Hello, I'm new . . .


Jan 20, 2013
Atlanta, GA
My name is Tina and I am a conservative Republican. I'm married with a teenage son and I live in the ATL area.

I found you all by Googling "reasonable conservatives". Where in the world are the conservatives who believe in limited government but who do NOT buy into the conspiracy theories that are out there?

For example, I believe the birth certificate is real, which makes Obama constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President.

I also believe that the WTC came down as the result of two jets hitting the buildings and not as a result of a controlled demolition.

I regularly turn to Snopes for rumor debunking.

And while there are still questions about what happened at Sandy Hook (because it is still an active investigation), I do not believe it was a false flag operation, and I believe the parents are real and not portrayed by actors.

I'm part of two conservative message boards, and it seems like they are more interested in promoting their current conspiracy theory than then are in discussing ideas.

So that's why I'm here. I hope I have found a home.
Hi Tina! I'm conservative too, although i don't say i'm Republican.....
Yes, you will find many "reasonable" Conservatives here....and you will also find SOME reasonable Liberals (but not many! lol!). It's an interesting place, be ready for some wild conversations, and I'm sure you'll learn quick who the loonies are! :) I hope you enjoy it!!!
My name is Tina and I am a conservative Republican. I'm married with a teenage son and I live in the ATL area.

What's with allyn211, Tina?

I found you all by Googling "reasonable conservatives". Where in the world are the conservatives who believe in limited government but who do NOT buy into the conspiracy theories that are out there?

I find that hard to believe. While there may be a couple of "reasonable conservatives" on this board, there are not enough to make USMB pop up in a Google search of the term...

For example, I believe the birth certificate is real, which makes Obama constitutionally eligible to hold the office of President.

Most thinking people believe this as well...

I also believe that the WTC came down as the result of two jets hitting the buildings and not as a result of a controlled demolition.

Again, most thinking people...

I regularly turn to Snopes for rumor debunking.

Best place for people too la... er... busy to do their own research...

And while there are still questions about what happened at Sandy Hook (because it is still an active investigation), I do not believe it was a false flag operation, and I believe the parents are real and not portrayed by actors.

There is no question about what happened at Sandy Hook. A crazy person killed his mother, stole her guns, shot up a school killing twenty six people.

I'm part of two conservative message boards, and it seems like they are more interested in promoting their current conspiracy theory than then are in discussing ideas.

You don't seem fond of conservatives, are you sure you're not a Democrat?

So that's why I'm here. I hope I have found a home.

Good luck, enjoy your stay...
My name is Tina and I am a conservative Republican. I'm married with a teenage son and I live in the ATL area.

What's with allyn211, Tina?

I found you all by Googling "reasonable conservatives". Where in the world are the conservatives who believe in limited government but who do NOT buy into the conspiracy theories that are out there?

I find that hard to believe. While there may be a couple of "reasonable conservatives" on this board, there are not enough to make USMB pop up in a Google search of the term...

Most thinking people believe this as well...

Again, most thinking people...

Best place for people too la... er... busy to do their own research...

There is no question about what happened at Sandy Hook. A crazy person killed his mother, stole her guns, shot up a school killing twenty six people.

I'm part of two conservative message boards, and it seems like they are more interested in promoting their current conspiracy theory than then are in discussing ideas.

You don't seem fond of conservatives, are you sure you're not a Democrat?

So that's why I'm here. I hope I have found a home.

Good luck, enjoy your stay...

To answer: My middle name is Allyn.

Believe it or not, a Google search led me to a site which recommended this board.

Nope, I am not a Democrat. I'm a conservative Republican who is tired of hearing only "Obama bad, no Obama good," from conservatives, and who's also tired of hearing that the birth certificate is fake.
My name is Tina and I am a conservative Republican. I'm married with a teenage son and I live in the ATL area.

What's with allyn211, Tina?

I find that hard to believe. While there may be a couple of "reasonable conservatives" on this board, there are not enough to make USMB pop up in a Google search of the term...

Most thinking people believe this as well...

Again, most thinking people...

Best place for people too la... er... busy to do their own research...

There is no question about what happened at Sandy Hook. A crazy person killed his mother, stole her guns, shot up a school killing twenty six people.

You don't seem fond of conservatives, are you sure you're not a Democrat?

So that's why I'm here. I hope I have found a home.

Good luck, enjoy your stay...

To answer: My middle name is Allyn.

Believe it or not, a Google search led me to a site which recommended this board.

Nope, I am not a Democrat. I'm a conservative Republican who is tired of hearing only "Obama bad, no Obama good," from conservatives, and who's also tired of hearing that the birth certificate is fake.

I'm not a Conservative, but I easily get along with the ones that sound like you sound right now.

Welcome. :thup:
My name is Tina and I am a conservative Republican. I'm married with a teenage son and I live in the ATL area.

What's with allyn211, Tina?

I find that hard to believe. While there may be a couple of "reasonable conservatives" on this board, there are not enough to make USMB pop up in a Google search of the term...

Most thinking people believe this as well...

Again, most thinking people...

Best place for people too la... er... busy to do their own research...

There is no question about what happened at Sandy Hook. A crazy person killed his mother, stole her guns, shot up a school killing twenty six people.

You don't seem fond of conservatives, are you sure you're not a Democrat?

So that's why I'm here. I hope I have found a home.

Good luck, enjoy your stay...

To answer: My middle name is Allyn.

Believe it or not, a Google search led me to a site which recommended this board.

Nope, I am not a Democrat. I'm a conservative Republican who is tired of hearing only "Obama bad, no Obama good," from conservatives, and who's also tired of hearing that the birth certificate is fake.

This sounds reasonable to me. Welcome to the boards!!
You are going to enjoy the Tavern and Coffee Shop. eots is our resident conspiracy theory guy, heads up.

Oh, and don't let anyone trick you into the fire hose delousing station routine.
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I found you all by Googling "reasonable conservatives".

Strange. I googled "loony people with signs of paranoia and schizophrenia who often reply to logic with references to sexual preference" :wink_2: I think my hit was much more accurate than yours but much welcome anyway.

We're actually much nicer than we appear, although the occasional flame is to be expected, I just can't help myself. Please post often and enjoy yourself as much as we enjoy you. :D
Hello, I'm not so new....... in more ways than one........ :doubt:

Here's you USMB starter kit:

1 suit of armor. For use until skin is properly thickened.......
1 tinfoil hat. Some here can read minds.......
1 full body condom. Forum Transmitted Diseases are epidemic......
(Don't worry, the CDC is working on it.....)
1 bottle of brain bleach. You'll figure out why eventually...
1 bottle eye bleach. I like posting nude pictures of myself, you'll thank me for the bleach.....

Welcome and enjoy!
Hello, I'm not so new....... in more ways than one........ :doubt:

Here's you USMB starter kit:

1 suit of armor. For use until skin is properly thickened.......
1 tinfoil hat. Some here can read minds.......
1 full body condom. Forum Transmitted Diseases are epidemic......
(Don't worry, the CDC is working on it.....)
1 bottle of brain bleach. You'll figure out why eventually...
1 bottle eye bleach. I like posting nude pictures of myself, you'll thank me for the bleach.....

Welcome and enjoy!

Thank you! I shall enjoy . . . :lol:

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