Here Are the Top 18 Facts that Prove Donald Trump Is Actually a Deep-State Shill

The law that only applies to Trump? GFY.
His documents were actually important and top secret and he was showing them to people and making tapes about them for crying out loud and even after a year from the subpoena, all he had to do was return them and he still wouldn't. but he talked about destroying them and hiding them and supposedly actually helped packing boxes of them. He's a silly stupid swine and a total failure in everything except for duping the Rubes...
His documents were actually important and top secret and he was showing them to people and making tapes about them for crying out loud and even after a year from the subpoena, all he had to do was return them and he still wouldn't. but he talked about destroying them and hiding them and supposedly actually helped packing boxes of them. He's a silly stupid swine and a total failure in everything except for duping the Rubes...

None of that is actually true you nonfunctional brain dead super duper retard.
I have previously acknowledged that Trump has his flaws. And obviously, I recognize that it is undeniable. But despite his flaws and foibles, he is a vastly superior candidate to Potato.

And again, if Trump doesn’t secure the GOP nomination, the good news is that almost all the other folks on the GOP “bench” are still better than Potato and anybody in the Democrap Party “bench.” They have no bench.
No. The government is Hell bent on persecution and political prisoners. They are fascists and you are watching happen.
BTW, we are officially a communist nation pulling indictments against political opposition. So russia like don't you think? Maybe even Venezuela
His documents were actually important and top secret and he was showing them to people and making tapes about them for crying out loud and even after a year from the subpoena, all he had to do was return them and he still wouldn't. but he talked about destroying them and hiding them and supposedly actually helped packing boxes of them. He's a silly stupid swine and a total failure in everything except for duping the Rubes...
and his just like obammy's were his and clinton's were his and bush's and every other former president. you still are zero for seven years, and now this act of traitorous behavior for a political party by our own government? So Russia like, we know joe likes him some russian shit.
No. The government is Hell bent on persecution and political prisoners. They are fascists and you are watching happen.

You can't blame the government for Trump's behavior over the past 40 years. That's pathetic. Face it. Trump is stupid and self destructive.

I have previously acknowledged that Trump has his flaws. And obviously, I recognize that it is undeniable. But despite his flaws and foibles, he is a vastly superior candidate to Potato.

And again, if Trump doesn’t secure the GOP nomination, the good news is that almost all the other folks on the GOP “bench” are still better than Potato and anybody in the Democrap Party “bench.” They have no bench.
yup, we believe you Dupes will stay loyal to your brainwash and the Orange Clown and we couldn't be happier about it. Then the new BS GOP gets swamped and that is exactly what the country needs instead of give away to the rich of the last 40 years. Yeah, Carry on by all means!
You can't blame the government for Trump's behavior over the past 40 years. That's pathetic. Face it. Trump is stupid and self destructive.

but you are zero for seven years, goose eggs, a big fking nothing burger for seven years. Go pound your paper chest somewhere else, loser. You're surada and you're a loser!!!
yup, we believe you Dupes will stay loyal to your brainwash and the Orange Clown and we couldn't be happier about it. Then the new BS GOP gets swamped and that is exactly what the country needs instead of give away to the rich of the last 40 years. Yeah, Carry on by all means!
except, you all are zero for seven years, nothing, loser, even franco is a loser.
but you are zero for seven years, goose eggs, a big fking nothing burger for seven years. Go pound your paper chest somewhere else, loser. You're surada and you're a loser!!!

Trump is like an addict. He can't stop himself.
Trump is like an addict. He can't stop himself.
projecting about trump again I see. What's your record? if I recall it's zero for seven years? hahhaahhahahahahha you've been Adam Schittsed
yup, we believe you Dupes will stay loyal to your brainwash and the Orange Clown and we couldn't be happier about it. Then the new BS GOP gets swamped and that is exactly what the country needs instead of give away to the rich of the last 40 years. Yeah, Carry on by all means!
Whatever you were attempting to communicate got lost in the ocean of your incoherence. 👍
Bill Maher explains the demofks full boat in this video cut. Just can't make this up.

I find that sometimes I am surprised to hear Maher speak sensibly. But mostly not. He is usually just a self-important, bloviating, liberal propagandist gasbag.

I enjoyed that video from Dore. And I think Dr. Phil won by a TKO.
and his just like obammy's were his and clinton's were his and bush's and every other former president. you still are zero for seven years, and now this act of traitorous behavior for a political party by our own government? So Russia like, we know joe likes him some russian shit.
Zero what for seven years? The real world wants to know.....
I don't like Biden don't get me wrong. But controlled opposition by the elite wealthy has always been the playbook. I appreciate some of the things Trump did, like take on China. But if he wanted to drain the swamp why did he keep hiring the worst of the worst swamp creatures? I mean super-neocon Josh Bolton? Really? And why does he attack DeSantis instead of Democrats? Why didn't he fire Fauci and Bill Barr? Something doesn't smell right.


"As only a partial review of just how badly Trump has screwed over Americans—particularly the conservatives who voted for him thinking he’d fight the RINOs instead of championing them—here are the top 18 pieces of evidence that prove the Orange Clown (Sense Receptor’s term) is actually a gargantuan Deep-State shill. One who is, perhaps, more dangerous than any RINO as he’s so wildly successful at conning Americans into believing he actually cares about them.

1. Trump Kept Tony Fauci and Deborah Birx on His ‘White House Coronavirus Task Force’

Although Trump is famous for his penchant for letting people go in a theatrical manner (You’re fired!), for some reason he never pulled the trigger on jettisoning (lying disgusting criminal) Anthony Fauci nor (lying disgusting criminal) Deborah Birx off his “White House Coronavirus Task Force.”

Despite the fact that Trump and Fauci developed a kind of cartoonish feud in the mainstream media, with Trump indicating he’d have Fauci removed if he won a second term, and Fauci implying that Trump was not taking COVID-19 seriously as a public health concern, Trump did absolutely nothing to muzzle the little, lying rat. In fact, Fauci proclaimed Trump had done nothing to muzzle him in late February 2020.


4. Trump Praised China’s Harsh COVID Response

Not only did Trump surround himself with dastardly, disgusting morons during the COVID-19 “pandemic” in 2020, but he himself took time out in January 2020 to praise China for its response to the “virus.”

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency,” the disgusting Orange Clown wrote in a tweet posted January 24, 2020. He added “It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

If this seems like a fluke of a compliment, or perhaps a sentiment that changed over the years to come, it wasn’t and it didn’t. In a speech given in September of 2022, Trump praised President Xi Jinping of China for “ruling with an iron fist” over his people. Trump also referred to Xi as “fierce” and said he referred to him as a “king” when he met him.


7. Trump Refuses to Admit the COVID-19 Injections Are Neither Safe Nor Effective

The gravest of Trump’s crimes against America in relation to COVID—despite the enormity of the previously mentioned ones on this list—is, of course, his touting the COVID injections as “safe and effective.” Even now, in March of 2023—after even the SAGE has come out and said that the injections aren’t necessary for healthy teens and children—Trump has yet to change his tune.

From the beginning Trump touted the enormously dangerous and utterly ineffective injections, calling them “an American medical miracle” in early December 2020. He specifically called the bioweapon injections “one of the greatest miracles in the history of modern-day medicine… or any other age of medicine.” (See video immediately below.)

In March of 2021, Trump recommended to Fox News’ audience that they receive the poisonous injection. He even recommended it “for the people who don’t want to get it who voted for [him].”

In December 2021, Trump reiterated the injections were “one of the greatest achievements of mankind” and told Candace Owens that we would have had a repeat of the Spanish Flu without it. He also said that “the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital are the ones that don’t take the vaccine” and that “if you take the vaccine you’re protected.” He added “people aren’t dying when they take the vaccine.”

For reference, it can be said with the utmost certainty that there would not have been a repeat of the Spanish Flu had there not been the release of the poison injections on Americans, as we can see from Africa that COUNTRIES WITH HIGHER UPTAKE RATES HAVE MORE CASES OF COVID. COUNTRIES WITH LOWER UPTAKE RATES HAVE FEWER CASES OF COVID. As determined by both total case number and percent positive. Read through the post embedded immediately below for undeniable evidence of this fact.

On top of the data from Africa, we have overwhelming evidence that THE INJECTIONS MAKE PEOPLE MORE LIKELY TO GET COVID. See, for example, the health statistics coming out of the UK. Or a study produced by the Cleveland Clinic posted online in December of 2022 that showed THE MORE BOOSTERS ONE GETS, THE MORE LIKELY THEY ARE TO GET COVID. (See the graph from the study immediately below.)


Image: Nabin K. Shrestha, et al. / Medical Archive

Furthermore, there was ample evidence early on in the rollout of the injections that they were obscenely unsafe and ineffective. This September 2021 letter from Pfizer to the FDA noted that CASES OF COVID INCREASED AFTER A POPULATION RECEIVED THE INJECTIONS. Likewise, Pfizer’s own post-authorization data showed that its injections were causing enormous amounts of carnage, including over 1,200 deaths in just a three-month timespan.

10. Trump Didn’t Pardon the J6 Protestors, Julian Assange, or Edward Snowden Even Though He Could Have

Despite the fact that Trump was reportedly thinking about pardoning the “J6” protestors before he left office, he didn’t.


12. Trump Was a Strong Supporter of War Hawk John Bolton

Although neoncon and war hawk John Bolton is commonly thought of as a staunch Deep State pillar—he supported the Vietnam War (although didn’t fight in it); served as Assistant Administrator of USAID and then Assistant Attorney General under Reagan; served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under President George H. W. Bush; and served as Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Affairs under President George Bush—Trump still hired him on as US National Security Advisor. A position in which he served from 2018 until 2019.

Trump originally referred to Bolton as a “fantastic representative” who is “highly respected” and “a good man.” The former president also said that Bolton had “a good number of ideas that [he agrees] very much with.”

For a sense of just how much of a lunatic war hawk John Bolton is, he wrote in a February 2018 Wall Street Journal op-ed that America needed to consider “the legal case for striking North Korea first.” Bolton wrote, “The threat is imminent, and the case against pre-emption rests on the misinterpretation of a standard that derives from prenuclear, pre-ballistic-missile times.”


Link to tweet

13. Trump Supported Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House

Along with Bolton, Kadlec, Kushner, Fauci, Birx, et al, Trump also endorsed Swamp Creature Paul Ryan as Speaker of the House in 2016. Trump called Ryan “a good man and a good guy.” During an endorsement speech Trump said he and Ryan “mostly agree” on things, and also endorsed Senator John McCain.

As a refresher, Ryan ran as Vice Presidential candidate alongside Swamp Creature Mitt Romney in 2012. He was also a “reliable supporter of the [George W. Bush] administration’s foreign policy priorities” who voted for the 2002 Iraq Resolution, authorizing the 2003 invasion of Iraq.

14. Trump Endorsed Charlie Crist and Continually Bashes DeSantis

It sounds unbelievable, but Trump has come out firmly against Florida Governor Ron DeSantis—who took an enormous amount of heat in the media for reopening his state before others did, as well as calling out the inefficacy and safety issues with the COVID injections. In one viral video online, for example, in which Trump refers to DeSantis as “DeSanctus,” the former president says that Florida’s governor “reminds [him] so much” of “RINO” and “loser” Paul Ryan.
One fact to debunk your bullshit
A house divided cannot stand

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