Hello. Trump conservative here.

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Your inability to discredit a single documented truth I have cited is noted.

One would think that the weird worshipers of one dude could easily find a less repugnant object of veneration, but when a skank can rut with and pay off bimbos behind the backs of trophy wives and get shamelessly praised by bible-humping white evangelicals, we are clearly dealing with no ordinary mortal.
You are begging for examples of Irony.As in who's the real skank.
Try Michael Avenatti.In Jail.Because he was a Liar and a cheat and a jailed
fraud.Was such a pathetic lout he claimed he would take a shot at running for
President.A regular on CNN and MSNBC { basically a place where being a loud
lout pays as a Host }.
Avenatti Went after Trump with vengeance.Couldn't help from making
false accusations as to Brett Kavanaugh { accused of spiking drinks at Frat
parties for the purpose of allowing girls to get gang-raped }.
Tax evasion,extortion,Fraud,Embexxlement.Could have faced 40 years.
Now in jail serving 30 months since last July's re-sentencing.
Avenatti also refused to pay The alleged Trump bimbo Stormy Daniels.
The guy once the shining star at CNN and MSNBC is actually the biggest
Skank Lawyer in recent memory.
I responded directly, honestly, and accurately to your diversionary "Let me guess. You subscribed to..."

I never did.

Findings that Russia meddled to help Trump beat Clinton were 'accurate and on point': Senate intel panel​

You don't like my direct, honest, and accurate response.
You didn't answer it. You went into the thing about collusion not being a crime. That's irrelevant to my question.
One other thing I'll add. I firmly believe the 2020 election was stolen. Only an imbecile believes the senile incompetent buffoon Biden won 81 million votes, 16 million more than any previous election winner. The guy was possibly the worst candidate in history, and his rallies proved that.
Exactly right! Who the hell cares about pesky details like counting votes etc? If it feels like der leader has won, then that is what we should go by!

Welcome. You will feel right at home here among the other Trump supporters. They too, like you, go on feelings. Damn the facts!
Exactly right! Who the hell cares about pesky details like counting votes etc? If it feels like der leader has won, then that is what we should go by!

Welcome. You will feel right at home here among the other Trump supporters. They too, like you, go on feelings. Damn the facts!
Nice try, Maggot. You're out of your league with this one.
Exactly right! Who the hell cares about pesky details like counting votes etc? If it feels like der leader has won, then that is what we should go by!

Welcome. You will feel right at home here among the other Trump supporters. They too, like you, go on feelings. Damn the facts!
What part of 102 Million voting Absentee confounds you.
Biden like his Goon squad of Voting Rights hacks talk as if in 2020
there was Voter Suppression.Why else would he suggest that for 2022.
His kind never said that crap After Obama won in 2012,
In the Summer of 2012 it was daily taking pts. especially by MSNBC.
Voter Suppression.Voter Suppression.yet not a single example of
Voter Suppression after Obama was quickly declared the winner.
Obama wining 873 counties.And 69 million votes.
Biden won 477 counties in 2020.
Trump won 2,497 Counties.
No President in 150+ years had lost a Re-election when they Increased their
vote total.Trump received around 3 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.
Nice try, Maggot. You're out of your league with this one.
Yesiree.The Pop Warner Football league.For Grade schoolers.
The difference being is that those kiddies were taught to play
fair.And gather round to say a prayer before each game.Make the
sign of the cross.
I wonder what the New sign for lefties will be this fall.
For Them Demcrats.
What part of 102 Million voting Absentee confounds you.
Biden like his Goon squad of Voting Rights hacks talk as if in 2020
there was Voter Suppression.Why else would he suggest that for 2022.
His kind never said that crap After Obama won in 2012,
In the Summer of 2012 it was daily taking pts. especially by MSNBC.
Voter Suppression.Voter Suppression.yet not a single example of
Voter Suppression after Obama was quickly declared the winner.
Obama wining 873 counties.And 69 million votes.
Biden won 477 counties in 2020.
Trump won 2,497 Counties.
No President in 150+ years had lost a Re-election when they Increased their
vote total.Trump received around 3 million more votes in 2020 than 2016.
Tut..tut. Someone forgot their meds, this morning. Feel better. :itsok:
Agree. When it comes to retards like you, I am totally out of your league. You got that right.
Not me, asshole. The poster to whom you were responding. But then I'm not surprised that detail went whizzing over your head.

That poster is going to kick some ass on this board and I'm looking forward to it!
That makes no sense. Trump wants all legal votes to count.
Are you aware of the Eastman Plan and the WH Pessure on Pence to not count all the legal votes in Arizona Georgia Pennsylvania Michigan Nevada and WISCONSIN in order to manipulate the Electoral College numbers to make Trump the winner?
Not me, asshole. The poster to whom you were responding. But then I'm not surprised that detail went whizzing over your head.

That poster is going to kick some ass on this board and I'm looking forward to it!
Awww... looks like someone is in love! I am sure he and you are going to be great together! Trumptard👨‍❤️‍👨 heaven!!!
i have full faith that my first & only husband, & father of my child - whom i've been solidly married to, for almost 37 years has never - nor will ever screw around - especially by raw dogging a porn star a mere 4 months after giving birth to his only child - & risking giving us some nasty STD.

so there's that. :heehee:
I didn't mention your husband---I said YOU sound like you got some jealous issues going on. You are obsessed with Melania's breasts and clothes. It's a jealousy issue hun...not of what your husband is doing with her (lord knows he doesn't have chance with her) but YOU attacking this other woman over her looks and her getting more attention than you. Very Catty--very pathetic. I've never liked other women getting catty and attacking another woman to make themselves feel better about their jealous issues. Melania has done NOTHING TO YOU or anyone---and yet you are worried about her breasts? Seriously playtime...
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Amen Brother!

No way anyone could vote against Trump. They obviously used fake Chinese ballots and illegal Mexican votes.
Trump has millions of people at his rallies
The Chinese invented COVID just to beat Trump
MAGA Forever!
Dem's turned their entire voting block into a group of Manchurian Candidates acting on the code words (Trump-Trump-Trump)
i have full faith that my first & only husband, & father of my child - whom i've been solidly married to, for almost 37 years has never - nor will ever screw around - especially by raw dogging a porn star a mere 4 months after giving birth to his only child - & risking giving us some nasty STD.

so there's that. :heehee:
So it is true Biden was a follower of The Who and his favorite song was 'Fiddle About'?
Dem's turned their entire voting block into a group of Manchurian Candidates acting on the code words (Trump-Trump-Trump)

You have no idea what Dems can do
They have a machine that can turn all Republican votes to Democrat.

I dont know why we Republicans even bother to vote
Hi. I just joined early this morning. Catholic Trump conservative here. Pro-life. Anti birth control. I consider Trump one of the greatest presidents of all time. I don't know how this forum leans. Most of them go leftwing. Hopefully this will be different.
Welcome Troll! Just what this board needs.....
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