Here Are the Top 18 Facts that Prove Donald Trump Is Actually a Deep-State Shill

I don't like Biden don't get me wrong. But controlled opposition by the elite wealthy has always been the playbook. I appreciate some of the things Trump did, like take on China. But if he wanted to drain the swamp why did he keep hiring the worst of the worst swamp creatures? I mean super-neocon Josh Bolton? Really? And why does he attack DeSantis instead of Democrats? Why didn't he fire Fauci and Bill Barr? Something doesn't smell right.


"As only a partial review of just how badly Trump has screwed over Americansā€”particularly the conservatives who voted for him thinking heā€™d fight the RINOs instead of championing themā€”here are the top 18 pieces of evidence that prove the Orange Clown (Sense Receptorā€™s term) is actually a gargantuan Deep-State shill. One who is, perhaps, more dangerous than any RINO as heā€™s so wildly successful at conning Americans into believing he actually cares about them.

1. Trump Kept Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx on His ā€˜White House Coronavirus Task Forceā€™

Although Trump is famous for his penchant for letting people go in a theatrical manner (Youā€™re fired!), for some reason he never pulled the trigger on jettisoning (lying disgusting criminal) Anthony Fauci nor (lying disgusting criminal) Deborah Birx off his ā€œWhite House Coronavirus Task Force.ā€

Despite the fact that Trump and Fauci developed a kind of cartoonish feud in the mainstream media, with Trump indicating heā€™d have Fauci removed if he won a second term, and Fauci implying that Trump was not taking COVID-19 seriously as a public health concern, Trump did absolutely nothing to muzzle the little, lying rat. In fact, Fauci proclaimed Trump had done nothing to muzzle him in late February 2020.


4. Trump Praised Chinaā€™s Harsh COVID Response

Not only did Trump surround himself with dastardly, disgusting morons during the COVID-19 ā€œpandemicā€ in 2020, but he himself took time out in January 2020 to praise China for its response to the ā€œvirus.ā€

ā€œChina has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,ā€ the disgusting Orange Clown wrote in a tweet posted January 24, 2020. He added ā€œIt will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!ā€

If this seems like a fluke of a compliment, or perhaps a sentiment that changed over the years to come, it wasnā€™t and it didnā€™t. In a speech given in September of 2022, Trump praised President Xi Jinping of China for ā€œruling with an iron fistā€ over his people. Trump also referred to Xi as ā€œfierceā€ and said he referred to him as a ā€œkingā€ when he met him.


7. Trump Refuses to Admit the COVID-19 Injections Are Neither Safe Nor Effective

The gravest of Trumpā€™s crimes against America in relation to COVIDā€”despite the enormity of the previously mentioned ones on this listā€”is, of course, his touting the COVID injections as ā€œsafe and effective.ā€ Even now, in March of 2023ā€”after even the SAGE has come out and said that the injections arenā€™t necessary for healthy teens and childrenā€”Trump has yet to change his tune.

From the beginning Trump touted the enormously dangerous and utterly ineffective injections, calling them ā€œan American medical miracleā€ in early December 2020. He specifically called the bioweapon injections ā€œone of the greatest miracles in the history of modern-day medicineā€¦ or any other age of medicine.ā€ (See video immediately below.)

In March of 2021, Trump recommended to Fox Newsā€™ audience that they receive the poisonous injection. He even recommended it ā€œfor the people who donā€™t want to get it who voted for [him].ā€

In December 2021, Trump reiterated the injections were ā€œone of the greatest achievements of mankindā€ and told Candace Owens that we would have had a repeat of the Spanish Flu without it. He also said that ā€œthe ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that donā€™t take the vaccineā€ and that ā€œif you take the vaccine youā€™re protected.ā€ He added ā€œpeople arenā€™t dying when they take the vaccine.ā€

For reference, it can be said with the utmost certainty that there would not have been a repeat of the Spanish Flu had there not been the release of the poison injections on Americans, as we can see from Africa that COUNTRIES WITH HIGHER UPTAKE RATES HAVE MORE CASES OF COVID. COUNTRIES WITH LOWER UPTAKE RATES HAVE FEWER CASES OF COVID. As determined by both total case number and percent positive. Read through the post embedded immediately below for undeniable evidence of this fact.

On top of the data from Africa, we have overwhelming evidence that THE INJECTIONS MAKE PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO GET COVID. See, for example, the health statistics coming out of the UK. Or a study produced by the Cleveland Clinic posted online in December of 2022 that showed THE MORE BOOSTERS ONE GETS, THE MORE LIKELY THEY ARE TO GET COVID. (See the graph from the study immediately below.)


Image: Nabin K. Shrestha, et al. / Medical Archive

Furthermore, there was ample evidence early on in the rollout of the injections that they were obscenely unsafe and ineffective. This September 2021 letter from Pfizer to the FDA noted that CASES OF COVID INCREASED AFTER A POPULATION RECEIVED THE INJECTIONS. Likewise, Pfizerā€™s own post-authorization data showed that its injections were causing enormous amounts of carnage, including over 1,200 deaths in just a three-month timespan.

10. Trump Didnā€™t Pardon the J6 Protestors, Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden Even Though He Could Have

Despite the fact that Trump was reportedly thinking about pardoning the ā€œJ6ā€ protestors before he left office, he didnā€™t.


12. Trump Was a Strong Supporter of War Hawk John Bolton

Although neoncon and war hawk John Bolton is commonly thought of as a staunch Deep State pillarā€”he supported the Vietnam War (although didnā€™t fight in it); served as Assistant Administrator of USAID and then Assistant Attorney General under Reagan; served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under President George H. W. Bush; and served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs under President George Bushā€”Trump still hired him on as US National Security Advisor. A position in which he served from 2018 until 2019.

Trump originally referred to Bolton as a ā€œfantastic representativeā€ who is ā€œhighly respectedā€ and ā€œa good man.ā€ The former president also said that Bolton had ā€œa good number of ideas that [he agrees] very much with.ā€

For a sense of just how much of a lunatic war hawk John Bolton is, he wrote in a February 2018 Wall Street Journal op-ed that America needed to consider ā€œthe legal case for striking North Korea first.ā€ Bolton wrote, ā€œThe threat is imminent, and the case against pre-emption rests on the misinterpretation of a standard that derives from prenuclear, pre-ballistic-missile times.ā€


Link to tweet

13. Trump Supported Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

Along with Bolton, Kadlec, Kushner, Fauci, Birx, et al, Trump also endorsed Swamp Creature Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House in 2016. Trump called Ryan ā€œa good man and a good guy.ā€ During an endorsement speech Trump said he and Ryan ā€œmostly agreeā€ on things, and also endorsed Senator John McCain.

As a refresher, Ryan ran as Vice Presidential candidate alongside Swamp Creature Mitt Romney in 2012. He was also a ā€œreliable supporter of the [George W. Bush] administrationā€™s foreign policy prioritiesā€ who voted for the 2002 Iraq Resolution, authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

14. Trump Endorsed Charlie Crist and Continually Bashes DeSantis

It sounds unbelievable, but Trump has come out firmly against Florida Governor Ron DeSantisā€”who took an enormous amount of heat in the media for reopening his state before others did, as well as calling out the inefficacy and safety issues with the COVID injections. In one viral video online, for example, in which Trump refers to DeSantis as ā€œDeSanctus,ā€ the former president says that Floridaā€™s governor ā€œreminds [him] so muchā€ of ā€œRINOā€ and ā€œloserā€ Paul Ryan.

I loathe Trump. But still

As long as Trump completely destroys the Demonicreeps, I don't care.
The Democrat policy of yesteryear was to provide a balance between the rich and the poor, yesteryear being 50 or 60 years ago. We watched flag burners with snotty-nosed twenty-somethings ignoring the brave, who had their hands full preventing the VietCong commiting genocide to South Vietnamese poor who issued their plea to Americans to bail them out of communist hell of village poisonings, murderous raids, disrespect, and massive demands of bullies from poor people backed up withthe horror of slavery of mind and body and negative human rights, nay, killing people in a village inflicted if even one person protested against the Commie whip-crackers.. The Democrat drum marched to the tune of "it's not what you know, it's who you know." Bleh. Government by exclusion of the taxpaying mass. What an oppertunisitic mecca were Democrats stepping into? Then, it was picked up a thesis based on "It's good to get away with it, and it's bad if you get caught" ~ directed by the Hollyweird elites with their looks, charm, and lack of introspection both personally and religiously--with the new religion being the State, and aw, those poor little people in North Vietnam who have gone astray, bah, bah, bah. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

That didn't reach me until the rumor that when our men came home, having fought communists were victimized by way of California's FPO and APO cities where they organized the spit brigades to spit on America's heroes when they disembarked both ships and airplanes, leaving most South Vietnamese people in harm's way since the troops were basically jerked off their posts in a hostile land at the whim of leftists who hated America's role in saving the South Vietnamese people from catastrophy.. Prominent Democrats led the poisoning of the well for American heros and survivors of treatment that didn't live up to United Nation standards. It was disgraceful the way our men were harassed when they stepped off their ships. What followed in Vietnam was mass genocide, the horrors of which we'll never know since some of those avoided torture and death by fleeing to Americas' Western shores. Information was lost due to a failure to communicate with the survivors, most of whom didn't know English when they got here, and by the time they were fluent, they just didn't want to relive the horrors they experienced at the hands of ruthless and hate-filled communists who shared the trait of all communists--kill the dissenters. :(

Communism is a tool to get power fast and spread lies they want people to think is the truth. By the time people realize it was a power grab to get total power with nobody brave enough to speak their mind and suffer torture, isolation, and abuse. I don't want America go that way, because that's worse than a monarchy because the oligarchy that results gives the people many monarchs, not just one Mad Ludwig II and his Bavarian castles that bankrupted masses to get luxuries for one man who disrespected his subjects through unthinkable taxations that left them begging for food and shelter. IOW, Communism sucks, and we have a Democrat party pushing it onto the American people with little stoppage. Those who do a good job of describing their disrespect for Constitutional law, are hammered by a greedy-for-soros-money left wing press who regurgitate their marginalizations of Constitutional Americans morning, noon, and night on every communication media known to exist. :barf:
I don't like Biden don't get me wrong. But controlled opposition by the elite wealthy has always been the playbook. I appreciate some of the things Trump did, like take on China. But if he wanted to drain the swamp why did he keep hiring the worst of the worst swamp creatures? I mean super-neocon Josh Bolton? Really? And why does he attack DeSantis instead of Democrats? Why didn't he fire Fauci and Bill Barr? Something doesn't smell right.


"As only a partial review of just how badly Trump has screwed over Americansā€”particularly the conservatives who voted for him thinking heā€™d fight the RINOs instead of championing themā€”here are the top 18 pieces of evidence that prove the Orange Clown (Sense Receptorā€™s term) is actually a gargantuan Deep-State shill. One who is, perhaps, more dangerous than any RINO as heā€™s so wildly successful at conning Americans into believing he actually cares about them.

1. Trump Kept Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx on His ā€˜White House Coronavirus Task Forceā€™

Although Trump is famous for his penchant for letting people go in a theatrical manner (Youā€™re fired!), for some reason he never pulled the trigger on jettisoning (lying disgusting criminal) Anthony Fauci nor (lying disgusting criminal) Deborah Birx off his ā€œWhite House Coronavirus Task Force.ā€

Despite the fact that Trump and Fauci developed a kind of cartoonish feud in the mainstream media, with Trump indicating heā€™d have Fauci removed if he won a second term, and Fauci implying that Trump was not taking COVID-19 seriously as a public health concern, Trump did absolutely nothing to muzzle the little, lying rat. In fact, Fauci proclaimed Trump had done nothing to muzzle him in late February 2020.


4. Trump Praised Chinaā€™s Harsh COVID Response

Not only did Trump surround himself with dastardly, disgusting morons during the COVID-19 ā€œpandemicā€ in 2020, but he himself took time out in January 2020 to praise China for its response to the ā€œvirus.ā€

ā€œChina has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,ā€ the disgusting Orange Clown wrote in a tweet posted January 24, 2020. He added ā€œIt will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!ā€

If this seems like a fluke of a compliment, or perhaps a sentiment that changed over the years to come, it wasnā€™t and it didnā€™t. In a speech given in September of 2022, Trump praised President Xi Jinping of China for ā€œruling with an iron fistā€ over his people. Trump also referred to Xi as ā€œfierceā€ and said he referred to him as a ā€œkingā€ when he met him.


7. Trump Refuses to Admit the COVID-19 Injections Are Neither Safe Nor Effective

The gravest of Trumpā€™s crimes against America in relation to COVIDā€”despite the enormity of the previously mentioned ones on this listā€”is, of course, his touting the COVID injections as ā€œsafe and effective.ā€ Even now, in March of 2023ā€”after even the SAGE has come out and said that the injections arenā€™t necessary for healthy teens and childrenā€”Trump has yet to change his tune.

From the beginning Trump touted the enormously dangerous and utterly ineffective injections, calling them ā€œan American medical miracleā€ in early December 2020. He specifically called the bioweapon injections ā€œone of the greatest miracles in the history of modern-day medicineā€¦ or any other age of medicine.ā€ (See video immediately below.)

In March of 2021, Trump recommended to Fox Newsā€™ audience that they receive the poisonous injection. He even recommended it ā€œfor the people who donā€™t want to get it who voted for [him].ā€

In December 2021, Trump reiterated the injections were ā€œone of the greatest achievements of mankindā€ and told Candace Owens that we would have had a repeat of the Spanish Flu without it. He also said that ā€œthe ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that donā€™t take the vaccineā€ and that ā€œif you take the vaccine youā€™re protected.ā€ He added ā€œpeople arenā€™t dying when they take the vaccine.ā€

For reference, it can be said with the utmost certainty that there would not have been a repeat of the Spanish Flu had there not been the release of the poison injections on Americans, as we can see from Africa that COUNTRIES WITH HIGHER UPTAKE RATES HAVE MORE CASES OF COVID. COUNTRIES WITH LOWER UPTAKE RATES HAVE FEWER CASES OF COVID. As determined by both total case number and percent positive. Read through the post embedded immediately below for undeniable evidence of this fact.

On top of the data from Africa, we have overwhelming evidence that THE INJECTIONS MAKE PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO GET COVID. See, for example, the health statistics coming out of the UK. Or a study produced by the Cleveland Clinic posted online in December of 2022 that showed THE MORE BOOSTERS ONE GETS, THE MORE LIKELY THEY ARE TO GET COVID. (See the graph from the study immediately below.)


Image: Nabin K. Shrestha, et al. / Medical Archive

Furthermore, there was ample evidence early on in the rollout of the injections that they were obscenely unsafe and ineffective. This September 2021 letter from Pfizer to the FDA noted that CASES OF COVID INCREASED AFTER A POPULATION RECEIVED THE INJECTIONS. Likewise, Pfizerā€™s own post-authorization data showed that its injections were causing enormous amounts of carnage, including over 1,200 deaths in just a three-month timespan.

10. Trump Didnā€™t Pardon the J6 Protestors, Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden Even Though He Could Have

Despite the fact that Trump was reportedly thinking about pardoning the ā€œJ6ā€ protestors before he left office, he didnā€™t.


12. Trump Was a Strong Supporter of War Hawk John Bolton

Although neoncon and war hawk John Bolton is commonly thought of as a staunch Deep State pillarā€”he supported the Vietnam War (although didnā€™t fight in it); served as Assistant Administrator of USAID and then Assistant Attorney General under Reagan; served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under President George H. W. Bush; and served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs under President George Bushā€”Trump still hired him on as US National Security Advisor. A position in which he served from 2018 until 2019.

Trump originally referred to Bolton as a ā€œfantastic representativeā€ who is ā€œhighly respectedā€ and ā€œa good man.ā€ The former president also said that Bolton had ā€œa good number of ideas that [he agrees] very much with.ā€

For a sense of just how much of a lunatic war hawk John Bolton is, he wrote in a February 2018 Wall Street Journal op-ed that America needed to consider ā€œthe legal case for striking North Korea first.ā€ Bolton wrote, ā€œThe threat is imminent, and the case against pre-emption rests on the misinterpretation of a standard that derives from prenuclear, pre-ballistic-missile times.ā€


Link to tweet

13. Trump Supported Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

Along with Bolton, Kadlec, Kushner, Fauci, Birx, et al, Trump also endorsed Swamp Creature Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House in 2016. Trump called Ryan ā€œa good man and a good guy.ā€ During an endorsement speech Trump said he and Ryan ā€œmostly agreeā€ on things, and also endorsed Senator John McCain.

As a refresher, Ryan ran as Vice Presidential candidate alongside Swamp Creature Mitt Romney in 2012. He was also a ā€œreliable supporter of the [George W. Bush] administrationā€™s foreign policy prioritiesā€ who voted for the 2002 Iraq Resolution, authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

14. Trump Endorsed Charlie Crist and Continually Bashes DeSantis

It sounds unbelievable, but Trump has come out firmly against Florida Governor Ron DeSantisā€”who took an enormous amount of heat in the media for reopening his state before others did, as well as calling out the inefficacy and safety issues with the COVID injections. In one viral video online, for example, in which Trump refers to DeSantis as ā€œDeSanctus,ā€ the former president says that Floridaā€™s governor ā€œreminds [him] so muchā€ of ā€œRINOā€ and ā€œloserā€ Paul Ryan.


DOJ, Department of Education, democrat fraudulent Voting all better off than when Trump was there


I said it before: America is the post iceberg Titanic, the democrat Party wants to steer it into more icebergs and Trump is bragging about the coat of paint he's going to put on it. Both Parties suck
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I don't like Biden don't get me wrong. But controlled opposition by the elite wealthy has always been the playbook. I appreciate some of the things Trump did, like take on China. But if he wanted to drain the swamp why did he keep hiring the worst of the worst swamp creatures? I mean super-neocon Josh Bolton? Really? And why does he attack DeSantis instead of Democrats? Why didn't he fire Fauci and Bill Barr? Something doesn't smell right.


"As only a partial review of just how badly Trump has screwed over Americansā€”particularly the conservatives who voted for him thinking heā€™d fight the RINOs instead of championing themā€”here are the top 18 pieces of evidence that prove the Orange Clown (Sense Receptorā€™s term) is actually a gargantuan Deep-State shill. One who is, perhaps, more dangerous than any RINO as heā€™s so wildly successful at conning Americans into believing he actually cares about them.

1. Trump Kept Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx on His ā€˜White House Coronavirus Task Forceā€™

Although Trump is famous for his penchant for letting people go in a theatrical manner (Youā€™re fired!), for some reason he never pulled the trigger on jettisoning (lying disgusting criminal) Anthony Fauci nor (lying disgusting criminal) Deborah Birx off his ā€œWhite House Coronavirus Task Force.ā€

Despite the fact that Trump and Fauci developed a kind of cartoonish feud in the mainstream media, with Trump indicating heā€™d have Fauci removed if he won a second term, and Fauci implying that Trump was not taking COVID-19 seriously as a public health concern, Trump did absolutely nothing to muzzle the little, lying rat. In fact, Fauci proclaimed Trump had done nothing to muzzle him in late February 2020.


4. Trump Praised Chinaā€™s Harsh COVID Response

Not only did Trump surround himself with dastardly, disgusting morons during the COVID-19 ā€œpandemicā€ in 2020, but he himself took time out in January 2020 to praise China for its response to the ā€œvirus.ā€

ā€œChina has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,ā€ the disgusting Orange Clown wrote in a tweet posted January 24, 2020. He added ā€œIt will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!ā€

If this seems like a fluke of a compliment, or perhaps a sentiment that changed over the years to come, it wasnā€™t and it didnā€™t. In a speech given in September of 2022, Trump praised President Xi Jinping of China for ā€œruling with an iron fistā€ over his people. Trump also referred to Xi as ā€œfierceā€ and said he referred to him as a ā€œkingā€ when he met him.


7. Trump Refuses to Admit the COVID-19 Injections Are Neither Safe Nor Effective

The gravest of Trumpā€™s crimes against America in relation to COVIDā€”despite the enormity of the previously mentioned ones on this listā€”is, of course, his touting the COVID injections as ā€œsafe and effective.ā€ Even now, in March of 2023ā€”after even the SAGE has come out and said that the injections arenā€™t necessary for healthy teens and childrenā€”Trump has yet to change his tune.

From the beginning Trump touted the enormously dangerous and utterly ineffective injections, calling them ā€œan American medical miracleā€ in early December 2020. He specifically called the bioweapon injections ā€œone of the greatest miracles in the history of modern-day medicineā€¦ or any other age of medicine.ā€ (See video immediately below.)

In March of 2021, Trump recommended to Fox Newsā€™ audience that they receive the poisonous injection. He even recommended it ā€œfor the people who donā€™t want to get it who voted for [him].ā€

In December 2021, Trump reiterated the injections were ā€œone of the greatest achievements of mankindā€ and told Candace Owens that we would have had a repeat of the Spanish Flu without it. He also said that ā€œthe ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that donā€™t take the vaccineā€ and that ā€œif you take the vaccine youā€™re protected.ā€ He added ā€œpeople arenā€™t dying when they take the vaccine.ā€

For reference, it can be said with the utmost certainty that there would not have been a repeat of the Spanish Flu had there not been the release of the poison injections on Americans, as we can see from Africa that COUNTRIES WITH HIGHER UPTAKE RATES HAVE MORE CASES OF COVID. COUNTRIES WITH LOWER UPTAKE RATES HAVE FEWER CASES OF COVID. As determined by both total case number and percent positive. Read through the post embedded immediately below for undeniable evidence of this fact.

On top of the data from Africa, we have overwhelming evidence that THE INJECTIONS MAKE PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO GET COVID. See, for example, the health statistics coming out of the UK. Or a study produced by the Cleveland Clinic posted online in December of 2022 that showed THE MORE BOOSTERS ONE GETS, THE MORE LIKELY THEY ARE TO GET COVID. (See the graph from the study immediately below.)


Image: Nabin K. Shrestha, et al. / Medical Archive

Furthermore, there was ample evidence early on in the rollout of the injections that they were obscenely unsafe and ineffective. This September 2021 letter from Pfizer to the FDA noted that CASES OF COVID INCREASED AFTER A POPULATION RECEIVED THE INJECTIONS. Likewise, Pfizerā€™s own post-authorization data showed that its injections were causing enormous amounts of carnage, including over 1,200 deaths in just a three-month timespan.

10. Trump Didnā€™t Pardon the J6 Protestors, Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden Even Though He Could Have

Despite the fact that Trump was reportedly thinking about pardoning the ā€œJ6ā€ protestors before he left office, he didnā€™t.


12. Trump Was a Strong Supporter of War Hawk John Bolton

Although neoncon and war hawk John Bolton is commonly thought of as a staunch Deep State pillarā€”he supported the Vietnam War (although didnā€™t fight in it); served as Assistant Administrator of USAID and then Assistant Attorney General under Reagan; served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under President George H. W. Bush; and served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs under President George Bushā€”Trump still hired him on as US National Security Advisor. A position in which he served from 2018 until 2019.

Trump originally referred to Bolton as a ā€œfantastic representativeā€ who is ā€œhighly respectedā€ and ā€œa good man.ā€ The former president also said that Bolton had ā€œa good number of ideas that [he agrees] very much with.ā€

For a sense of just how much of a lunatic war hawk John Bolton is, he wrote in a February 2018 Wall Street Journal op-ed that America needed to consider ā€œthe legal case for striking North Korea first.ā€ Bolton wrote, ā€œThe threat is imminent, and the case against pre-emption rests on the misinterpretation of a standard that derives from prenuclear, pre-ballistic-missile times.ā€


Link to tweet

13. Trump Supported Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

Along with Bolton, Kadlec, Kushner, Fauci, Birx, et al, Trump also endorsed Swamp Creature Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House in 2016. Trump called Ryan ā€œa good man and a good guy.ā€ During an endorsement speech Trump said he and Ryan ā€œmostly agreeā€ on things, and also endorsed Senator John McCain.

As a refresher, Ryan ran as Vice Presidential candidate alongside Swamp Creature Mitt Romney in 2012. He was also a ā€œreliable supporter of the [George W. Bush] administrationā€™s foreign policy prioritiesā€ who voted for the 2002 Iraq Resolution, authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

14. Trump Endorsed Charlie Crist and Continually Bashes DeSantis

It sounds unbelievable, but Trump has come out firmly against Florida Governor Ron DeSantisā€”who took an enormous amount of heat in the media for reopening his state before others did, as well as calling out the inefficacy and safety issues with the COVID injections. In one viral video online, for example, in which Trump refers to DeSantis as ā€œDeSanctus,ā€ the former president says that Floridaā€™s governor ā€œreminds [him] so muchā€ of ā€œRINOā€ and ā€œloserā€ Paul Ryan.
I don't think he is a purposeful Deep State plant, but more than likely, a person that the establishment has let be in there, to cause chaos in the American political scene, and culture, by intention.

If you balkanize a nation, and cause chaos, it is much easier to subvert and cause change, amiable to the folks who really control the levers of unofficial power.

The fact that establishmentarians in this thread, deny this observation in the OP? This should be your first clue, that you are getting close to the bone on this.

Trump is the Lee Harvey Oswald of the American political scene, IMO. He is real, but he is being set up, he is a patsy.

We have had change agents, like Ron Paul, Ross Perot, and Bernie Sanders, who would have done far more for us, to challenge the levers of power, and IMO, the establishment was much more blatantly corrupt, and did some nasty tactics to silence and suppress the people's will, to make sure these folks DID NOT get near the levers of power.

The fact that the establishment pretended to do this with Trump, and continues to do this, should be all wise folks need to see, to know, this Trump feller, is meant to make folks fight each other, and be distracted from what is really going on, while not paying attention to the oppression & corruption of the system itself.

But I am not sure if Trump himself is in on any of this, TBH, or he wouldn't be able to play his role in this clown show so well. . .
Got to be Fake when these are missing
2, 3, 5, 6 ,8,9,11, 15,16,17,18 .
11 out of 18 not even there .
No, #2 is not missing, and that's as far as we got. Kadlec links to #2 and RFK Jr., who will be announcing his run for U.S. president to day in Boston, has already published on the history of Kadlec the psychopath (The Real Anthony Fauci).

We had better add #19, because Trump's not that intelligent by doing a nazi imitation and banning homelessness.

#19 Trump proposes ban on homelessness, linking the CIA's effeminate presence and operations in Ukraine for the last 70 years. There is no doubt that Hitler knew of the Ice Age swastika carving: the publication announcing it was first written in German.

Trump's relationship to the deep state and CIA is precisely the Ice Age carving of a swastika at Mezin, Ukraine and why Putin is not duped about Ukraine nazism. This two-party schizoid piece of political bullshit, Dem-GOP, can milk this situation for a long time, even more than 70 CIA-Vickey Nuland years, if there's nothing to oppose its shell-game mechanisms and pathology.
One must go back to the OP to prove that #2 is not missing. That's as far as we have gotten thusfar. Kadlec is a flaming deep state psychopath.

DOJ, Department of Education, democrat fraudulent Voting all better off than when Trump was there


I said it before: America is the post iceberg Titanic, the democrat Party wants to steer it into more icebergs and Trump is bragging about the coat of paint he's going to put on it. Both Parties suck

President Trump is not a party.
A coat of paint?
I don't think he is a purposeful Deep State plant, but more than likely, a person that the establishment has let be in there, to cause chaos in the American political scene, and culture, by intention.

If you balkanize a nation, and cause chaos, it is much easier to subvert and cause change, amiable to the folks who really control the levers of unofficial power.

The fact that establishmentarians in this thread, deny this observation in the OP? This should be your first clue, that you are getting close to the bone on this.

Trump is the Lee Harvey Oswald of the American political scene, IMO. He is real, but he is being set up, he is a patsy.

We have had change agents, like Ron Paul, Ross Perot, and Bernie Sanders, who would have done far more for us, to challenge the levers of power, and IMO, the establishment was much more blatantly corrupt, and did some nasty tactics to silence and suppress the people's will, to make sure these folks DID NOT get near the levers of power.

The fact that the establishment pretended to do this with Trump, and continues to do this, should be all wise folks need to see, to know, this Trump feller, is meant to make folks fight each other, and be distracted from what is really going on, while not paying attention to the oppression & corruption of the system itself.

But I am not sure if Trump himself is in on any of this, TBH, or he wouldn't be able to play his role in this clown show so well. . .

But, interesting theory.
Trump definitely does not always hire the best people.
Schindler's list. Hitler targeted the "homeless" Roma, though this time Trump wants to keep their equivalents, U.S. homeless, barefoot, pregnant and sedentary in tent cities overseen by the American gestapo.Not bright at al. Low IQ. Boycott Trump.
In his defense he actually does listen to his base if they pushed him hard enough on, say, banning CBDC. He has dropped all the vaccine lines from his speeches because he got tired of getting booed.
This is actually false. The Trump administration got the ball rolling on CBDCs.


If Trump is re-elected, we are probably doomed on that score as well. The only potential candidate that has so far, vigorously condemned them, is RFKjr., to my knowledge.

The Mnuchin Files: New Documents Shed Light on Trump-Era Crypto Policy​

Jared Kushner advocated behind the scenes for a U.S. digital currency, among other revelations in a 250-page trove from Steven Mnuchinā€™s tenure at Treasury.​

WTF is "sensereptor"? How come all these rants against Trump start out with "I don't like Biden"? Trump is a civilian and Biden is the freaking president. Tell us why you don't like Biden before you attack the former president. He and his family are up to their sorry asses in international corruption and nobody knows who the hell is running the government while he stumbles around mumbling.
WTF is "sensereptor"? How come all these rants against Trump start out with "I don't like Biden"? Trump is a civilian and Biden is the freaking president. Tell us why you don't like Biden before you attack the former president. He and his family are up to their sorry asses in international corruption and nobody knows who the hell is running the government while he stumbles around mumbling.

Yeah, but everything is running silky smooth.
Schindler's list. Hitler targeted the "homeless" Roma, though this time Trump wants to keep their equivalents, U.S. homeless, barefoot, pregnant and sedentary in tent cities overseen by the American gestapo.Not bright at al. Low IQ. Boycott Trump.
Have missed seeing that perspective completely.
Any easy links?
Whilst liking Donny so much more than President Piss Pants, I fully appreciate that he is part of a Deep State faction.
But where and when did he go rogue Nazi about the homeless ?
^^ Not only that, but he was on the White House front lawn shilling for big Pharma, singing the praises of the vaccine. It reminded me of an infomercial. I really wish I could find that clip, but for some reason whenever I do a search on YouTube, I can never find it.
I looked, I am not sure exactly WHAT you want, but I found a few. You are right, they have scrubbed A LOT of that, which is fishy. Even the key words are sort of scarce.. . . .

Interesting. :eusa_think:

Trump can't hurt you but we still have about two years left in a corrupt administration which is probably run by unelected deep state operatives while Biden stumbles along. You hate Biden but you go after the former president. WTF?
They though The Coup would end it all.
Coups never improve a country.
Did you watch that Timcast IRL interview with Ron Paul?

"The Coup," happened on November 22, 1963. And "The Coup," was against the civilian government, both political parties, and the American people. Stop being so partisan.

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