Henry Kissinger is Wrong About Preserving Moscow empire Post War: Ex-U.S. General

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Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
The utility of Henry Kissinger bottomed-out many decades before the USSR imploded.
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A recent essay by former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger expressing trepidation about an "impotent" Russia on a global scale continues to draw condemnation. The essay, titled "How to Avoid Another World War" and published earlier this month in The Spectator, compares the current Russia-Ukraine conflict to World War I. Kissinger argues that Russia's "historical role should not be degraded" even with its "propensity for violence," adding that peace should be achieved through negotiation. On Wednesday, advisor, author and political science professor Julian Lindley-French issued a rebuke to Kissinger's essay—notably how Russia as it currently stands must be maintained for the "global equilibrium." "What I do not understand is Kissinger's implication that we need to maintain THIS radically, revisionist, wrecker-ball Russia because if not the worsening disequilibrium in the international system will only get worse," author and political science professor Lindley-French wrote in a blog post. "That begs a question Kissinger fails to answer: how can an over-armed failing state the very ethos of which is the exploitation and undermining of the rules-based system be convinced to become a pillar of said system?"
"Serious negotiations over Ukraine can only begin when Russia acknowledges its errors and its failure and Moscow is convinced of both Western unity and power," Lindley-French said. Lindley-French's post was praised by retired U.S. Army Commanding General Ben Hodges, who said Kissinger's assessment "got it mostly wrong." "We must see Putin's Russia for what it is...and preserve the international rules-based order Russia wants to destroy," Hodges tweeted. Kissinger is right to believe Russia will eventually come to its senses and that nobody should seek to "dismember" the nation, Lindley-French added, but that time hasn't arrived. "Kissinger is simply wrong to believe that Putin's Russia or any Russia like it can ever be a partner in preserving global equilibrium when it is so determined to destroy it," Lindley-French said. In May while speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Kissinger said that Ukraine should cede territory to Russia.
Why don't we just mind out own business and quit always trying to start wars?
Why don't we just mind out own business and quit always trying to start wars?
"That begs a question Kissinger fails to answer: how can an over-armed failing state the very ethos of which is the exploitation and undermining of the rules-based system be convinced to become a pillar of said system?"

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