Republican Senators who voted to give amnesty to 11 million illegals!

Then no citizenship. Deportation only. Simple as that.

How? How are we going to deport the 20 million or so that are here? Is this before or after we win the war on drugs and terror?

We don't have to deport them.
We don't give them housing, welfare, free schooling of any type, or any other government assistant. We imprison anyone who hires them. They will leave because it's the only way they can survive.

The ones who stay because a legal citizen is supporting them aren't our problem as long as they don't drive, don't get governmental assistance, and don't commit crimes. Oh and don't take our jobs.

The supreme court had held the kids must get education
What recent poll are you citing, or are you just making it up?

Project much? :lol:

You really should read the topic before posting. I have cited several polls. Five or six, at least. Even included handy pictures from some of them for those who like that sort of thing!
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Then no citizenship. Deportation only. Simple as that.

How? How are we going to deport the 20 million or so that are here? Is this before or after we win the war on drugs and terror?

We don't have to deport them.
We don't give them housing, welfare, free schooling of any type, or any other government assistant. We imprison anyone who hires them. They will leave because it's the only way they can survive.

The ones who stay because a legal citizen is supporting them aren't our problem as long as they don't drive, don't get governmental assistance, and don't commit crimes. Oh and don't take our jobs.

We already have a law to imprison people who hire them. We ignore that law because we live in a lawless society. Thus the entire discussion about more laws to "really" imprison those who hire them is just blowing smoke up the butt cracks of those who want to hear these lies. Elections have consequences. We've been electing leaders of this two headed snake for way to long.
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I do not believe that S. 744 is amnesty. I believe it is a very reasonable compromise immigration bill that gives conservatives most of what they want. Just look at all the liberal groups who have complained that the bill is too tough. So I don't blame those Republicans for voting for it. Every member of the Senate should have voted for it. And the House should have long since passed it as well.
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I do not believe that S. 744 is amnesty. I believe it is a very reasonable compromise immigration bill that gives conservatives most of what they want. Just look at all the liberal groups who have complained that the bill is too tough. So I don't blame those Republicans for voting for it. Every member of the Senate should have voted for it. And the House should have long since passed it as well.

Most of the republicans voting against it, are doing so because they are to busy trying to make Rubio out to be a commie lover. They are scared shitless of Rubio because he's not an establishment republican that can be bought and controlled like Bush, and Christie.
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How? How are we going to deport the 20 million or so that are here? Is this before or after we win the war on drugs and terror?

We don't have to deport them.
We don't give them housing, welfare, free schooling of any type, or any other government assistant. We imprison anyone who hires them. They will leave because it's the only way they can survive.

The ones who stay because a legal citizen is supporting them aren't our problem as long as they don't drive, don't get governmental assistance, and don't commit crimes. Oh and don't take our jobs.

The supreme court had held the kids must get education

And the supreme court never established in their opinion there is a provision in our Constitution under which a state may be forced to educate the children of illegal aliens!


The Obama Administration is employing the same tactics used by Hamas. They hide behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken populations of other countries!

Now ask those same Americans if they support going house to house to boot every illegal in this country.

No. You go door to door and ask hard working American Citizens if their tax dollars should be used to finance the economic needs of millions upon millions of aliens who have invaded our borders?

The America People are sick and tired of their tax dollars being used for illegal aliens especially when America Citizens in need of help are left homeless in their own country.

Let Bernadette Lancelin give you a piece of her mind before you knock on her door and get booted in your narrow ass!



The Obama Administration is employing the same tactics used by Hamas. They hide behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken populations of other countries!
How? How are we going to deport the 20 million or so that are here? Is this before or after we win the war on drugs and terror?

We don't have to deport them.
We don't give them housing, welfare, free schooling of any type, or any other government assistant. We imprison anyone who hires them. They will leave because it's the only way they can survive.

The ones who stay because a legal citizen is supporting them aren't our problem as long as they don't drive, don't get governmental assistance, and don't commit crimes. Oh and don't take our jobs.

The supreme court had held the kids must get education

American schools should be citizens and those with legal visas only. Supreme court can go fuck itself.
I do not believe that S. 744 is amnesty. I believe it is a very reasonable compromise immigration bill that gives conservatives most of what they want. Just look at all the liberal groups who have complained that the bill is too tough. So I don't blame those Republicans for voting for it. Every member of the Senate should have voted for it. And the House should have long since passed it as well.

Anything that doesn't force an illegal to leave is amnesty.
Anything that allows an illegal to become legal without leaving is amnesty.
I do not believe that S. 744 is amnesty.

For some people, "amnesty" is rhetorical shorthand for anything less than a bill which calls for the arrest and immediate deportation of every last illegal immigrant.
I want them kicked out....

the ones who have been here for a long time?......good luck with that....

Any bets on the gop nominee changing his tune on this one too? .... along with not voting to outlaw private biz race discrimination. LOL

well i cant see how anyone would be able to track down everyone of them and give them the boot.....that aint going to can probably get many who have only been here a few years.....but beyond that.....i dont think so....
We can't win the war on illegal crossings any more than we can win the war on drugs or the war on terror. Humans are to resourceful and our borders are to big.

What you are asking for is fulfillment of a pipe dream.

Then no citizenship. Deportation only. Simple as that.

Unrealistic. Instead of doubling down on our immigration laws we ought to be liberalizing them. If people want to come here and work then let them come here and work without all of this bureaucratic red tape. Give them a green card and let them go about their business.

yep...we know a real nice girl from the UK who wants to live here and she has a trade and knows people who can get her going on that trade here....but they are making her jump through hoops like i just cant believe....i know Illegals who are getting more respect from the Govt than she is....
Then no citizenship. Deportation only. Simple as that.

How? How are we going to deport the 20 million or so that are here? Is this before or after we win the war on drugs and terror?

We don't have to deport them.
We don't give them housing, welfare, free schooling of any type, or any other government assistant. We imprison anyone who hires them. They will leave because it's the only way they can survive.

The ones who stay because a legal citizen is supporting them aren't our problem as long as they don't drive, don't get governmental assistance, and don't commit crimes. Oh and don't take our jobs.

George Lopez said ...."if an Illegal takes your must not have been that great of a job".....hey the Mexican audience laughed....
the losertrians say they hate government, but then want to use force to remove 11+ million hispanics forcefully from our country. Wtf?

and what would you do if someone should bust into your home pal? Bend over and tell them to enjoy?


the obama administration is employing the same tactics used by hamas. They hide behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken populations of other countries!

Here is the LIST of Senate Republicans who voted to grant amnesty to approximately 11 million illegal aliens when they voted for the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act”(S. 744), on June 27, 2013

Alexander (R-TN), Yea

Ayotte (R-NH), Yea

Chiesa (R-NJ), Yea

Collins (R-ME), Yea

Corker (R-TN), Yea

Flake (R-AZ), Yea

Graham (R-SC), Yea

Hatch (R-UT), Yea

Heller (R-NV), Yea

Hoeven (R-ND), Yea

Kirk (R-IL), Yea

McCain (R-AZ), Yea

Murkowski (R-AK), Yea

Rubio (R-FL), Yea


Now, check out The Senate’s Comprehensive Immigration Bill: Top 10 Concerns

”1. Amnesty

According to the most recent numbers published by the Department of Homeland Security, there were an estimated 11.5 million illegal immigrants in the United States in January 2011.[3] While the majority are believed to have crossed the U.S. border illegally, approximately 40 percent of illegal immigrants overstayed the terms of their legal visa.[4] Regardless, S. 744 would create a framework for providing amnesty to the majority of these individuals.”


The United States [which includes our Senate] shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion

so, republicans aren't lockstep partisan morons like democrats. republicans actually vote their beliefs not only a party line.

I do not believe that S. 744 is amnesty. I believe it is a very reasonable compromise immigration bill that gives conservatives most of what they want. Just look at all the liberal groups who have complained that the bill is too tough. So I don't blame those Republicans for voting for it. Every member of the Senate should have voted for it. And the House should have long since passed it as well.

Anything that doesn't force an illegal to leave is amnesty.
Anything that allows an illegal to become legal without leaving is amnesty.


And here is an example of what these invaders have done to just one county:


Good morning Chairman Smith and other honorable members of the Subcommittee on Immigration and Claims. I am Joan Zinser, Deputy Director of the San Diego County Department of Social Services. I direct the department's Income Maintenance Bureau, which has responsibility for AFDC, Food Stamps and Medicaid eligibility determinations. I am here today to tell you about the effects of illegal immigration on the County's assistance programs, and to present information regarding impacts on other county-funded services.

Impacts on San Diego County

In 1993, illegal aliens in San Diego County were estimated to be 7.9% of the population, or a total of almost 220,000 illegal aliens in a county with a population of slightly over 2 1/2 million. A 1993 Calffornia State Senate report estimated that the State, local governments - primarily the County - and schools incurred $304 million in costs to provide services to illegal aliens. These costs were offset by only $60 million in taxes generated by illegal aliens - leaving a net impact of $244 million.

Welfare Costs.

When a child is a US citizen, AFDC can be granted for the child but not the parent, if the parent is an undocumented immigrant. In 1992 there were 6,414 children born to undocumented immigrant parents in San Diego County hospitals. Each year, the illegal alien parents of nearly 2000 "citizen children" apply for and receive AFDC in San Diego County. The cumulative total of these "citizen child" cases continues to rise each year.

Public assistance is intended to support the citizen child, but is paid to the illegal alien parent and is, no doubt, used by the parent to support the entire family. Costs for providing AFDC to "citizen children" cases in San Diego totaled $37 million in 1993 for approximately 5430 AFDC cases.

Additional costs are incurred in Child Welfare Services. Combining costs for Out-of-Home and Family Maintenance services to families of illegal aliens results in an additional cost of $1.7 million.

Medicaid and Other Health-Related- Costs.

Medicaid services are an increasingly large portion of the costs involved in illegal immigration. In 1992, Medicaid paid for 6,414 births illegal alien mothers. Although studies have shown that illegal aliens use fewer Medicaid services than do the age-equivalent members of the general population, significant costs remain. Delivery costs are greater for babies with mothers lacking adequate prenatal care and many medical conditions are treated more cost-effectively in their early stages. Infectious diseases are also a major concern of the County. San Diego county has historically carried large costs because of illegal aliens with these problems. Costs associated with providing emergency and pregnancy related needs to illegal aliens are paid for under "restricted Medi-Cal benefits." During the 1992 calendar year, an estimated $37 million was paid for "restricted Medi-Cal benefits." Other costs, including uncompensated care in hospitals, community clinics, and other health services elevated the 1993 total costs to over $50 million.

Criminal justice.

A recent 90-day pilot project involved having INS Agents present in the county jails to interview those suspected of being an undocumented immigrant. Approximately 20% of the persons booked into the jails during that pilot were identified as being illegal aliens. With annual bookings of approximately 105,000 persons a year, it is estimated that up to 21,000 were illegal aliens.

According to the San Diego County District Attorney, 8,521 felony crimes were committed by illegal aliens between 1987 and 1992. Illegal aliens commit an estimated 22% of felony crimes committed in the county. The number of misdemeanors committed during the same period in San Diego County by illegal aliens is estimated to be 17,000. In 1993, approximately 15. 1 % of the costs -accrued in dealing with crimes were spent on illegal aliens. Costs for illegal aliens to the legal system totaled $151 million in the County of San Diego for 1993.


Recently, a video of students crossing the border and getting on a school bus in San Diego County in order to receive free education was shown nationwide. Locally, we have worked to make sure that this situation does not recur, but education of the children of illegal aliens is also a significant CDSt. It is estimated that $60 million was spent in San Diego County in 1993 for education of illegal aliens.


The Obama Administration is employing the same tactics used by Hamas. They hide behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken populations of other countries!
I do not believe that S. 744 is amnesty. I believe it is a very reasonable compromise immigration bill that gives conservatives most of what they want. Just look at all the liberal groups who have complained that the bill is too tough. So I don't blame those Republicans for voting for it. Every member of the Senate should have voted for it. And the House should have long since passed it as well.

Making millions of aliens who have invaded our borders legal residents is not serving the general welfare of the United States, but rewarding those who have invaded our borders. And this has nothing to do with Republican vs. Democrat! Do you have any idea of how this ongoing invasion of our border is affecting the United States?

Let us consider what this ongoing invasion of our borders has already done to our Country:

Illegal Immigration Costs California Over Ten Billion Annually

Dateline: December, 2004

Among the key finding of the report are that the state's already struggling K-12 education system spends approximately $7.7 billion a year to school the children of illegal aliens who now constitute 15 percent of the student body. Another $1.4 billion of the taxpayers' money goes toward providing health care to illegal aliens and their families, the same amount that is spent incarcerating illegal aliens criminals.

Hearing focuses on costs linked to immigration Officials cite illegals' effect on schools, criminal justice

Testimony about "51 Florida Hospitals in trouble" due to illegal aliens expenses:
[ame=]- [/ame]

Texas Faces Rising Cost For Illegal Immigrant Care

Texas spent at least $250 million in the past year for medical care and imprisonment of illegal immigrants and other non-citizens.

L.A. Emergency Rooms Full of Illegal Immigrants

Mike Antonovich, the Los Angeles County supervisor, said the system has been "basically bankrupted."

The Department of Health has a $1.2 billion deficit. Caring for illegals is siphoning money from other services and forcing clinics, trauma centers and emergency rooms to close, he said.

Department of Education - Immigration Fiscal Impact Statement

(In 1982 the Supreme Court ruled that illegal immigrant children are entitled to the same education benefits available to U.S. citizens. An estimated 1.1 million public school students are illegal immigrants, according to the Urban Institute.)

Because these students require more services than the children of natives, they will naturally receive an even larger share of educational spending. It is not unreasonable to attribute 25 percent of all pre-K to 12 spending to the 19 percent of students who are immigrants or the children of immigrants.

Preventing and Controlling Tuberculosis Along the U.S.-Mexico Border

In 1999, Mexico was the country of origin for 23% (1,753) of all foreign-born persons with TB. Of TB cases among Mexican-born persons, three fourths were reported from the four U.S. states bordering Mexico: California, 820 cases; Texas, 364 cases; Arizona, 67 cases; and New Mexico, 17 cases (3). In 1999, TB cases among Mexican-born persons represented approximately 25% of all reported TB in the four border states. Incidence of TB was higher for the majority of border counties than the national TB rate.

Drug-resistant TB on the rise along US-Mexican border

According to the Centers for Disease Control and reported by McKay, to treat one case of multidrug-resistant TB will cost us (the taxpayers) $140,000 to as high as $700,000 per patient!


Why are you not concerned about how this ongoing invasion is affecting our nation’s tax paying citizens, especially hard working tax paying citizens who live in our nation’s inner cities?


The Obama Administration is employing the same tactics used by Hamas. They hide behind woman and children while flooding our country with the poverty stricken populations of other countries!
States who increase population increase electoral votes. Electoral votes decide on who becomes president. The republicans took a blow when republican electorals' voted Obama in for a second term instead of Romney. They either knew Romney would be a horrible choice, or they thought they could control Obama. If a state increases its population by 1 million people, it gains a vote. Popular vote does not put a person in the White House, the electoral vote does.
States who increase population increase electoral votes. Electoral votes decide on who becomes president. The republicans took a blow when republican electorals' voted Obama in for a second term instead of Romney. They either knew Romney would be a horrible choice, or they thought they could control Obama. If a state increases its population by 1 million people, it gains a vote. Popular vote does not put a person in the White House, the electoral vote does.

What does your post have to do with the subject of the thread? Just curious, especially when almost all poster here know how the Electoral College works.


" I believe that there are more instances of the abridgement of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachment of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations." ___ Madison Elliot`s Debates, vol. III, page 87

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