Here Are The Dots The MAGA Herd Needs To Get JOE

Oh. I see. Does it huut your feewings when a politician lies to you?

"I will repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One."

"I had no knowledge of the payments to Stormy Daniels."

"The election was rigged."

"I was Michigan Man of the Year."

"I will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours."

Shall I continue?
great!!!! here comes the TDS induced deflection,,,,,,

Here Are The Dots The MAGA Herd Needs To Get JOE​

Paybacks a bitch and you ain't seen nothing yet....

Payback's a bitch. Yes. Yes it is.


Before he was Vice President, Spiro Agnew was the governor of Maryland. Just like Joe!

When he was governor, Agnew took kickbacks (bribes) from contractors. The quid pro quo was cash in exchange for Governor Agnew throwing them construction contracts.

When this all came out as Agnew was serving as Nixon's Vice President, Agnew resigned. He then took a plea and spent the rest of his life in quietude.

So those are the dots you have to connect to JOE Biden, folks.

First, you must "follow the money" and show JOE Biden received money from people or organizations which had business with the government.

Then you have to show the quo. You have to show JOE Biden used his influence to perform a governmental act in favor of the persons or organizations which paid him the cash.

So far, Comer and his band of merry men have shown neither. Forget all the smoke and mirrors. It really is that simple and yet Comer can't seem to pull it off. He has nothing but innuendos, smears, hoaxes, and lies.

You're drawing the wrong map simp
Before he was Vice President, Spiro Agnew was the governor of Maryland. Just like Joe!

When he was governor, Agnew took kickbacks (bribes) from contractors. The quid pro quo was cash in exchange for Governor Agnew throwing them construction contracts.

When this all came out as Agnew was serving as Nixon's Vice President, Agnew resigned. He then took a plea and spent the rest of his life in quietude.

So those are the dots you have to connect to JOE Biden, folks.

First, you must "follow the money" and show JOE Biden received money from people or organizations which had business with the government.

Then you have to show the quo. You have to show JOE Biden used his influence to perform a governmental act in favor of the persons or organizations which paid him the cash.

So far, Comer and his band of merry men have shown neither. Forget all the smoke and mirrors. It really is that simple and yet Comer can't seem to pull it off. He has nothing but innuendos, smears, hoaxes, and lies.

Is this something new? You need proof before you can accuse a Dem politician? Who knew?
Oh. I see. Does it huut your feewings when a politician lies to you?

"I will repeal and replace Obamacare on Day One."

"I had no knowledge of the payments to Stormy Daniels."

"The election was rigged."

"I was Michigan Man of the Year."

"I will end the war in Ukraine in 24 hours."

Shall I continue?

You know? if Hunter was the brilliant business genius you think he is ...even when strung out on Crack, then why did he never get a job on a board someplace like Japan, Germany, Switzerland, England? why every time did it have to be some shady place where corruption is known to run rampant and money trails are hard to follow? i think we all know the answer to that.

Secondly... those things you point out, pale in comparision. Biden had no reason to lie about talking to his son about business dealings UNLESS he was trying to cover something up. Politicians do lie, but when its about foreign influence so that their family can make millions and it come on the heels of Democrats going after Trump for a phone call and a fake dossier...
No, Id say these lying bitches need to be held accountable. It was more than a lie... if any of us did that same thing we would go to prison.
we have testimony from two people directly involved and present when the actions took place,, as well as hunters direct communications confirming joes involvement,,

thats enough to convict for murder so its enough for this,,
Sure. So...Biden is getting indicted?

That a fact or one of those fantasies on the scale of Trump getting anointed by JFK jr?
In other words, you got nothing? Just the usual retard talk? Okay dokey.
we have testimony from two people directly involved and present when the actions took place,, as well as hunters direct communications confirming joes involvement,,

thats enough to convict for murder so its enough for this,,
Before he was Vice President, Spiro Agnew was the governor of Maryland. Just like Joe!

When he was governor, Agnew took kickbacks (bribes) from contractors. The quid pro quo was cash in exchange for Governor Agnew throwing them construction contracts.

When this all came out as Agnew was serving as Nixon's Vice President, Agnew resigned. He then took a plea and spent the rest of his life in quietude.

So those are the dots you have to connect to JOE Biden, folks.

First, you must "follow the money" and show JOE Biden received money from people or organizations which had business with the government.

Then you have to show the quo. You have to show JOE Biden used his influence to perform a governmental act in favor of the persons or organizations which paid him the cash.

So far, Comer and his band of merry men have shown neither. Forget all the smoke and mirrors. It really is that simple and yet Comer can't seem to pull it off. He has nothing but innuendos, smears, hoaxes, and lies.

Before he was Vice President, Spiro Agnew was the governor of Maryland. Just like Joe!

Incest Joe was a governor? Start over loser.
All I see is Joe's body double with a defectivemask. That son of a bitch has been dead for over two years and Commiecrats are still worshipping a rotting corpse.
Yeah, and yet, he still beat your orange fuhrer like a drum! So, bad that the orange douchebag is still whining.

Sucks to be a trumptard, no? :itsok:

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