Help note found from Chinese factory worker

Many times the factory workers in China are drug addicts in work rehabilitation. They want to be saved for their next fix.
Republicans think China is more free than here.

Im a republican and I dont believe that. What a stupid fool you are to say such a moronic thing. If you had an IQ above 70 you would be embarrassed right now.
Letter In Saks Bag From China - Business Insider

Too bad Snowden didn't run to China....we can only hope.

I am deeply grieved that businessinsider released the name of this person in the news story. He took a great risk in writing it and now his life is in even greater danger!

The Chinese are doing the exact same thing the North Koreans are doing which is why North Korean prisoners who escaped later said they were sewing labels made in China and made in Russia in all of the womens garments, shoes, purses, etc they produced. These people are worked 14 hours and up a day, beaten, tortured, starved, they are living through hell.

The American people should care very much about this story and respond by never again buying made in china products. Buy Made in USA or buy from another country but do not buy from China. If everyone in the USA stopped immediately it wouldn't matter what our State Dept. decided to ignore.

The Chinese are no different from the North Koreans and there is great suspicion over why they built ghost cities which remain empty to this day - in Mongolian desert and other places - enough to house over 150 million people in all total... a bad real estate venture? Not likely - the Mongolian workers who built the one city were threatened with death if they uttered a word of what they were for. We still haven't learned the truth about what they are up to.

NOTE*** If we do not speak up for these people? Who will speak up for us when the Chinese try to do the same here? ( borrower is servant to the lender )
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Letter In Saks Bag From China - Business Insider

Too bad Snowden didn't run to China....we can only hope.

I am deeply grieved that businessinsider released the name of this person in the news story. He took a great risk in writing it and now his life is in even greater danger!

The Chinese are doing the exact same thing the North Koreans are doing which is why North Korean prisoners who escaped later said they were sewing labels made in China and made in Russia in all of the womens garments, shoes, purses, etc they produced. These people are worked 14 hours and up a day, beaten, tortured, starved, they are living through hell.

The American people should care very much about this story and respond by never again buying made in china products. Buy Made in USA or buy from another country but do not buy from China. If everyone in the USA stopped immediately it wouldn't matter what our State Dept. decided to ignore.

The Chinese are no different from the North Koreans and there is great suspicion over why they built ghost cities which remain empty to this day - in Mongolian desert and other places - enough to house over 150 million people in all total... a bad real estate venture? Not likely - the Mongolian workers who built the one city were threatened with death if they uttered a word of what they were for. We still haven't learned the truth about what they are up to.

NOTE*** If we do not speak up for these people? Who will speak up for us when the Chinese try to do the same here? ( borrower is servant to the lender )

Those who work in the Chinese mega factories and in the fields are people who use drugs. China does not treat drug use as a criminal act, but as a medical condition. They are sent to rehabilitation where they are denied drugs and perform useful tasks in exchange for room and board. Of course they are upset. They cannot get high.
Letter In Saks Bag From China - Business Insider

Too bad Snowden didn't run to China....we can only hope.

I am deeply grieved that businessinsider released the name of this person in the news story. He took a great risk in writing it and now his life is in even greater danger!

The Chinese are doing the exact same thing the North Koreans are doing which is why North Korean prisoners who escaped later said they were sewing labels made in China and made in Russia in all of the womens garments, shoes, purses, etc they produced. These people are worked 14 hours and up a day, beaten, tortured, starved, they are living through hell.

The American people should care very much about this story and respond by never again buying made in china products. Buy Made in USA or buy from another country but do not buy from China. If everyone in the USA stopped immediately it wouldn't matter what our State Dept. decided to ignore.

The Chinese are no different from the North Koreans and there is great suspicion over why they built ghost cities which remain empty to this day - in Mongolian desert and other places - enough to house over 150 million people in all total... a bad real estate venture? Not likely - the Mongolian workers who built the one city were threatened with death if they uttered a word of what they were for. We still haven't learned the truth about what they are up to.

NOTE*** If we do not speak up for these people? Who will speak up for us when the Chinese try to do the same here? ( borrower is servant to the lender )

Those who work in the Chinese mega factories and in the fields are people who use drugs. China does not treat drug use as a criminal act, but as a medical condition. They are sent to rehabilitation where they are denied drugs and perform useful tasks in exchange for room and board. Of course they are upset. They cannot get high.

So you know from personal experience?

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