Here Are the Top 18 Facts that Prove Donald Trump Is Actually a Deep-State Shill

I looked, I am not sure exactly WHAT you want, but I found a few. You are right, they have scrubbed A LOT of that, which is fishy. Even the key words are sort of scarce.. . . .

Interesting. :eusa_think:

"Greatest companies in the world" Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, etc.? :bang3: That statement in and of itself should be a HUGE red flag to anyone who is even remotely knowledgeable and awake. I'm truly baffled at how he can get away with saying things like that with his supporters... unless they are simply unaware of how shady and underhanded those companies are.

Thanks for looking for that clip. Those weren't the one I had in mind, but the first one was close... that one might've been on the same day. In the one I was thinking of I'm pretty sure he was standing in front of a small table on the White House front lawn, and it looked scripted, pretty much like an infomercial.
Please. He surprised them the first time. The second time, they got the job done and installed dumdum to do their bidding.

You have a lot more faith in the system than I do. I think it's far too corrupt to EVER let a true patriot who cares about the constitution, freedom and the people get to the Oval Office. I have reasons for believing that, but I won't get into all of that here and now.

Time will tell. I believe he is controlled opposition. I could list tons of reasons, but I'd rather not deal with the angry mob right now, lol.

The last 10 seconds of this video should be a big clue on how authentic and trustworthy he is:

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They would never let their true enemy get to the highest office of the land. Come on people, time to wake up.
Agreed. When the establishment really doesn't like someone, they ignore them, they don't lie and attack them, they just pretend they don't even exist.

Like they did with Ross Perot, Ron Paul, and Bernie Sanders.
The fact is, Trump spent very little of his own money, the establishment campaigned for him.


The fact of the matter is, both political parties, don't have to listen to what their voters want, AT ALL. These corporate elites, that run these parties, are not legally bound to choose who the caucuses and primaries voters choose, and they can rig the caucuses and primaries however they like, or choose the candidate in a smoke filled back room, to please their corporate donors, in complete coordination with the media. They have done this a few times.

The courts have even ruled it legal.
WTF is "sensereptor"? How come all these rants against Trump start out with "I don't like Biden"? Trump is a civilian and Biden is the freaking president. Tell us why you don't like Biden before you attack the former president. He and his family are up to their sorry asses in international corruption and nobody knows who the hell is running the government while he stumbles around mumbling.
You fail to question the collective IQ that may have (legally [italics]) placed this absurd puppet in the WH.
Agreed. When the establishment really doesn't like someone, they ignore them, they don't lie and attack them, they just pretend they don't even exist.

Like they did with Ross Perot, Ron Paul, and Bernie Sanders.
The fact is, Trump spent very little of his own money, the establishment campaigned for him.

View attachment 777759

The fact of the matter is, both political parties, don't have to listen to what their voters want, AT ALL. These corporate elites, that run these parties, are not legally bound to choose who the caucuses and primaries voters choose, and they can rig the caucuses and primaries however they like, or choose the candidate in a smoke filled back room, to please their corporate donors, in complete coordination with the media. They have done this a few times.

The courts have even ruled it legal.

Exactly! Thank you for stating the unpopular and uncomfortable truth. :clap::clap::clap::clap:
Have missed seeing that perspective completely.
Any easy links?
Whilst liking Donny so much more than President Piss Pants, I fully appreciate that he is part of a Deep State faction.
But where and when did he go rogue Nazi about the homeless ?
It happened this morning:

We believe that Trump has let the cat out of the deep-state bag due to events in Ukraine and the announcement of the (Russian language institute [italics]) now being arranged in Venezuela. The low-IQ dem-controlled nazi media must have though we all were tired of hearing about Ukraine and would fixate on U.S. elections.

Trump is a Ukrainian nazi sympathizer obviously linked to Vicky's CIA and Putin is correct in physically having to move them westward away from the Russian border. CIA effeminates must have been the ones to get Trump to make this announcement, masked as a nazi strive for pure form, akin to the CIA's molestations in nazi Ukraine for seven decades.
He surprised them the first time.
You were meant to think it was a surprise, as this generated, "anti-establishment," excitement for his campaign. It was a marketing and a campaign ploy only, it was not genuine though. Anyone that looked into how Trump & the GOP started working with Cambridge Analytics, and meta-data, would have known, this was just a cynical manipulation of the electorate. If you read the literature and journalism post-election, the DNC cried foul, and then, of course, used the FBI and the Deep State, to do the very same thing the next election, with Twitter, FB, and Youtube, etc.

However, the moment Trump was inaugurated? He broke all his promises, like every other establishment politician, and packed his cabinet full of lobbyists and Deep Staters.

A Brief History of Hopium​

A Brief History of Hopium (video)

With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you'd think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this politician-peddled hopium even as the lies and broken promises become ever more ridiculous. . . .


Only folks that still were addicted to the dream, and the Hopium, refused to wake the hell up.

Honestly, after that whole J6 debacle, and that Qanon retardation, I still can't believe folks are supporting him. It might be different, if Trump himself came out, and disowned that psyop, and claimed he was fooled by that on-line garbage, but he still posts that Qanon, "wwg1wga" crap, that got folks agitated and killed, thrown in prison, and etc.

It is like Hitler and his Beer Hall Putsch. Folks need to get their heads on straight, seriously. Or we will lose the Republic, it matters not if the threat comes from the woke, or the reactionaries. It won't matter if the establishment president is DNC or GOP, when they invoke emergency, C.O.G., martial law protocols.

Once they close down this nation, and turn it into a police state? That is it, it is game over.
Yeah, it's a shame to see so called conservatives so totally duped by the Establishment.
The same way the Left is duped by the DNC.

I get what you are saying, and I agree with some of your points to an extent. Trump being a lifelong democrat is not really proof though, the democrats of today are vastly different from the democrat of yesterday. Democrats today are not liberals either. :dunno:

As to who he surrounded himself with, I agree, he was either not very astute and shrewd, or felt overwhelmed in his new role and trusted or listened to people he should not have. Hard to tell.
You were meant to think it was a surprise, as this generated, "anti-establishment," excitement for his campaign. It was a marketing and a campaign ploy only, it was not genuine though. Anyone that looked into how Trump & the GOP started working with Cambridge Analytics, and meta-data, would have known, this was just a cynical manipulation of the electorate. If you read the literature and journalism post-election, the DNC cried foul, and then, of course, used the FBI and the Deep State, to do the very same thing the next election, with Twitter, FB, and Youtube, etc.

However, the moment Trump was inaugurated? He broke all his promises, like every other establishment politician, and packed his cabinet full of lobbyists and Deep Staters.

A Brief History of Hopium​

A Brief History of Hopium (video)

With all these decades and—in the case of the oldest democracies—centuries of broken political promises, you'd think that the public would have caught on to the game by now. But, if anything, recent events have revealed that people are becoming more addicted to this politician-peddled hopium even as the lies and broken promises become ever more ridiculous. . . .


Only folks that still were addicted to the dream, and the Hopium, refused to wake the hell up.

Honestly, after that whole J6 debacle, and that Qanon retardation, I still can't believe folks are supporting him. It might be different, if Trump himself came out, and disowned that psyop, and claimed he was fooled by that on-line garbage, but he still posts that Qanon, "wwg1wga" crap, that got folks agitated and killed, thrown in prison, and etc.

It is like Hitler and his Beer Hall Putsch. Folks need to get their heads on straight, seriously. Or we will lose the Republic, it matters not if the threat comes from the woke, or the reactionaries. It won't matter if the establishment president is DNC or GOP, when they invoke emergency, C.O.G., martial law protocols.

Once they close down this nation, and turn it into a police state? That is it, it is game over.

The hopium concept resonates with democracy, which can never actually be obtained but is always already "a democracy to come," as Derrida has pointed out in his comparison with the "messianic."
I get what you are saying, and I agree with some of your points to an extent. Trump being a lifelong democrat is not really proof though, the democrats of today are vastly different from the democrat of yesterday. Democrats today are not liberals either. :dunno:

As to who he surrounded himself with, I agree, he was either not very astute and shrewd, or felt overwhelmed in his new role and trusted or listened to people he should not have. Hard to tell.
A modern Democrat of today is best exemplified in RFK Jr., who is not buying any CIA bullshit.
Did you watch that Timcast IRL interview with Ron Paul?

"The Coup," happened on November 22, 1963. And "The Coup," was against the civilian government, both political parties, and the American people. Stop being so partisan.

Is it weird that each Coup was carried out by Democrats to install a more friendly to war, Democrat President?

It is definitely partisan.
I don't think he is a purposeful Deep State plant, but more than likely, a person that the establishment has let be in there, to cause chaos in the American political scene, and culture, by intention.

If you balkanize a nation, and cause chaos, it is much easier to subvert and cause change, amiable to the folks who really control the levers of unofficial power.

The fact that establishmentarians in this thread, deny this observation in the OP? This should be your first clue, that you are getting close to the bone on this.

Trump is the Lee Harvey Oswald of the American political scene, IMO. He is real, but he is being set up, he is a patsy.

We have had change agents, like Ron Paul, Ross Perot, and Bernie Sanders, who would have done far more for us, to challenge the levers of power, and IMO, the establishment was much more blatantly corrupt, and did some nasty tactics to silence and suppress the people's will, to make sure these folks DID NOT get near the levers of power.

The fact that the establishment pretended to do this with Trump, and continues to do this, should be all wise folks need to see, to know, this Trump feller, is meant to make folks fight each other, and be distracted from what is really going on, while not paying attention to the oppression & corruption of the system itself.

But I am not sure if Trump himself is in on any of this, TBH, or he wouldn't be able to play his role in this clown show so well. . .
Yea… it’s all a giant globalist plot
Trump can't hurt you but we still have about two years left in a corrupt administration which is probably run by unelected deep state operatives while Biden stumbles along. You hate Biden but you go after the former president. WTF?

All US presidencies are run by Career Unelected Powers.

Eisenhower warned us.
Bush confirmed it.
JFK and Trump were victims of it.
Yea… it’s all a giant globalist plot
Terrific! :113:


Now. . . doesn't it feel good, to finally get that confession off your chest? :dunno:

You could, start making amends, by taking that stupid, silly symbol of corruption, down as your avatar. . .


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