Here Are The Dots The MAGA Herd Needs To Get JOE

You have already lost the white house and the senate you just don't know it yet....
Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. Trifecta!

No one has done that since the last idiot businessman president, Herbert Hoover.
Before he was Vice President, Spiro Agnew was the governor of Maryland. Just like Joe!

When he was governor, Agnew took kickbacks (bribes) from contractors. The quid pro quo was cash in exchange for Governor Agnew throwing them construction contracts.

When this all came out as Agnew was serving as Nixon's Vice President, Agnew resigned. He then took a plea and spent the rest of his life in quietude.

So those are the dots you have to connect to JOE Biden, folks.

First, you must "follow the money" and show JOE Biden received money from people or organizations which had business with the government.

Then you have to show the quo. You have to show JOE Biden used his influence to perform a governmental act in favor of the persons or organizations which paid him the cash.

So far, Comer and his band of merry men have shown neither. Forget all the smoke and mirrors. It really is that simple and yet Comer can't seem to pull it off. He has nothing but innuendos, smears, hoaxes, and lies.

Well, look at the "logic" that has netted them 60+ losses in court over the "rigged election" scam: "If THIS happened over HERE, then THAT MUST HAVE HAPPENED over THERE".

I don't know what to call this, but they just lack the capacity to understand what "proving" something means. To them, if they believe it in their world, then it has been "proven".

What a shallow, immature, incurious, intellectually lazy perspective. If something happened, we need to know. But their approach makes a mockery of intelligent analysis and discussion.
Well, look at the "logic" that has netted them 60+ losses in court over the "rigged election" scam: "If THIS happened over HERE, then THAT MUST HAVE HAPPENED over THERE".

I don't know what to call this, but they just lack the capacity to understand what "proving" something means. To them, if they believe it in their world, then it has been "proven".

What a shallow, immature, incurious, intellectually lazy perspective. If something happened, we need to know. But their approach makes a mockery of intelligent analysis and discussion.
I just abbreviate it to, "I want to bleev it, so it must be true!"

They also seem to bleev that repeating a lie enough times makes it true.

There is some serious magical thinking in the MAGA herd.
so two witness's involved in the event and a third confirming it happened isnt enough for murder??

we dont call you a useful idiot for nothing,,
There isn't a single firsthand witness to the bogus hoaxes you have fallen for.
Basically, the entire MAGA herd's argument boils down to, "I woodunt puttit past em!"
Soooo...the only "crime" you have is that Joe Biden listened in on some phone calls?

And? This is it?
It’s my bet that much more evidence against Joe is coming. Also it would not surprise me if Hunter put under pressure decides to flip on his father. Of course that likely will not occur as long as Joe is President as the DOJ and FBI work for the Democrats. The Democrats must win the 2024 election or the shit will hit the fan.
It’s my bet that much more evidence against Joe is coming. Also it would not surprise me if Hunter put under pressure decides to flip on his father. Of course that likely will not occur as long as Joe is President as the DOJ and FBI work for the Democrats. The Democrats must win the 2024 election or the shit will hit the fan.
Trump's DOJ investigated the hoax Comer is trying to revive, and found it to totally lack credibility.

Comer knows this. He is hoping you don't
Trump's DOJ investigated the hoax Comer is trying to revive, and found it to totally lack credibility.

Comer knows this. He is hoping you don't
There sure appears to be a ton of evidence and witnesses at this point and more to come. The Bidens will likely survive merely because the DOJ and FBI work for the Democratic Party. The Biden Crime Family is above the rule of law.

we already have that in hunters paycheck,,, I would like to know about the other 8 million that was laundered through the shell companies,,, and the 3.5 million from the russian mayors wife,,
HUNTER'S paycheck.

Nothing illegal about drawing a paycheck
Trump lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. Trifecta!

No one has done that since the last idiot businessman president, Herbert Hoover.
The then large government control people enacted the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The real idiot politicians set us on a course of potential doom.
There isn't a single firsthand witness to the bogus hoaxes you have fallen for.
talk about arguing from a place of ignorance,,

you do know what firsthand means dont you??

someone involved in the company that was there when the thing happened is firsthand,,, and we have two of those so far,,
What are they scared shitless of?
I want to deeply apologies for telling you to fuck off and calling you a troll that led you to remove my post and give me another strike,, I didnt realize my words would hurt you so much and cause you such sorrow,,

and for the life of me I couldnt understand you how didnt know what I was talking about since its the main news of the day on a topic thats been an issue for yrs,, so because of that I also didnt realize you may have been reaching out to me for help and I slapped your hand away, again I am deeply sorry for that,,

I must recognize processing information is harder for some people than it may be for me,,

so what I was talking about is now we have two of hunters business partners that have testified to personally being present while joe biden,, [which is hunters father and the current president of the united states and previous vice president in the obama administration] was present during business phone meetings to show how hunter can provide help from inside the US government,, [ that proves joe biden the current POTUS lied when he said he has never talked to his son about business let alone lied about using his office to help his son in business}
that mixed with hunters personal communications found on his laptop,,,[ you do know about the laptop dont you?? if not let me know and I can walk you through it],,
well all three of those [pretty much seals the deal that joe biden has sold the country out to help his family get rich,,

so again my apologies for hurting your feelings and remember if theres anything else I can do to help you I am here for you,
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Well, look at the "logic" that has netted them 60+ losses in court over the "rigged election" scam: "If THIS happened over HERE, then THAT MUST HAVE HAPPENED over THERE".

I don't know what to call this, but they just lack the capacity to understand what "proving" something means. To them, if they believe it in their world, then it has been "proven".

What a shallow, immature, incurious, intellectually lazy perspective. If something happened, we need to know. But their approach makes a mockery of intelligent analysis and discussion.
At first I thought you were talking about the 'Russian Collusion got Trump elected' scam,which wasted years of energy at taxpayer expense.
You all seem to have blinders on and only see one way through the door that swings both ways.
I guess you aren't aware of this, but every penny of that money was appropriated by Congress, not Joe Biden.

You know, all those Democrats and Republicans in the House and Senate?

Were they all bribed?

Just how deep does your conspiracy go?
By a majority of the House and Senate, not unanimous.
Then signed and approved by Biden, rather than rejected and sent back to be fixed.
But then, Biden has sopent his career leeching off of the taxpayers, along with some 'padding' on the side.

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