Hello. Trump conservative here.

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Already documented in several states.
Very true

Democrats switched votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Michigan to steal the election from Trump

The key part is Republicans were unable to prove a thing

By 2022, Democrats will be able to steal every election without being caught
Very true

Democrats switched votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona and Michigan to steal the election from Trump

The key part is Republicans were unable to prove a thing

By 2022, Democrats will be able to steal every election without being caught
It was proven is several states......you UC, 'eh?
It was proven is several states......you UC, 'eh?
Actually, Democrats were able to switch votes in EVERY state they won
Only states won by Republicans held honest elections

I honestly don’t understand why Republicans bother to vote
You didn't answer it. You went into the thing about collusion not being a crime. That's irrelevant to my question.
I explained to you that, whatever reason you need to guess - "Let me guess. You subscribed to the myth that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election." - your guess is wrong.

Trump and his lickspittles persistently attempting their "collusion" diversion never fooled me.

Putin's conspiring to hurt Clinton and help Trump in 2016 - as confirmed by two Republican-led Senate investigative committees - required no collaboration with Trump or Trumpies, although Trump's Bannon expressed his view of the clandestine meeting at Trump Tower that was exposed:

“The three senior guys in the campaign thought it was a good idea to meet with a foreign government inside Trump Tower in the conference room on the 25th floor — with no lawyers. They didn’t have any lawyers... Even if you thought that this was not treasonous, or unpatriotic, or bad shit, and I happen to think it’s all of that, you should have called the FBI immediately."

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Again, despite you not liking facts----Trump by all standards was a great president
"By all standards"?

You can worship the Cry Baby Loser, but the fact that seven million more Americans voted for a less-than-spectacular alternative when finally given the opportunity is ample testimony to public recognition of his failure as POTUS.

His goons attacking Congress because he couldn't (and still can't) handle the truth hardly accrues to the Loser's to greater glory after his defeat.
There is the textbook definition; then there is the practical definition. Trump wasn't a perfect conservative, but he was pretty damn good.
Trump is damn good at lying and agreeing with whatever the person he is talking to.
Trump is prolife as long ass his supporters are pro-life. Personally I do not believe he cares one way or the other.

Cut taxes,
Cutting his taxes. He could care less what others pay
appointed conservatives Supreme Court justices
Only because his supporters wanted it. Again he could care less.
, respected the military, evened up trade deals, protected our border.
This only proves his brain washing is working.
Sadly, even 'love America' is another characteristic associated with ONLY conservatives, since the goal of the left seems to be the destruction of this country.
Your above comment does not deserve a reply because I am an American.
Conservatives are clueless

Democrats stole the election and they have no way to prove it
Looks good for 2024
It's comical how you leftwingers cheer for the ship to go down, not seeming to realize you're aboard the same ship.

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