Here are things that the Republicans actually want for the USA

Yes you did, you just think you are superior and you use unnecessary language.
Notice to all posters. If I post like you believe I am superior, perish that idea. This forum presents issues. It does not brand me or you as superior.
I don't know what you are tlaking about.

Comeback when you could find a sane reason you opposed the lets-deport-more-illegals bill.
How many republicans do you actually hate?
Money Made May Not Be Money Earned, But Money Inherited Is Always Unearned
How so.It is vitally crucial for a well-off Family unit to
keep it's wealth.Case in point ... Royalty.
Go back in History and see how Dynasties or Royalty
handled their wealth.They protected it and even engaged in wars to
have it shielded.Inherited money is sound,precious and necessary.
It's what civilized societies learn how to groom.
What isn't civilized is relying on the State for living
expenses.Watch - Doctor Zhivago -.Wasn't shown in Russia until
1994.Now why do you think.
More deflection. More inability answer why you were agains the deport-more-illegals bill.

Pretty pathetic.
I have given reasons. For example, HR2 solves all of the problem. Next, if Biden was serious, he would have helped Texas and not fought Texas. HR2 does fine deporting more illegals
Discuss your "Equal" system of a charge per citizen.
First the Feds. The Feds would not spend funds that they had not collected. They would not go into debt. Based on this, a per citizen charge would be levied based on sales taxes paid. This would stop personal cheating.
I have given reasons. For example, HR2 solves all of the problem. Next, if Biden was serious, he would have helped Texas and not fought Texas. HR2 does fine deporting more illegals
HR2 was never on the table. Option doesn't exist and you are too out of it to understand that.

You had a bill that would get signed, would get more illegals deported right now and you turned it down.

You can't sanely explain why and what I'm doing to you here is what Democrats will be doing to Republicans all the way to the voting booth in November. You fools left yourselves with no leg to stand on.
I have given reasons. For example, HR2 solves all of the problem. Next, if Biden was serious, he would have helped Texas and not fought Texas. HR2 does fine deporting more illegals
Politics is about compromise. The bipartisan bill was exactly that, giving Republicans much of what they wanted. HR2 is not.

Texas wants to let people drown. We shouldn’t be helping that.
Politics is about compromise. The bipartisan bill was exactly that, giving Republicans much of what they wanted. HR2 is not.

Texas wants to let people drown. We shouldn’t be helping that.
Fine, the compromise was included in HR2 and it solved all of the problems. Not caused tons of confusion as the Senate Bill clearly has. TX is willing for the illegals not to cross the river.
Politics is about compromise. The bipartisan bill was exactly that, giving Republicans much of what they wanted. HR2 is not.

Texas wants to let people drown. We shouldn’t be helping that.
I urge any Democrat to actually read the Bill they like, the one in the Senate. It really is more doors open to illegals.
Well the lower 70 percent really can't complain about taxes. But the highest earners in America virtually support this country.
Exactly how it should be.
Why are you disrespecting the Constitution

Taxes are a duty written in the Constitution

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