Here are important qualifiers needed to determine if Trump actually won in 2020

Keep it up. He has never been as popular. Backfired already.

Also. He won the election!

God, you people are so fucking stoopid!

I won the election!.png
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I can't imagine being such a loser snowflake that I would believe that the world was flat and the moon was made of green cheese Trump won.
So you'd believe a potato that didn't even campaign for the last 2 months of a US national election got the most votes ever in America

by a ridiculous mile?

Here's your sign.

1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

Lol! For a bunch of people that claim the election was not rigged, you are sure going out of your way to try to prove it wasn’t. Are you trying to convince others or yourself?
Ah yes! AP, that bastion of MIC warmongering and the source of most propaganda.

I could pick that apart tomorrow, but I ain't doin' it right now, but LOL!

In their own words, moron:

"Biden’s 2020 total vote in Montgomery is reported at 313,000, crushing Obama’s 233,000 take in 2012 – and population growth does not explain the gains, as the county only grew by 22,000 residents during those eight years."

Now, how did Biden do that without fraud?

Alas, I have to let this one go for tonight. Perhaps will revisit tomorrow.

Yeah, I just bet there was record voter turnout alright. For a guy that was nowhere near, not even half as popular as Obama, right?

Kick yourself in the ass, you dumbfuck. They played you and still are playing you, and making you poorer and themselves

richer while doing so.

KFF’s data, which relies on numbers from the Census Bureau and so is slightly different from the state’s figures, puts the number of registered voters at a little under 3.4 million, which would be a turnout of 95.93%.

Regardless, there is nothing suspicious about such a high voter turnout using this metric."

If you believe that, you're an absolute moron. For the entire history of America voter turnouts have NEVER been that high,

except in Philadelphia, where Obama honed his cheating process, where it was over 100% of registered voters in

several precincts. (in 2012)

You are making the accusation of fraud based on the word of One Man. You need to provide proof of your accusation. Opinions are not facts.
1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

The trump Nazis need only the claims of their führer to know he beat Biden in 2020 by tens-of-millions of votes. Would der führer lie!?

Poor precious snowflake

I am not a snowflake, you are. You people are bent out of shape because no one believes you anymore. You are proven liars. People have had enough of the fantasies you push.
Just as a reminder for the rubes who think Trump won in 2020, he went 1-65 in court.

You know, court, where there are these things called "facts" that you have present, rather than precious snowflake feelings.

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