Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

No it isn’t, I’m asking him why he didn’t want to deport more illegals by having 1300 more border agents with more deporting powers, he starts talking about the situation in Texas as if one is somehow hinged on the other or they are mutually exclusive.

It is CLASSIC deflection because he can’t answer what I’m asking him.

But hey, while you are here maybe YOU can explain why right wingers rejected deport-more-illegals bill.

Because those additional agents would have been used primarily to "process" Illegals, not "depart them" nor "prevent them from crossing onto United States soil" in the first place, which, in the final analysis, is what actually needs to happen.

You (Libs/Progs/Dems) have had three years to show that you're serious about preventing border crossings and deporting.

You ( the Administration, including that smug, arrogant, smirking DHS Secretary of yours) have failed miserably at all of that.

You have lost the confidence of a vast percentage of the American People in this context and are no longer trusted to do this.

You refuse... not "are unable"... you refuse to prevent crossings and deport Illegals now... under
EXISTING law... consequently...

Any statute passed, with respect to preventing crossings and deporting, will be conveniently subordinated to other activity...

Realizing this, Republicans have (finally, at long-last) thrown up their hands and said "phukk it"... we'll do it ourselves...

That is why.
No it isn’t, I’m asking him why he didn’t want to deport more illegals by having 1300 more border agents with more deporting powers, he starts talking about the situation in Texas as if one is somehow hinged on the other or they are mutually exclusive.

It is CLASSIC deflection because he can’t answer what I’m asking him.

But hey, while you are here maybe YOU can explain why all the right wingers rejected deport-more-illegals bill.
You need to read the actual law the Democrats want passed.
You need to read the actual law the Democrats want passed.
I need to read something for you to coherently explain your position?

You have feelings, not serious arguments.

You feel like you should oppose it, you feel that something about it is no good, you don’t KNOW why.

Such is the cult life.
I need to read something for you to coherently explain your position?

You have feelings, not serious arguments.

You feel like you should oppose it, you feel that something about it is no good, you don’t KNOW why.

Such is the cult life.
Read HR2 passed many months ago. This solves the problem.
Read HR2 passed many months ago. This solves the problem.

Who offered you HR2? No one.

You had a REAL offer to deport more illegals and you rejected it because Trump told you to.

You can get back to your regularly scheduled cult now.
We want open borders to stop. We want Taxpayers treated fairly. We want laws on the books to be enforced. We would love it if all were healthy. We do not think Americans can afford what Democrats want. Witness the extreme national debt. Debt is not being paid down.

Jesus. They sound as bad as the Democrats. What are we going to do? I guess we have to vote for them anyway. It's our duty!

Because those additional agents would have been used primarily to "process" Illegals, not "depart them"

Pure bullshit, bill specifically shuts down asylum process and Border agents STRAIGHT DEPORT everyone until traffic at the border comes down to manageable levels that it hasn’t been at in two years now.

Want to try again, this time without blatant falsehoods?
Pure bullshit, bill specifically shuts down asylum process and Border agents STRAIGHT DEPORT everyone until traffic at the border comes down to manageable levels that it hasn’t been at in two years now.

Want to try again, this time without blatant falsehoods?
After these last three years, you (Libs/Progs/Dems) have Zero Credibility on the subject.

Your definition of "manageable levels" and that of the rest of the country not aligned with you are two quite different things.

Basically, the "not you" folks are done listening to you... you've had your shot... you blew it... now you've lost your turn.
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I'm talking about CEO income.

Are you ok with a CEO making 100 or 500 or 1,000 times more than an employee?
I dont think thats something government can fix

When clinton attacked CEO pay corporations started compensating top officer with stock instead of money

Pretty soon managers became more concerned with stock prices than the longterm health of the company

And corporations became short-sighted and less well managed
You need to read the actual law the Democrats want passed.
It think it monumentally clear to a far majority of
citizens that Democrats at best pass only gas and only
in their offices after very expensive lunches.
Where fancy gourmet meals and drink are served.
You know like this Fanni bidness.
Nope, I think that Higher Earners should pay a higher percentage.
Making the tax bracket 'totally fair' IMO.

If only those brackets could be enforced w/out people cheating.
I have proposed a system that ends the cheating you are discussing. It is called the Flat Tax and taxes sales. Of course the higher earners will spend so much more their taxes will be extremely high. I wish I had a system to simply charge a per citizen charge that is equal but at the moment want to stick to my guns and tax sales.

What makes a cheater successful? Taxing incomes. Making citizens mail in forms that show the deceit on those forms. Why did Democrats not ask for Trumps sales tax contrubutions and only dwelled on his income? And who disclosed his income?

When laws are designed in a fashion that guarantees cheating or law breaking, the laws are formulated wrong.

It invites cheating. Sales taxes paid by buyers to merchants do not buy customers cheating. And businesses are accustomed to charging sales taxes.
I have proposed a system that ends the cheating you are discussing. It is called the Flat Tax and taxes sales.
A flat tax on income would be great.

Let's say 12% Flat Tax on INCOME.

You make $100,000, you pay $12,000 in FIT.
You make $5,000,000 you pay $600,000 in FIT.

You agree with this ^^^^?
I'm talking about CEO income.

Are you ok with a CEO making 100 or 500 or 1,000 times more than an employee?
You are talking about laws. And putting citizens in the direct path so they violate your laws. It is an invitation to all so called cheaters. I propose a system to end cheating.

Now your question about CEOS. Until you have been a CEO, how dare you question what the boards of directors choose as compensation. When the CEO will be who gets all the blame, he or she has been elevated in stature.

Let me simplify my claims.

Democrats are like a parents children telling the parent how to run the household.

Your thinking is more akin to children than to the parents.

This is not really an attempt to insult any of the Democrats.

What did you discuss?

Was it the worker? And why compare the worker to the CEO?
A flat tax on income would be great.

Let's say 12% Flat Tax on INCOME.

You make $100,000, you pay $12,000 in FIT.
You make $5,000,000 you pay $600,000 in FIT.

You agree with this ^^^^?
You still are inviting cheating.

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