Hellooo?!? Pubs crack, delay ceiling til April- ask talks! End of insanity?


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
That would be about time fcs...let's negotiate spending cuts without ransoming the country and ruining the economy. Lately Dems and more moderate Pubs are leaving no compromise Tea Partiers in the dust- EXCELLENT. They're un-American hater/fools...

News for debt limit 3 month delay
US House Republicans back 3-month debt limit increase
Bangkok Post - 1 hour ago - 1965 related articles »
Republicans proposed a three-month increase to the US debt ceiling ... Delaying the debt ceiling debate could allow lawmakers to focus more ...
3 Big Myths About the Federal Debt Limit
Yahoo! News (blog) - 8 hours ago - 41 related articles »
Republicans seek three-month debt limit increase, Senate budget ...
4 hours ago ... Congress approves some Sandy storm relief amid anger over delay. Fri, Jan ... "
Next week, we will authorize a three-month temporary debt limit ...
House Republicans back off from fiscal clash with Obama | Reuters
www.reuters.com/.../us-usa-fiscal-debt-idUSBRE90H12C20130118 - Cached
1 hour ago ... Obama says refusal to lift debt ceiling would hurt economy .... "Next week, we will
authorize a three month temporary debt limit increase to give the Senate and ....
For a complete list of exchanges and delays, please click here.
Geez, wasn't the Prez refusing to negotiate supposed to be his undoing in this? That's what at least one of our resident wingnuts on here was saying...

The Pub dupes and Pub propaganda machine must be waiting for their talking points. Where is Prof Rushbeck and the tinfoilers on this? Scarey loudmouth idiots...
It would be a lot easier to take you seriously if you could construct an understandable sentence. Gibberish, words who's meaning is known only to you and random, unconnected thoughts of a demented mind are kind of off putting.
It would be a lot easier to take you seriously if you could construct an understandable sentence. Gibberish, words who's meaning is known only to you and random, unconnected thoughts of a demented mind are kind of off putting.

That's right we can't understand you so you must be wrong. We are never wrong.
So when do you get the talking points, Ernie? Have to stall til then. Looks to me like the Tea Party just lost their azz- thank god! Great for the country...
Talking points? I can't even decipher your OP How would I know what "Talking Points" would be appropriate. The point is, HellofromWarsaw, you don't make sense. Your posts are as stupid as Mr Shaman's but not as pretty.
You're a troll, son. Damned few take you seriously.
So, when do you get an opinion, dumbazz? LOL Trolls avoid actual opinions on the OP, fcs. And they're ALL Pub dupes, because they're clueless except for a thin veneer of memorized propaganda LOL. So YOUR OPINION?

This is like Fox (and the whole Pub Propaganda machine) whenever something happens- they have to wait to get the talking points- they change the subject to total BS LOL while all the other media discuss it immediately. An idiotic disgrace...

I think the economy will love this- Pubs have been screwing up the recovery with mindless obstruction for 3 years...


WILLIAMSBURG — House Republicans backed away from their resolute position on the federal debt ceiling, announcing Friday that they will move next week to boost the government’s borrowing authority for three months.

The move is a retreat from the earlier insistence among some Republicans that any such debt increase would have to be matched by spending cuts of equal or greater size.

A vote on the proposal is expected Wednesday. If successful, the measure would postpone what was expected to be a major clash with the White House over government spending.

The new strategy, crafted at a three-day retreat here that ended Friday, is one sign that Republicans, battered at the polls last November and saddled with record-low public approval, are looking for new ways to litigate their differences with President Obama and congressional Democrats over spending and deficits.

Under the bill, Republicans will seek to raise the debt limit to allow government borrowing through mid-April — long enough, they say, to give both chambers time to pass a budget for the next fiscal year. If either chamber failed to adopt a budget by April 15, that chamber’s members would then have their Congressional pay withheld.

As laid out to fellow Republicans in speech at the retreat, House Speaker John B. Boehner of Ohio said the goal would be to force Senate Democrats to pass a budget, something they have failed to do for more than three years. With a budget in place, he told them Republicans would require that a longer-term increase in the debt ceiling be tied to significant spending cuts.

“We are going to pursue strategies that will obligate the Senate to finally join the House in confronting the government’s spending problem,” he said, according to excerpts from a speech he gave during the retreat that were released Friday.

As for docking the Senate’s pay if it does not adopt a budget, he said, “The principle is simple: No budget, no pay,” Boehner said.

The GOP’s new path is an attempt to acknowledge the reality that the GOP control’s only the House while preserving a tactical advantage that could force long-term reductions in spending, Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin told reporters on Thursday.

An administration official said the White House viewed the move as a major concession by House Republicans.

Though Obama has in the past insisted on increases of sufficient length to calm financial markets and remove any doubt about the ability of the U.S. government to pay its bills, the official said the president would accept a “clean” short-term extension that did not include cuts.

Washington Post
So again republicans decide to do nothing about spending and kick the can down the road.
What a disgrace.
Wait! Rushbeckbots have to wait till MONDAY- What ARE they going to do? LOL!
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Seems to me that raising the debt ceiling indicates a failure on the part of our leadership. They are seeking to spend money that doesn't exist yet. They haven't even passed a budget in years, which is illegal!!!! Stop all foreign aid, especially to our enemies, like the Muslim Brotherhood. We also don't need to spend billions for green companies overseas. We have spendaholics in Washington and they all need therapy to help them kick the habit.
This is the best thing that can happen for the economy, especially if they talk and COMPROMISE on spending cuts. The disfunction is worse than any benefits that spending cuts would accomplish. We need a GD RECOVERY, dingbats.
Seems to me that raising the debt ceiling indicates a failure on the part of our leadership. They are seeking to spend money that doesn't exist yet. They haven't even passed a budget in years, which is illegal!!!! Stop all foreign aid, especially to our enemies, like the Muslim Brotherhood. We also don't need to spend billions for green companies overseas. We have spendaholics in Washington and they all need therapy to help them kick the habit.

Until the last 2 years, they always passed the debt ceiling with no DRAMA.

The money you're talking about is miniscule, dupe; it's BS, like your knee jerk hate of the Muslim Brotherhood.
That would be about time fcs...let's negotiate spending cuts without ransoming the country and ruining the economy. Lately Dems and more moderate Pubs are leaving no compromise Tea Partiers in the dust- EXCELLENT. They're un-American hater/fools...

One would be tempted to think the GOP has finally seen the light. It would be nice for America, wouldn't it?

However, I'm not convinced they've suddenly said themselves, "Oh, my! We've got to stop obstructing the President or we're doomed." Here's why I doubt their sincerity:

In post #10, you quoted from a news story which briefly outlines their suggestion. Among other things is this:

"Under the bill, Republicans will seek to raise the debt limit to allow government borrowing through mid-April — long enough, they say, to give both chambers time to pass a budget for the next fiscal year. If either chamber failed to adopt a budget by April 15, that chamber’s members would then have their Congressional pay withheld."

Do you see the set-up there? Both the Senate and House must pass their version of a budget bill. Typically, they aren't exactly the same. Over the past couple of years, nearly all revenue bills have been drastically different. Unlike normal times, the differences are far from cosmetic.

The usual practice is that the two bills are sent to a Conference Committee, with members appointed by both Houses, where they work out a compromise which will satisfy both chambers. But, of course, compromise is a dirty word to the GOP right now. Compromise equates to surrender in the eyes of their radicalized base.

So...here's what's likely to happen:

The Senate will pass a budget bill and send it on to the House, expecting them to act on it. They won't. Instead, they'll pass their own version, another one of their slash and burn spending cut, screw the poor, ideological statements disguised as legislation and sent THAT back to the Senate, demanding they pass it as is without any amendments or changes. Of course, the Senate won't...gridlock again. And, the GOP will refuse to appoint members to the Conference Committee, essentially holding the Senate and the entire federal government hostage once again.

Then....they'll flood their media mouthpieces with this: "WE passed a budget bill and now the Senate won't! It's THEIR fault and it's the DEMOCRATS who have torpedoed our compromise!"

Of course, the whole thing will be predicated upon nobody on the radical right bothering to care that they KNEW the Senate wouldn't pass what they sent over.

It's an old trick and usually a successful one because few people bother to actually read the bills or know how Congress operates.

Watch and see if I'm not right.
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#19-Could be. But I think the USA is sick to death of shenanigans over the ceiling. And the number of Pub dupes goes down and down. For one thing they're dying off, and this IS the Age of Information LOL.

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