Her Movie must be as Bad as She is’

Democrats know the pandemic is not over and are waiting for it on Netflix or streaming....zzzzz. GOP dupes wouldn't go see anything that doesn't agree with their garbage ridiculous GW hoax crap...
Over $37,000,000 spent over the weekend and whopping 900 went to see AOC’s movie. Millions of Democrats all over the country are going to movies, going to indoor sporting events, concerts and other entertainment and 900 went to see AOC’s movie.

No spin, facts for the Democrat hater dupe. Refute the facts hater dupe!
probably true, since the GOP base is overwhelmingly racist or at least brainwashed functionally racist.... I know let's cut taxes on the rich and blame blacks and Browns for the worst upward mobility and inequality and homelessness that we have after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich, dingbat dupes.
"Overwhelmingly racist or at least brainwashed functionally racist"? WTF...idiot.
Over $37,000,000 spent over the weekend and whopping 900 went to see AOC’s movie. Millions of Democrats all over the country are going to movies, going to indoor sporting events, concerts and other entertainment and 900 went to see AOC’s movie.

No spin, facts for the Democrat hater dupe. Refute the facts hater dupe!
It's not her movie in any way except that she is the subject of it somewhat. Nobody cares except the brainwashed lol
It's not her movie in any way except that she is the subject of it somewhat. Nobody cares except the brainwashed lol
It is her movie, did you read the article, or just spouting your ignorance as usual, hater dupe.

FTA: Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s documentary on climate change debuted in theaters over the weekend.
It's not her movie in any way except that she is the subject of it somewhat. Nobody cares except the brainwashed lol
Can’t refute the fact can you dummy?

Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s documentary on climate change debuted in theaters over the weekend.
The climate may be getting hot, but AOC’s new movie is most definitely not.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) has a new documentary out, “To The End.” And if movie theaters are paying attention to ticket sales, they’ll realize it’s already run to the end.
The flick opened on Dec. 9 at 120 theaters. But since then, it’s made just $9,667, according to BoxOfficeMoJo.

That’s $80.55 per screen.
And let’s say the tickets are $16.25, as they are at Regal Theaters. That would equate to fewer than 600 people who actually saw it.
Needless to say that this Movie must be as bad as shw is!

Cortez really doesn't know how to make this kind of scam profitable. She should have probably chatted up Hunter- who has scammed millions with his own "fine art" angle and selling paintings.

What she should be doing is selling tickets to labor unions and others who seek favors. That's the proper market for this kind of product.

If the AFSCME or NEA or Teamsters bought huge blocks of tickets for their members, something like this could be tremendously profitable.
Cortez really doesn't know how to make this kind of scam profitable. She should have probably chatted up Hunter- who has scammed millions with his own "fine art" angle and selling paintings.

What she should be doing is selling tickets to labor unions and others who seek favors. That's the proper market for this kind of product.

If the AFSCME or NEA or Teamsters bought huge blocks of tickets for their members, something like this could be tremendously profitable.
She is simply a subject of the documentary and you are a brainwashed functional moron hater.
It is her movie, did you read the article, or just spouting your ignorance as usual, hater dupe.

FTA: Squad leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s documentary on climate change debuted in theaters over the weekend.
It's crap right wing propaganda like everything you believe. Do you want a diagram?
It's crap right wing propaganda like everything you believe. Do you want a diagram?
What is right wing propaganda? Her movie has flopped. Check the link out you stupid idiot.

You prove it was a hit because the stories I have read come left wing sites and companies that track this stuff.

I proved it with several links no if you can’t prove me wrong, STFU, because I have no use for hater dupes like you.
Just as long as you brainwashed functional morons recognize that she has nothing to do with the profits of the operation just like the other film discussed- they are simply the subjects of documentaries. Just more of your garbage GOP propaganda.
You're a moron who is totally out of touch with life. It is a proven fact that the headliner in a production can make or break it. Looks to me like the ticket-buying public can recognize democrat lying propaganda when they see it. Run along and troll somewhere else with your five word descriptive vocabulary.
It's close to free or free in every other modern country.
Did you go to one of those free colleges in the other modern countries? If so, I guess we know why your vocabulary is so limited. If not, why don't you go. Think of all the money you'll save. I'm sure you'll get everything you pay for.
Did you go to one of those free colleges in the other modern countries? If so, I guess we know why your vocabulary is so limited. If not, why don't you go. Think of all the money you'll save. I'm sure you'll get everything you pay for.

Because I am happily retired and nobody wants Americans hanging around anymore they're afraid they'll be trump repubes....a disgrace... thanks murdoch
Did you go to one of those free colleges in the other modern countries? If so, I guess we know why your vocabulary is so limited. If not, why don't you go. Think of all the money you'll save. I'm sure you'll get everything you pay for.
Their colleges and training are just fine as opposed to a lot of ours, the only difference is how they get paid. Just like their medicine... Why do you enjoy being screwed by megarich GOP liars so much? Change the damn channel.
I hope you remain happy in your microcosm of a universe.
You're the people who can't change the damn channel and watch real news, super duper. I speak three languages and have been to Europe over 20 times including yes going to school in Paris for a year of free college. The sorbonne. The Med school in Paris, anyone can try and take the courses and pass the exam which basically starts with memorizing 40,000 pages lol and you can be a doctor. My girlfriend went to Edinburgh and montpellier. But you think the rich ******** should be in charge, brainwashed functional moron. So 60% of people at Harvard are legacies....
Their colleges and training are just fine as opposed to a lot of ours, the only difference is how they get paid. Just like their medicine... Why do you enjoy being screwed by megarich GOP liars so much? Change the damn channel.
You seem to be unhappy with the channel that is playing--you change it. I would be happy if you expanded your bot repertoire. The same posts, time after time after time are just redundant, without meaning.

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