Here are examples of debunked Muslim conspiracy theories.

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Now here is why. This link is a collection of Islamic conspiracy theory. These lies confuse the real issues and make it difficult to understand, at least for this American.

Here are some of the examples
Muslim Conspiracy Theories - WikiIslam

December 26 Tsunami caused by Indians, Israelis and Americans

Sinai shark attacks could be Israeli plot

Americans lacing polio vaccines with anti-fertility agent to sterilizes Muslim children

Israeli melons exported to Arab country infected with AIDS

Mossad plot to import Israeli uni-sex hair product which causes infertility to Egypt

Peace treaty with Israel causes endemic diseases; cancers, hepatitis, and kidney infections

Danish Muhammad cartoons "part of Zionist plot"

San Jose (Saint Joseph), California, really named after 'Saint Hussein'

Indian or American agents responsible for Osama bin Laden "revenge" attacks

Jewish involvement in 9/11 attacks (including claim that 4000 Jews skipped work on that day)

Jews and other Zionists behind the Boston Bombings

Coca-Cola logo is anti-Islamic

Mobile phone virus that kills the recipient

The West stealing water from clouds, causing droughts in the Middle East

Barack Obama is a "Muslim"

Tom and Jerry a "Zionist cartoon conspiracy"

Jews training wild boars and pigs to make scary sounds and uproot Arabs' trees

US and UK Zionists using money from Jews to spread homosexuality in order to control the world

Jews secretly allied with the Muslim Brotherhood, using them to control Muslims

In the link are the details and an explanation of each of these "so-called Jewish conspiracies." Muslims generate these second rate stories because there is no defending their acts like 9/11 or the Boston Marathon bombings. You see Muslims do not want you to understand what is really going on.


I work in a field that promotes products and ideas. These Muslim conspiracies are so unbelievable that if a college freshman turned them in as a project, I would flunk him. Muslims have a good deal to learn about public relations.

However, with their third-world educations, they do not stand a chance against Western diplomats and advertising executives. At the same time we should point out, Muslims kill first and ask questions later. 9/11 and the Boston Marathon Bombings are only two examples. The list goes on and on. Islamic terrorism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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BB, most conspiracy theories are unbelievable yet many people believe them - its certainly not limited to Muslims.
BB, most conspiracy theories are unbelievable yet many people believe them - its certainly not limited to Muslims.


You are absolutely correct. College level advertising students are immediately introduced to one of the most terrifying psychotics to live on this planet, Joseph Goebbles Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . This is the man who told Adolph Hitler that the "Big Lie" is more believable than a little lie. College students are taught these techniques in Mass Communications in hopes that their vigilance will prevent such people from rising to political prominence.

I have long been a promoter of a mandatory course in the persuasive powers of mass media in order to graduate high school. While what you are trying to sell may vary, there are some basic rules that always work.

For example, let's say I want to sell you auto insurance. There are only two ways to sell that product. 1). Fear of loss. 2). Promise of gain. Every television advertisement you see for auto insurance uses one or both of these simple motivators. The point of educating students to mass media is to teach the how not let their emotions be manipulated.

My employer does some advertising for political candidates. We package the candidates the same way we sell you a deodorant. The really scarey part is after an election when we take voter demographics against the stand the candidates took on the issues. MANY vote against their own self-interest. Their emotions have been manipulated. The oldest ploy in the book to get poor whites to vote for a corporate America, big money, candidate. Put a rifle in the candidates hand. These people are so afraid of their gun rights being taken away, they ignore all other issues. the same thing is done on the left.

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BB, most conspiracy theories are unbelievable yet many people believe them - its certainly not limited to Muslims.

You are absolutely correct. College level advertising students are immediately introduced to one of the most terrifying psychotics to live on this planet, Joseph Goebbles Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . This is the man who told Adolph Hitler that the "Big Lie" is more believable than little lies. College students are taught these techniques in Mass Communications in hopes that their vigilance will prevent such people from rising to political prominence.

Conspiracy theories are fascinating in the ability of people to believe them. Look at "truthers" and "birthers" for the most recent. They work because they create their case by stringing together questions and doubts - the linkages don't have to be logical, they usually aren't - but all they need to do is create doubt and then insert their pet theory.
By the way BB, your statement: Muslims kill first and ask questions later...

Certainly, most Muslims don't fit that mold.

Do you know that in the past year - of all the violent terrorist events we've had, only one was Muslim?
Just something to think about.
BB, most conspiracy theories are unbelievable yet many people believe them - its certainly not limited to Muslims.

You are absolutely correct. College level advertising students are immediately introduced to one of the most terrifying psychotics to live on this planet, Joseph Goebbles Joseph Goebbels - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . This is the man who told Adolph Hitler that the "Big Lie" is more believable than little lies. College students are taught these techniques in Mass Communications in hopes that their vigilance will prevent such people from rising to political prominence.

Conspiracy theories are fascinating in the ability of people to believe them. Look at "truthers" and "birthers" for the most recent. They work because they create their case by stringing together questions and doubts - the linkages don't have to be logical, they usually aren't - but all they need to do is create doubt and then insert their pet theory.


Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., (JFK's father), said, "The facts are not as important as the public's perception of the facts." Correct-a-mundo!
By the way BB, your statement: Muslims kill first and ask questions later...

Certainly, most Muslims don't fit that mold.

Do you know that in the past year - of all the violent terrorist events we've had, only one was Muslim?
Just something to think about.

Not so fast. Not so fast! Now we both know that a fact/link is needed to prove such a claim. So, to win this argument you should provide at least one. But, we know you don't think you need links, we should all just take your word. If I can prove that TWO violent events were perpetrated by Muslims looks to me like I prevail.

My first example did not involve any Americans. 2013 Muzaffarnagar riots - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Beginning on 27 August 2013, clashes between the Hindu and Muslim communities of the Muzaffarnagar district, Uttar Pradesh, India have claimed 43 lives and injured 93."

Here is a bonus link that contains six more incidents.
Islam: Making a True Difference in the World - One Body at a Time

2013.11.26 (Somariyeh, Syria) - A Shahid suicide bomber detonates a bus stop, taking fifteen souls with him.
2013.11.25 (Karachi, Pakistan) - A man and his wife are murdered merely for being Shia.
(Baghdad, Iraq) - A vicious double-bombing at a cafe snuffs out the lives of twenty-three patrons and first responders.
(Kuka, Nigeria) - Five residents of a Christian village are shot dead by Muslim terrorists.
(Mosul, Iraq) - A Christian journalist is gunned down in a targeted attack.
2013.11.23 (Karachi, Pakistan) - Sectarian rivals shoot at three seminary students, killing one.

Two incidents wins me this post, I have given you seven. So, what happens next? You disappear? I get banned? This is the reality of the fear that exists in the Middle East threads. You are a mod, what can you do to help us ME posters?


I wonder what we would learn about Muslims at the Kenya Shopping Mall masacure? I don't think we need one, that was 2013 as well. Muslims are the problem the world over. There is no debate.
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Here is a freebee Coyote.

Why do Anti-Islamic posters win every thread?

It is very simple. When Muslims post, they direct their remarks at the person who posted against them. When Westerners post, we may use a quote, but we direct our answers toward undecided USMB viewers. We are trying to win their hearts and minds. Based upon the viewership of ME threads, we are getting a lot of attention, and win arguments based on debating facts.

Then Muslims give us the win. Muslims sound angry, preaching out some manufactured message, probably from the 164 Jihad posts in the Qur'an. Graphic like these photos give viewers all the information they need. It is an attitude problem. Again it was Joe Kennedy who taught us that it is the "public's perception" of the facts that matter. Oh, we don't need a graphic of nuking Mecca to win this debate. If I could only post three pictures, these would do nicely. Give it up Muslims, the more you post, the more you reinforce our perspective.




Muslims think they can run the world, but they can not even clean up their own slums.​
Here's a freebie BB...

People are...people...

and they act as individuals.

Because of that, I want to try my best to treat them as individuals and judge them by their individual actions, not the actions of extremists.

I just happen to think that is a better way to approach people.
Here's a freebie BB...

People are...people...

and they act as individuals.

Because of that, I want to try my best to treat them as individuals and judge them by their individual actions, not the actions of extremists.

I just happen to think that is a better way to approach people.

Not to be flip, but that is the Christian way I was raised. As life goes on things change, we understand more of the world around us as our experience grows. Christian philosophy is replaced by hard-ball politics. Winston Churchill summed it up this way. "If you are not a liberal at age 20, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative at age 50, you have no brain."

In 2009 I was in Sacramento, our State capitol. I was waiting for an airport bus when I was mugged. ID, plane ticket, money, all gone. My wife was out of town. I was unable to reach anyone and spent a week in a homeless shelter. Needless to say my politics went from liberal to independent. Had it not been for the manager at the local Bank of the West, who knows what would have happened to me? The manager said that even though my clothes were rumpled and dirty, my hair cut looked classy, so he believed me enough to help.

At the homeless shelter there were all kinds of people. I watched as a young man pushed a older woman out of the way to get into the food line. At that moment I realized the pecking order, and social graces I had known all my life were out the window. I realized that there were a lot of people who enjoyed the opportunity to kick a white man when he was down. Frankly, I was shocked and scared. I spoke to the desk Sargent at the police station, and he treated me like a homeless bum, (well, yes, I looked like one). I was threatened with jail if I did not leave! I swear to God if someone pulled that on me in Los Angeles, I would have their badge, and my family knows people who could do it, God Damn it.

Then back in my home near the beach in Santa Monica I saw things differently. Society, American or otherwise, does have a pecking order. The poor behave better because they understand what a real punishment can be. Fear contributes to order in every society. I saw a homeless man arrested because he stole a 99 cent bag of peanuts from a convenience store! I saw a pan handler arrested by a MacDonald's manager for begging in front of his store. I tried to intercede on the beggars behalf, and I was threatened with arrest.

I began a new journey in Santa Monica that took me to the local homeless shelter. I volunteer monthly. I will stop at Canter's Deli, (best in the city), and buy four dozen of the best Kosher hot dogs in town. I will go to the shelter and grill them myself for the homeless. I will not allow that connection to be broken.

All groups have good and bad, but Muslims can not be communicated with. They are always vomiting some brainwashed garbage. So, it is real simple to me. Block them all, they will not ASSIMILATE to my country. So admit we made a mistake by offering them a chance in our country, and get rid of them.

Muslims think they are going to tell my 300 year old protestant family how to run this country? Muslims think that we WASPS are just going to forget our 300 year old partnership building this nation with the Jews with for Muslim Morons? Wrong Muslims are here to LEARN not TEACH, and the verdict is in, Muslims fail.

Dump them, and get immigrants who appreciate our ways. Some Muslims will make the cut, it will those Muslims we allow to stay that we will use to throw the others out. Yep, that is how America handles troublemakers without violating a precious word of our founding documents.

Yes, I am all for making life easier for the poor, and our responsibility is first to our citizens. We have been breaking promises to Native Americans, Blacks, and Jews for a long time. We have not settled with Asian-Americans or Mexican-Americans so they are the next in line. After that we can look at relations with Muslims. But from what I read at USMB, Muslims are complainers who have contributed nothing to Western Society, but problems. As far as I am concerned let the Jews decide what they want to do with Muslims. Jews are the ones who have been most insulted by Muslims. And, Coyote, I am not alone in these views - not by a long shot!


Let the Jews decide what to do with American Muslims.
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Well...BB, I was raised Christian.

The Muslims I know are 100% Americans who have contributed to the American Dream.

Maybe i'm alone. But I don't think so.
Well...BB, I was raised Christian.

The Muslims I know are 100% Americans who have contributed to the American Dream.

Maybe i'm alone. But I don't think so.

Permit me to say that you are mis-informed.

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No. BB.

I talk to people.

That makes a difference.

People matter.
Well...BB, I was raised Christian.

The Muslims I know are 100% Americans who have contributed to the American Dream.

Maybe i'm alone. But I don't think so.

Evidently you haven't come in contact with any of these Muslims:

In addition to immigration, the state, federal and local prisons of the United States may be a contributor to the growth of Islam in the country. J. Michael Waller claims that Muslim inmates comprise 17-20% of the prison population in New York, or roughly 350,000 inmates in 2003. He also claims that 80% of the prisoners who "find faith" while in prison convert to Islam. These converted inmates are mostly African American, with a small but growing Hispanic minority. Waller also asserts that many converts are radicalized by outside Islamist groups linked to terrorism, but other experts suggest that when radicalization does occur it has little to no connection with these outside interests.

Concern over jailhouse conversions to Islam first rose in 2001 when Imam Warith Deen Umara, Islamic chaplain for the New York State prison system, was reported to have praised the September 11 attacks. This prompted members of Congress to call for an investigation of Islam in the nation’s prisons.

In a 2004 report, the Justice Department faulted the prison system for failing to protect against “infiltration by religious extremists.” However, the report made clear that the problem was not radical chaplains, but, rather extremist inmates running worship services.

Conversion to Islam in U.S. prisons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Well...BB, I was raised Christian.

The Muslims I know are 100% Americans who have contributed to the American Dream.

Maybe i'm alone. But I don't think so.

Evidently you haven't come in contact with any of these Muslims:

In addition to immigration, the state, federal and local prisons of the United States may be a contributor to the growth of Islam in the country. J. Michael Waller claims that Muslim inmates comprise 17-20% of the prison population in New York, or roughly 350,000 inmates in 2003. He also claims that 80% of the prisoners who "find faith" while in prison convert to Islam. These converted inmates are mostly African American, with a small but growing Hispanic minority. Waller also asserts that many converts are radicalized by outside Islamist groups linked to terrorism, but other experts suggest that when radicalization does occur it has little to no connection with these outside interests.

Concern over jailhouse conversions to Islam first rose in 2001 when Imam Warith Deen Umara, Islamic chaplain for the New York State prison system, was reported to have praised the September 11 attacks. This prompted members of Congress to call for an investigation of Islam in the nation’s prisons.

In a 2004 report, the Justice Department faulted the prison system for failing to protect against “infiltration by religious extremists.” However, the report made clear that the problem was not radical chaplains, but, rather extremist inmates running worship services.

Conversion to Islam in U.S. prisons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, I haven't.

On the other hand, I haven't come into contact with any Christians who wanted to bomb health clinics and murder doctors either.
Well...BB, I was raised Christian.

The Muslims I know are 100% Americans who have contributed to the American Dream.

Maybe i'm alone. But I don't think so.

Evidently you haven't come in contact with any of these Muslims:

In addition to immigration, the state, federal and local prisons of the United States may be a contributor to the growth of Islam in the country. J. Michael Waller claims that Muslim inmates comprise 17-20% of the prison population in New York, or roughly 350,000 inmates in 2003. He also claims that 80% of the prisoners who "find faith" while in prison convert to Islam. These converted inmates are mostly African American, with a small but growing Hispanic minority. Waller also asserts that many converts are radicalized by outside Islamist groups linked to terrorism, but other experts suggest that when radicalization does occur it has little to no connection with these outside interests.

Concern over jailhouse conversions to Islam first rose in 2001 when Imam Warith Deen Umara, Islamic chaplain for the New York State prison system, was reported to have praised the September 11 attacks. This prompted members of Congress to call for an investigation of Islam in the nation’s prisons.

In a 2004 report, the Justice Department faulted the prison system for failing to protect against “infiltration by religious extremists.” However, the report made clear that the problem was not radical chaplains, but, rather extremist inmates running worship services.

Conversion to Islam in U.S. prisons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, I haven't.

On the other hand, I haven't come into contact with any Christians who wanted to bomb health clinics and murder doctors either.

Perhaps that is because unlike the Muslims in our prisons, the Christians you describe don't make up over 6% of their co-religionist's population in America.
Your response was specious and snarky and seemed intended to deflect from the facts of the matter (but there seems to be no end to your excuse-making).
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Evidently you haven't come in contact with any of these Muslims:

In addition to immigration, the state, federal and local prisons of the United States may be a contributor to the growth of Islam in the country. J. Michael Waller claims that Muslim inmates comprise 17-20% of the prison population in New York, or roughly 350,000 inmates in 2003. He also claims that 80% of the prisoners who "find faith" while in prison convert to Islam. These converted inmates are mostly African American, with a small but growing Hispanic minority. Waller also asserts that many converts are radicalized by outside Islamist groups linked to terrorism, but other experts suggest that when radicalization does occur it has little to no connection with these outside interests.

Concern over jailhouse conversions to Islam first rose in 2001 when Imam Warith Deen Umara, Islamic chaplain for the New York State prison system, was reported to have praised the September 11 attacks. This prompted members of Congress to call for an investigation of Islam in the nation’s prisons.

In a 2004 report, the Justice Department faulted the prison system for failing to protect against “infiltration by religious extremists.” However, the report made clear that the problem was not radical chaplains, but, rather extremist inmates running worship services.

Conversion to Islam in U.S. prisons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, I haven't.

On the other hand, I haven't come into contact with any Christians who wanted to bomb health clinics and murder doctors either.

Perhaps that is because unlike the Muslims in our prisons, the Christians you describe don't make up over 6% of their co-religionist's population in America.
Your response was specious and snarky and seemed intended to deflect from the facts of the matter (but there seems to be no end to your excuse-making).

What facts was he intending to deflect?
No. BB.

I talk to people.

That makes a difference.

People matter.

You talk to people. I have two degrees in Communications, and a minor in Political Science. I make my living at a national advertising agency, (communications industry). Anyone can talk, it is knowing how to listen that takes work.

People matter? Sure but research around the world shows that it is family and friends first. In America Jews are both, and Muslims are neither. Nothing is going to happen for Muslims in the United States until they realize that being a good neighbor is more important that exercising your rights. Ever hear of the Golden Rule? Muslims have had their chance in America, and blew it big time. Muslims are not welcome in the West, and never will be. For some reason Westerners don't like being insulted, and told their country is wrong by a newbie. Somehow America has gotten along just fine without Mohammed and his crowd!

Remember, only half of immigration is moving to a country, the other half is assimilation. Muslims have failed at assimilation, so they have failed at immigration. Now America, specifically the FBI and ICE, are correcting that. Would you like a fact/link on that, or have you "talked to enough people" to know?

And in communications terms. You do not talk to people. You talk with people. I would call that a pretty important distinction in understanding communication. Bottom line, you are talking with the wrong people. Your opinions are low-information.

And, FYI. No one believes you are a Christian. You fight too hard for the barbarians. If you are an American, your opinions are unpatriotic and traitorous. Which frankly takes away any credibility you may have left in the ME forum. Respect is what makes a moderator successful.

I happen to be partial to you. Your sense of humor is quite close to my own. And, I think that you think you are fair. Again, Joe Kennedy, "The facts are not as important as the public perception of the facts." You are viewed as a zealot, using your authority as a moderator to push the Muslim agenda. Like Obama, your perspective is out of touch with mainstream American thinking. Watch closely what happens to Obama in the coming months. You might want to reflect upon your parallels to him.

Part of me is sorry to see this. Moderation and membership together are what builds a board. It is where the "buzz" comes from. But, as soon as someone with power thinks they have all the answers, the board deteriorates. I can name two boards that were "top of the heap" two years ago, but are now empty.

I don't believe the owners of USMB will allow the ME board to drag down the reputation of America's #1 message board. The political influence of the USMB owners directly relates to the popularity of their board. I would imagine the owners of USMB know exactly how many members of the U. S. Congress and their staffs are members here. I think I have identified one for certain, and maybe two. I also suspect a CFO. I would suppose the owners would do almost anything to keep from losing members of that distinction. Members will not tolerate politically motivated bannings, and continue to be active members. Something is going to give in USMB, and I plan to stay as far away from it as possible.


The attitude of ME board users looking for fair moderation.​
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