Here are important qualifiers needed to determine if Trump actually won in 2020

Thanks Hoss, but that doesn't account for as many fraudulent votes as it makes sense for there to have been.

According to the history of all elections in America, there were probably 10 million or more fraudulent votes.

Well, that's the ones that have been researched so far. We have a group here in Texas that is still out on the trail researching.
See Post #72 if you have guts and brains enough to read and understand the information. Most Liberal pukes would die before they would read it.


This is a crowdsourcing tool that is compiled from public records and each item has been certified as evidence that is permissible in a court of law. I keep it in my Favorites. These facts can be presented to naysayers who claim there was no cheating in the 2020 election.

Have fun!

Well then, I'm sure it would hold up in a court of law.



1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect.

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb and keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age.

6. Employ misdirection.

6a. smear people.

6b. attack religion.

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions.

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card.

9. Play gay/lesbian card.

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card.

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly.

13. Reword and repeat.

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about.

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia.

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity/OAN.

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump.

20. What about...
Lol moron you provided no evidence whatsoever of rampant voter fraud in 2020. None. I don’t give a shit what your links say if they don’t do exactly that.
Lol moron you provided no evidence whatsoever of rampant voter fraud in 2020. None. I don’t give a shit what your links say if they don’t do exactly that.
See post #72, Billy Naught Naught Naught, if you can read the link.
Lol moron you provided no evidence whatsoever of rampant voter fraud in 2020. None. I don’t give a shit what your links say if they don’t do exactly that.
You're literally just too stupid to realize that I did, but that's ok. :itsok:

I realize you're not adept at abstract thinking.
. .. it really comes down to, outlawing the practice of, contesting elections.

The practice of contesting elections worked
Trump was allowed to challenge in court, he was allowed to demand audits and recounts, he was allowed free speech to make any claims he wished.

Where it broke down was when Trumps legal means of contesting elections failed and he resorted to illegal means such as intimidating election officials, the Vice President, substituted fake electors and called on a mob to attack the Capitol

That is where the courts come in
The practice of contesting elections worked
Trump was allowed to challenge in court, he was allowed to demand audits and recounts, he was allowed free speech to make any claims he wished.

Where it broke down was when Trumps legal means of contesting elections failed and he resorted to illegal means such as intimidating election officials, the Vice President, substituted fake electors and called on a mob to attack the Capitol

That is where the courts come in
The Dems \ Marxists obviously don’t want to address the election interference that was engineered by way of the Russia collusion hoax and the Dems / Marxists covering up the escapades of the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
Here's a fact, Toto:
Obama only got 69,498,916 votes in 2012

In 8 years the Americans registered to vote and population did not increase by enough of a percentage enough for Joe Biden to get

81, 283, 501 votes.

Trump only got 62, 984, 828 votes in 2016. :rolleyes-41:

Biden didn't campaign because he knew the fix was in.

Georgia registered over 300,000 new voters who had never voted before.
1) Voter fraud is historically statistically very rare. Where is the evidence that it was widespread in 2020?

2) If voter fraud actually is rampant, how much voter fraud comes from Republican voters vs democrat ones? Actual numbers would be needed to rule out voter fraud instances “canceling each other out”.

3) What states did the voter fraud come from? I know that very conveniently republicans think voter fraud came from the swing states. Gee who saw that coming? Okay how about other states? Is rampant in both California and Alabama? Do republicans even care about the latter? Wouldn’t you want to investigate this just in case for the sake of objectivity?

You think Trump needs to prove voter fraud lost him the election? Jesus fucking Christ you people are dumb as shit. You have it backwards. You need to prove he didnt BELIEVE it was stolen. How the fuck are you going to do that when he has been repeating that belief for years? Does ANYONE in the world think Trump doesnt believe the election was stolen? :cuckoo:
If you get messed with from government authoritarians for nothing, you owe nothing. And you owe nothing to help no one. Venom works in all ways and sides. May I suggest to takes pensions away from those over decades who have gotten away with destroying others and their families. Even within their own work and/or readjust those pensions with a graduated tax to help the payouts to keep happening for retirees. Otherwise do what other nations have done. Elect authoritarians to exterminate the authoritarians who humiliate, emasculate and make your accomplishments in life nothing. Local governments, judicial and law enforcement must be eradicated who do this. Do not let them go for sympathy. For they do not do that for you if you question them.
Georgia registered over 300,000 new voters who had never voted before.
It is ot
The practice of contesting elections worked
Trump was allowed to challenge in court, he was allowed to demand audits and recounts, he was allowed free speech to make any claims he wished.

Where it broke down was when Trumps legal means of contesting elections failed and he resorted to illegal means such as intimidating election officials, the Vice President, substituted fake electors and called on a mob to attack the Capitol

That is where the courts come in
The more people in everyday living do nothing when seeing any accidents in all ways and violent transgressions the more the decline continues in this nation. Help no one unless you know them and make a decision from that. And please do not jaywalk with no traffic and have the authoritarians charge you with crimes for not genuflecting to their fascist power. Your vengeance will get them at some point. They take your money needed to survive. And then you go out and become a criminal in nasty ways when you have no choice or striking out. as a response.
Also. He won the election!

God, you people are so fucking stoopid!

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Poor precious snowflake


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I can't imagine being such a loser snowflake that I would believe that the world was flat and the moon was made of green cheese Trump won.

Get out of your cultist media bubble

Your mind will thank you for it

2 + 2 =//= 5

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Just as a reminder for the rubes who think Trump won in 2020, he went 1-65 in court.

You know, court, where there are these things called "facts" that you have present, rather than precious snowflake feelings.

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Poor precious snowflake believes the lies of his orange messiah

Did you send your $18 this week to a billionaire who is fleecing his rube cult to pay for his legal bills?

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This would have been Lastdeadender if he could have afforded bus fare to DC

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So in other words you no actual evidence to give?

Here's the thing, rubes - everyone in the Trump cult is lying to you. They're all lying to you. Your Orange God is lying. You're nothing more than a wallet.

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You think the liberals have contempt for you? It's nothing compared to the contempt your leaders have for you.

They think you're morons.

At least the liberals are honest enough to tell that to your face.

Equating Trump to Jesus is a cult.

Facts don't give a flying fuck about your feelings.

That's why you lose in court all the time.

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Oh yes they do. That original picture came from a Trump site.

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Well then, I'm sure it would hold up in a court of law.


Bullets gonna start zipping towards commie noggins if the bullshit goes too far. That ain't no ha ha ho ho bullshit.

This ain't a game, bitch, this is the freedom of American people and the sovereignty of America you're making a farce of a joke about, you

Canuck boi. You gonna skedaddle back to where Castro's son rules when it starts gettin' hot?
I think being a long time Independent frees me to see the big picture better than most at times. These are the important facts:
  1. Obama sucks
  2. Biden sucks
  3. Trump sucks
  4. Hillary sucks
They all suck. The "winner" then is just the one appearing least sucky at the moment. Hillary sucked most of all. Obama least. Still, what's important to grasp and keep in mind is: They all really suck!
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I think being a long time Independent frees me to see the big picture better than most at times. These are the important facts:
  1. Obama sucks
  2. Biden sucks
  3. Trump sucks
  4. Hillary sucks
They all suck. The "winner" then is just the one appearing least sucky at the moment. Hillary sucked most of all.
...and this opinion of yours means what exactly to the rest of us? Merely proclaiming that people suck isnt going to convince ANYONE.

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