Here Are the Top 18 Facts that Prove Donald Trump Is Actually a Deep-State Shill

You don't understand it, yet, but voting for Trump you are doing just that.
You get what you deserve.

Trump is NOT the way forward for true Conservative Constitutional values.
You understand nothing my friend. Go ahead vote for Dems and f'ing RINO's for another 50 years and tell us how that works out.
You understand nothing my friend. Go ahead vote for Dems and f'ing RINO's for another 50 years and tell us how that works out.

DeSantis is THE ONLY True Conservative who will uphold the Constitution.
Funny how you blind cult worshippers cling to false Gods.

Even IF Trump were re-elected in 2024, he is going to bend you over the Establishment stool and ream you like a cheap prostitute.
You don't understand how much of a fiddle you are and how they are playing you.

And I'm not your friend.
Some "conservatives" are their own worst enemy. They just don't know how to win.
And some have Democrats and RINO's by the balls. :muahaha: I'll just keep amassing my wealth in a state with no income tax next to a state with no sales tax :muahaha:
Are you shitting me? Democrats and the Dem Nazi news media will chew DeSantis up and spit him out. You actually need someone as nasty and gutter as Trump to fight these Dem vermin anymore.
Why do you think DeSantis would be a pushover? Hes a great choice
Yeah. Some of YOU vote for some obscure nobody and help the freaks and pervs win. Or you sit it out because the perfect man isn't running. So Thank YOU for helping Joe Biden and his evil overlord Obama

Look at your avatar........good choice for you. Perfect reflection.
Yeah. Some of YOU vote for some obscure nobody and help the freaks and pervs win. Or you sit it out because the perfect man isn't running. So Thank YOU for helping Joe Biden and his evil overlord Obama

One more time...who did Trump appoint to head the FBI?
Who is Jeff Sessions?

YOU are voting your emotions...not by FACTS.
Did Trump win against Biden in 2020? Why the hell do you think he could win this time?
All the Left has to do is get Michele Obama to run. DONE. GAME OVER.
The reason the Left isn't putting up a good candidate is because the Left WANTS Trump as much as you do. Great for the Establishment deep state.

Trump did as much to support the swamp as Obama.
Why do you think DeSantis would be a pushover? Hes a great choice
I like DeSantis, I think he's great and would make a great POTUS. You need to stop thinking about DeSantis and come to grips with what we are dealing with, a Democrat party that has gone all in on corruption, lies, rigging whatever dirty gutter tactic is required for them to scam elections. With a so called free press that's in cahoots with them. DeSantis would be going it alone against that cabal.

I'll skip to the end, Dems will bankrupt DeSantis with legal bills. If you have been paying attention this is what Dems have been doing to their Rep opponents for a while. This is what drives Dems crazy about Trump, he has the cash to defend himself while continuing to flip Dems the bird.

Understand just how nasty Dems are these days.
Getting personal because you're pissed 😂

About the Avatar. I axed an AI program to blend Joe Biden with Mr Potato head

But if you insist on getting petty I'll just move you to the ignore pile.

Yeah, it's a shame to see so called conservatives so totally duped by the Establishment.
The same way the Left is duped by the DNC.
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I'm voting for the not Democrat

If you have a problem with that, you can fuck off

Off you go now

Oh look whos pissed off now.
Conservative crybaby typical response.
If they don't get their way take their ball and go home.

You will learn the hard way.
Trump will NOT be friendly to the Right if he gets re-elected. He is the Establishments preferred alternative.
Please put me on your list. That way I can comment on your nonsense without your silly nonsense back.
And with it the culling of the population
Got any details you can share on this 'culling' thingy?
What will be the markers that gets one 'culled'.....or 'not culled'?
I wanna know.....maybe I can change some of the 'gonna-get-culled' markers and adopt safer ones.
Thanks in advance, good poster .22


The KRAZY never ends for these people
Ummm, poster Lesh, if I may: Don't dis their 'krazy' too aggressively.
It is, after all, a rich vein of snark, snidery, jackassery, and ridicule to mine.
Let's stay employed here, Lesh. Don't scare off the Golden Goose.


How the hell can people be SO STUPID ?

Have you heard about the nearly $800 million dollar spanking Fox got?
THAT certainly tells us a lot of the why and the how so many got so, ummm, (I won't say stupid)......but how so many got so misinformed, misguided, angry, grievance-filled, and wrongheaded.
Other than that I am sure some of 'em are, I suppose, good people.

That's just ludicrous. I don't believe a word you said.
These people are a big part of the problem in fixing what's wrong with the country. They remind me of that saying about a certain Christian attitude: Don't be so heavenly minded that you're of no earthly good

They forget how great things were under Trump and they've allowed themselves to be worn down by the never ending bitching and whining from the evil left
"After the big steal, look where we are now."

Ah, yes, the "big steal"?
I suppose the poster Angel is alluding to Fox's fib about the 2020 election?

And that surprises.
After all, with knowledge that there were nearly $800 worth of fibs and fabrications about that referenced "big steal".....well, one would think that that was enough money spent on a dry well.

But, poster Angel, evidently wants to suck on that 'big steal' thingy.....sorta like the inability to keep one's tongue off of a sore tooth.

As the whole world undeniably saw today it wasn't a 'big steal' was a 'big lie'.
And the $800 million rather emphatically made that point.


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