Here are the 68 traitors who voted to give illegals citizenship

It is just the same ol', same ol'. Republicans will find yet another way to alienate legal Hispanic-American voters and then cry that they are all voting democratic because of sort of democratic party conspiracy. i say, "shine on, republicans!"

Wrong. Every time Republicans go along with amnesty and pander to illegals in hopes of winning the Hispanic vote fails. Reagan in 1984 got 34% of the Hispanic vote. He thought granting amnesty to illegals would warm Hispanics to the GOP, it didn' 1988 George HW Bush only got 30% of the Hispanic vote.

HW Bush eased up immigration laws and increased legal immigration by 40% annually, including a Diversity Immigrant Visa program. In the 1992 election Bush only got 25% of the Hispanic vote....5% less than in 1988. In 1996 Bob Dole only got 21%.

This amnesty bill will not win more Hispanics to the GOP, it'll not only alienate more Hispanics from them, it'll alienate a significant portion of their core voting base as well

As I said, it is not anything the republicans do that alienates Hispanics. It is all a secret democratic party conspiracy...
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If the GOP squashes the bill and continues to yammer about gays and abortion, the Dems will crush in the House elections next year, then the Dems will cram an immigration bill down our throats that will make us Pubs cry like little babies.

Choices have consequences.
Willing to make a bet on that? I Guarantee a pick up in the house and senate for republicans next year.

Senate Immigration Reform Bill Passes With Strong Majority

I know Graham is being primaried,Hagan will have a Liberty republican running against her next fall who I am supporting...we need Rubio to be primaried maybe get Allen West against his ass...Also McCain. I hope Kane will primary that jack ass Alexander from Tn.

It's odd that the threshold for treason goes way down when one issue politics is involved. Funnier yet is the way the radical right thinks it can get its petulant way by opposing responsible law makers "primaried" out of office. Once November rolls around, they are stuck with a flame thrower for a candidate who is wholly unacceptable to the general electorate.

And gee! Why do the Republicans have such a hard time appealing to Latinos? Demographics is not in the vernacular of the Tea Party maniacs. Thus the Tea Party maniacs paint themselves into a political corner. Learn from their mistakes? Nope! They not only hold untenable positions, but learnin' ain't what they are about.

Thus endeth the lesson.
I am not talking idiots like Akin and Mourdoch the tea party retards...I am talking people like Greg Brannon and Nancy Mace...Liberty republicans who abide by the constitution and will take out the trash come primary/general election time.
Before the Eugenics movement, there were no anti-immigration laws. Just sayin'

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