroled home courtesy of Sheridan at Cedar Creek/Fisher's Hill.....They lived about 10 miles away as the crow flies from where they were captured and maybe two miles from where they were mustered into the 33rd Virginia Infantry in 1861.
Now I KNOW you are from the Shenandoah ---- Virginians canNOT get out of That War.
You mean insane leftist barfbags like you? You're going to have to do quite a performance to convince me of that.

Oh, wait. What I meant to say was screw you and the lying horse you rode in on.
Patriotic Liberals such as myself founded this country

Like today, our founders had to overcome Conservatives looking to destroy the country

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