Here are the 68 traitors who voted to give illegals citizenship

It is just the same ol', same ol'. Republicans will find yet another way to alienate legal Hispanic-American voters and then cry that they are all voting democratic because of sort of democratic party conspiracy. i say, "shine on, republicans!"

I posted this in another thread on the forum relative to any gains in Hispanic vote that could prove beneficial or not at the polls.

It means nothing

The pubs can win without them.


The Hispanic Vote in Presidential Elections, 1980-2012
Pew Research Center ^ | 11/7/2012
Posted on 11/12/2012 7:58:29 AM by ReaganÜberAlles

--1980 Jimmy Carter, 56% Ronald Reagan, 35% +21

--1984 Walter Mondale, 61% Ronald Reagan, 37% +24

--1988 Michael Dukakis, 69% George H.W. Bush, 30% +39

--1992 Bill Clinton, 61% George H.W. Bush, 25% +36

--1996 Bill Clinton, 72% Bob Dole, 21% +51

--2000 Al Gore, 62% George W. Bush, 35% +27

--2004 John Kerry, 58% George W. Bush, 40% +18

--2008 Barack Obama, 67% John McCain, 31% +36

--2012 Barack Obama, 71% Mitt Romney, 27% +44
Welfare State and mass low-skilled immigration??

Republicans who support this bill should stop talking about fiscal conservatism once and forever.
It is just the same ol', same ol'. Republicans will find yet another way to alienate legal Hispanic-American voters and then cry that they are all voting democratic because of sort of democratic party conspiracy. i say, "shine on, republicans!"

That's funny, because conservatives in Europe do even worse than US Republicans among ethnic minorities:

"According to a survey of 10,000 French voters conducted by the polling firm OpinionWay for the Paris-based newspaper Le Figaro, an extaordinary 93% of French Muslims voted for Hollande on May 6. By contrast, the poll shows that only 7% of French Muslims voted for the incumbent, Nicolas Sarkozy. An estimated 2 million Muslims participated in the 2012 election. In the election as a whole Hollande won over Sarkozy by only 1.1 million votes"

"Just 4 percent of black voters and 7 percent of asians said they identified with the Conservatives, according to the biggest political survey of ethnic minorities ever conducted in Britain. 55 percent of black voters and 43 percent of asian voters identify with the Labour Party. Mr Cameron’s Conservatives have already faced strong criticism for failing to connect with women voters."

"In Denmark, Socialist Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt won the parliamentary election in September 2011 by a margin of just 8,500 votes. According to an opinion survey, 89.1% of Muslims said they would vote for Socialist or other left-wing parties."

"Political scientist Andreas Wüst concluded that 65 percent of Turkish-German voters favor the SPD, 17 percent the Green Party and only 9 percent the Christian Democratic Union (CDU). According to an opinion poll conducted by the pro-SPD Center for Turkish Studies in the Ruhr region city of Essen, 57 percent voted for the SPD, 18 percent for the CDU and 17 percent for the Greens in the last European parliament election."

And so on...
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I'm trying to figure out how someone is a traitor for voting for a law that has been changed multiples times in the 237 year history of this nation.

I guess the Founding Fathers were "traitors" also.

Why not give amnesty to all waiting in line too? Why not just advertise the open borders beyond the law billboards already signed?

My country just grew much smaller.

Stay off my land

Geaux4it does not realize that he has no authority to determine which laws he will obey or not and act on them without consequences.
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Geaux4it does not realize that he has no authority to determine which laws he will obey or not and act on them without consequences.

There are consequences for every decision made in life. The key objective is to have more positive than negative ones. But at times, one must be willing to pay the consequence in pursuit of the better good.

In my case, the better good is about the safety and welfare of my family.

For that I'm obligated to provide

Count on nobody and depend on yourselves is my message

It is the will of the people

Now watch Republicans squash the bill

Republucans gunna have some splainin to do

No its not. Its the will of THOSE people. I hope they do squash this. Security part first, a d illegals go to the back of the line. Its only right considering those who don't sneak in a d steal a citizens identity have to wait. Some times 12 years or more. I side with the republicans and democrats who vote no.
If the GOP squashes the bill and continues to yammer about gays and abortion, the Dems will crush in the House elections next year, then the Dems will cram an immigration bill down our throats that will make us Pubs cry like little babies.

Choices have consequences.
Duh- "Pubs" are the greedy idiot a-holes that run the GOP. You're their chumps, dupes, fools. Got it yet, shyttehead?

First you have to realize they're here- in 2007 94% of the illegal men worked, 65% paiid taxes, and 35% owned homes. It's called reality, and you can't just throw them out, hater dupe.

Sure we can throw them out. The enablers of crime don't have the heart


Let's just say NOTHING was done to stop their getting jobs here, so it was like the had an open invitation. I blame Pubs, but the fact remains. Like I said, 94% of illegal men had jobs in 2007, 65% paid taxes, 35% owned homes. People only care during recessions. The hypocrisy, hate, and stupidity is disgusting...
I blame Pubs

sure you do Frankie.....are you going to blame them for the next Solar Flare too?....your fucking Democrats are just as much at fault dumbass....proof?.....S.California....
You don't see that the House is quashing this as we speaK? Buh bye in 2014, chumps.....unbelievable.

Frankie you are starting to be think you know so much about Illegals and your dumbass SS ID Card.....try doing that out know what happens?....Far Lefties like you call anyone for that.... are discriminating against Illegals.....and we cant have that.....can we?.......

That's running them out of the country- after inviting them in....

no shit go ahead and tell us how ONLY the Republicans are at fault for doing that....
Frankie you are starting to be think you know so much about Illegals and your dumbass SS ID Card.....try doing that out know what happens?....Far Lefties like you call anyone for that.... are discriminating against Illegals.....and we cant have that.....can we?.......

That's running them out of the country- after inviting them in....

no shit go ahead and tell us how ONLY the Republicans are at fault for doing that....

Absolute refusal to have a good SS ID card, any real investment in making E-Verify WORK, any real attempt to stop employers from hiring illegals...COMMUNISM!!! Actually, greedy idiot mega rich Pubs love cheap illegal labor...while distracting the hater dupes with USELESS un-American Berlin Walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. The ENTIRE GOP only cares during one of their depressions/recessions...How many times do I have to tell you?!!!! LOL
Build a fence and 70%, not 40% will just overstay there visas, and they will come in on boats, planes, and through Canada. You have to stop them from WORKING here. (and paying taxes and owning homes lol). And no, you can't throw out 11 million good non citizens who you basically invited in, and itwould cause great disruption, not to mention MORE un-American inhumanity. THIMK!!

OR, keep hanging yourselves in all elections FOREVER. Helluva lot better than having you ruin the country and the world. AGAIN. Pubdupes! lol
That's running them out of the country- after inviting them in....

no shit go ahead and tell us how ONLY the Republicans are at fault for doing that....

Absolute refusal to have a good SS ID card, any real investment in making E-Verify WORK, any real attempt to stop employers from hiring illegals...COMMUNISM!!! Actually, greedy idiot mega rich Pubs love cheap illegal labor...while distracting the hater dupes with USELESS un-American Berlin Walls and unconstitutional harassment laws. The ENTIRE GOP only cares during one of their depressions/recessions...How many times do I have to tell you?!!!! LOL

Frankie shut the fuck try your SS ID Card out here and see what happens.....i notice you never comment on that......and guess what Frankie?.....out here greedy idiot mega rich Dems love cheap illegal labor also......yea i know....i was shocked too.....HOW MANY TIMES DO YOU....have to be told?.....a poster here named Franco would call you a "Dem Dupe".......
Senate Immigration Reform Bill Passes With Strong Majority

I know Graham is being primaried,Hagan will have a Liberty republican running against her next fall who I am supporting...we need Rubio to be primaried maybe get Allen West against his ass...Also McCain. I hope Kane will primary that jack ass Alexander from Tn.

It's odd that the threshold for treason goes way down when one issue politics is involved. Funnier yet is the way the radical right thinks it can get its petulant way by opposing responsible law makers "primaried" out of office. Once November rolls around, they are stuck with a flame thrower for a candidate who is wholly unacceptable to the general electorate.

And gee! Why do the Republicans have such a hard time appealing to Latinos? Demographics is not in the vernacular of the Tea Party maniacs. Thus the Tea Party maniacs paint themselves into a political corner. Learn from their mistakes? Nope! They not only hold untenable positions, but learnin' ain't what they are about.

Thus endeth the lesson.
If your position is morally right, and your arguments not only sound, but valid, there will never be a concern about winning votes.

I find it amazing how low the parties have sunk. Everyone now thinks in the terms of purchasing votes to remain in power rather than leading from the basis of what is best and needed for this country.

I see the left do it the most often. Sell their souls and our freedom for votes.

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