Republican Senators who voted to give amnesty to 11 million illegals!

Here is the LIST of Senate Republicans who voted to grant amnesty to approximately 11 million illegal aliens when they voted for the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act”(S. 744), on June 27, 2013

Alexander (R-TN), Yea

Ayotte (R-NH), Yea

Chiesa (R-NJ), Yea

Collins (R-ME), Yea

Corker (R-TN), Yea

Flake (R-AZ), Yea

Graham (R-SC), Yea

Hatch (R-UT), Yea

Heller (R-NV), Yea

Hoeven (R-ND), Yea

Kirk (R-IL), Yea

McCain (R-AZ), Yea

Murkowski (R-AK), Yea

Rubio (R-FL), Yea

It is a shame that less than a third of Republican Senators can hear the will of the people.

A super majority of Americans want illegal immigrants to be given an opportunity to gain legal status in our country. Only a handful of Republican Senators aren't shoving their fingers so far into their ears they are puncturing their brains.

A super majority of Americans want to give the immigrants legal status, while a super majority of Republican Senators are acting like retards and allowing themselves to be held hostage by bigots.

And they just can't figure out why the GOP does so poorly with minorities in elections! It's an honest to God mystery to these retards! :lol:

What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You really are quite stupid.

That poll you linked is about the latest immigrants coming across the border that are in the news.

The legislation is about the illegal immigrants who are already here, dipshit.

National polls consistently show that a majority of Americans support allowing illegal immigrants a chance to stay in the United States.

A CBS News poll in March, for instance, found that 56 percent of Americans thought that people living here without legal status should be allowed to stay and apply for citizenship. An additional 12 percent thought they should be allowed to stay as legal residents, if not citizens.

56 percent want illegals to have a path to citizenship. That's a majority, dipshit.

Another 12 percent want legal residency.

That's a total of 68 percent. Super majority.

Will of the people.

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It is a shame that less than a third of Republican Senators can hear the will of the people.

A super majority of Americans want illegal immigrants to be given an opportunity to gain legal status in our country. Only a handful of Republican Senators aren't shoving their fingers so far into their ears they are puncturing their brains.

A super majority of Americans want to give the immigrants legal status, while a super majority of Republican Senators are acting like retards and allowing themselves to be held hostage by bigots.

And they just can't figure out why the GOP does so poorly with minorities in elections! It's an honest to God mystery to these retards! :lol:

What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You really are quite stupid.

That poll you linked is about the latest immigrants coming across the border that are in the news.

The legislation is about the illegal immigrants who are already here, dipshit.

National polls consistently show that a majority of Americans support allowing illegal immigrants a chance to stay in the United States.

A CBS News poll in March, for instance, found that 56 percent of Americans thought that people living here without legal status should be allowed to stay and apply for citizenship. An additional 12 percent thought they should be allowed to stay as legal residents, if not citizens.

56 percent want illegals to have a path to citizenship. That's a majority, dipshit.

Another 12 percent want legal residency.

That's a total of 68 percent. Super majority.

Will of the people.


As usual you're a disingenuous fuck.. You load an article from the NY Slimes with ONE poll from SleazeBS back in March! ROFLMAO

AMERICANS in that poll by Rasmussen quite clearly say NO TO ILLEGALS ... PERIOD..
Here is the LIST of Senate Republicans who voted to grant amnesty to approximately 11 million illegal aliens when they voted for the “Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act”(S. 744), on June 27, 2013

Alexander (R-TN), Yea

Ayotte (R-NH), Yea

Chiesa (R-NJ), Yea

Collins (R-ME), Yea

Corker (R-TN), Yea

Flake (R-AZ), Yea

Graham (R-SC), Yea

Hatch (R-UT), Yea

Heller (R-NV), Yea

Hoeven (R-ND), Yea

Kirk (R-IL), Yea

McCain (R-AZ), Yea

Murkowski (R-AK), Yea

Rubio (R-FL), Yea

It is a shame that less than a third of Republican Senators can hear the will of the people.

A super majority of Americans want illegal immigrants to be given an opportunity to gain legal status in our country. Only a handful of Republican Senators aren't shoving their fingers so far into their ears they are puncturing their brains.

A super majority of Americans want to give the immigrants legal status, while a super majority of Republican Senators are acting like retards and allowing themselves to be held hostage by bigots.

And they just can't figure out why the GOP does so poorly with minorities in elections! It's an honest to God mystery to these retards! :lol:

What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You guys are talking about two different issues.

Sending recent / latest illegal immigrants home is not the same as going door to door and setting up check points and raids on businesses and schools to send illegal immigrants home that have been here for some number of years. If you do a poll on who wants to revive operation wetback, your not gonna get the same poll numbers as you would for who wants to turn back illegal immigrants at our borders.
What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You really are quite stupid.

That poll you linked is about the latest immigrants coming across the border that are in the news.

The legislation is about the illegal immigrants who are already here, dipshit.

A CBS News poll in March, for instance, found that 56 percent of Americans thought that people living here without legal status should be allowed to stay and apply for citizenship. An additional 12 percent thought they should be allowed to stay as legal residents, if not citizens.

56 percent want illegals to have a path to citizenship. That's a majority, dipshit.

Another 12 percent want legal residency.

That's a total of 68 percent. Super majority.

Will of the people.


As usual you're a disingenuous fuck.. You load an article from the NY Slimes with ONE poll from SleazeBS back in March! ROFLMAO

AMERICANS in that poll by Rasmussen quite clearly say NO TO ILLEGALS ... PERIOD..

There really is no cure for your retardation. There have been many polls, as the article states. And they consistently show the American people believe the illegals who are already here should be given legal status or a path to citizenship.

Learn how to read and comprehend.
It is a shame that less than a third of Republican Senators can hear the will of the people.

A super majority of Americans want illegal immigrants to be given an opportunity to gain legal status in our country. Only a handful of Republican Senators aren't shoving their fingers so far into their ears they are puncturing their brains.

A super majority of Americans want to give the immigrants legal status, while a super majority of Republican Senators are acting like retards and allowing themselves to be held hostage by bigots.

And they just can't figure out why the GOP does so poorly with minorities in elections! It's an honest to God mystery to these retards! :lol:

What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You guys are talking about two different issues.

Sending recent / latest illegal immigrants home is not the same as going door to door and setting up check points and raids on businesses and schools to send illegal immigrants home that have been here for some number of years. If you do a poll on who wants to revive operation wetback, your not gonna get the same poll numbers as you would for who wants to turn back illegal immigrants at our borders.

Not so..

The public’s hawkishness was highlighted by a AP/GfK question that showed that a clear majority of Americans, 53 percent to 44 percent, believe Americans do “not have a moral obligation to offer asylum to people who come to the U.S. to escape violence or political persecution in their home country.”

The public’s attitude toward legal immigration has shifted by 25 points in only two months, according to a July 29 poll by the D.C.-based Public Religion Research Institute, which generally promotes a pro-immigration perspective.

Read more: New Polls: Obama Losing, GOP Gaining, On Immigration | The Daily Caller
Here's a poll from June, dumbass: What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

At present, 62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents but not citizens, and roughly 1-in-5 (19%) favor a policy that would identify and deport all immigrants living in the United States illegally.


Super majority.
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Here's a poll from June, dumbass: What Americans Want From Immigration Reform in 2014

At present, 62% of Americans favor providing a way for immigrants who are currently living in the United States illegally to become citizens provided they meet certain requirements, while 17% support allowing them to become permanent legal residents but not citizens, and roughly 1-in-5 (19%) favor a policy that would identify and deport all immigrants living in the United States illegally.


Super majority.

A poll from PUBLIC RELIGION??? lmfao :lol::lol::lol:

Bwhahahahahahahahaha YOU're a fucking tool!
What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You guys are talking about two different issues.

Sending recent / latest illegal immigrants home is not the same as going door to door and setting up check points and raids on businesses and schools to send illegal immigrants home that have been here for some number of years. If you do a poll on who wants to revive operation wetback, your not gonna get the same poll numbers as you would for who wants to turn back illegal immigrants at our borders.

Not so..

The public’s hawkishness was highlighted by a AP/GfK question that showed that a clear majority of Americans, 53 percent to 44 percent, believe Americans do “not have a moral obligation to offer asylum to people who come to the U.S. to escape violence or political persecution in their home country.”

That is not a question about citizenship or legal status for immigrants who are already here.

Learn how to read and comprehend.

AP/GfK, you say?

More than 6 in 10 Americans now favor allowing illegal immigrants to eventually become U.S. citizens, a major increase in support driven by a turnaround in Republicans’ opinions after the 2012 elections.

The finding, in a new Associated Press-GfK poll, comes as the Republican Party seeks to increase its meager support among Latino voters, who turned out in large numbers to help-re-elect President Barack Obama in November.

AP-GfK Poll: Most back path to citizenship for illegal immigrants as Republican opposition declines | Associated Press GfK Poll
What a fucking liar you are.. You couldn't tell the truth if you were slapped across your yellow stained tooth.

Most Voters Want to Send Latest Illegal Immigrants Home ASAP - Rasmussen Reports?

You guys are talking about two different issues.

Sending recent / latest illegal immigrants home is not the same as going door to door and setting up check points and raids on businesses and schools to send illegal immigrants home that have been here for some number of years. If you do a poll on who wants to revive operation wetback, your not gonna get the same poll numbers as you would for who wants to turn back illegal immigrants at our borders.

Not so..

The public’s hawkishness was highlighted by a AP/GfK question that showed that a clear majority of Americans, 53 percent to 44 percent, believe Americans do “not have a moral obligation to offer asylum to people who come to the U.S. to escape violence or political persecution in their home country.”

The public’s attitude toward legal immigration has shifted by 25 points in only two months, according to a July 29 poll by the D.C.-based Public Religion Research Institute, which generally promotes a pro-immigration perspective.

Read more: New Polls: Obama Losing, GOP Gaining, On Immigration | The Daily Caller
You're not listening or understanding english. You're talking with emotion.

Asking someone if they have a moral obligation to offer asylum is not the same as asking someone if they want the government to continue to completely ignore the 30million or so illegal immigrants who are already here, nor is it the same as asking Americans if they want to pay for their government to restore operation wetback to go house to house rounding up illegal immigrants and shipping the illegals and their children back home, nor is it the same as asking Americans if they support registering illegals that have been here for years and are currently working labor jobs like crop picking, roofing, sheet rock, stone masonry, livestock processing, etc.

Your attempts to re-phrase the results of these polls to suit your agenda make you look silly.
Take your pick of polls. They all show a super majority of Americans favor legislation which will provide a path to citizenship or legal status for illegal immigrants.

The faux righties have worked very hard in the past month to portray the kids flooding across the border as all being a bunch of diseased gangsters in an attempt to turn the tide of public opinion, and in the process they have ripped off the mask of all pretense about not being a rabid pack of bigoted nativists.

For the 11 million illegals already here, a super majority of Americans speak consistently about supporting citizenship or legal status. The GOP is committing a serious tactical and strategic error by holding itself hostage to the bigoted minority.
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You guys are talking about two different issues.

Sending recent / latest illegal immigrants home is not the same as going door to door and setting up check points and raids on businesses and schools to send illegal immigrants home that have been here for some number of years. If you do a poll on who wants to revive operation wetback, your not gonna get the same poll numbers as you would for who wants to turn back illegal immigrants at our borders.

Not so..

The public’s hawkishness was highlighted by a AP/GfK question that showed that a clear majority of Americans, 53 percent to 44 percent, believe Americans do “not have a moral obligation to offer asylum to people who come to the U.S. to escape violence or political persecution in their home country.”

The public’s attitude toward legal immigration has shifted by 25 points in only two months, according to a July 29 poll by the D.C.-based Public Religion Research Institute, which generally promotes a pro-immigration perspective.

Read more: New Polls: Obama Losing, GOP Gaining, On Immigration | The Daily Caller
You're not listening or understanding english. You're talking with emotion.

Asking someone if they have a moral obligation to offer asylum is not the same as asking someone if they want the government to continue to completely ignore the 30million or so illegal immigrants who are already here, nor is it the same as asking Americans if they want to pay for their government to restore operation wetback to go house to house rounding up illegal immigrants and shipping the illegals and their children back home, nor is it the same as asking Americans if they support registering illegals that have been here for years and are currently working labor jobs like crop picking, roofing, sheet rock, stone masonry, livestock processing, etc.

Your attempts to re-phrase the results of these polls to suit your agenda make you look silly.

The only one who looks silly is YOU who now moved the goalposts once I showed numerous polls DISPROVING your crapola.. Get off of my radar.
Take your pick of polls. They all show a super majority of Americans favor legislation which will provide a path to citizenship or legal status for illegal immigrants.

The faux righties have worked very hard in the past month to portray the kids flooding across the border as all being a bunch of diseased gangsters in an attempt to turn the tide of public opinion, and in the process they have ripped off the mask of all pretense about not being a rabid pack of bigoted nativists.

List them LIAR
Take your pick of polls. They all show a super majority of Americans favor legislation which will provide a path to citizenship or legal status for illegal immigrants.

The faux righties have worked very hard in the past month to portray the kids flooding across the border as all being a bunch of diseased gangsters in an attempt to turn the tide of public opinion, and in the process they have ripped off the mask of all pretense about not being a rabid pack of bigoted nativists.

List them LIAR

Already have. I have provided several. It can't be helped if you willfully blind yourself.
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Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

I read the bill. Not one word of amnesty is in this bill.

Don't believe everything you read. Do you own investigation.

Politicians, underhanded slimepots that they are, wouldn't come straight out and call it what it is.

As we've learned to expect, they hide it as something innocuous sounding, like under Title II subsection A --- Registered provisional immigrant status.

What is " Registered provisional immigrant status. " you may ask?
Registered Provisional status would allow immigrants living in the country illegally to remain here without fear of deportation or removal.

What Is RPI Status?

Translation: Blanket Amnesty.

Negative. It's a work visa program to register workers who are already here working, to get them to pay taxes and get on the immigration list like all the other prospective immigrants who are here on visa. It does not change the number of legal immigrants we allow in. It merely recognizes that being here is considered a misdemeanor crime that we are not willing as a nation to enforce. Thus we need to have a way to manage the ones that are already here that we are not willing to identify and boot back to wherever they came from. What Reagan did was blanket Amnesty. This is not blanket Amnesty by any stretch of imagination. In translation it is an extension of the migrant worker visa program we already have.

The way I read it, it is amnesty.

Unauthorized (read "illegal") immigrants could apply and receive the RPI status for a six-year period under the proposal, and then have the option to renew it for an additional six years.

RPI status would put unauthorized (read "illegal") immigrants on the path to green card status and permanent residency, and ultimately U.S. citizenship after 13 years.

What Is RPI Status?
The exact same thing we opposed when W. proposed it.

Rewarding people for law breaking.

I will never condone it, and will do my best to defeat those who do.
Take your pick of polls. They all show a super majority of Americans favor legislation which will provide a path to citizenship or legal status for illegal immigrants.

The faux righties have worked very hard in the past month to portray the kids flooding across the border as all being a bunch of diseased gangsters in an attempt to turn the tide of public opinion, and in the process they have ripped off the mask of all pretense about not being a rabid pack of bigoted nativists.

List them LIAR

Already have. I have provided several.

No you didn't .. you listed OBSCURE BS polls from months ago and one from some place none of us have ever heard about.. You and your bobsy twin in this thread are LIARS.. AMERICANS DO NOT SUPPORT AMNESTY, AT ALL.. The circus sideshow of going door to door is just that.. BULLSHIT theatrics and propaganda..

Take your pick of polls. They all show a super majority of Americans favor legislation which will provide a path to citizenship or legal status for illegal immigrants.

The faux righties have worked very hard in the past month to portray the kids flooding across the border as all being a bunch of diseased gangsters in an attempt to turn the tide of public opinion, and in the process they have ripped off the mask of all pretense about not being a rabid pack of bigoted nativists.

For the 11 million illegals already here, a super majority of Americans speak consistently about supporting citizenship or legal status. The GOP is committing a serious tactical and strategic error by holding itself hostage to the bigoted minority.

Let's not kid ourselves, a vast majority of the republican leadership are no different than the vast majority of leaders on the left who also cater to the bigoted minority of their party. Fear mongering is an effective form of leadership when you are dealing with an uneducated ignorant people.

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